2012-11-01 07:15:00 CET

2012-11-01 07:15:09 CET


Finnish English
PKC Group Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)


PKC Group Plc     INTERIM REPORT    1 November 2012   8.15 a.m.


  -- Net sales grew 131.7% on the comparison period (1-9/2011), totalling EUR
     714.2 million (EUR 308.2 million).
  -- Operating profit before PPA depreciation and amortization and non-recurring
     items was EUR 53.2 million (EUR 31.5 million). During the report period PPA
     depreciation and amortization totalled EUR 10.6 million (EUR 1.2 million).
  -- Operating profit was EUR 39.4 million (EUR 25.7 million) and 5.5% (8.3%) of
     net sales.
  -- Net profit for the report period amounted to EUR 23.3 million (EUR 17.6
  -- Diluted earnings per share were EUR 1.09 (EUR 0.87).
  -- Gross capital expenditure was EUR 12.0 million (EUR 21.4 million).
  -- Net cash from operating activities was EUR 60.8 million (EUR 4.4 million).
  -- Cash flow after investments was EUR 52.1 million (EUR -16.7 million
  -- Gearing was 42.0% (109.2%).
  -- Equity ratio was 32.5% (36.1%).
  -- Net liabilities were EUR 69.4 million (EUR 140.0 million).

KEY FIGURES                                   1-9/12   1-9/11  1-12/11
Net sales, EUR 1,000                         714,218  308,207  550,208
Operating profit, EUR 1,000                   39,431   25,711   34,505
% of net sales                                   5.5      8.3      6.3
Net profit for the report period, EUR 1,000   23,291   17,582   23,445
Earnings per share (EPS), EUR                   1.09     0.87     1.16
ROI,%                                           20.1     19.3     18.9
Net liabilities, EUR 1,000                    69,403  140,036  110,739
Gearing, %                                      42.0    109.2     72.6
Average number of personnel                   21,239    7,110   10,793


”PKC's third quarter performance developed favourably. The third quarter's net
sales amounted to EUR 227.4 million, EBITDA to EUR 20.7 million and operating
profit to EUR 12.5 million. I am particularly satisfied that our actions to
lower net working capital are showing results. The third quarter cash flow
after investments was very strong, EUR 23.8 million. Our financial position
continued to strengthen and gearing at the end of the period was 42.0%. 

Net sales were impacted during third quarter by our European customers'
vacation period related production shut-downs and in North America due to the
lowered demand for trucks. In Brazil the truck market recovered and, as a
result, our net sales began to grow there at the end of the report period.
Third quarter operating profit was strained by non-recurring items related to
the adjustment of the production capacity to the new market situation in North
America. Brazilian operations continued to make loss. 

PKC's quotation activities to commercial vehicle customers continued at a high
level. Customers are interested in PKC's unique competence in wiring systems
product variation management and value adding benefits related thereto. PKC's
wiring systems architecture product portfolio including PKC's intelligent
modular power distribution centre solution and PKC's vehicle electronics
products solutions have especially raised interest. 

At the end of the report period we decided to transfer vehicle electronics from
PKC's Electronics business segment to Wiring Systems business segment with an
objective to significantly grow the vehicle electronics business as a part of
wiring systems solutions. Demanding vehicle electronics customer solutions will
be produced in Germany and product development will be based in Finland. PKC's
Electronics business segment's customer service and cost competitiveness will
continue to be improved in order to serve our global customers even better. 

The outlook for PKC's commercial vehicle customers' demand for the rest of the
year is threatened by the increased uncertainty in the financial environment.
This might result in temporary customer production shut-downs that may last
longer than currently anticipated and also in lower daily production
quantities. In Brazil the governmental incentives have boosted heavy truck
sales and the production volumes are expected to grow by the end of the year. 


Wiring Systems Business

- Vehicles, Europe

In Europe, economic uncertainty continued to impact freight companies'
investment plans. The market continued to weaken in Southern Europe and the
weakening began to spread to other European countries excluding Russia, where
the market continued to grow. 

The 2012 third quarter production of heavy duty trucks in Europe was 67,000
units, which is down 16% from the second quarter. Compared to the same period a
year earlier (79,000 units) the production declined by some 15%. The production
estimate for full year 2012 has however been increased from the estimate of
306,000 units prevailing at second quarter to 309,000 units, showing still a
10% decrease from 2011 production. 

The 2012 third quarter production of medium duty trucks was over 17,000 units
which was 16% less than the same period a year earlier (20,500 units) and about
10% less than the production during the second quarter of 2012 (19,000 units).
Full year estimates have remained at about 75,000 units which would mean an 8%
decline from 2011 production volume (82,000). 

- Vehicles, North America

In North America cautiousness to make new truck investments grew. Especially,
the upcoming US presidential election and uncertainty regarding federal budget
have created a wait-and-see phenomena which has led the trucks sales to slow

NAFTA 2012 third quarter production of heavy duty (class 8) was 64,000 units,
down 18% from the second quarter's 78,000 units. Compared to last year's
comparison period the production was down about 6% from 68,000. Full year 2012
estimates of heavy duty truck production in North America have been adjusted
downwards to less than 285,000 units. However, the estimate would equal to a
growth of 11% from 2011. 

Medium duty truck production dropped from the second quarter's 50,000 units by
12% to 44,000 units, however meaning a growth of 4% compared to same period a
year earlier. Full year production estimates have been raised by some 3% from
180,000 units to 185,000 units, up by 11% from 2011 production volume. 

Light vehicle production of 1,650,000 units in the third quarter declined by
13% from the second quarter, but the production was over 4% higher than the
production of the same period a year earlier. It is estimated that full year
production will grow from last year's 6,500,000 to 7,050,000. Due to relatively
high average vehicle age, replacement investments are expected to support
demand during the rest of the year. 

- Vehicles, Brazil

In Brazil, the third quarter heavy truck production was 28,000 units, which is
over 17% more than the production of the second quarter (24,000 units), but
about 30% less than the production of the same period a year earlier (39,500). 

The incentives that have been announced in 2012 by the Brazilian government are
beginning to have an impact on the production figures towards the end of the
year. Based on the above, full year estimates have been reset to 104,000 units,
showing a 27% decline from year 2011 production. 

The medium duty truck production estimates differed significantly from actual
production figures. During the second quarter of 2012 only 7,500 units of the
expected 13,000 units were produced, while third quarter production was at
11,000 units, down 39% compared to 18,000 units from the same period a year
earlier. Due to the lower than expected production, the full year estimate has
been reduced by 28% from 54,000 units to 40,000 units, down 42% from year 2011
production (68,000 units). 

- Agricultural Equipment

North American tractor sales were up 7% and combines down 8% from comparison
period year earlier. In the US agricultural equipment demand recovered as farm
income grew. South American tractor sales were down 2% and combines 9% from
comparison period year earlier. In Europe tractor sales were on the same level
and sales of combines grew 3% in comparison to the same period a year earlier.
Full year agricultural equipment unit volume worldwide is expected to be flat
to down 5% in comparison to previous year. 

- Construction Equipment

Global demand for construction equipment (units) continued to slow down and
dropped over 10% during the third quarter compared to the same period last
year. Differences between markets remained significant: Europe slowed down to a
growth rate of 1%, North America grew by about 30%, South America about 8% and
Asia (excl. China) grew about 15%. The Chinese market declined some 35%. Full
year construction equipment unit volume worldwide is expected to be down by 5%
in comparison to previous year mainly due to the weakening of European and
Chinese markets. 

Electronics business

The economic uncertainty and worldwide drop in industrial investments affected
the demand for electronic appliances. Investments in renewable energy and
telecommunication testing equipment picked up from the modest level of the
previous quarter. In addition, the volumes of developing and constructing smart
grids as well as energy efficient technologies continued to grow. 


July-September 2012

Net sales from July-September amounted to EUR 227.4 million (EUR 102.0
million), up 123.0% on the same period a year earlier. During the report period
EUR 1.9 million (EUR 1.7 million) in non-recurring items were recognised.
Operating profit before non-recurring items, PPA depreciation and amortization
totalled EUR 17.9 million, accounting for 7.9% of net sales. Consolidated
operating profit totalled EUR 12.5 million (EUR 9.0 million), accounting for
5.5% of net sales (8.8%). Operating profit continued to be burdened by the
losses of the Brazilian unit. Depreciation amounted to EUR 8.1 million (EUR 3.3
million). Depreciation caused by acquisitions amounted to EUR 3.5 million.
Financial items were EUR 2.7 million negative (EUR 4.4 million negative).
Financial items include foreign exchange differences totalling EUR 1.3 million
negative net. Profit before taxes was EUR 9.8 million (EUR 4.6 million). Income
tax of the report period amounted to EUR 3.1 million accounting for 31.9% of
profit before taxes. Net profit for the report period totalled EUR 6.7 million
(EUR 3.7 million). Diluted earnings per share were EUR 0.31 (EUR 0.19). 

Net sales generated by the Wiring Systems business in the report period
amounted to EUR 209.2 million (EUR 84.3 million), or 148.0% more than in the
comparison period. The segment's share of the consolidated net sales was 92.0%
(82.6%). Net sales increased along with the acquisition of AEES companies.
During the report period EUR 1.8 million (EUR 1.9 million) in non-recurring
items were recognised. Operating profit before non-recurring items, PPA
depreciation and amortization was EUR 17.7 million (EUR 9.0 million),
equivalent to 8.5% of the segment's net sales (10.7%). Operating profit was EUR
12.5 million (EUR 7.1 million), equivalent to 6.0% of the segment's net sales
(8.4%). The comparable profitability was still weakened due to the losses of
the Brazilian unit resulting from low production volumes and costs related to
the reorganisation of operations. 

Net sales generated by the Electronics business increased by 3.3% to EUR 18.3
million (EUR 17.7 million). The segment's share of the consolidated net sales
was 8.0% (17.4%). During the report period EUR 0.1 million in non-recurring
items were recognised. During the comparison period no non-recurring expenses
were recognised. Operating profit was EUR 1.3 million (EUR 1.7 million),
equivalent to 6.9% of the segment's net sales (9.8%). 

January-September 2012

Net sales from January-September amounted to EUR 714.2 million (EUR 308.2
million), up 131.7% on the same period a year earlier. During the report period
EUR 3.2 million (EUR 3.8 million) in non-recurring items were recognised.
Operating profit before non-recurring items, PPA depreciation and amortization
totalled EUR 53.2 million, accounting for 7.4% of net sales. Consolidated
operating profit totalled EUR 39.4 million (EUR 25.7 million), accounting for
5.5% of net sales (8.3%). Operating profit was burdened by the losses of the
Brazilian unit. Depreciation amounted to EUR 23.2 million (EUR 9.3 million).
Depreciation caused by acquisitions amounted to EUR 10.6 million. Financial
items were EUR 5.2 million negative (EUR 4.0 million negative). Financial items
include foreign exchange differences totalling EUR 0.7 million negative net.
Profit before taxes was EUR 34.2 million (EUR 21.7 million). Income tax of the
report period amounted to EUR 11.0 million accounting for 32.0% of profit
before taxes. Net profit for the report period totalled EUR 23.3 million (EUR
17.6 million). Diluted earnings per share were EUR 1.09 (EUR 0.87). 

Net sales generated by the Wiring Systems business in the report period
amounted to EUR 663.0 million (EUR 252.7 million), or 162.2% more than in the
comparison period. The segment's share of the consolidated net sales was 92.8%
(82.0%). Net sales increased along with the acquisition of AEES companies.
During the report period EUR 2.9 million (EUR 2.0 million) in non-recurring
items were recognised. Operating profit before non-recurring items, PPA
depreciation and amortization was EUR 55.4 million (EUR 30.7 million),
equivalent to 8.4% of the segment's net sales (12.1%). Operating profit was EUR
41.9 million (EUR 26.7 million), equivalent to 6.3% of the segment's net sales
(10.6%). The comparable profitability weakened due to the losses of the
Brazilian unit resulting from low production volumes and costs related to the
reorganisation of operations. 

Net sales generated by the Electronics business decreased by 7.1% to EUR 51.6
million (EUR 55.5 million). The segment's share of the consolidated net sales
was 7.2% (18.0%). During the report period EUR 0.3 million (EUR 0.2 million) in
non-recurring items were recognised. Operating profit before non-recurring
items was EUR 1.2 million, equivalent to 2.3% of the segment's net sales.
Operating profit was EUR 0.9 million (EUR 2.6 million), equivalent to 1.8% of
the segment's net sales (4.6%). The decline of net sales and operating profit
is due to decreased demand of design and manufacturing services (ODM) of
production and service devices for telecommunication industry. Decrease in
demand was especially due to change of individual customer's product strategy.
Electronics segment's result was further burdened by costs related to
production transfers from Finland to more competitive production facilities. 


Consolidated total assets at 30 September 2012 amounted to EUR 509.2 million
(EUR 355.0 million). Increase in total assets compared to comparison period is
mainly due to the business acquisitions. Interest-bearing liabilities totalled
EUR 144.8 million at the close of the report period (EUR 157.9 million). The
Group's equity ratio was 32.5% (36.1%). Net liabilities totalled EUR 69.4
million (EUR 140.0 million) and gearing was 42.0% (109.2%). 

Inventories amounted to EUR 92.1 million (EUR 73.0 million). Current
receivables totalled EUR 128.5 million (EUR 188.6 million). Net cash from
operating activities was EUR 60.8 million (EUR 4.4 million) and cash flow after
investments during the report period was EUR 52.1 million (EUR 16.7 million
negative). The strong cash flow was due to improved EBITDA and net working
capital management. Cash and cash equivalents amounted to EUR 75.4 million (EUR
17.9 million). 


During the report period, the Group's gross capital expenditure totalled EUR
12.0 million (EUR 21.4 million), representing 1.7% of net sales (7.0%). This
year the capital expenditure consisted mainly of production machinery and


Research and development costs totalled EUR 5.8 million (EUR 4.8 million),
representing 0.8% (1.6%) of the consolidated net sales. At the end of the
report period, 172 (133) people worked in product development, excluding
production development and process development personnel. 


During the report period, the Group had an average payroll of 21,239 employees
(7,110). At the end of the report period, the Group's personnel numbered 19,750
employees (7,937), of whom 19,406 (7,549) worked abroad and 344 (388) in
Finland. In addition the Group had at the end of the report period 415 rented


All of the Group's factories are certified in accordance with requirements of
the ISO/TS16949 quality standard for the automotive industry excluding factory
in Traverse City (USA), which is certified in accordance with requirements of
ISO9001 standard. In addition all of the Group's factories, except factories in
Campo Alegre (Brazil) and Sao Bento do Sul (Brazil), are certified in
accordance with the ISO14001 environmental standard and all factories operate
in accordance with the ISO9001 quality standard. Production units in Curitiba
(Brazil), Itajuba (Brazil), Raahe (Finland) and Suzhou (China) have also
certification in accordance with the OHSAS18001 occupational health and safety
management system standard. 

The certification in accordance with ISO14001 environmental standard in Campo
Alegre (Brazil) is planned to be completed during 2013. In Estonia preparations
to certify Estonian operations according to OHSAS18001 occupational health and
safety management system standard have been started. 


The Annual General Meeting held on 4 April 2012, re-elected Outi Lampela, Matti
Ruotsala and Jyrki Tähtinen as Board members and elected Andres Allikmäe,
Shemaya Levy, Robert Remenar and Harri Suutari as new Board members. In the
Board's organisation meeting, Matti Ruotsala was elected as Chairman of the
Board with Harri Suutari as Vice-Chairman. 

Outi Lampela was elected as the chairman of the Audit Committee and Andres
Allikmäe, Shemaya Levy and Jyrki Tähtinen as members. The Board decided to
expand the duties of the Nomination Committee and form it into Nomination and
Remuneration Committee. The Board elected Matti Ruotsala as chairman of the
Nomination and Remuneration Committee and Robert Remenar and Harri Suutari as

Authorised public accounting firm KPMG Oy Ab, which has announced Virpi
Halonen, APA, to be the Auditor with principal responsibility, was selected as

Matti Hyytiäinen has started as President & CEO as of 4 April 2012.

The Group's Executive Board consists of the following persons Matti Hyytiäinen,
Chairman (President & CEO), Jyrki Keronen (Senior Vice President, Business
Development), Pekka Korkala (President, Wiring Systems, South America) Harri
Ojala (President, Wiring Systems, Europe & APAC), Sanna Raatikainen (General
Counsel), Jarmo Rajala (President, Electronics), Frank Sovis (President, Wiring
Systems, North America) and Juha Torniainen (CFO). 


The Annual General Meeting held on 4 April 2012 resolved to pay a dividend of
EUR 0.60 per share: i.e. a total of about EUR 12.8 million. The dividend was
paid out on 18 April 2012. 


PKC Group Plc's share turnover on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd from 1 January to 30
September 2012 was 7,724,250 shares (9,320,886 shares), representing 36.4% of
the average number of shares (47.1%). Shares were traded to a total value of
EUR 113.5 million (EUR 130.1 million). The lowest share value during the report
period was EUR 10.65 (EUR 8.60) and the highest EUR 18.30 (EUR 18.36). The
closing price on the last trading day of the report period was EUR 14.05 (EUR
10.38) and the average price during the report period was EUR 14.70 (EUR
14.00). The company's market capitalisation at 30 September 2012 was EUR 302.3
million (EUR 206.6 million). 

The shares held by Board members, their closely associated persons and
corporations in which they have a controlling interest accounted for 0.8%
(0.7%) of the total number of shares at the end of the report period. PKC Group
Plc had a total of 8,818 shareholders (9,016) at the end of the report period.
The shares held by foreigners and through nominee registrations at the close of
the report period totalled 26.1% of the share capital (24.5%). 


The share of votes and share capital in PKC Group Plc held by funds (OP-Focus
Fund (Non-UCITS), OP-Delta Fund, OP-Finland Small Firm Fund and OP-Equity Hedge
Fund (Non-UCITS) managed by OP Fund Management Company Ltd (0743962-2) exceeded
the limit of 5% on 29 August 2012. Following the transaction the funds managed
by OP Fund Management Company Ltd owned 1,145,312 shares i.e. 5.33% of the
shares and votes. 


PKC Group Plc's shares and share capital has changed during the report period
as follows: 

  -- A total of 110 PKC Group Plc's shares have been subscribed for with 2006B
     options. The new shares and the corresponding increase in the share
     capital, EUR 37.4, have been entered into the Trade Register on 12 January
     2012. The new shares were traded on the main list of the NASDAQ OMX
     Helsinki Ltd together with the old shares as of 13 January 2012. After the
     increase the Company's registered share capital was EUR 6,103,098.92,
     divided into 21,155,966 shares.
  -- A total of 201,439 PKC Group Plc's shares have been subscribed for with
     2006 options (101,040 with 2006B options and 100,399 with 2006C options).
     The new shares and the corresponding increase in the share capital, EUR
     68,489.26, have been entered into the Trade Register on 29 March 2012. The
     new shares were traded on the main list of the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd
     together with the old shares as of 30 March 2012. After the increase the
     Company's registered share capital was EUR 6,171,588.18, divided into
  -- A total of 57,157 PKC Group Plc's shares have been subscribed for with 2006
     options (28,780 with 2006B options and 28,377 with 2006C options), and the
     corresponding increase in the share capital is EUR 19,433.38. A total of
     67,750 PKC Group Plc's shares have been subscribed for with 2009A options.
     New shares and increase in share capital corresponding to subscriptions
     have been entered into the Trade Register on 10 May 2012. The new shares
     were traded on the main list of the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd together with
     the old shares as of 11 May 2012. After the increase the Company's
     registered share capital was EUR 6,191,021.56, divided into 21,482,312
  -- A total of 130 PKC Group Plc's shares have been subscribed for with 2006C
     options, and the corresponding increase in the share capital is EUR 44.20 A
     total of 36,000 PKC Group Plc's shares have been subscribed for with 2009A
     options. New shares and increase in share capital corresponding to
     subscriptions have been entered into the Trade Register on 31 August 2012.
     The new shares were traded on the main list of the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd
     together with the old shares as of 3 September 2012. After the increase the
     Company's registered share capital was EUR 6,191,065.76, divided into


The Board of Directors was granted authorisation by the Annual General Meeting
on 30 March 2011 to decide on share issue and granting of special rights
defined in Chapter 10, Section 1 of the Companies Act and all the terms and
conditions thereof. A maximum total of 6,000,000 shares may be issued or
subscribed for on the basis of authorisation. The authorisation includes the
right to decide on directed share issue. The authorisation is in force for five
years from the date of the General Meeting's decision. At Board of Directors'
discretion the authorisation may be used e.g. in financing possible corporate
acquisitions, inter-company co-operation or similar arrangement, or
strengthening company's financial or capital structure etc. PKC Group Plc's
Board of Directors has, on the basis of the authorisation granted by the
shareholders' meeting on 30 March 2011, resolved on a directed share issue
without payment of 1,250,000 new shares to company's wholly owned subsidiary
PKC Group USA Inc for the payment of the  purchase price for the shares in the
AEES-companies. After this share issue, a maximum total of 4,750,000 shares may
be issued or subscribed for on the basis of authorisation. 

The Board of Directors does not possess a valid authorisation to acquire
company's own shares, and the company does not have any own shares (treasury
shares) in its possession. 


The Annual General Meeting resolved on 4 April 2012, in accordance with the
Board of Directors proposal, to amend the 1§ of the Articles of Association so
that PKC Group Plc shall be defined to be the company's name in English and
that Helsinki be changed to be the company's domicile; 9§ so that the
invitation to the General Meeting be published on the Company's Internet pages
no more than three (3) months and no less than three (3) weeks prior to the
meeting; 10§ so that the meeting shall be held at Company's domicile. 


2006 options

The stock option scheme initiated in 2006, comprises a total of 697,500 options
divided into A, B and C warrants. At the close of report period, the
outstanding options and options held by key personnel totals 80,480 2006C

The share subscription price for the 2006 stock options is the volume-weighted
average price of the PKC Group Plc share on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki, with dividend
adjustments, as defined in the stock option terms (at present, EUR 8.94 for the
2006C warrants). Through the exercise of the 2006 stock options, the share
capital of PKC Group Plc may be increased by a maximum total of 697,500 new
shares and EUR 237,150. After the registration of subscription made on 31
August 2012, the Company's share capital can increase by a maximum of 82,130
shares i.e. EUR 27,924.20 as a result of the exercise of the remaining
outstanding option rights. The share subscription period is for 2006C warrants
1 April 2011 - 30 April 2013. The 2006 stock options are subject to a share
ownership plan. Key personnel are obliged to subscribe for or purchase the
company's shares with 20% of the gross income earned from stock options and to
own these shares for two years. The company's President and CEO is obliged to
own these shares for the duration of his managerial contract. 

The share subscription period for 2006A warrants has ended 30 April 2011.
During the share subscription period a total 200,300 shares were subscribed and
2,200 warrants remained unused. The share subscription period for 2006B
warrants has ended 30 April 2012 and no warrants remained unused. 

2009 options

The Annual General Meeting held on 27 March 2009 decided to issue stock options
to key personnel in the company and its subsidiaries. The maximum total number
of stock options issued is 600,000 and they are divided into A, B and C
warrants. At the close of the report period, the outstanding options and
options held by key personnel totals 85,750 2009A, 197,522 2009B and 190,000
2009C warrants, in addition to which 6,000 shares had been subscribed for with
2009A warrants but the share subscription hadn't been approved at the close of
the period. 

The subscription price for shares through the exercise of the 2009 stock
options is the volume-weighted average price of the PKC Group Plc share on
NASDAQ OMX Helsinki for April 2009, 2010 and 2011 + 20% with dividend
adjustments, (at present, EUR 2.30 for the 2009A warrants, EUR 12.11 for the
2009B warrants and EUR 17.98 for the 2009C warrants). The subscription price
for shares will be recorded in the invested non-restricted equity fund. The
stock options entitle their owners to subscribe for a maximum total of 600,000
new shares in the company or existing shares held by the company. After the
registration of subscription made on 31 August 2012, the Company's share
capital can increase by a maximum of 496,250 shares as a result of the exercise
of the remaining outstanding option rights. The share subscription period for
2009A warrants is 1 April 2012 — 30 April 2014, for 2009B warrants 1 April 2013
— 30 April 2015 and for 2009C warrants 1 April 2014 — 30 April 2016. The 2009
stock options are subject to a share ownership plan. Key personnel are obliged
to subscribe for or purchase the company's shares with 20% of the gross income
earned from stock options and to own these shares for two years. The company's
President and CEO is obliged to own these shares for the duration of his
managerial contract. 

2012 options

The Annual General Meeting held on 4 April 2012 decided to issue stock options
to key personnel in the company and its subsidiaries. The maximum total number
of stock options issued is 1,020,000. The stock options are marked with the
symbol 2012A(i) and 2012A(ii); 2012B(i) and 2012B(ii); as well as 2012C(i) and
2012C(ii). A total of 170,000 stock options are included in each stock option
class. At the close of the report period, the outstanding options and options
held by key personnel totals 170,000 2012A(i) warrants, in addition to which
170,000 2012A(ii) warrants have been initially allocated to key personnel. 

The subscription price for shares through the exercise of the 2012 stock
options is the volume-weighted average price of the PKC Group Plc share on
NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd during first quarter in 2012, 2013 and 2014. The share
subscription price is EUR 15.31 with the 2012A options. The subscription price
for shares will be recorded in the invested non-restricted equity fund. The
stock options entitle their owners to subscribe for a maximum total of
1,020,000 new shares in the company or existing shares held by the company. The
share subscription period for stock options 2012A, will be 1 April 2015—30
April 2017, for stock options 2012B, 1 April 2016—30 April 2018, and for stock
options 2012C, 1 April 2017—30 April 2019. The share subscription period for
stock options 2012A(ii), 2012B(ii) and 2012C(ii) shall, however, not commence,
unless certain operational or financial targets of the Group established for
the exercise of stock options and determined by the Board of Directors have
been attained. The Board of Directors shall annually decide on targets
separately for each stock option class in connection with the distribution of
stock options. Those stock options, for which the targets determined by the
Board of Directors have not been attained, shall expire in the manner decided
by the Board of Directors. The 2012 stock options are subject to a share
ownership plan. Key personnel are obliged to subscribe for or purchase the
company's shares with 20% of the gross income earned from stock options and to
own these shares for two years. The company's President and CEO is obliged to
own these shares for the duration of his managerial contract. 


Corporate responsibility is a key element in PKC's operations. PKC operates
with ethical business practice, takes responsibility for the operating
environment and strives to minimize any harm caused to the environment, and
respects and promotes human rights and fair workplace practices, equal
opportunities, and zero-tolerance policy on bribery and corruption. PKC Group's
Board of Directors has ratified the Code of Conduct covering the whole group.
The Code of Conduct sets principles for ethical business practice and is based
on the highest ethical standards. Compliance with legislation, regulations and
international norms is a fundamental requirement, from which it is not possible
to deviate in any circumstances. PKC is in the process of developing its
corporate responsibility reporting in the direction of GRI's guidelines (Global
Reporting Initiative). 

With regard to the labour union issue in Acuna, Mexico, the official election
regarding the labour union representation of the employees at PKC Group's
facilities in Acuña, Mexico was arranged by the Mexican Federal Labour Board on
18 October 2012. According to the counting of the votes by the Labour Board,
the Confederation of Mexican Workers (CTM), the labour union with whom a
collective bargaining agreement had already been executed, won the election
with 52% of the votes cast. Voter turnout was 64%. The Labour Board will make
an official ruling of the results within the next few weeks. 


The public deficit and high indebtedness of many European countries and also
the United States has weakened economic growth and availability of financing
for investment goods. This increases uncertainty in the markets and might be
reflected in longer than expected customer production shut-downs and in reduced
daily production volumes. 

A potential weakening of the euro against the Polish zloty and the Russian
rouble as well as the potential weakening of the USD against the Mexican peso
may increase PKC's processing costs. 

A significant increase in copper price may weaken PKC Group's profit in short
term. The customer prices are updated on average with 5 month delay on the
basis of copper price changes. 


PKC expects that its net sales and comparable operating profit will increase in
2012 from the previous year's level. Net sales in 2011 amounted to EUR 550.2
million and operating profit without non-recurring items was EUR 42.6 million.
Major part of net sales and profit is generated by the Wiring Systems business. 

The text section of this release focuses on the interim report. Comparisons
have been made to the figures of the corresponding period in 2011, unless
otherwise mentioned. The figures presented in the tables are independently
rounded figures. 


This interim report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 (Interim
Financial Reporting) standard. The interim report has been prepared in
accordance with the same principles as the annual financial statements for
2011. The year 2012 IFRS standard changes have not had any effect. Interim
financial statements are unaudited. 

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF             7-9/12   7-9/11   1-9/12   1-9/11  1-12/11
 COMPREHENSIVE INCOME                 3 mon.   3 mon.   9 mon.   9 mon.  12 mon.
(EUR 1,000)                                                                     
NET SALES                            227,447  102,014  714,218  308,207  550,208
Other operating income                   777      846    1,438    3,258    4,042
Increase (+) / decrease (-) in          -996     -568   -3,500      539   -1,679
 stocks of finished goods and work                                              
 in progress                                                                    
Production for own use                    41       51      101      125      208
Materials and services               136,942   59,589  434,215  187,268  332,646
Employee benefit expenses             48,352   19,573  149,635   59,947  109,800
Depreciation                           8,144    3,261   23,191    9,317   17,531
Other operating expenses              21,313   10,953   65,785   29,885   58,296
OPERATING PROFIT                      12,519    8,967   39,431   25,711   34,505
Interest expenses                     -1,485     -986   -4 624   -2 115   -4 253
Other financial income                    87        7      179      413      599
Other financial expenses              -1,337   -3,383     -732   -2,329   -1,437
PROFIT BEFORE TAXES                    9,784    4,605   34,248   21,681   29,414
Income tax                            -3,118     -876  -10,957   -4,098   -5,969
PROFIT FOR THE REPORT PERIOD           6,666    3,728   23,291   17,582   23,445
Other comprehensive income:                                                     
Interest derivatives                    -153        0     -554        0     -464
Foreign currency translation          -4,910   -3,091     -110   -6,420   -1,112
 differences - foreign operations                                               
Total comprehensive income for the     1,603      638   22,627   11,163   21,869
Attributable to equity holders of                                               
 the parent company:                                                            
Basic earnings per share (EPS), EUR     0.31     0.19     1.10     0.89     1.18
Diluted earnings per share (EPS),       0.31     0.19     1.09     0.87     1.16

(EUR 1,000)                                                            
NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                                     
Goodwill                                       30,678   13,704   29,813
Other intangible assets                        45,992    9,916   50,099
Property, plant and equipment                  98,370   46,595  113,556
Deferred tax assets                            13,857    5,214    7,697
Other receivables                              24,270       28   20,207
Total non-current assets                      213,167   75,458  221,371
CURRENT ASSETS                                                         
Inventories                                    92,057   73,034  110,526
Trade receivables                             104,483   56,637  103,965
Other receivables                              22,892  124,836   20,490
Current tax assets                              1,169    7,113      165
Total receivables                             128,545  188,586  124,621
Cash and cash equivalents                      75,406   17,893   52,280
Total current assets                          296,009  279,514  287,426
Total assets                                  509,175  354,971  508,798
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                 
Share capital                                   6,191    6,103    6,103
Share premium account                          10,606    8,242    8,259
Invested non-restricted equity fund            36,405   22,010   35,639
Translation reserve                             5,634      697    6,257
Fair value reserve                             -1,018        0     -464
Share-based payments                            2,781    2,156    2,340
Retained earnings                              81,470   71,405   70,902
Profit for the report period                   23,291   17,582   23,445
Total equity                                  165,361  128,197  152,482
Non-current liabilities                                                
Interest-bearing liabilities                   75,661  141,445  146,789
Non-interest-bearing liabilities               27,475        0   24,321
Provisions                                        891      899    1,541
Deferred tax liabilities                       32,745    6,598   32,957
Total non-current liabilities                 136,772  148,942  205,608
Current liabilities                                                    
Interest-bearing liabilities                   69,148   16,484   16,230
Trade payables                                 90,634   31,626   90,779
Other non-interest-bearing liabilities         46,225   22,233   43,176
Current tax liabilities                         1,036    7,490      524
Total current liabilities                     207,043   77,833  150,708
Total liabilities                             343,815  226,775  356,316
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                  509,175  354,971  508,798

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS                1-9/12    1-9/11  1-12/11 12
(EUR 1,000)                                         9 mon.    9 mon.        mon.
Cash flows from operating activities                                            
Cash receipts from customers                       714,868   301,898     564,533
Cash receipts from other operating activities        1,135     3,493       5,357
Cash paid to suppliers and employees              -640,222  -295,886    -520,867
Cash flows from operations before financial         75,781     9,506      49,022
 income and expenses and taxes                                                  
Interest paid and other financial expenses          -4,501    -2,103      -3,695
Translation difference                               1,417    -1,393       2,489
Interest received                                      174       629       1,995
Income taxes paid                                  -12,062    -2,270      -9,822
Net cash from operating activities (A)              60,808     4,369      39,990
Cash flows from investing activities                     
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment and   -11,511    -7,825     -11,845
 intangible assets                                                              
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and            2,273       445       1,393
 equipment and intangible assets                                                
Acquisitions of subsidiaries                             0   -13,224     -79,565
Loans granted                                            0      -512        -514
Proceeds from repayments of loans                      514        16          16
Dividends received                                       0         0         301
Net cash used in investment activities (B)          -8,724   -21,100     -90,213
Cash flows after investments                        52,084   -16,732     -50,223
Cash flows from financing activities                                            
Drawing of long-term borrowings                          0   130,556     153,703
Drawing of short-term borrowings                     5,100     8,150      12,175
Share issue                                          2,674     3,513       4,000
Repayment of short-term/long-term borrowings       -23,916  -133,501     -93,596
Dividends paid                                     -12,814   -10,890     -10,890
Net cash used in financing activities (C)          -28,958    -2,173      65,391
Net increase (+) or decrease (-) in cash and        23,126   -18,903      15,168
 equivalents (A+B+C)                                                            
Cash and cash equivalents in the beginning of       52,697    37,104      37,104
 the period                                                                     
Effect of exchange rate fluctuations                   417      -179           8
Cash and cash equivalents in the end of the         75,406    17,893      52,280

KEY FINANCIAL INDICATORS                           1-9/12   1-9/11    1-12/11 12
                                                   9 mon.   9 mon.          mon.
Net sales, EUR 1,000                              714,218  308,207       550,208
Operating profit, EUR 1,000                        39,431   25,711        34,505
% of net sales                                        5.5      8.3           6.3
Profit before taxes, EUR 1,000                     34,248   21,681        29,414
% of net sales                                        4.8      7.0           5.3
Net profit for the period, EUR 1,000               23,291   17,582        23,445
% of net sales                                        3.3      5.7           4.3
Return on equity (ROE), %                            19.5     18.6          17.0
Return on investments (ROI), %                       20.1     19.3          18.9
Net liabilities, EUR 1,000                         69,403  140,036       110,739
Gearing, %                                           42.0    109.2          72.6
Equity ratio, %                                      32.5     36.1          30.0
Current ratio                                         1.4      3.6           1.9
Gross capital expenditure, EUR 1,000               12,006   21,443       101,532
% of net sales                                        1.7      7.0          18.5
R&D expenditures, EUR 1,000                         5,810    4,813         6,922
% of net sales                                        0.8      1.6           1.3
Personnel average                                  21,239    7,110        10,793
PER-SHARE KEY INDICATORS                           1-9/12   1-9/11    1-12/11 12
                                                   9 mon.   9 mon.          mon.
Earnings per share (EPS), EUR                        1.10     0.89          1.18
Earnings per share (EPS),diluted, EUR                1.09     0.87          1.16
Equity per share, EUR                                7.68     6.44          7.66
Share price at close of period, EUR                 14.05    10.38         11.48
Lowest share price, EUR                             10.65     8.60          8.60
Highest share price, EUR                            18.30    18.36         18.36
Average share price, EUR                            14.70    14.00         13.44
Turnover in shares, 1,000 shares                    7,724    9,321        11,804
Turnover in shares per (share issue adjusted)        36.4     47.1          59.6
 share capital, %                                                               
Average number of shares, 1,000 shares             21,221   19,786        19,816
Average number of shares, diluted, 1,000 shares    21,410   20,132        20,127
Shares at end of period, 1,000 shares              21,518   19,906        19,906
Unlisted shares at the end of period, 1,000             0    1,250         1,250
Market capitalisation, EUR 1,000                  302,334  206,623       228,519

1. SEGMENT INFORMATION                                                          
1.7.-30.9.2012 (EUR 1,000)      Wiring  Electro     Unallocated amounts    Group
                               Systems     nics        and eliminations    Total
Sales to external customers    209,192   18,255                       0  227,447
Sales to other segments            117       41                    -159        0
Net sales                      209,309   18,296                    -159  227,447
EBITDA                          21,578    1,877                    -913   22,543
% of net sales                    10.3     10.3                              9.9
Depreciation and                 7,338      491                     316    8,144
Operating profit before         14,241    1,386                  -1,228   14,399
 non-recurring items                                                            
% of net sales                     6.8      7.6                              6.3
Donations to the                     0        0                       0        0
Advisor fees                         0        0                       0        0
Cancellation of the                  0        0                       0        0
 write-down of inventories                                                      
Non-recurring employee           1,762      118                       0    1,880
 benefit expenses                                                               
Total non-recurring other        1,762      118                       0    1,880
 operating items                                                                
Operating profit                12,479    1,268                  -1,228   12,519
% of net sales                     6.0      6.9                              5.5
Segment's assets               479,678   48,750                 -33,111  495,318
Unallocated assets *)                0        0                  13,857   13,857
Total assets                   479,678   48,750                 -19,253  509,175
*) Segment's assets do not include deferred taxes                               
1.7.-30.9.2011 (EUR 1,000)      Wiring  Electro     Unallocated amounts    Group
                               Systems     nics        and eliminations    Total
Sales to external customers     84,345   17,669                       0  102,014
Sales to other segments            134       42                    -175        0
Net sales                       84,478   17,710                    -175  102,014
EBITDA                          11,659    2,243                     -32   13,870
% of net sales                    13.8     12.7                             13.6
Depreciation and                 2,655      505                      88    3,248
Operating profit before          9,004    1,738                    -120   10,623
 non-recurring items                                                            
% of net sales                    10.7      9.8                     0.0     10.4
Donations to the                     0        0                       0        0
Advisor fees                     1,944        0                    -288    1,656
Cancellation of the                  0        0                       0        0
 write-down of inventories                                                      
Total non-recurring other        1,944        0                    -288    1,656
 operating items                                                                
Operating profit                 7,060    1,738                     168    8,967
% of net sales                     8.4      9.8                              8.8
Segment's assets               199,973   49,745                       0  249,718
Unallocated assets *)            3,605      754                 100,894  105,253
Total assets                   203,578   50,499                 100,894  354,971
*) Segment's assets do not include deferred taxes                               

1.1.-30.9.2012 (EUR 1,000)      Wiring  Electro     Unallocated amounts    Group
                               Systems     nics        and eliminations    Total
Sales to external customers    662,639   51,579                       0  714,218
Sales to other segments            395       95                    -490         
Net sales                      663,034   51,674                    -490  714,218
EBITDA                          65,699    2,745                  -2,663   65,781
% of net sales                     9.9      5.3                              9.2
Depreciation and                20,906    1,562                     724   23,191
Operating profit before         44,793    1,183                  -3,387   42,590
 non-recurring items                                                            
% of net sales                     6.8      2.3                              6.0
Donations to the                     0        0                       0        0
Advisor fees                         0        0                       0        0
Cancellation of the                  0        0                       0        0
 write-down of inventories                                                      
Non-recurring employee           2,905      254                       0    3,159
 benefit expenses                                                               
Total non-recurring other        2,905      254                       0    3,159
 operating items                                                                
Operating profit                41,889      929                  -3,387   39,431
% of net sales                     6.3      1.8                              5.5
Segment's assets               479,678   48,750                 -33,111  495,318
Unallocated assets *)                                            13,857   13,857
Total assets                   479,678   48,750                 -19,253  509,175
*) Segment's assets do not include deferred taxes                               
1.1.-30.9.2011 (EUR 1,000)      Wiring  Electro     Unallocated amounts    Group
                               Systems     nics        and eliminations    Total
Sales to external customers    252,678   55,529                       0  308,207
Sales to other segments            553      101                    -654         
Net sales                      253,230   55,630                    -654  308,207
EBITDA                          36,114    4,424                  -1,667   38,870
% of net sales                    14.3      8.0                             12.6
Depreciation and                 7,354    1,700                     263    9,317
Operating profit before         28,760    2,724                  -1,930   29,554
 non-recurring items                                                            
% of net sales                    11.4      4.9                              9.6
Donations to the                     0      150                       0      150
Advisor fees                     2,354        0                   1,656    4,010
Cancellation of the               -317        0                       0     -317
 write-down of inventories                                                      
Total non-recurring other        2,037      150                   1,656    3,843
 operating items                                                                
Operating profit                26,723    2,574                  -3,586   25,711
% of net sales                    10.6      4.6                              8.3
Segment's assets               199,973   49,745                          249,718
Unallocated assets *)            3,605      754                 100,894  105,253
Total assets                   203,578   50,499                 100,894  354,971
*) Segment's assets do not include deferred taxes                               

1.1.-31.12.2011 (EUR 1,000)     Wiring  Electro     Unallocated amounts    Group
                               Systems     nics        and eliminations    Total
Sales to external customers    477,212   72,995                       0  550,208
Sales to other segments            755      132                    -887        0
Net sales                      477,967   73,127                    -887  550,208
EBITDA                          57,383    5,082                  -2,967   59,498
% of net sales                    12.0      6.9                             10.8
Depreciation and                14,916    2,257                     359   17,531
Operating profit before         42,467    2,825                  -3,326   41,967
 non-recurring items                                                            
% of net sales                     8.9      3.9                              7.6
Donations to the                     0      150                       0      150
Advisor fees                     7,100        0                       0    7,100
Cancellation of the               -317        0                       0     -317
 write-down of inventories                                                      
Non-recurring employee             218      310                       0      528
 benefit expenses                                                               
Total non-recurring other        7,001      460                       0    7,461
 operating items                                                                
Operating profit                35,466    2,365                  -3,326   34,505
% of net sales                     7.4      3.2                              6.3
Segment's assets               483,593   48,910                 -31,402  501,101
Unallocated assets *)                0        0                   7,697    7,697
Total assets                   483,593   48,910                 -23,706  508,798
*) Segment's assets do not include deferred taxes                               

NET SALES BY GEOGRAPHICAL          7-9/12   7-9/11   1-9/12   1-9/11  1-12/11 12
 LOCATIONS     (EUR 1,000)         3 mon.   3 mon.   9 mon.   9 mon.        mon.
Finland                            16,350   14,731   45,379   46,837      62,521
Other Europe                       49,432   58,639  166,499  176,254     236,006
North America                     135,169    6,068  429,763   19,351     157,458
South America                      20,560   17,590   56,795   50,701      73,514
Other countries                     5,936    4,986   15,782   15,063      20,708
Total                             227,447  102,014  714,218  308,207     550,208

A = Share Capital                            
B = Share premium account                    
C = Invested non-restricted equity fund      
D = Fair value reserve                       
E = Translation difference                   
F = Retained earnings                        
G = Non-controlling interest                 
H = Total equity                             
                                    A     B     C     D     E      F    G      H
Equity at 1.1.2011                6.0   4.9  21.8   0.0   7.6   83.5  0.0  123.7
Dividends                         0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0  -10.7  0.0  -10.7
Share-based payments              0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.5    0.0  0.0    0.5
Subscription of shares            0.2   3.3   0.0   0.0   0.0    0.0  0.0    3.5
Comprehensive income for the      0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0  -6.4   17.6  0.0   11.2
Other changes                     0.0   0.0   0.2   0.0  -0.3    0.0  0.0   -0.1
Equity at 30.9.2011               6.2   8.2  22.0   0.0   1.4   90.4  0.0  128.2
Equity at 1.1.2012                6.1   8.3  35.6  -0.5   6.3   96.7  0.0  152.5
Dividends                         0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0  -12.8  0.0  -12.8
Share-based payments              0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0    0.4  0.0    0.4
Share issue, exercise of options  0.1   2.3   0.2   0.0   0.0    0.0  0.0    2.6
Comprehensive income for the      0.0   0.0   0.6  -0.5  -0.7   23.2  0.0   22.6
Other changes                     0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0    0.0  0.0    0.0
Equity 30.9.2012                  6.2  10.6  36.4  -1.0   5.6  107.5  0.0  165.3

3. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT            9/12    9/11
(EUR 1,000)                                             
Acquisition cost 1.1.                    148,598  76,511
+ Additions                               10,350  10,904
+ Acquisitions                                 0  12,000
- Reclassifications                            0       0
- Disposals                               -1,907    -946
Acquisition cost 30.9.                   157,043  98,469
Accumulated depreciation 1.1.             41,717  40,504
- Accumulated depreciation on disposals     -596   4,775
+ Depreciation                            16,912   7,147
+/- Exchange difference                      639    -554
Depreciation 30.9.                        58,673  51,872
Carrying amount 30.9.                     98,370  46,595
4. OTHER INTANGIBLE ASSETS (EUR 1,000)      9/12    9/11
Acquisition cost 1.1.                    105,079  39,246
+ Additions                                1,655     860
+ Acquisitions                                 0   2,818
- Disposals                                    0       0
+/- Exchange difference                        0       0
Acquisition cost 30.9.                   106,735  42,924
Accumulated depreciation 1.1.             24,425  16,483
- Accumulated depreciation on disposals        0      97
+ Depreciation                             5,435   2,952
+/- Exchange difference                      205    -229
Depreciation 30.9.                        30,065  19,303
Carrying amount 30.9.                     76,670  23,621

5. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES AT END OF PERIOD (EUR 1,000)      9/12    9/11   12/11
Leasing liabilities                                       18,752   2,127  15,865
Liabilities for derivative instruments                                          
Nominal values                                                                  
Interest rate swaps                                       36,359       0  45,974
Currency derivatives                                                            
Forward contracts                                         13,362     694   5,944
Copper derivatives                                                              
Forward contracts                                          2,825   2,612   2,450
Total                                                     52,546   3,306  54,367
Fair values                                                                     
Interest rate swaps                                       -1,035       0    -480
Currency derivatives                                                            
Forward contracts                                            223      48     -64
Copper derivatives                                                              
Forward contracts                                             43    -535     188
Total                                                       -768    -487    -356
Currency and copper derivatives are used only in hedging currency and copper    
 risks. PKC Group does not apply hedge accounting to currency and copper        
 derivative instruments in accordance with IAS 39. Fair values of currency and  
 copper derivatives are recognized through profit and loss. PKC Group applies   
 hedge accounting to interest rate swaps.                                       

6. QUARTERLY KEY              4-6/11   7-9/11  10-12/1   1-3/12   4-6/12  7-9/12
 INDICATORS,                  3 mon.   3 mon.     1  3   3 mon.   3 mon.  3 mon.
        CONSOLIDATED                              mon.                          
Net sales, EUR million         109.3    102.0    242.0    242.0    244.8   227.4
Operating profit, EUR            7.1      9.0      8.8     12.7     14.2    12.5
% of net sales                   6.5      8.8      3.6      5.3      5.8     5.5
Profit before taxes, EUR         7.7      4.6      7.7     10.5     14.0     9.8
% of net sales                   7.0      4.5      3.2      4.3      5.7     4.3
Equity ratio, %                 54.3     36.1     30.0     30.9     31.2    32.5
Earnings per share (EPS),       0.31     0.19     0.29     0.33     0.46    0.31
 diluted (EUR)                                                                  
Equity per share, EUR           6.38     6.44     7.66     7.65     7.51    7.68
QUARTERLY KEY INDICATORS,                                                       
 WIRING SYSTEMS                                                                 
Net sales, EUR million          90.2     84.3    224.5    226.6    226.8   209.2
Operating profit, EUR            9.6      7.1      8.7     15.0     14.4    12.5
% of net sales                  10.6      8.4      3.9      6.6      6.3     6.0
QUARTERLY KEY INDICATORS,                                                       
Net sales, EUR million          19.1     17.7     17.5     15.3     18.0    18.3
Operating profit, EUR            0.4      1.7     -0.2     -1.0      0.7     1.3
% of net sales                   2.1      9.8     -1.2     -6.5      3.7     6.9


Return on equity (ROE), %

= 100 x Profit for the report period / Total equity (average)

Return on investments (ROI), %

= 100 x (Profit before taxes + financial expenses) / (Total equity +
interest-bearing liabilities (average)) 

Gearing, %

= 100 x (Interest-bearing liabilities - cash and cash equivalents) / Total

Equity ratio, %

= 100 x Total equity / (Total of the statement of financial position - advance
payments received) 

Current ratio

= Total current assets / Total current liabilities

Earnings per share (EPS), EUR

= Profit for the report period attributable to equity holders of the parent
company / Average share issue-adjusted number of shares 

Shareholders' equity per share, EUR

= Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent company / Share
issue-adjusted number of shares at the date of the statement of financial

Market capitalisation

= Number of shares at the end of the report period x the last trading price of
the report period 

All the future estimates and forecasts presented in this stock exchange release
are based on the best current knowledge of the company's management and
information published by market research companies and customers. The estimates
and forecasts contain certain elements of risk and uncertainty which, if they
materialise, may lead to results that differ from present estimates. The main
factors of uncertainty are related, among other things, to the general economic
situation, the trend in the operating environment and the sector as well as the
success of the Group's strategy. 


Board of Directors

Matti Hyytiäinen

President and CEO

For additional information, contact:

Matti Hyytiäinen, President & CEO, PKC Group Plc, +358 400 710 968


A press conference on the interim report will be arranged for analysts and
investors today, 1 November 2012, at 10.00 a.m., at the address Event Arena
Bank, Unioninkatu 20, Helsinki. 



Main media


The PKC Group offers design and contract manufacturing services for wiring
systems and electronics. The Group has production facilities in Brazil, China,
Estonia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Ukraine and the
USA. The Group's net sales in 2011 totalled EUR 550.2 million. PKC Group Plc is
listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd.