2010-10-27 07:00:00 CEST

2010-10-27 07:00:04 CEST


Stockmann - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)


Interim report
27.10.2010 at 8.00



The Stockmann Group's third-quarter revenue was up by 8.1 per cent to EUR
420.7 million (EUR 389.3 million). Third-quarter operating profit was also
up, amounting to EUR 18.4 million (EUR 17.7 million). Consolidated revenue
for the report period January-September was up by 6.2 per cent to EUR
1 245.0 million (EUR 1 172.2 million). Consolidated operating profit for
January-September was up by EUR 16.0 million, to a total of EUR 40.2
million (EUR 24.3 million). The profit for the period was EUR 41.2 million
(EUR 15.1 million). Stockmann's earnings per share were EUR 0.58
(EUR 0.24).

Key figures                            7-9/2010   7-9/2009  Index         
Revenue                  EUR mill.        420.7      389.3    108         
Operating profit         EUR mill.         18.4       17.7    104         
Profit before taxes      EUR mill.         11.9        8.9    134         
Earnings per share       EUR               0.19      0.27*     70         
                                       1-9/2010   1-9/2009  Index     2009
Revenue                  EUR mill.      1 245.0    1 172.2    106  1 698.5
Operating profit         EUR mill.         40.2       24.3    166     85.3
Profit before taxes      EUR mill.         29.8        5.5    545     61.3
Earnings per share       EUR               0.58      0.24*    145     0.82
Equity per share         EUR              11.90      11.36    105    11.96
Cash flow from           EUR mill.        -16.4       -8.1           146.8
operating activities
Key ratios                                                                
Net gearing              per cent          97.8       94.0            72.1
Equity ratio             per cent          41.7       43.4            44.1
Number of shares,        thousands       71 802    64 295*          65 995
wighted average,
Return on capital        per cent           6.7        5.2             5.8
employed, rolling 12
*Adjusted for 2009                                                        
share issues


Since the start of 2010 Stockmann has been reporting its revenue exclusive
of value added tax (VAT), instead of including VAT in the sales figures,
in order that its reported figures are like-for-like and indicate the
actual trend regardless of changes in VAT. The figures for 2009 are also
presented exclusive of VAT.

The recovery in consumer demand, the strengthening of consumer confidence
and the measures taken by all divisions to strengthen their competitive
position were evident in the Stockmann Group's revenue (excl. VAT), which
was up by 6.2 per cent to EUR 1 245.0 million (EUR 1 172.2 million).
January-September revenue in Finland was up by 3.9 per cent to EUR 669.4
million. The Group's revenue abroad amounted to EUR 575.6 million, an
increase of 9.0 per cent. The Swedish krona, the Norwegian krone and the
Russian rouble all strengthened against the euro during the first nine
months of the year. If like-for-like exchange rates are used, the Group's
revenue abroad is on a par with the previous year. Revenue abroad
accounted for 46.2 per cent (45.1 per cent) of the Group's total revenue.

There was no other operating income in the first nine months of the year.

The Group's January-September operating gross margin grew by EUR 69.8
million, to a total of EUR 623.7 million. The relative gross margin was
50.1 per cent (47.3 per cent). In all divisions the relative gross margin
was up year on year. Operating costs increased by EUR 52.2 million and
depreciation by EUR 1.4 million.

The Group's January-September operating profit grew by EUR 16.0 million,
to a total of EUR 40.2 million.

Net financial expenses fell by EUR 8.4 million, to EUR 10.4 million (EUR
18.8 million). The decrease was attributable to the low level of interest
rates, the non-recurring foreign exchange gains and a decrease in average
debt capital. The arrangement fees for the refinanced loans added to the
net financial expenses during the report period.

Profit before taxes for the period amounted to EUR 29.8 million, which was
EUR 24.4 million more than a year earlier. Taxes for the period, a total
of EUR 11.4 million, included a decrease in deferred tax liability of EUR
16.3 million booked for the unrealized exchange rate loss on the currency
loan, and a tax accrual of EUR 4.9 million. Due to the decrease in
deferred tax liability, the total taxes for the period resulted in an
improved earnings figure. The positive tax effect on earnings was EUR 1.8
million greater than a year earlier.

The Stockmann Group's third-quarter revenue was up by 8.1 per cent to EUR
420.7 million (EUR 389.3 million). Third-quarter operating profit was also
up, amounting to EUR 18.4 million (EUR 17.7 million).

Earnings per share for the first nine months of the year amounted to EUR
0.58 (EUR 0.24) and, diluted for options, EUR 0.57 (EUR 0.24). Equity per
share was EUR 11.90 (EUR 11.36).


Department Store Division

Hobby Hall's business was transferred to the Department Store Division as
of the start of 2010, and Oy Hobby Hall Ab was merged with the parent
company on 30 June 2010. The Department Store Division's January-September
figures include Hobby Hall, and so the previous year's figures used for
comparison have been adjusted accordingly. The Department Store Division's
revenue was up by 4.1 per cent to EUR 726.6 million (EUR 698.0 million).
Revenue in Finland was up by 4.4 per cent. One of the factors accelerating
the revenue growth has been the progress made in the enlargement and
transformation project at the Helsinki department store, especially the
opening of the new Delicatessen premises. If the international operations
of Hobby Hall, which were discontinued in 2009, are excluded from the
Department Store Division's like-for-like figures for 2009, the Division's
revenue shows an increase of 5.4 per cent and the euro-denominated revenue
of international operations an increase of 8.9 per cent. Revenue abroad
accounted for 24 per cent (23 per cent) of the Division's total revenue.
The growth in international operations' revenue was attributable to the
opening of the new Stockmann department store in Moscow's Golden Babylon
shopping centre on 4 March 2010 and the strengthening of the rouble
against the euro. As a result of the good level of sales and the good
stock situation, there was a clear increase in the relative gross margin
in the first nine months of the year. The Department Store Division's
operating profit was up by EUR 12.6 million, to EUR 1.9 million (EUR -10.7

Third-quarter revenue was up by 9.0 per cent to EUR 235.0 million. The
operating profit was EUR 1.4 million, compared with an operating result of
EUR -2.8 million in the same period a year earlier. The expenses
associated with the opening of the enlargement of the Helsinki department
store as well as the launch of the Nevsky Centre in St Petersburg and the
Stockmann web store are burdening also the third-quarter result.


Lindex's January-September revenue totalled EUR 413.1 million, which was
11.1 per cent more than a year earlier (EUR 371.7 million). Revenue in
Finland was up by 2.7 per cent and in other countries by 12.4 per cent.
The relative gross margin increased in January-September. Lindex's
operating profit was at the level of a year earlier.

Third-quarter revenue was up by 9.5 per cent to EUR 149.4 million. The
relative gross margin showed a year-on-year improvement. Due to the
accelerated expansion, the fixed costs grew faster than the gross margin.
Operating profit decreased to EUR 16.2 million, compared with EUR 18.1
million in the same period a year earlier.


Seppälä's revenue increased by 4.2 per cent year on year, to a total of
EUR 105.3 million (EUR 101.1 million). Revenue was up by 2.0 per cent in
Finland and 8.5 per cent abroad. Revenue abroad accounted for 35 per cent
(33 per cent) of Seppälä's total revenue. Revenue in Russia was up by 15
per cent. As a result of the good level of sales and the good stock
situation, there was a clear increase in the relative gross margin in the
first nine months of the year. Seppälä's operating profit grew by EUR 3.1
million, to EUR 6.2 million (EUR 3.1 million).

Seppälä's third-quarter revenue remained at the previous year's level and
was EUR 36.8 million. The relative gross margin improved. Due to the
increase in fixed costs, operating profit was down by EUR 0.6 million to a
total of EUR 2.2 million.


Liquid assets totalled EUR 22.9 million at the end of September, as
against EUR 22.7 million a year earlier and EUR 176.4 million at the close
of 2009.

At the end of September, interest-bearing liabilities stood at EUR 850.7
million (EUR 781.9 million), of which EUR 544.1 million (EUR 780.9
million) was long-term debt. At the close of 2009, interest-bearing
liabilities amounted to EUR 789.2 million, of which EUR 786.9 million was
long-term debt. The portion of the long-term debt that falls due in
December 2011 was refinanced early, in July. EUR 650 million of the new
loan will mature in 2015, and EUR 50 million in 2013.

January-September capital expenditure amounted to EUR 107.1 million.

Net working capital amounted to EUR 149.3 million at the end of September,
as against EUR 200.3 million a year earlier and EUR 110.6 million at the
close of 2009. Dividend payouts totalled EUR 51.2 million. Stock level was
higher than in the previous year, mainly due to the expansion of store
network as well as stronger Swedish krona and Russian rouble.

At the end of September, the equity ratio was 41.7 per cent (43.4 per
cent). At the close of 2009 the equity ratio was 44.1 per cent. Net
gearing at the end of September was 97.8 per cent (94.0 per cent). At the
end of 2009 net gearing was 72.1 per cent.

The return on capital employed over the past 12 months was 6.7 per cent
(5.2 per cent in 2009). The Group's capital employed grew by EUR 107.2
million in the year since September 2009, amounting to a total of EUR
1 698.5 million at the end of September 2010 (EUR 1 640.9 million at the
close of 2009).


Capital expenditure during the first nine months of the year totalled EUR
107.1 million (EUR 105.0 million).

Department Store Division

Moscow's fifth and the Group's fourteenth Stockmann department store was
opened on 4 March 2010 in the Golden Babylon shopping centre in the
Rostokino district in north Moscow. Stockmann's capital expenditure on the
department store, which has a total retail space of about 10 000 square
metres, amounts to EUR 16.0 million. During January-September, the project
required an investment of EUR 8.0 million. The start of the department
store's operation has met expectations.

The major enlargement and transformation project at the Helsinki city
centre department store is approaching completion, as planned. The project
has involved expanding the department store's commercial premises by about
10 000 square metres by converting existing premises to commercial use and
by building new space. Other elements of the project include construction
of new goods handling and servicing facilities and a car park. After the
enlargement, the Helsinki department store will have a total retail space
of about 50 000 square metres. The estimated cost of the enlargement part
of the project is about EUR 200 million, in addition to which significant
repair and renovation work has been carried out in the old property in
connection with the project. The new and remodelled premises have been
opened in stages. The entire project will be finished in November 2010.
During the first nine months of the year, the project required an
investment of EUR 16.6 million.

In 2006, Stockmann purchased a commercial plot of approximately 10 000
square metres on Nevsky Prospect, St Petersburg's high street. The plot is
located next to the Vosstaniya Square metro station and in the immediate
vicinity of the Moscow railway station. The Nevsky Centre shopping centre,
comprising about 100 000 square metres of gross floor space, is being
built for Stockmann on this plot and will be inaugurated on 11 November
2010. The Nevsky Centre will contain a total of about 50 000 square metres
of stores and offices. This will include a Stockmann department store of
about 20 000 square metres, along with other retail stores and office
premises. There will also be an underground car park. The total capital
expenditure is estimated to be about EUR 185 million. The leasing of
premises to outside parties has proceeded as planned, and all the retail
premises have been leased. During the first nine months of the year, the
project required an investment of EUR 35.7 million.

Stockmann department stores in Finland made the transfer to multichannel
trading with the launch of the Stockmann web store at the address
stockmann.com. In its early stages, the new online store's selection will
include the following department store product categories: women's, men's
and children's fashion, sport, home furnishing and electronics. The
product and service selection will be expanded during the autumn and
winter. The online store delivers products to addresses in Finland. When
creating the new online store, good use was made of the distance retailing
expertise of Hobby Hall, now part of the Department Store Division, and of
the investments made in this operation. The Stockmann web store has a
significantly different profile from that of Hobby Hall, which will
continue its operations as a separate brand. The Department Store
Division's organisation therefore includes three distinct distance
retailing brands: Hobby Hall, Stockmann and the Academic Bookstore.

In Russia, two Bestseller stores were opened and one was closed during

One Stockmann Beauty store in Finland was closed.

In July, Stockmann purchased a property next to its Tallinn department
store for EUR 1.6 million, which will enable the department store to
expand in the future.

The Department Store Division's capital expenditure totalled EUR 84.8


In the first nine months of the year, Lindex opened six stores in the
Czech Republic, three in Russia, two in Finland and in Sweden, and one in
each of Norway, Estonia, Lithuania and Slovakia.

The company's franchising partner opened three new Lindex stores in Saudi
Arabia and one in Dubai. A new franchising partner opened its first store
in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Lindex opened its lindex.com online store in Finland in May.

Since the end of September, Lindex has opened two stores in Norway and one
in each of Sweden, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Lindex has closed one
store in Finland and one in Sweden since the end of September.

Lindex's capital expenditure totalled EUR 17.9 million.


In the first nine months of the year, Seppälä opened three stores in both
Finland and Russia, and two in Estonia.

Seppälä's capital expenditure totalled EUR 3.1 million.

Other capital expenditure

The Group's other capital expenditure came to a total of EUR 1.3 million.


Department Store Division

The opening of a new Stockmann department store in Ekaterinburg is planned
for March 2011. Prior to this, part of the premises reserved for the
department store is being used by chain stores of the Stockmann Group.

Stockmann has signed a contract for the enlargement of its Tampere
department store, which operates in leased premises. The enlargement will
increase the department store's retail space to 15 000 square metres, up
by about 4 000 square metres from the present 11 000 square metres. Access
will also be constructed from the department store to a car park to be
built under Hämeenkatu street. Stockmann's share of the total investment
is approximately EUR 6 million. The aim is to open the new premises by the
end of 2012.

The Department Store Division is to open 1-2 new Bestseller stores in
Russia in the latter part of the year.

When the lease for Stockmann's central warehouse in Russia, located in
Moscow, expires, the warehouse will be transferred to new leased premises
in the Moscow region at the turn of the year.


In early December, the lindex.com online store, Lindex Shop Online, will
be opened throughout the EU. After this, it will be possible to purchase
Lindex fashion items via the internet in 27 European countries.

Lindex will continue to expand its store network and anticipates that it
will open a total of nearly 10 new stores in the Czech Republic, Slovakia,
Russia and the Nordic countries in the latter part of the year. In
addition, one franchising store is planned to be opened in Saudi Arabia
and two in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The expansion will continue next year. A number of stores will be opened
in various countries in early 2011. In March, Lindex will open its first
store in Poland in the city of Walbrzych. Lindex currently has 15 stores
in Central Europe, and the objective is to open a total of 100 stores
within five years in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.


Seppälä is also continuing to expand its store network, and will open 4-6
stores in Russia in the latter part of the year.


The company's market capitalization at the end of September was EUR
2 091.4 million (EUR 1 304.6 million). At the end of 2009 the market
capitalization stood at EUR 1 396.7 million.

During the first nine months of the year, Stockmann shares outperformed
both the OMX Helsinki index and the OMX Helsinki Cap index. At the end of
September, the price of the Series A shares was EUR 30.49, compared with
EUR 20.50 at the end of 2009, and the Series B shares were selling at EUR
28.57, as against EUR 19.00 at the end of 2009.

A total of 52 047 Stockmann plc Series B shares with a nominal value of
EUR 2 were subscribed with Stockmann Loyal Customer share options in May.
The new shares were registered in the Trade Register and became subject to
public trading alongside the old shares on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd on 30
June 2010. As a consequence of the subscriptions the share capital was
increased by EUR 104 094.

On 30 September 2010, the number of Stockmann Series A shares totalled
30 627 563 and Series B shares 40 518 437.

The company does not hold any of its own shares and the Board of Directors
has no valid authorisations to purchase shares of the company.


The Group's average personnel exceeded the figure for the same period a
year earlier. There was an increase in personnel especially in Russia,
with the opening of a new department store there and the preparations for
the opening of Stockmann's Nevsky Centre. The Group's personnel total was
also boosted by the expansion of Lindex's store network. The additional
retail space in the Helsinki department store has boosted the department
store's average number of personnel in Finland.

The Group's average number of personnel in the first nine months of the
year was 14 825, which was 239 more than for the same period in 2009.
Converted to full-time equivalents, Stockmann's average number of
employees increased by 194, to a total of 11 196.

The Group's personnel expenses amounted to EUR 259.0 million, compared
with EUR 236.6 million a year earlier. Personnel expenses accounted for
20.8 per cent (20.2 per cent) of revenue.

At the end of September 2010, Stockmann had 8 419 employees working
abroad. The corresponding figure a year earlier was 7 952 employees. The
proportion of employees working abroad was 54 per cent (55 per cent).


No change has occurred in the general risk factors since the publication
on 11 February 2010 of the review presented in the Board Report on
Operations. Particular risks in the short term concern changes in the
shopping behaviour of consumers in Stockmann's market areas.

AB Lindex (publ) has through legal proceedings requested to be eligible to
deduct in Swedish taxation the losses of approximately EUR 70 million
incurred by the Lindex Group's German subsidiary. In 2008 the Gothenburg
Administrative Court of Appeal overturned the favourable decisions that AB
Lindex had received in the County Administrative Court, and as a
consequence Lindex was obliged to refund to the tax authorities
approximately EUR 23.8 million in taxes and interest. The taxes that were
refunded had no effect on the Stockmann Group's earnings, because
Stockmann recognised the refunded amount of tax and interest as a
reduction in Lindex's equity in the acquisition cost calculation. AB
Lindex appealed against the decision of the Administrative Court of Appeal
to the Supreme Administrative Court of Sweden, which in the summer of 2009
decided not to review the case. Further action by the company in this case
will depend on the result of the legal process described below concerning
the elimination of double taxation between AB Lindex and Lindex GmbH.

AB Lindex (publ) and its German subsidiary, Lindex GmbH, have requested
the German and Swedish competent authorities to eliminate the double
taxation arising from intra-Group transactions in the tax years 1997-2004
on the basis of the EC Arbitration Convention and the tax treaty between
Germany and Sweden. The double taxation resulted from the presumptive
income tax payable by Lindex GmbH, which meant that a total of EUR 94
million was added to the taxable income of Lindex GmbH. Depending on the
decision of the authorities, AB Lindex could receive a partial or full
refund of the approximately EUR 26 million in taxes paid on the
aforementioned income. The tax effect of the claim has not been recognised
in the income statement.


The economic environment has improved somewhat during the year. Despite
problems in a number of the national economies in southern Europe, there
has been a decrease in uncertainty on the global financial markets and the
availability of longer term financing has improved. Currency exchange rate
fluctuations are fairly strong, which reflects uncertainty about the
longer term direction of economic performance. Nevertheless, in the Nordic
countries and in Russia there are signs that consumer confidence is
strengthening and that consumer demand has started to grow. In the Baltic
countries, too, the market has begun to show moderate growth after a big

During 2009, which was a challenging year, a number of measures aimed at
improving the profitability of the business were undertaken in each
division of the Stockmann Group. As a consequence, the revenue of all
divisions has increased and the relative gross margin has improved during
the first nine months of the year. The pre-opening costs related to
bringing the new investment projects into use and the expansion of
operations have burdened the result especially in the second and third
quarters of the year. Revenue growth is expected to continue, and it is
anticipated that completion of the major investment projects and new store
openings will boost sales in the latter part of the year. The global
growth in demand has led to shortages of production capacity and raw
materials (i.e. cotton and polyester) and delays in autumn deliveries.
This has had a negative impact on sales during recent months. The company
has now specified its assessment of operating profit for the full year,
the specified assessment indicating that operating profit will be about 15-
30 per cent better than in 2009.


This Interim Report has been prepared in compliance with IAS 34. The
accounting policies and calculation methods applied are the same as those
in the 2009 financial statements. Since the start of 2010, Stockmann has
been reporting its revenue exclusive of value added tax (VAT), instead of
including VAT in the sales figures. The figures for 2009 are also
presented exclusive of VAT. The Department Store Division's January-
September figures include Hobby Hall, and so the previous year's figures
used for comparison have been adjusted accordingly. The figures are

Statement of financial position,           30.9.2010  30.9.2009 31.12.2009
EUR mill.
NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                                        
Intangible assets                              116.5      109.7      108.3
Goodwill                                       768.6      686.8      685.4
Property, plant, equipment                     688.5      577.8      619.5
Non-current receivables                          0.5        0.1        0.6
Available for sale investments                   5.0        5.0        5.0
Deferred tax asset                               5.7        5.2        5.1
NON-CURRENT ASSETS                           1 585.0    1 384.7    1 423.9
CURRENT ASSETS                                                            
Inventories                                    282.2      260.2      196.1
Interest bearing receivables                    48.5       99.7       44.5
Non-interest bearing receivables                93.8       95.4       86.5
Cash and cash equivalents                       22.9       22.7      176.4
CURRENT ASSETS                                 447.3      478.0      503.4
ASSETS                                       2 032.4    1 862.7    1 927.4
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                    
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                      
Equity attributable to equity holders of       846.3      807.9      850.2
the parent
Minority interest                               -0.0       -0.0       -0.0
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                           846.3      807.9      850.2
LONG-TERM LIABILITIES                                                     
Deferred tax liability                          58.7       65.3       70.1
Long-term liabilities, interest-bearing        544.1      780.9      786.9
Provisions                                       1.4        1.5        1.5
NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                        604.2      847.6      858.5
CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                       
Short-term interest-bearing liabilities        306.7        1.0        2.3
Short term interest-free liabilities           275.2      206.1      216.4
CURRENT LIABILITIES                            581.8      207.2      218.7
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                 2 032.4    1 862.7    1 927.4
Key figures                                30.9.2010  30.9.2009 31.12.2009
Equity ratio, per cent                          41.7       43.4       44.1
Net gearing, per cent                           97.8       94.0       72.1
Cash flow from operations per share, EUR       -0.23      -0.13       2.23
Interest-bearing net debt, EUR mill.           779.4      659.6      568.3
Number of shares in the end of the            71 146     71 094     71 094
period, thousands
Weighted average number of shares,            71 115     63 870     65 676
thousands *
Weighted average number of shares,            71 802     64 295     65 995
diluted, thousands *
Market capitalization, EUR mill.             2 091.4    1 304.6    1 396.7
*) Figures 2009 have been adjusted for                                    
2009 share issue.

STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS, IFRS                09/2010    09/2009    12/2009
EUR millions
Cash flows from operating activities                                      
Profit/loss for the period                      41.2       15.1       54.0
Adjustments for:                                                          
Depreciation, amortisation & impairment         44.7       43.3       58.4
Gains (-) and Losses (+) of disposals of         0.0       -0.3       -0.3
fixed assets and other non-current assets
Interest and other financial expenses           15.7       20.0       28.4
Interest income                                 -5.3       -1.2       -4.4
Tax on income from operations                  -11.4       -9.7        7.3
Transactions without cash flow                                            
Other adjustments                                0.5       -0.6       -0.4
Working capital changes:                                                  
Increase (-) / decrease (+) in                 -78.0      -35.6       27.7
Increase (-) /decrease(+) in trade and         -14.2        7.4       -1.8
other receivables
Increase (+) / decrease (-) in short-term       17.0      -28.0        7.2
interest-free liabilities
Interest and other financial expenses          -15.4      -23.5      -32.9
Interest received                                0.6        1.6        2.1
Other financing items                            0.0        0.0        0.0
Income taxes paid                              -11.7        3.2        1.4
Net cash from operating activities             -16.4       -8.1      146.8
Cash flows from investing activities                                      
Purchase of tangible and intagible assets     -110.2     -110.1     -152.9
Proceeds from sale of tangible and               0.3       27.5       71.1
intangible assets
Disposal of subsidiaries, net of cash            0.0        5.6        5.6
disposed of
Proceeds from sale of investments                0.0        1.8        1.8
Dividends received                               0.2        0.2        0.2
Net cash used in investing activities         -109.7      -75.0      -74.3
Cash flows from financing activities                                      
Proceeds from issue of share capital             1.5      138.0      137.0
Proceeds from sale of own shares                            5.1        5.1
Proceeds from short-term borrowings            277.1        0.0        0.0
Repayment of short-term borrowings             -50.0      -19.3      -19.3
Increase(+)/ decrease(-) in short-term                      0.0        0.0
Proceeds from long-term borrowings             396.0      200.0      200.0
Repayment of long-term borrowings             -601.7     -216.2     -216.2
Payment of finance lease liabilities            -1.1                  -0.7
Dividends paid                                 -51.2      -38.0      -38.0
Net cash used in financing activities          -29.4       69.6       67.9
Net increase/decrease in cash and cash        -155.5      -13.5      140.4
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of      176.4       35.2       35.2
the period
Cheque account with overdraft facility          -0.5       -0.7       -0.7
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of      175.9       34.5       34.5
the period
Net increase/decrease in cash and cash        -155.5      -13.5      140.4
Effects of exchange rate fluctuations on         1.5        0.7        1.0
cash held
Changes in fair value (cash and cash                                      
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of         22.9       22.7      176.4
the period
Cheque account with overdraft facility          -1.1       -1.0       -0.5
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of         21.8       21.7      175.9
the period

Income statement, Group, EUR     1-9/2010   1-9/2009     Change  1-12/2009
millions                                                      %
REVENUE                           1 245.0    1 172.2          6    1 698.5
Other operating income                0.0        0.3                   0.3
Materials and consumables          -621.3     -618.3          0     -880.8
Wages, salaries and employee       -259.0     -236.6          9     -327.4
benefits expenses
Depreciation and amortisation       -44.7      -43.3          3      -58.4
Other operating expenses           -279.9     -250.0         12     -346.8
OPERATING PROFIT                     40.2       24.3         66       85.3
Finance income and expenses         -10.4      -18.8         45      -24.0
PROFIT/LOSS BEFORE TAX               29.8        5.5                  61.3
Tax on income from operations        11.4        9.7        -18       -7.3
PROFIT/LOSS FOR THE PERIOD           41.2       15.1                  54.0
Other comprehensive income,     1-09/2010  1-09/2009     Change  1-12/2009
EUR mill.                                                     %
PROFIT/LOSS FOR THE PERIOD           41.2       15.1                  54.0
Other comprehensive income                                                
Exchange differences on               6.6        0.6                   1.9
translating foreign operations
Cash flow hedges                     -2.8       -3.1        -10       -1.4
Other comprehensive income for        3.8       -2.5                   0.5
the year net of tax
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR       45.0       12.6                  54.5
Total comprehensive income                                                
attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent         45.0       12.6                  54.5
Minority interest                     0.0        0.0                   0.0
Key figures                     30.9.2010  30.9.2009     Change 31.12.2009
EPS undiluted (EUR), adjusted        0.58       0.24        145       0.82
for share issue *
EPS diluted (EUR), adjusted          0.57       0.24        144       0.82
for share issue *
Operating profit, per cent of         3.2        2.1                   5.0
Equity per share, EUR               11.90      11.36          5      11.96
Return on equity, per cent,           9.7        4.7                   7.0
moving 12 months
Return on capital employed,           6.7        5.2                   5.8
per cent, moving 12 months
Average number of employees,       11 196     11 002          2     11 133
converted to full-time staff
Investments, EUR millions           107.1      105.0          2      152.8
*) Figures 2009 have been                                                 
adjusted for 2009 share issue.

Statement of changes in equity, Group          Share      Share    Hedging
EUR millions   1 - 09 / 2009                capital*    premium  reserve**
BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF THE PERIOD             123.4      186.1        1.4
Changes in equity for                                                     
Dividend distribution                                                     
New share issue                                 18.8                      
Options exercised                                                         
Share premium                
Net gain/loss of own shares                                               
Transaction costs for equity                                              
Total comprehensive income for the year          0.0                  -3.1
Other changes                                                             
Deferred taxes' share of period movements                                 
Other changes                                                             
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY TOTAL 09 / 2009           142.2      186.1       -1.7
Statement of changes in equity, Group          Share      Share    Hedging
EUR millions 1 - 09 / 2010                  capital*    premium  reserve**
BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF THE PERIOD             142.2      186.1        0.0
Changes in equity for                                                     
Dividend distribution                                                     
New share issue                                  0.1                      
Options exercised                                                         
Share premium                                                             
Sale of own shares                                                        
Transaction costs for equity                                              
Total comprehensive income for the year          0.0                  -2.8
Other changes                                                             
Deferred taxes' share of period movements                                 
Other changes                                                  
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY TOTAL 09 / 2010           142.3      186.1       -2.7
*Including share issue.                                                   
** Adjusted with deferred tax liability.                                  

Statement of changes in equity,        Reserve for       Other       Trans
Group EUR millions   1 - 09 / 2009        invested    reserves lationdiffe
                                     unrestric-ted                  rences
BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF THE PERIOD           124.1        44.1        -6.8
Changes in equity for                                                     
Dividend distribution                                                     
New share issue                                                           
Options exercised                                                         
Share premium                                122.2                        
Net gain/loss of own shares                                               
Transaction costs for equity                  -2.9                        
Total comprehensive income for the             0.0                     0.6
Other changes                                                             
Deferred taxes' share of period                                           
Other changes                                                             
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY TOTAL 09 /              243.3        44.1        -6.2
Statement of changes in equity,        Reserve for       Other       Trans
Group EUR millions 1 - 09 / 2010          invested    reserves lationdiffe
                                     unrestric-ted                  rences                               equity
BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF THE PERIOD           243.3        44.1        -4.9
Changes in equity for                                                     
Dividend distribution                                                     
New share issue                                                           
Options exercised                                                         
Share premium                                  1.3                        
Sale of own shares                                                        
Transaction costs for equity                                              
Total comprehensive income for the                                     6.6
Other changes                                                             
Deferred taxes' share of period                                           
Other changes                                                             
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY TOTAL 09 /              244.6        44.1         1.6

Statement of changes in         Retained     Total     Minority      Total
equity, Group                   earnings               interest
EUR millions   1 - 09 / 2009
BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF THE        216.9     689.1          0.0      689.1
Changes in equity for                                                     
Dividend distribution              -38.0     -38.0                   -38.0
New share issue                               18.8                    18.8
Options exercised                    1.0       1.0                     1.0
Share premium                                122.2                   122.2
Net gain/loss of own shares          5.1       5.1                     5.1
Transaction costs for equity                  -2.9                    -2.9
Total comprehensive income          15.2      12.6          0.0       12.6
for the year
Other changes                                                             
Deferred taxes' share of                                                  
period movements
Other changes                        0.0       0.0                     0.0
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY TOTAL 09      200.2     807.9                   807.9
/ 2009
Statement of changes in         Retained     Total     Minority      Total
equity, Group                   earnings               interest
EUR millions 1 - 09 / 2010
BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF THE        239.4     850.2          0.0      850.2
Changes in equity for                                                     
Dividend distribution              -51.1     -51.1                   -51.1
New share issue                                0.1                     0.1
Options exercised                    0.7       0.7                     0.7
Share premium                                  1.3                     1.3
Sale of own shares                                                        
Transaction costs for equity                                              
Total comprehensive income          41.2      45.0          0.0       45.0
for the year
Other changes                                                             
Deferred taxes' share of                                                  
period movements
Other changes                                                             
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY TOTAL 09      230.3     846.3                   846.3
/ 2010

Contingent liabilites, Group             30.9.2010    30.9.2009 31.12.2009
EUR millions
Mortages on land and                         201.7        201.7      201.7
Pledges                                        0.3          1.0        0.9
Liabilities of adjustments of                 38.8         30.8       33.8
VAT deductions made on
investments to immovable
Total                                        240.8        233.5      236.4
Lease agreements on business                                              
premises, EUR millions
Minimum rents payable on the                                              
basis of binding lease
agreements on business
Within one year                              164.7        145.7      155.6
After one year                               613.0        581.4      625.8
Total                                        777.7        727.0      781.4
Lease payments, EUR millions                                              
Within one year                                6.6          7.3        7.5
After one year                                14.3         19.7       19.1
Total                                         20.9         27.0       26.6
Derivate contracts, EUR                                                   
Nominal value                                                             
Currency derivatives                         519.8        315.6      296.4
Electricity derivates                          2.5          3.5        3.2
Total                                        522.2        319.1      299.6
Exchange rates                                                            
Russia                              RUB    41.6923      43.9800    43.1540
Estonia                             EEK    15.6466      15.6466    15.6466
Latvia                              LVL     0.7094       0.7079     0.7093
Lithuania                           LTL     3.4528       3.4528     3.4528
Norway                              NOK     7.9680       8.4600     8.3000
Sweden                              SEK     9.1421      10.2320    10.2520

information, Group
EUR millions
Operating segments                                                        
Revenue            1.1.-30.9.2010  1.1.-30.9.2009   Change 1.1.-31.12.2009
Department Store            726.6           698.0        4         1,030.0
Division 1)
Lindex                      413.1           371.7       11           527.0
Seppälä                     105.3           101.1        4           139.5
Unallocated                                   1.5                      1.9
Group                     1 245.0         1 172.2        6         1 698.5
Operating profit   1.1.-30.9.2010  1.1.-30.9.2009   Change 1.1.-31.12.2009
Department Store              1.9           -10.7                     22.8
Division 1)
Lindex                       37.8            38.0       -1            62.4
Seppälä                       6.2             3.1       99             8.0
Unallocated                  -5.7            -6.1       -7            -7.9
Group                        40.2            24.3       66            85.3
Investments, gross 1.1.-30.9.2010  1.1.-30.9.2009   Change 1.1.-31.12.2009
Department Store             84.8            85.8       -1           125.7
Division 1)
Lindex                       17.9            15.7       15            22.2
Seppälä                       3.1             3.3       -8             4.5
Unallocated                   1.3             0.2                      0.4
Group                       107.1           105.0        2           152.8
Assets             1.1.-30.9.2010  1.1.-30.9.2009   Change 1.1.-31.12.2009
Department Store            892.6           781.3       14           764.8
Division 1)
Lindex                      998.1           875.2       14           870.4
Seppälä                     104.8           118.1      -11           119.8
Unallocated                  36.8            87.9      -58           172.3
Group                     2 032.4         1 862.6        9         1 927.4
Information from                                                          
market areas
Revenue            1.1.-30.9.2010  1.1.-30.9.2009   Change 1.1.-31.12.2009
Finland 2)                  669.4           644.0        4           948.0
Sweden and Norway           341.8           308.5       11           439.2
Baltic states,               85.8            96.0      -11           129.6
Czech Republic
and Slovakia 2)
Russia and Ukraine          148.1           123.7       20           181.8
Group                     1 245.0         1 172.2        6         1 698.5
Finland, %                   53.8            54.9                     55.8
International                46.2            45.1                     44.2
operations, %
Operating profit   1.1.-30.9.2010  1.1.-30.9.2009   Change 1.1.-31.12.2009
Finland 2)                   17.4            17.4        0            54.3
Sweden and Norway            38.5            37.6        2            61.5
Baltic states,               -1.3            -5.3      -75            -4.4
Czech Republic and
Slovakia 2)
Russia and Ukraine          -14.3           -25.4      -44           -26.0
Group                        40.2            24.3       66            85.3
Finland, %                   43.2            71.6                     63.6
International                56.8            28.4                     36.4
operations, %
1) Hobby Hall has                                                         
been integrated to
Department store
division in the
beginning of year
Reference data for                                                        
year 2010 is
adjusted according
to changes in
2) Department                                                             
store division,
Lindex, Hobby
Hall, Seppälä
3) Lindex                                                                 

Income statement,                                                         
Group, EUR millions                  Q3         Q2           Q1         Q4
quarterly, EUR millions            2010       2010         2010       2009
Revenue                           420.7      451.7        372.6      526.3
Other operating income              0.0        0.0          0.0        0.0
Materials and consumables        -210.2     -220.2       -190.9     -262.5
Wages, salaries and employee      -82.7      -90.4        -85.8      -90.8
benefits expenses
Depreciation and                  -15.3      -15.2        -14.2      -15.1
Other operating expenses          -94.0      -95.0        -90.8      -96.8
Operating profit (loss)            18.4       30.9         -9.2       61.0
Finance income and expenses        -6.6       -3.2         -0.6       -5.2
Profit (loss) before tax           11.9       27.8         -9.8       55.8
Income taxes                        1.5       -2.1         12.0      -17.0
Profit for the period              13.4       25.7          2.2       38.9
Earnings per share, EUR                                                   
Basic **                           0.19       0.36         0.03       0.58
Diluted **                         0.18       0.36         0.03       0.58
Revenue, EUR millions                                                     
Department Store Division *       235.0      265.5        226.0      332.0
Lindex                            149.4      148.1        115.7      155.3
Seppälä                            36.8       37.7         30.8       38.4
Unallocated                        -0.5        0.5          0.1        0.5
Group                             420.7      451.7        372.6      526.3
Operating profit (loss), EUR                                              
Department Store Division *         1.4        8.8         -8.2       33.5
Lindex                             16.2       19.5          2.1       24.4
Seppälä                             2.2        4.8         -0.9        4.9
Unallocated                        -1.4       -2.2         -2.1       -1.7
Group                              18.4       30.9         -9.2       61.0
*) Hobby Hall has been                                                    
integrated to Department
store division
Reference data for year 2009                                              
is adjusted according to
changes in segments
**) Figures 2009 have been                                                
adjusted for 2009 share

Income statement,                                                         
Group, EUR millions                  Q3         Q2           Q1         Q4
quarterly, EUR millions            2009       2009         2009       2008
Revenue                           389.3      429.7        353.2      541.3
Other operating income              0.0        0.3                     0.1
Materials and consumables        -201.0     -220.1       -197.2     -273.5
Wages, salaries and employee      -74.3      -82.6        -79.7      -92.9
benefits expenses
Depreciation and                  -14.0      -14.7        -14.6      -14.2
Other operating expenses          -82.3      -84.0        -83.7     -102.4
Operating profit (loss)            17.7       28.6        -22.0       58.4
Finance income and expenses        -8.8       -5.1         -4.8      -12.7
Profit (loss) before tax            8.9       23.5        -26.9       45.7
Income taxes                        8.0       -1.4          3.1      -25.8
Profit for the period              16.9       22.0        -23.8       19.9
Earnings per share, EUR                                                   
Basic **                           0.27       0.35        -0.38       0.32
Diluted **                         0.27       0.35        -0.38       0.32
Revenue, EUR millions                                                     
Department Store Division *       215.6      257.5        224.9      357.8
Lindex                            136.5      136.5         98.6      141.0
Seppälä                            36.7       35.6         28.8       42.8
Unallocated                         0.6        0.1          0.8       -0.3
Group                             389.3      429.7        353.2      541.3
Operating profit (loss), EUR                                              
Department Store Division *        -2.8        8.4        -16.2       36.5
Lindex                             18.1       19.7          0.2       20.3
Seppälä                             2.9        3.0         -2.8        4.2
Unallocated                        -0.5       -2.5         -3.1       -2.6
Group                              17.7       28.6        -22.0       58.4
*) Hobby Hall has been                                                    
integrated to Department
store division
Reference data for year 2009                                              
is adjusted according to
changes in segments
**) Figures 2009 have been                                                
adjusted for 2009 share

EUR mill.                               30/09/2010    30.9.2009 31/12/2009
Acquisition cost at the beginning of         964.8        945.3      945.3
the period
Translation difference +/-                    16.1         11.7       12.2
Increases during the period                  107.1        105.0      160.9
Decreases during the period                  -18.3       -115.9     -153.5
Transfers between items                                     0.0        0.0
Acquisition cost at the end of the         1 069.7        946.1      964.8
Accumulated depreciation at the             -237.0       -245.7     -245.7
beginning of the period
Translation difference +/-                    -0.9         -2.9       -3.5
Depreciation on reductions                    18.0         33.3       70.6
Depreciation during the period               -44.7        -43.3      -58.4
Accumulated depreciation  at the end        -264.6       -258.7     -237.0
of the period
Carrying amount at the beginning of          727.8        699.6      699.6
the period
Carrying amount at the end of the            805.1        687.5      727.8
EUR mill.                               30/09/2010   30/09/2009 31/12/2009
Acquisition cost at the beginning of         685.4        646.5      646.5
the period
Translation difference +/-                    83.2         40.3       39.0
Acquisition cost at the end of the           768.6        686.8      685.4
Carrying amount at the beginning of          685.4        646.5      685.4
the period
Carrying amount at the end of the            768.6        686.8      685.4
Total                                      1 573.7      1 374.3    1 413.2

Definitions to key figures:

Equity ratio, per cent = 100 x Equity + minority interest / Total assets
less advance payments received

Net gearing, per cent = 100 x Interest-bearing net financial liabilities /
Equity total

Interest-bearing net debt = Interest-bearing liabilities less cash and
cash equivalents less interest-bearing receivables

Market capitalization = Number of shares multiplied by the quotation for
the respective share series on the balance sheet date

Earnings per share, adjusted for share issues = Profit before taxes -
minority interest - income taxes / Average number of shares, adjusted for
share issues

Return on equity, per cent, moving 12 months = 100 x Profit for the period
(12 months) / Equity + minority interest (average over 12 months)
Return on capital employed, per cent, moving 12 months = 100 x Profit
before taxes + interest and other financial expenses (12 months) / Capital
employed (average over 12 months)


Hannu Penttilä

Principal media

A press and analyst conference in Finnish will be held today 27 October
2010 at 9.00 a.m. at the Fazer restaurant F8 Easy on the 8th floor of
Stockmann's Helsinki city centre department store. Entrance
Aleksanterinkatu 52 B (on the right side of the department store's main


Stockmann has opened its stockmann.com webstore at www.stockmann.com. At
the same time, Stockmann's investor pages moved to the address
www.stockmanngroup.fi. The webstore also has a link to the investor pages.