2016-03-29 08:06:01 CEST

2016-03-29 08:06:01 CEST


Finnish English
Taaleri Oyj - Company Announcement

Selling price for Taaleri’s Finsilva holdings 48 million euro, earnings guidance unchanged

Selling price for the sale of the Finsilva holdings, published on 15 March 2016
by Taaleri Plc and Etera Mutual Pension Insurance Company, is 48 million euro.
Taaleri Investments Ltd, part of Taaleri Group, accepted a binding offer made
by Etera Mutual Pension Insurance Company for all of the forest fund
Metsärahasto II Ky’s company holdings. 

The offer is expected to lead to the finalisation of the sale by the end of
April. If the sale is finalised, it will have a positive impact on Taaleri
Group’s result for 2016. Taaleri leaves its earnings guidance unchanged. 

Taaleri Plc

Taneli Hassinen
Head of Communications and IR
Puh. +358-40-504-3321

Taaleri in brief

Taaleri is a financial group listed on the First North Finland marketplace,
maintained by NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. Taaleri provides wealth management and
financing services to institutional investors, companies and private
individuals. Taaleri Group consists of the parent company Taaleri Plc and four
operational subsidiaries: Taaleri Wealth Management Ltd and its subsidiaries,
Taaleri Private Equity Funds Ltd and its subsidiaries, Taaleri Investment Ltd
and Garantia Insurance Company Ltd. In addition, Taaleri has an associated
company, Fellow Finance Oy, which offers peer-to-peer lending services. The
Group has over 180 employees. Its offices are located in Helsinki, Tampere,
Turku, Pori, Oulu, Istanbul and Nairobi. 

At the end of 2015, Taaleri had assets under management of EUR 3.9 billion and
3,500 wealth management clients. The entire Group’s base of direct and indirect
clients totals 30,000 accounts. Taaleri Plc has more than 2,000 shareholders.
The operations of Taaleri are supervised by the Finnish Financial Supervisory

Further information about our company and services can be found at:


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