2009-04-01 18:51:05 CEST

2009-04-01 18:52:12 CEST


Atlantic Airways P/F - Boðun hluthafafundar

CORRECTION: Annual General Meeting - P/F Atlantic Airways

The Board of Directors of Atlantic Airways in consultation with the majority
shareholder has decided to postpone the Annual General Meeting, which has
previously been scheduled for tomorrow 2nd April 2009 at 17.00. 

The Annual General Meeting is now scheduled for 23nd April 2009 at 17.00. A new
and detailed notice to convene will be issued shortly. 

For further information contact:
Magni Arge, CEO, tel +298 213700- magni@atlantic.fo
Marius Davidsen, CFO, +298 213703 - marius@atlantic.fo