2008-08-14 08:47:25 CEST

2008-08-14 08:48:26 CEST


Finnish English
Olvi Oyj - Half Year financial report

Olvi Group's net sales continued to develop favourably, and the market position strengthened

OLVI PLC		 INTERIM REPORT 14 AUG 2008 at 9:45 am                                


Olvi Group's net sales continued to develop favourably, and the market position 
strengthened. Consolidated net sales amounted to 110.6 million euro, an increase
of 11.0 million euro or 11.1 percent. The rainy summer, substantial investments 
in additional capacity and an increase in production costs burdened the         
earnings. The operating profit stood at 10.3 (11.4) million euro, which was 9.3%
(11.5%) of net sales. Gross capital expenditure amounted to 20.7 (11.5) million 
euro, and the equity to total assets ratio stood at 41.1 percent (43.4%).       
Earnings per share amounted to 0.79 (0.89) euro.                                

Key ratios:    

		 	1-6/2008   1-6/2007    %          1-12/2007

Net sales, MEUR		110.6 	   99.5 	   + 11.1	        205.2 
Operating profit, MEUR 	 10.3	   11.4 	   - 10.2	        23.1 
Gross capital expenditure, 
MEUR	                   20.7 	   11.5      + 79.1       25.4 
Earnings per share, EUR 	 0.79 	   0.89      - 10.1       1.83
Equity per share, EUR       8.64	   7.70      + 12.2        8.61        
Equity to total assets, % 	 41.1	   43.4	     	        47.7 
Gearing, %	          75.2 	   61.4 	    	        45.6

“This year, Olvi Group has invested in four new production lines. This makes it 
possible to match the demand with efficient and profitable production in all    
Olvi Group companies. Olvi Group's filling capacity has increased by 45 percent 
at the beginning of August 2008. We expect further favourable development in our
net sales and market position across the Group's entire operating area,” says   
Lasse Aho, Managing Director of Olvi plc.                                       
SALES VOLUME, NET SALES AND EARNINGS                                            

OLVI GROUP                                                                      

January to June 2008                                                            

Olvi Group's sales from January to June totalled 172 (168) million litres, an   
increase of 4 million litres or 2.3 percent. Intra-Group sales increased by 3   
million litres. The sales improvement in Finland was 5 million litres or 7.8    
percent. Sales in Latvia increased by 3 million litres or 13.4 percent. Sales in
Estonia remained almost on a par with the previous year. Sales in Lithuania     
declined by 6.8 percent.                                                        

The Group's net sales from January to June amounted to 110.6 (99.5) million     
euro, representing an increase of 11.0 million euro or 11.1 percent. Net sales  
in Finland improved by 6.2 million euro or 13.7 percent. The net sales          
improvement in the Baltic states clearly outperformed the growth in sales       
volume.  Net sales in the Baltic states increased by 6.4 million euro or 10.7   

Olvi Group's operating profit for January-June stood at 10.3 (11.4) million     
euro, or 9.3 (11.5) percent of net sales. The operating profit declined by 1.2  
million euro on the previous year but was still on a healthy level. Operating   
profit in Finland fell 1.7 million euro short of the previous year, while       
operating profit in the Baltic states improved by 0.3 million euro.             

In the period under review, earnings after taxes stood at 8.2 (9.3) million     

April to June 2008                                                              

Olvi Group's sales in the second quarter of 2008 amounted to 99 (101) million   
litres. Sales in Finland remained almost on a par with the previous year. Sales 
in the Baltic states declined slightly, by 2.0 percent. Cool and rainy weather  
from April to June impacted sales development both in Finland and in the Baltic 

Olvi Group's net sales increased in the second quarter both in Finland and in   
the Baltic states in spite of the declined sales volumes. Consolidated net sales
from April to June stood at 64.8 (59.8) million euro. Net sales in Finland      
increased by 2.2 million euro or 8.4 percent, and net sales in the Baltic states
increased by 3.0 million euro or 8.0 percent.                                   

Olvi Group's operating profit from April to June stood at 7.1 (7.8) million     
Operating profit in Finland declined by 1.1 million euro, while operating profit
in the Baltic states improved by 0.3 million euro.                              

PARENT COMPANY OLVI PLC                                                         

January to June 2008                                                            

The parent company Olvi plc's sales from January to June amounted to 70 (65)    
million litres, representing an increase of 5 million litres or 7.8 percent.    
Factors affecting the growth included Olvi plc's good market position, good     
sales development in new product groups, as well as successful launches of new  
products. In terms of litres sold, the greatest increase was seen in beers,     
while proportional growth was greatest in long drinks. The sales of mineral     
waters and ciders remained on the previous year's level, while a slight decline 
was seen in soft drinks. Since the beginning of the current year, Olvi plc's    
sales development has been hindered by a lack of canning capacity.  The share of
canned products has increased to more than 28 percent of Olvi plc's aggregate   
sales in Finland. The proportion of canned products is still increasing in beers
and particularly in ciders.                                                     

From the beginning of 2008, Olvi plc's market position in Finland is monitored  
using statistics from the Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks Industry as 
AC Nielsen market share monitoring is no longer available in Finland. According 
to the report, Olvi plc's overall market position in the main product groups in 
the January-June review period improved clearly on the previous year. According 
to the Federation's statistics, Olvi's overall market share in the alcoholic    
product groups: beers, ciders and long drinks, including HoReCa sales, was 20.5 
(17.2) percent. Olvi plc's market share in mineral waters was 19.9 (18.7)       
percent, including HoReCa sales.                                                

Olvi plc's net sales from January to June stood at 51.7 (45.5) million euro,    
representing an increase of 6.2 million euro or 13.7 percent on the previous    

Olvi plc's operating profit in January-June stood at 2.5 (4.2) million euro or  
4.9 (9.3) percent of net sales. The operating profit declined by 1.7 million    

The most significant factors behind the decline in profitability include        
substantially higher-than-expected demand for canned products and the resulting 
lack of canning line capacity, the introduction of several simultaneous         
investments, as well as a slower-than-expected pace of adopting the new         
recyclable plastic bottle system and the resulting costs of maintaining two     
systems across the entire industry. The situation is also affected by           
higher-than-expected cost increases in raw materials, packaging supplies, energy
and logistics, which could not be fully transferred to price increases during   
the first half of the year.                                                     

Scrapping of the obsolete package inventory resulted in 0.8 (0.9) million euro  
of write-downs on inventories that burdened the January-June earnings.          

April to June 2008                                                              

Olvi plc's sales from April to June amounted to 38 (38) million litres, which   
was on a par with the previous year. Rainy and cool weather hampered sales      
development in the second quarter. The parent company's net sales from April to 
June stood at 28.4 (26.2) million euro. Operating profit from April to June     
amounted to 1.5 (2.7) million euro.                                             

AS A. LE COQ                                                                    

January to June 2008                                                            

The total sales of the Estonian subsidiary AS A. Le Coq in January-June amounted
to 68 (69) million litres, which was on a par with the previous year. The sales 
volume increased in beers but declined clearly in mineral waters and well-being 
beverages, with a slight decline in juices and energy drinks. The sales of soft 
drinks, long drinks and ciders were on a par with the previous year.            

AS A. Le Coq's market share in beers has increased to approximately 38 percent  
and in ciders to approximately 46 percent. AS A. Le Coq is the clear market     
leader in long drinks with a 56 percent share. With the exception of mineral    
waters, AS A. Le Coq's market share has remained on a good and stable level also
in other product groups.                                                        

AS A. Le Coq, which is the largest beverage manufacturer in Estonia, expanded   
its market-leading juice brand Aura with the new Aura Fruit concept in June. The
product is a non-carbonated water that contains juice and thus provides an      
alternative for consumers of soft drinks. The concept was introduced with two   
flavours available both in drink-on-the-spot 0.5-litre and drink-at-home        
1.5-litre bottles.                                                              

AS A. Le Coq introduced beer-based alcoholic beverages into its range. This     
product type is popular in Central Europe. A. Le Coq Rosé Beer Shake is a       
berry-flavoured beer sold in a 0.33-litre clear glass bottle. It is suitable for
everyone who does not normally like the taste of beer.                          

The Estonian market-leading cider FIZZ was reinforced with the new flavour FIZZ 
Ice, which is a medium-dry grape-flavoured cider.                               

AS A. Le Coq launched Estonia's first dry beer, A. Le Coq Dry Ice. The product  
is sold in a 0.33-litre clear glass bottle with a screw cap.                    

Net sales from January to June stood at 38.7 (35.7) million euro.               

AS A. Le Coq's operating profit from January to June was 6.7 (5.1) million euro.
The operating profit improved by 1.6 million euro or 32.1 percent. The operating
profit improvement was made possible by production efficiency, an increased     
share of Premium products and cost control.                                     

April to June 2008                                                              

AS A. Le Coq's sales from April to June amounted to 40 (41) million litres,     
while net sales stood at 23.4 (21.7) million euro. Operating profit from April  
to June stood at 4.6 (3.3) million euro.                                        

A/S CESU ALUS                                                                   

January to June 2008                                                            

From January to June, the sales of A/S Cesu Alus, the subsidiary operating in   
Latvia, totalled 30 (27) million litres. The growth in sales volume came from   
beers that represent approximately 70 percent of total sales. In the primary    
product group, beers, A/S Cesu Alus's market position is approximately 26       
percent, and the brewery is clearly the number two player in the market. A/S    
Cesu Alus's market share in ciders and long drinks is approximately 40 percent. 

The increase in sales volume has also resulted in increased net sales. The      
company's net sales from January to June amounted to 16.0 (12.8) million euro.  

A/S Cesu Alus launched the Estonian Aura Fruit product under the Aqua Fruit     
brand. In May, the brewery introduced Cesu Premium Ice in a 0.33-litre clear    
screw-cap glass bottle and Cesu Special in a similar 0.5-litre bottle to the    
Latvian market. The Rosé Beer Shake flavoured beer and FIZZ Ice were also       
launched in Latvia. FIZZ Blueberry, Dynamite Red Energy and the Mojito Taste    
long drink, which were previously launched in Estonia, were now brought to the  
Latvian market as well. FIZZ is Olvi Group's cider brand that is sold in all of 
the Group's countries. Dynamite is Olvi Group's energy drink brand in the Baltic
states. Other new products introduced in Latvia are also available in Estonia   
under Estonian brands. A purely local new product in Latvia was the Mitava beer 
launched in April; it is targeted particularly at men and sold in a 0.5-litre   

Operating profit in January—June was almost on a par with the previous year at  
0.9 (1.0) million euro. Operating profit came to 5.8 (7.6) percent of net sales.

The commissioning of the new canned product filling line was postponed to July, 
which means that the investment could not yet be utilised and created no        
additional sales in the review period.                                          

April to June 2008                                                              

The sales of A/S Cesu Alus developed favourably in the first quarter, and the   
trend continued in the second quarter. Sales in April-June improved by 1 million
litres to 18 (17) million litres.                                               

A/S Cesu Alus's net sales growth clearly outperformed the growth in sales       
volume. Second-quarter net sales amounted to 10.0 (8.5) million euro.           

Second-quarter operating profit was almost on a par with the previous year at   
0.8 (0.9) million euro.                                                         

During the summer, A/S Cesu Alus, which is Olvi plc's subsidiary in Latvia, was 
informed by Latvian competition authorities that brewing industry companies will
be investigated due to possible violations of competition law.                  

A/S Cesu Alus is one of the brewing industry companies in Latvia targeted by the
investigation. The company will contribute its assistance to local authorities  
for the investigation.                                                          

AB RAGUTIS                                                                      

January to June 2008                                                            

The total sales of the Lithuanian subsidiary AB Ragutis in January-June amounted
to 20 (22) million litres, a difference of -2 million litres on the previous    
year. AB Ragutis's market position in beers has remained stable at approximately
10 percent. The company's market share in ciders has increased to approximately 
29 percent. Sales volumes in other product groups remained approximately on a   
par with the previous year.                                                     

The company's net sales from January to June amounted to 11.3 (11.1) million    

AB Ragutis launched the pan-Baltic new products Horn Dry Ice in a 0.33-litre    
clear screw-cap glass bottle in May and Rose Beer Shake in June. Purely local   
new products in Lithuania included the new beer Volfas Engelman Klasikinis in   
0.5-litre bottles in May, and the Russian-type low-alcoholic beer Kwass         
Smetoniska in 0.5-litre glass bottles as well as 1-litre and 1.5-litre plastic  

Operating profit from January to June stood at -0.1 (1.2) million euro. Factors 
hampering the company's profitability include a decline in sales volume and     
increases in the prices of raw materials and packaging supplies, as well as     
increased personnel and logistics costs. Problems with commissioning the new    
plastic bottle filling line delayed the start of production and utilisation of  
the investment.                                                                 

April to June 2008                                                              

AB Ragutis's sales in the second quarter amounted to 12 (13) million litres.    

AB Ragutis's net sales in April-June stood at 6.7 (7.0) million euro, while     
operating profit came to 0.05 (1.0) million euro.                               

FINANCING AND INVESTMENTS					                                                  

Olvi Group's balance sheet total at the end of June was 218.2 (184.1) million   
euro. Equity per share in January-June stood at 8.64 (7.70) euro. The equity    
ratio declined slightly to 41.1 (43.4) percent. The amount of interest-bearing  
liabilities was 70.8 (52.7) million euro, including current liabilities of 45.3 
(19.9) million euro.                                                            

During the period under review, Olvi Group's gross capital expenditure amounted 
to 20.7 (11.5) million euro. The parent company Olvi plc accounted for 6.5      
million euro and the subsidiaries in the Baltic states for 14.2 million euro of 
the total. The largest investments in 2008 in the parent company Olvi plc       
include a filling line for recyclable plastic bottles, an automatic storage     
facility and a new canning line.               

The largest investments in Latvia include a canning line and a storehouse       
extension, and in Lithuania a PET plastic bottle filling line and a fermentation
cellar extension.                                                               

PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT                                                             

Research and development includes projects to design and develop new products,  
packages, processes and production methods, as well as further development of   
existing products and packages. The R&D costs have been recognised as expenses. 
Olvi Group has launched several new products during the period under review.    

NEW PRODUCTS IN FINLAND                                                         

Olvi plc will launch several new products in Finland on 1 September. Olvi Vichy 
Apple + alfaHICA is the first mineral water in Finland that contains a dietary  
supplement. It contains pure Finnish alfaHICA or leucine acid that blocks the   
operation of decomposing enzymes in the body and facilitates the burning of fat.
The product speeds up recovery. Several leading Finnish athletes use alfaHICA.  

Olvi Apple is a dark soft drink with a cinnamon apple flavour, sweetened        
exclusively with fruit sugar. Its caloric content is as much as 30 percent lower
than that of similar products in the market, and it does not contain any        
artificial sweeteners.                                                          

Our new children's soft drinks are clearly targeted at girls and boys           
separately. A pink Bratz soft drink will be introduced for girls and a green    
Turtles soft drink for boys. Both products are sweetened with fruit sugar.      

Licensed-brand products will also be introduced to energy drinks. The Batman The
Dark Knight energy drink will be available in 0.33-litre cans.                  

Finland's best-selling apple cider, FIZZ Original Dry, will be supplemented by a
drier version. FIZZ Extra Dry will be packaged in 0.5-litre cans.               

Packaging development plays a very important role in brewery products. Olvi plc 
will introduce pint-size cans (0.568 litres) for OLVI III beer, OLVI Grapefruit 
Long Drink and Sandels beer.                                                    


Olvi Group's average number of personnel in January-June was 1,291 (1,209), 441 
(376) of them in Finland, 409 (419) in Estonia, 233 (212) in Latvia and 208     
(202) in Lithuania. The average number of personnel increased by 82 people or   
6.8 percent on the previous year. The total number of personnel at the end of   
June was 1,391 (1,375).                                                         

GROUP STRUCTURE                                                                 
From April to June, Olvi Group increased its holding in A/S Cesu Alus by 324    
shares or 0.26 percent. At the end of June 2008, Olvi plc's holding in A/S Cesu 
Alus stood at 98.15 percent, in AB Ragutis 99.57 percent and in AS A. Le Coq 100

The prices of raw materials and packaging supplies, as well as the costs of     
energy and logistics, will continue to increase substantially towards the end of
the year across Olvi Group's entire operating area. This will present a great   
challenge to control cost increases and improve productivity.                   

The inflation rate in all of the Baltic states has clearly gone up and economic 
uncertainty has increased.                                                      

NEAR-TERM OUTLOOK                                                               

The overall market position of Olvi Group companies has improved both in Finland
and in the Baltic states. Thanks to substantial investments, Olvi Group's       
capacity has increased by 45 percent in the current year, which enables 
cost-efficient production of versatile product ranges and packaging             
alternatives. A crucial target is to fully utilise the completed additional     
capacity and to improve the entire Olvi Group's market position, profitability  
and competitive ability. Olvi plc will seek growth outside its existing         
operating areas.                                                                

We expect Olvi Group's net sales to increase, the market position to strengthen 
and the operating profit to remain on the previous year's level.                

Further information:                                                            

Lasse Aho, Managing Director                                                    
Phone +358 17 838 5200 or +358 400 203 600                                      

OLVI PLC                                                                        
Board of Directors                                                              

- Balance sheet, Appendix 1                                                     
- Income statement, Appendix 2                                                  
- Changes in consolidated shareholders' equity, Appendix 3                      
- Cash flow statement, Appendix 4                                               
- Notes to the interim report, Appendix 5                                       

OMX Nordic Exchange, Helsinki                                                   
Key media                                                                       

OLVI GROUP	APPENDIX 1                                                       

BALANCE SHEET                                                                   
EUR 1,000                                                                       

| ASSETS                                 | 30.6.200 |  30.6.2007 |  31.12.2007 |
|                                        |        8 |            |             |
| Non-current assets                     |          |            |             |
| Tangible assets                        |   111011 |      89173 |       97706 |
| Goodwill                               |    10676 |      10675 |       10679 |
| Other intangible assets                |     1039 |       1397 |        1002 |
| Financial assets available for sale    |      286 |        284 |         285 |
| Other non-current assets               |       31 |        318 |          63 |
| available for sale                     |          |            |             |
| Loan receivables and other             |      119 |         44 |         118 |
| non-current receivables                |          |            |             |
| Deferred tax receivables               |      374 |        128 |         362 |
| Total non-current assets               |   123536 |     102019 |      110215 |
| Current assets                         |          |            |             |
| Inventories                            |    37069 |      28640 |       30159 |
| Accounts receivable and other          |    54276 |      49751 |       42181 |
| receivables                            |          |            |             |
| Deferred tax receivables               |        0 |          0 |         110 |
| Liquid assets                          |     3284 |       3680 |        4332 |
| Total current assets                   |    94629 |      82071 |       76782 |
| TOTAL ASSETS                           |   218165 |     184090 |      186997 |
| SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES   |          |            |             |
| Shareholders' equity held by parent company       |            |             |
| shareholders                                      |            |             |
| Share capital                          |    20759 |      20759 |       20759 |
| Other reserves                         |     1092 |       1092 |        1092 |
| Treasury shares                        |      -63 |       -290 |        -722 |
| Retained earnings                      |    59672 |      48966 |       48979 |
| Net profit for the period              |     8171 |       9268 |       18944 |
|                                        |    89631 |      79795 |       89052 |
| Minority interest                      |      128 |        117 |         136 |
| Total shareholders' equity             |    89759 |      79912 |       89188 |
| Non-current liabilities                |          |            |             |
| Interest-bearing liabilities           |    25479 |      32781 |       28592 |
| Interest-free liabilities              |        0 |       1081 |           0 |
| Deferred tax liabilities               |     1106 |       1257 |        1113 |
| Current liabilities                    |          |            |             |
| Interest-bearing liabilities           |    45332 |      19930 |       16383 |
| Accounts payable and other liabilities |    56489 |      49129 |       51721 |
| Total liabilities                      |   128406 |     104178 |       97809 |
| TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND         |   218165 |     184090 |      186997 |
| LIABILITIES                            |          |            |             |

OLVI GROUP	APPENDIX 2                                                       

INCOME STATEMENT                                                                
EUR 1,000                                                                       

|                     |   4-6/    |   4-6/   |   1-6/   |   1-6/    |   1-12   |
|                     |   2008    |   2007   |   2008   |   2007    |  /2007   |
| Net sales           |     64783 |    59793 |   110583 |     99543 |   205188 |
| Other operating     |       144 |      164 |      431 |       417 |      894 |
| income              |           |          |          |           |          |
| Operating expenses  |    -54473 |   -49223 |   -94073 |    -82733 |  -171222 |
| Depreciation and    |     -3357 |    -2957 |    -6682 |     -5808 |   -11759 |
| impairment          |           |          |          |           |          |
| Operating profit    |      7097 |     7777 |    10259 |     11419 |    23101 |
| Financial income    |        44 |       55 |       79 |        75 |      186 |
| Financial expenses  |      -695 |     -503 |    -1277 |      -902 |    -1953 |
| Earnings before tax |      6446 |     7329 |     9061 |     10592 |    21334 |
| Taxes *)            |      -584 |     -766 |     -887 |     -1309 |    -2354 |
| Net profit for the  |      5862 |     6563 |     8174 |      9283 |    18980 |
| period              |           |          |          |           |          |
| Distribution:       |           |          |          |           |          |
| - parent company    |      5854 |     6546 |     8171 |      9268 |    18944 |
| shareholders        |           |          |          |           |          |
| - minority          |         8 |       17 |        3 |        15 |       36 |
| Ratios calculated from the profit          |          |           |          |
| belonging                                  |          |           |          |
| to parent company   |           |          |          |           |          |
| shareholders:       |           |          |          |           |          |
| - earnings per      |           |          |     0.79 |      0.89 |     1.83 |
| share, euro         |           |          |          |           |          |
| *) Taxes calculated from the profit for the review    |           |          |
| period.                                               |           |          |

OLVI GROUP	APPENDIX 3                                                       

CHANGES IN CONSOLIDATED SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                    

| EUR 1,000        | A   | B   | C   | D    | E    | F   | G    | H    | I     |
| Shareholders'    | 207 | 857 | 127 | -290 |  143 | -18 | 5568 |  101 | 77367 |
| equity 1 Jan     |  59 |     |     |      |      |     |    8 |      |       |
| 2007             |     |     |     |      |      |     |      |      |       |
| Transfer of reserve          |     |      |  -35 |     |   35 |      |     0 |
| to retained earnings         |     |      |      |     |      |      |       |
| Translation      |     |     |     |      |      |  -3 |      |    1 |    -2 |
| differences      |     |     |     |      |      |     |      |      |       |
| Payment of       |     |     |     |      |      |     | -673 |      | -6736 |
| dividends        |     |     |     |      |      |     |    6 |      |       |
| Net profit for   |     |     |     |      |      |     | 9283 |      |  9283 |
| the period       |     |     |     |      |      |     |      |      |       |
| Share of profit belonging          |      |      |     |  -15 |   15 |     0 |
| to the minority                    |      |      |     |      |      |       |
| Shareholders'    | 207 | 857 | 127 | -290 |  108 | -21 | 5825 |  117 | 79912 |
| equity 30 June   |  59 |     |     |      |      |     |    5 |      |       |
| 2007             |     |     |     |      |      |     |      |      |       |
| EUR 1,000        | A   | B   | C   | D    | E    | F   | G    | H    | I     |
| Shareholders'    | 207 | 857 | 127 | -722 |  108 |  -9 | 6793 |  136 | 89188 |
| equity 1 Jan     |  59 |     |     |      |      |     |    2 |      |       |
| 2008             |     |     |     |      |      |     |      |      |       |
| Translation      |     |     |     |      |      |  29 |      |      |    29 |
| differences      |     |     |     |      |      |     |      |      |       |
| Transfer of treasury   |     |     |  659 |      |     |      |      |   659 |
| shares                 |     |     |      |      |     |      |      |       |
| Payment of       |     |     |     |      |      |     | -829 |      | -8291 |
| dividends        |     |     |     |      |      |     |    1 |      |       |
| Net profit for   |     |     |     |      |      |     | 8174 |      |  8174 |
| the period       |     |     |     |      |      |     |      |      |       |
| Change in minority     |     |     |      |      |     |   11 |  -11 |     0 |
| interest               |     |     |      |      |     |      |      |       |
| Share of profit belonging          |      |      |     |   -3 |    3 |     0 |
| to the minority                    |      |      |     |      |      |       |
| Shareholders'    | 207 | 857 | 127 |  -63 |  108 |  20 | 6782 |  128 | 89759 |
| equity 30 June   |  59 |     |     |      |      |     |    3 |      |       |
| 2008             |     |     |     |      |      |     |      |      |       |

A = Share capital                                                               
B = Share premium account                                                       
C = Legal reserve                                                               
D = Treasury shares reserve                                                     
E = Other reserves                                                              
F = Translation differences                                                     
G = Retained earnings                                                           
H = Minority interest                                                           
I = Total                                                                       

OLVI GROUP                                                           APPENDIX 4 

CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                             
EUR 1,000                                                                       

|                                         | 1-6/2008 | 1-6/2007   | 1-12/2007  |
| Net profit for the period               |     8174 |       9268 |      18980 |
| Adjustments to profit for the period    |     8783 |       8503 |      15542 |
| Change in net working capital           |   -12827 |     -10748 |      -1597 |
| Interest paid                           |    -1271 |       -871 |      -1806 |
| Interest received                       |       55 |         75 |         72 |
| Taxes paid                              |    -1771 |       -821 |      -3307 |
| Cash flow from operations (A)           |     1143 |       5406 |      27884 |
| Capital expenditure                     |   -19990 |     -11301 |     -25140 |
| Disposals of fixed assets               |      155 |         35 |        308 |
| Cash flow from investments (B)          |   -19835 |     -11266 |     -24832 |
| Withdrawals of loans                    |    29718 |      19000 |      16000 |
| Repayments of loans                     |    -3799 |      -4837 |      -9665 |
| Dividends paid                          |    -8275 |      -6725 |      -6725 |
| Transfer of treasury shares             |      743 |          0 |          0 |
| Cash flow from financing (C)            |    17644 |       7438 |       -822 |
| Increase (+)/decrease (-) in liquid     |    -1048 |       1578 |       2230 |
| assets (A+B+C)                          |          |            |            |
| Liquid assets 1 January                 |     4332 |       2102 |       2102 |
| Liquid assets 30 June/31 Dec            |     3284 |       3680 |       4332 |
| Change in liquid assets                 |    -1048 |       1578 |       2230 |

OLVI GROUP                                                           APPENDIX 5 

NOTES TO THE INTERIM REPORT                                                     

Olvi plc's interim report for January-June has been prepared in accordance with 
IAS 34, Interim Financial Reporting. The accounting policies used for the       
interim report are the same as those used for the annual financial statements   

The accounting policies are presented in the Annual Report 2007 that was        
published on 2 April 2008. The information disclosed in the interim report is   

The interim report information is presented in thousands of euros (EUR 1,000).  
For the sake of presentation, individual figures and totals have been rounded to
full thousands, which causes rounding differences in additions.                 

The Group has adopted the interpretation IFRIC 11, Group and Treasury Share     
Transactions. The introduction of the new interpretation does not have any      
substantial effect on interim reports or upcoming financial statements.         

1. SEGMENT INFORMATION				                                                      
SALES BY GEOGRAPHICAL SEGMENT (1,000 litres)                                    

|                       |   4-6/   |   4-6/   |   1-6/   |   1-6/   |  1-12/   |
|                       |   2008   |   2007   |   2008   |   2007   |   2007   |
| Olvi Group total      |    99340 |   101234 |   172298 |   168450 |   341765 |
| Finland               |    37572 |    38178 |    69980 |    64892 |   137586 |
| Estonia               |    40084 |    41260 |    68260 |    68978 |   138163 |
| Latvia                |    18415 |    17253 |    30125 |    26555 |    54124 |
| Lithuania             |    11922 |    13353 |    20238 |    21709 |    42778 |
|  - sales between      |    -8653 |    -8810 |   -16305 |   -13684 |   -30886 |
|    segments           |          |          |          |          |          |

NET SALES BY GEOGRAPHICAL SEGMENT (EUR 1,000)                                   

|                        |  4-6/   |   4-6/   |   1-6/   |   1-6/   |  1-12/   |
|                        |  2008   |   2007   |   2008   |   2007   |   2007   |
| Olvi Group total       |   64783 |    59793 |   110583 |    99543 |   205188 |
| Finland                |   28388 |    26190 |    51707 |    45470 |    96546 |
| Estonia *)             |   23427 |    21690 |    38728 |    35689 |    72494 |
| Latvia                 |    9990 |     8494 |    15976 |    12822 |    26686 |
| Lithuania              |    6737 |     6997 |    11278 |    11115 |    22069 |
|  - sales between       |   -3759 |    -3578 |    -7106 |    -5553 |   -12607 |
|    segments            |         |          |          |          |          |

*) The comparison data for 2007 has been adjusted.                              

OPERATING PROFIT BY GEOGRAPHICAL SEGMENT (EUR 1,000)	                           

|                        |  4-6/   |   4-6/   |   1-6/   |   1-6/   |  1-12/   |
|                        |  2008   |   2007   |   2008   |   2007   |   2007   |
| Olvi Group total       |    7097 |     7777 |    10259 |    11419 |    23101 |
| Finland                |    1547 |     2672 |     2521 |     4212 |     8514 |
| Estonia                |    4613 |     3290 |     6677 |     5055 |    10838 |
| Latvia                 |     808 |      860 |      921 |      975 |     2294 |
| Lithuania              |      48 |     1044 |      -67 |     1206 |     1553 |
|  - eliminations        |      81 |      -89 |      207 |      -29 |      -98 |

2. PERSONNEL ON AVERAGE       1-6/2008   1-6/2007   1-12/2007                   

| Finland                        |          441 |           376 |          389 |
| Estonia                        |          409 |           419 |          409 |
| Latvia                         |          233 |           212 |          211 |
| Lithuania                      |          208 |           202 |          202 |
| Total                          |         1291 |          1209 |         1211 |

3. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS                                                   

Employee benefits to management                                                 

Salaries and other short-term employee benefits to the Board of Directors and   
Managing Director                                                               

EUR 1,000                                                                       

|                               |  1-6/2008    |  1-6/2007     |  1-12/2007    |
| Managing Directors            |          568 |           351 |           577 |
| Chairman of the Board         |          105 |           102 |           203 |
| Other members of the Board    |           57 |            52 |           106 |
| Total                         |          730 |           505 |           886 |

4. SHARES AND SHARE CAPITAL                                                     

|                                                       |            30.6.2008 |
| Number of A shares                                    |              8513276 |
| Number of K shares                                    |              1866128 |
| Total                                                 |             10379404 |
| Total votes carried by A shares                       |              8513276 |
| Total votes carried by K shares                       |             37322560 |
| Total number of votes                                 |             45835836 |
| Registered share capital, EUR 1,000                   |                20759 |

The Series A and Series K shares received a dividend of 0.80 euro per share for 
2007 (0.65 euro per share for 2006), totalling 8.3 (6.7) million euro. The      
dividends were paid on 22 April 2008.                                           

Nominal value of A and K shares, EUR	2.00		                                     
Votes per Series A share		1		                                                   
Votes per Series K share		20		                                                  

The shares entitle to equal dividend.                                           
The Articles of Association include a redemption clause concerning Series K     
5. TREASURY SHARES                                                              

On the basis of authorisations granted by General Meetings of Shareholders, Olvi
plc's Board of Directors has in 2006 and 2007 acquired a total of 32,000 of the 
company's own Series A shares for an aggregate purchase price of 722 thousand   

On the basis of an authorisation granted by the General Meeting of Shareholders 
on 10 April 2008, the company's Board of Directors decided to hand over treasury
shares for use as rewards in Olvi Group's share-based incentive system for key  
personnel for the achievement of targets for 2006 and 2007. A total of 29,600   
treasury shares were handed over to the Group's key personnel in April 2008.    

At the end of June 2008, Olvi plc held a total of 2,400 of its own Series A    
shares acquired for a price of 54 thousand euro. Treasury shares held by Olvi   
plc represent 0.02 percent of the share capital and 0.01 percent of the         
aggregate number of votes. The treasury shares represent 0.03 percent of all    
Series A shares and associated votes.	                                          
| 6. NUMBER OF SHARES *)          |     1-6/2008 |       1-6/2007 |  1-12/2007 |
|   - average                     |   10,359,791 |     10,363,404 | 10,358,296 |
|   - at end of period            |   10,377,004 |     10,363,404 | 10,347,404 |
| *) Treasury shares deducted                    |                |            |
| 7. TRADING OF SERIES A SHARES ON THE HELSINKI  |                |            |
| STOCK EXCHANGE                                 |                |            |
|                                 |     1-6/2008 |       1-6/2007 |  1-12/2007 |
| Trading volume of Olvi A shares |      971,893 |      1,349,933 |  2,286,279 |
| Total trading volume, EUR 1,000 |       23,988 |         31,352 |     55,328 |
| Traded shares in proportion to  |              |                |            |
| all Series A shares, %          |         11.4 |           15.9 |       26.9 |
| Average share price, EUR        |        24.45 |          23.10 |      24.14 |
| Price on the closing date, EUR  |        23.50 |          29.10 |      24.00 |
| Highest quote, EUR              |        27.00 |          30.80 |      30.80 |
| Lowest quote, EUR               |        20.00 |          19.50 |      19.50 |


                          Number of             Number of        Number of      
|                    | book      | %     | votes     | %      | share | %      |
|                    | entries   |       |           |        | holde |        |
|                    |           |       |           |        | rs    |        |
| Finnish total      |   8258382 | 79.57 |  42743078 |  93.25 |  5973 |   99.3 |
| Foreign total      |    287934 |  2.77 |   1259670 |   2.75 |    34 |    0.6 |
| Nominee registered |      1045 |  0.01 |      1045 |   0.00 |     2 |    0.0 |
| (foreign) total    |           |       |           |        |       |        |
| Nominee registered |   1832043 | 17.65 |   1832043 |   4.00 |     6 |    0.1 |
| (Finnish) total    |           |       |           |        |       |        |
| Total              |  10379404 | 100.00|  45835836 | 100.00 |  6015 | 100.00 |
|                    |           |      |           |        |       |        |
9. LARGEST SHAREHOLDERS ON 30 JUNE 2008                                         

|                         | Serie | Serie |  Total  |   %    |  Votes  |   %   |
|                         |  s K  |  s A  |         |        |         |       |
| 1. Olvi Foundation      | 1181952| 354408 | 1536360 |  14.80|23993448| 52.35 |
|                         |        |       |         |        |        |       
| 2. Hortling Heikki      | 450712 | 85380 |  536092 |   5.16 | 9099620 | 19.85|
| Wilhelm *)              |        |       |         |        |         |      |
| 3. The Heirs of         | 93552 | 12624 |  106176 |   1.02 | 1883664 |  4.11 |
| Hortling Kalle Einari   |       |       |         |        |         |       |
| 4. Hortling Timo Einari | 82912 | 17304 |  100216 |   0.97 | 1675544 |  3.66 |
|                         |       |       |         |        |         |       |
| 5. Hortling-Rinne Marit | 51144 |  1050 |   52194 |   0.50 | 1023930 |  2.23 |
| 6. Skandinaviska Enskilda       | 982923|  982923 |   9,47 |  982923 |  2.14 |
| Banken,                         |       |         |        |         |       |
|    nominee register             |       |         |        |         |       |
| 7. Nordea Bank Finland  |       | 735464|  735464 |   7.09 |  735464 |  1.60 |
| plc,                    |       |       |         |        |         |       |
|    nominee register     |       |       |         |        |         |       |
| 8. Ilmarinen Mutual Pension     | 515748|  515748 |   4,97 |  515748 |  1.13 |
| Insurance Company               |       |         |        |         |       |
| 9. Autocarrera Oy Ab    |       | 221891|  221891 |   2.14 |  221891 |  0.48 |
|                         |       |       |         |        |         |       |
| 10.                             |       |         |        |         |       |
| Pensionsförsäkringsaktiebolaget |       |         |        |         |       |
| Veritas                         |       |         |        |         |       |
| Pension Insurance       |       | 208000|  208000 |   2.00 |  208000 |  0.45 |
| Company                 |       |      |         |        |         |       |
| Others                  |  5856 | 5378484| 5384340 |  51.88 | 5495604 | 12.00
|                         |       |        |         |        |         |      
| Total                   |1866128| 8513276| 10379404| 100.00 | 45835836|
|                         |       |        |         |        |         |      |
*) The figures include the shareholder's own holdings and shares held by parties
in his control.                                                                 

| 10. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT           |             |                  |
| EUR 1,000                       |           |             |                  |
|                                 |   1-6/    |   1-6/                         |
|                                 |   2008    |   2007                         |
| Increase                        |     20288 |            11246 |             |
| Decrease                        |      -323 |             -141 |             |
| Total                           |     19965 |            11105 |             |
| 11. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES      | 30.6.2008 | 30.6.2007*)      |  31.12.2007 |
| EUR 1,000                       |           |                  |             |
| Pledges and contingent liabilities          |                  |             |
|    For own commitments          |      1134 |             1135 |        1134 |
|    For others                   |         0 |              731 |           0 |
| Leasing liabilities:            |           |                  |             |
|    Due within one year          |       758 |              809 |         882 |
|    Due within 1 to 5 years      |      1051 |             1122 |        1101 |
|    Due in more than 5 years     |         0 |                5 |           5 |
| Total leasing liabilities       |      1809 |             1936 |        1988 |
| Package liabilities             |      6109 |             5703 |        4604 |
| Other liabilities               |      2480 |             1980 |        1980 |
| Debts for which mortgages have been given   |                  |             |
| as collateral                               |                  |             |
| Loans from financial            |           |                  |             |
| institutions                    |           |                  |             |
|       For own commitments       |         0 |             1545 |           0 |
|       For others                |         0 |              229 |           0 |
| *) The comparison data for 2007 has been    |                  |             |
| adjusted.                                   |                  |             |

12. CALCULATION OF FINANCIAL RATIOS                                             

Equity to total assets, % = 100 * Shareholders' equity held by parent company   
shareholders + minority interest / Balance sheet total - advances received      

Earnings per share = Profit belonging to parent company shareholders / Average  
number of shares during the period, adjusted for share issues

Equity per share = Shareholders' equity held by parent company shareholders /   
Number of shares at end of period, adjusted for share issues                    

Gearing, % = 100 * Interest-bearing debt - cash in hand and at bank /           
Shareholders' equity held by parent company shareholders + minority interest
