2010-04-20 15:00:00 CEST

2010-04-20 15:00:13 CEST


Lithuanian English
Rytu Skirstomieji Tinklai AB - Notification on material event

The draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of Rytų Skirstomieji Tinklai, AB.

On 19th of April, 2010 the Board of RST, AB (company code 110870890 registered
office at P. Lukšio 5B, LT-08221, Vilnius) adopted the decision to update the
agenda of the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting that will take place on 30
of April, 2010 at 10 a.m. and approved the Drafts of Decisions of the Annual
General Meeting of Shareholders of RST, AB for the 3, 5, 6 items of the agenda.
Therefore the shareholders will be asked to approve the following items: 

1 item of agenda “Consideration of the Consolidated Annual Report of the Group
of Undertakings of RST, AB for 2009. 
Suggested Draft of Decision:
“To approve the Consolidated Annual Report of the Group of Undertakings of RST,
AB for 2009 (included)”. 

2 item of agenda „Approval of the Set of Audited Consolidated and RST, AB
Financial Reports for 
Suggested Draft of Decision:
“To approve the Set of Audited Consolidated and RST, AB Financial Reports for
2009 (included)”. 

3 item of agenda „Appropriation of the Profit/Loss of Rytų Skirstomieji
Tinklai, AB prepared on 31st of December, 2009.” 
Suggested Draft of Decision:
“To approve the appropriation of the Profit/Loss of Rytų Skirstomieji Tinklai,
AB dated as of 31st of December, 2009: 

	                                                      Amount, LTL
Retained earnings at the beginning of the financial year	  403 900 278

Net annual operating result (profit/loss)	                    -35 170 476

Profit (loss) of the financial year that is unrecognized          128 445 550  
in the profit (loss) statement	

Proposed transfers from reserves	
Total distributable profit (loss):	                              497 175 352
- profit allocation to the compulsory reserves	
- profit allocation to the reserves to purchase company‘s
 own shares	
- profit allocation to other reserves	
- profit allocation to pay out dividends                           34 468 326
(dividends per share LTL 0.07)	
- profit allocation to yearly pay outs to employee bonuses
 and other purposes (including relief)	
- transfers from compulsory reserves to make restitutions/to 
cover loss	
Retained earnings carried forward to next financial year	  462 707 026

4 item of agenda „Formation of the Audit Committee of RST, AB“.
Suggested Draft of Decision:
“According to Article 52 of the Law of Audit, to assign for the Board of
RST,AB, to frame the proposal to formulate the Audit Committee and to submit it
to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of RST, AB”. 

5 item of agenda “Election of the Member of the Board of Rytų Skirstomieji
Tinklai, AB“. 
Suggested Draft of Decision:
“1. To elect Kęstutis Žilėnas as a member of the Board of Rytų Skirstomieji
Tinklai, for the term until the end of cadence of the acting Management Board. 
2. To determine, that the elected member of the Management Board starts his
duties just after the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.” 

6 item of agenda “Approval of the new edition of the Articles of Association of
Rytų Skirstomieji Tinklai, AB“. 
Suggested Draft of Decision:
„1. To amend article 63 in the Articles of Association of the Company and to
state it in following order: 
„63. Notices of the Company, which under the laws and regulations and/or these
Articles of Association have to be published in the press, shall be published
in the daily „Verslo žinios“. In the Company has no opportunity to publish its
notices in the daily „Verslo žinios“, notices of the Company, which under the
laws and regulations and/or these Articles of Association have to be published
in the press, shall be published in another daily newspaper of the Republic of
Lithuania. The Company may also publish additional notices by other means.“ 
2. According to the decision, defined above, to determine the Articles of
Association of Rytų Skirstomieji Tinklai, AB in new edition (included). 
3. To authorize the General Manager of Rytų Skirstomieji Tinklai, AB, in terms
of applicable law, to sign the new edition of the Articles of Association of
RST, AB and to perform all actions necessary for their registration in the
Register of Legal Entities.“ 

Initiator of the Annual Meeting of Shareholders: the Board of RST, AB.
The date and time of the Annual Meeting of Shareholders: 30th of April, 2010,
10.00 AM. 
The place of the Annual Meeting of Shareholders: Vilnius, P. Lukšio 5B (6th
The account date of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders: 23rd of April,
2010. Shareholders that own shares of RST, AB in the end of the account date
(23rd of April, 2010) shall have the right to participate and vote in convoked
Annual General Meeting. 
The account date of the rights of Shareholders: 14th of May, 2010. Only the
persons, who will be the Shareholders of the Company in the end of the account
date (14th of May, 2010) will have the rights of Shareholders, provided in
Article 15 paragraph 1 particles 1-4, of the Law of Companies. 
Registration starts: 30th of April, 2010, 9.25 AM.
Registration ends: 30th of April, 2010, 9.55 AM.
Documents, concerning the agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders,
the drafts of decisions of each agenda question, documents to be submitted to
the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (the draft decisions of the Annual
General Meeting of Shareholders, power of attorney to represent at the Annual
General Meeting of Shareholders, voting bulletin of the Annual General Meeting
of Shareholders, etc.), and other information, related to Shareholders rights,
shareholders can access on the web page of the company http://www.rst.lt/ and
also in the company's office (P. Lukšio 5B, Vilnius) during working hours
(7.30-11.30; 12.15-16.30, on Fridays 7.30-11.30; 12.15-15.15).