2007-04-25 08:00:00 CEST

2007-04-25 08:00:00 CEST


Suomių Anglų
Solteq Oyj - Quarterly report


SOLTEQ PLC'S INTERIM REPORT 1.1.-31.3.2007                                      

   -  Turnover increased by 10,4% and totalled 6,4 million                      
      euros (5,8 million euros)                                                 
   -  Operating result was 0,1 million euros (0,2 million                       
   -  Instead of the earlier estimate that the company's                        
      turnover isgoing to increase over 15 % on a yearly                        
      basis the company now estimates turnover to increase                      
      over 20 % on a yearly basis and the operating result                      
      to improve substantially.                                                 

KEY FIGURES                                                                     

Turnover by operation:                                                          

%                       1-03/07    1-03/06   1-12/06                            

Services                     61         62        60                            
Licences                     28         26        26                            
Hardware                     11         12        14                            

Turnover by segment:                                                            

Me                      1-03/07    1-03/06    Change                            

Trade                       4,1        4,1      +0,0                            
Industry and services       2,3        1,7      +0,6                            
Total                       6,4        5,8      +0,6                            

Operating result by segment:                                                    

Me                      1-03/07    1-03/06    Change                            

Trade                       0,1        0,1      +0,0                            
Industry and services       0,0        0,1      -0,1                            
Total                       0,1        0,2      -0,1                            

Managing Director Hannu Ahola:                                                  

”The year 2007 has been started as planned. During the first                    
quarter the new sales of the ERP and added value products                       
has been exceptionally active in comparison with the                            
previous years. The financial impacts in connection with the                    
sales concluded during the first quarter will be shown                          
mainly in the next quarter's figures. The sales of IT                           
services to the existing customers have also continued                          
Along with the previously announced acquisition of Fulmentum                    
Oy the solution offering has expanded and the company has                       
now even better possibilities to fulfil its growth and                          
profitableness objectives”.                                                     


Solteq is focused on to serve the trade and industrial                          
companies. It is essential in Solteq's strategy that the                        
company can offer the best solution to the customer's                           
prevailing need and to support the customer's whole value                       
chain whether it is vehicle retailing, chain stores,                            
wholesale trade, individual speciality stores or industry in                    
question. This is fulfilled by combining the company's own                      
and its partner's product and service providing in a best                       
possible way for the solution that the customer gets. To                        
develop the comprehensive solution Solteq invests both own                      
product development and widening its partner range.                             


Business environment                                                            
There has been high demand for store systems during the                         
review period. The requirements for rationalizing activities                    
are speeding up the demand for store systems. The customers                     
are looking for solutions that among other things quicken                       
pricing of products, improve reporting and inventory                            
The customers in the retail business require reliability,                       
effectiveness and fast access to the information from the                       
store systems. The store system has to manage safely the                        
verification of bank and credit card transactions and yield                     
information into the regular-customer systems.                                  
In the chain stores there is a special challenge to combine                     
the store systems into background systems. With those                           
background systems the store systems can be linked up with                      
logistics centers, make more effective purchasing management                    
and ensure the flexibility of business. Speciality store                        
chains are seeking the real time management of inventories                      
and optimization of purchases among others with the help of                     
automatic purchase proposals.                                                   
Accomplishment of those objectives requires smoothly                            
workable message communications in the ERP systems of the                       
chain.  In the integration of trade business value chain                        
Solteq has especially invested in the message                                   
communications. The harmonization projects in which the                         
databases of various trade chains are cleaned up and                            
standardized are anticipated to increase substantially in                       
the future.                                                                     
The operational environment of the car sales unit remained                      
stabile during the review period.  The markets of delivering                    
ERP-systems in the car sales are fairly saturated and there                     
is not large growth in sales to be expected.  Some large                        
actors in the branch that acquire new systems as part of                        
their development projects make an exception. On the other                      
hand the demand of value added products in the car trade is                     
In the companies acting in the trade the growing demand of                      
integration projects in which the store systems are                             
integrated to background systems are expected to continue.                      

Business development                                                            

Deliveries made by the trade unit concentrated mainly on                        
sales of advisory services and demand was even greater than                     
expected. Also new store systems were delivered and existing                    
systems were both expanded and their operations developed                       
Development of chained and wholesale trade is focused on                        
expanding the functionality of present systems and joining                      
new units to the present operations. There is increasing                        
determination need for picking based on voice recognition,                      
procurement optimising and harmonisation of product                             
Solution for specialised stores will be exported to                             
international markets together with Wincor Nixdorf Oy. In                       
addition to the store system developed together by the two                      
companies, the complete solution includes both an                               
integration product developed by Solteq. Solteq's                               
integration solution automatizes and governs message                            
transmission between different ERP systems such as SAP and                      
Solteq TP.net. This comprehensive solution is complemented                      
by extensive project, maintenance and customer support                          
services offered by Wincor Nixdorf's international                              
The offering and knowledge in trade has been expanded with                      
own and Sap's products as well as Microsoft's Dynamics                          
corporate software.                                                             
The sales and result of the car trade unit were as planned                      
in the first quarter. The demand was emphasized in the sales                    
of such services in which the customer's pre-existing                           
systems were developed. The service sales to the customers                      
of car trade unit remained stabile.                                             
In January Solteq made a contract to integrate the IT-                          
systems of Automaa that is a vehicle retailing chain and                        
belongs to Maan Auto concern in the S-Group. During the                         
present year Solteq is going to deliver car trade                               
specialised ERP-system to seven Peugeot -agencies of                            
Automaa. In addition to the ERP-system the solution complex                     
that Solteq will deliver to Automaa includes eCar -tool for                     
car dealer and HuVan that is system of appointment for                          
Solteq will deliver to Renault interfaces to Solteq CD ERP-                     
system. By the means of this system the retail dealers of                       
Renault make orders for cars and spare parts. The                               
segregation of Volvo's and Renault's importers in the                           
beginning of the year 2008 is in the background of this                         
venture. Solteq CD -system provides direct connections for                      
the retail dealers to the Renault factories in France.                          

INDUSTRY AND SERVICES                                                           

Business environment                                                            

The structural change in the industrial markets in Finland                      
remained strong. The companies acquired knowledge, founded                      
divisions abroad and re-arranged domestic structures. This                      
development is reflected in the demand of the data systems.                     
The demand of data systems has indicated to liven up in the                     
end of 2006 and remained strong also in the last quarter.                       
According to the market researcher Market-Visio the                             
development of operative applications is one of the growing                     
focus areas during year 2007.                                                   

The data systems have essential role in different kinds of                      
arrangements made by companies and standardization of ways                      
of operation in different company locations all around the                      
world.  Companies are even more than before seeking for                         
efficiency from data systems.                                                   

Business development                                                            
The reorganization of Artekus Oy that was formerly a                            
subsidiary of Solteq Plc and Fulmentum Oy to form                               
Maintenance and harmonization unit was most significant own                     
development project in the industry and services area during                    
the review period. This aforementioned change is a part of                      
Solteq's strategy to seek for widening the service range.                       
During the first quarter the industry and services reached                      
its setting of financial objectives mainly because of                           
increasing demand of services and maintenance- and                              
harmonization projects. The demands for large IT-system                         
projects remained low, even if there have been signs of                         
emergent growth.                                                                
Especially the continuance of implementation of IDO's                           
Sanitec -unit's SAP ERP-system has been financially                             
significant in the large IT-system projects. There has been                     
many project start-ups in connection with the                                   
rationalization of controlling the delivery processes. The                      
rationalization and acceleration of the delivery process of                     
Honkarakenne included for example building up an electronic                     
invoice system.                                                                 
The knowledge of Maintenance and harmonization unit is still                    
strengthening when the board of directors of Solteq Plc made                    
a decision to buy Fulmentum Oy. Fulmentum was founded year                      
2000 and it is consulting and service organization that is                      
specialized in the harmonization of master data (product,                       
customer and supplier data). The harmonization of data means                    
harmonizing, standardizing and completing the company's data                    
to accurate and real time. In connection with the harmonized                    
data the overlaps are deleted from ERP-systems and for                          
example one physical item in the system is corresponding to                     
only one product code. This makes among others company's                        
purchase, sales, materials management and inventory                             
management more effective and reduces costs.                                    
Along with the acquisition of Fulmentum Solteq can even                         
better than before offer to customers solutions and services                    
that cover the whole value chain of customer. The                               
harmonization of master data brings significant competitive                     
advantage to companies and it is estimated to be risen one                      
of the most important way of action to make the information                     
flows in business processes more effective.                                     
In the data collection solutions contracts were made with                       
UPM and Metso to deliver data collection systems for                            
investment projects. The financial effects of these ventures                    
are shown during the year-end 2007. The demand is increased                     
by the requirements for industrial manufacturing companies,                     
for example paper industry, to include the information of                       
projects for the maintenance systems already during planning                    
and building projects.                                                          
The Maintenance and harmonization unit's efforts in                             
exportation to Russia have proceeded as planned.                                
The first phase of the delivery of an ERP system for                            
maintenance and materials management that was started in the                    
end of year 2006 to water purification plant belonging to                       
waterworks of the city of St Petersburg has been delivered                      
according to plan. At the present moment negotiations                           
regarding to other projects are underway.                                       

TURNOVER AND RESULT                                                             

Turnover increased 10,4% compared to the previous year and                      
totalled 6.378 thousand euros (5.778 thousand euros). The                       
growth resulted from the acquisitions during the previous                       
financial year.                                                                 

Turnover consists of several individual customerships. At                       
the most, one client corresponds to a less than five                            
percentages from the turnover.                                                  

The operating profit for the review period totalled 127                         
thousand euros (233 thousand euros), result before taxes was                    
102 thousand euros (359 thousand euros) and the profit for                      
the review period 154 thousand euros (266 thousand euros).                      

BALANCE SHEET AND FINANCING                                                     

The total assets amounted to 18.320 thousand euros (18.451                      
thousand euros). Liquid assets totalled 114 thousand euros                      
(1.638 thousand euros). The decrease of liquid assets is                        
mainly consequence of the acquisitions that have been made.                     

The amount of interest bearing liabilities totalled 3.465                       
thousand euros (500 thousand euros).                                            

The company's equity ratio was 53,9 % (51,7%).                                  

INVESTMENTS, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT                                           

Gross investments during the review period were 0.033                           
thousand euros (4.243 thousand euros). For the most part                        
these consisted of the investments in equipment during the                      
review period.                                                                  

Solteq announced on 13.3.2007 that it is acquiring Fulmentum                    
Oy specialising in global master data (product, customer and                    
supplier data) harmonising and maintenance projects.                            
Fulmentum was transferred to Solteq's ownership and become a                    
part of the Group from 16.4.2007 onwards. Solteq pays the                       
sales price in cash. The price consists of a basic price of                     
1.500 thousand euros and an additional price of 1.400                           
thousand euros at the maximum.                                                  

Research and development                                                        

Solteq's research and development costs consist mainly of                       
personnel costs. When developing basic products, it is                          
Solteq's strategy to co-operate with global actors such as                      
SAP and Wincor-Nixdorf and utilize their resources and                          
distribution channels. Own development efforts are focused                      
on added value products and developing tailored service                         

Development costs under IFRS have not been capitalized                          
during the review period. Two development projects have been                    
completed during the previous financial year and the                            
depreciation according to plan have been started for the                        
capitalized amount. Two other development projects are still                    
unfinished and the depreciation according to plan will be                       
started along with the commercial implementation of the                         


The number of permanent employees at the end of the review                      
period was 239 (242). Average number of personnel during the                    
review period was 243 (223). At the end of the review period                    
the number of personnel divided as follows: trade 121,                          
industry and services 77 and shared functions 41.                               
SHARES AND SHAREHOLDERS                                                         

Solteq Plc's equity on 31.3.2007 was 993.654,69 euros which                     
was represented by 12 038 229 shares. The shares have no                        
nominal value.                                                                  

Exchange and rate                                                               

During the review period, the exchange of Solteq's shares in                    
the Helsinki Stock Exchange was 0,8 million shares (1,8                         
million shares) and 1,1 million euros (3,6 million euros).                      
Highest rate during the review period was 1,63 euros and                        
lowest rate 1,28 euros. Weighted average rate of the share                      
was 1,45 euros and end rate 1,48 euros. The market value of                     
the company's shares at the end of the review period                            
totalled 17,5 million euros (21,5 million euros).                               


In March 2007, Solteq had a total of 2.423 shareholders                         
(2.750 shareholders). Solteq's 10 largest shareholders owned                    
7.162 thousand shares i.e. they owned 59,5 per cent of the                      
company's shares and votes.                                                     

Solteq Plc's members of the board owned a total of 4.862                        
thousand shares which equals 40,4 per cent of the company's                     
shares and votes.                                                               

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING                                                          

Solteq Plc's annual general meeting on 23.3.2007 adopted the                    
financial statements for 2006 and the members of the board                      
and the managing director were discharged from liability for                    
the financial year 2006.                                                        

The annual general meeting decided in accordance with the                       
board's proposal to authorize the board of directors to                         
decide on dividend distribution or other distribution of                        
funds from the distributable equity fund. The board of                          
directors is authorized to decide on dividend distribution                      
or other distribution of funds from the distributable equity                    
fund or both, totalling altogether a maximum of 0,10 euros                      
per share. The authorization is valid until the beginning of                    
the next annual general meeting.                                                

The annual general meeting decided that the equity account                      
formed in the extraordinary general meeting on 9.9.2005 and                     
governed by the general meeting of shareholders, an amount                      
of 5.962.338,50 euros is transferred to the distributable                       
equity fund. The distributable equity fund is a fund based                      
on the new Finnish Companies Act and may be used among other                    
things to dividend distribution or other distribution of                        

The annual general meeting decided that the company's share                     
capital is increased from 993.654,69 euros to one million                       
(1.000.000) euros by transferring the respective amount from                    
the distributable equity fund.                                                  

The annual general meeting decided to authorize the board of                    
directors to decide on acquiring the company's own shares so                    
that the amount in the possession of the company does not                       
exceed 10 percent of the company's total shares at that                         
moment. The shares can be acquired in order to develop the                      
company's capital structure, finance and execute                                
acquisitions or similar arrangements or used as part of the                     
incentive scheme of the personnel or convey otherwise or be                     
invalidated. The shares can be acquired in other proportion                     
than the shareholders' holdings. The shares are to be                           
acquired through public trading and at market price. The                        
acquiring is to be done with the unrestricted shareholders'                     
equity. The authorization is valid until the beginning of                       
the next annual general meeting.                                                

The annual general meeting decided to authorize the board of                    
directors to give or convey company's own shares, maximum                       
amount being 3.000.000 shares. The shares can be given or                       
conveyed in order to finance and fulfill terms of an                            
acquisition or similar or develop company's capital                             
structure or be used as part of the incentive scheme of the                     
personnel or otherwise develop the company's business                           
operations. The authorization includes a right to deviate                       
from the shareholders' pre-emptive right of subscription if                     
there is a weighty financial reason for the company. The                        
authorization includes that the board of directors may                          
decide the terms and other matters concerning the share                         
issue according to the instructions of the Finnish Companies                    
Act. The authorization is valid for five years starting from                    
the decision.                                                                   

The annual general meeting decided that the funds in the                        
share premium account at the time of the annual general                         
meeting totalling 2.164.197,45 euros are transferred to the                     
distributable equity fund.                                                      

BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND AUDITORS                                                 

Five members were elected to the board of directors. Seppo                      
Aalto, Ari Heiniö, Veli-Pekka Jokiniva, Ali Saadetdin and                       
Jukka Sonninen will continue as members of the board. The                       
board elected Ali Saadetdin to act as the chairman of the                       

KPMG Oy Ab, Authorised Public Accountants, were re-elected                      
as Solteq's auditors. Frans Kärki, APA, acts as the lead                        

EVENTS AFTER THE BALANCE SHEET DATE                                             

After the review period Solteq and Ruukki (Rautaruukki Oyj)                     
have undersigned a contract that comprises one of the most                      
extensive deliveries of maintenance information systems in                      
Finland. During the first phase of the contract Solteq                          
delivers systems to manufacturing plants in Raahe. Within                       
the limits of this group contract the maintenance                               
information systems can be replaced in all of the Ruukki's                      
manufacturing plants both Finland and abroad during the next                    
years. The system is going to have more than 2000 end users.                    


In the Solteq Plc's financial statements bulletin the                           
company has estimated that the turnover is going to increase                    
over 15 % on a yearly basis and the operating result to                         
improve substantially.                                                          

The present contract basis, sales prospects and the business                    
acquisitions that are made give company a reason to change                      
the growth estimate so that the turnover is going to                            
increase over 20 % on a yearly basis. The operating result                      
is estimated still to improve substantially.                                    

According to the present outlook, the company's growth in                       
the coming few years will be at the same level as the growth                    
anticipated for 2007. The Board of Directors will define the                    
strategic objectives for 2008 - 2010 in the interim report                      
for the second quarter.                                                         

The Board of Directors has decided to discuss the use and                       
timing of the authorisation granted by the annual general                       
meeting regarding dividend distribution or other equity                         
return not exceeding 0,10 euros in its meeting 7.8.2007. The                    
related decisions will be informed in connection with the                       
interim report for the second quarter.                                          

GROUP PROFIT AND LOSS        1.1.-       1.1.-      1.1.-                       
ACCOUNT (TEUR)             31.3.07     31.3.06   31.12.06                       
NET TURNOVER                 6 378       5 778     23 166                       
Other operating income          35           6         42                       
Raw materials and           -1 344      -1 186     -5 378                       
Staff expenses              -3 449      -3 111    -12 831                       
Depreciation                  -181        -151       -698                       
Other operating expenses    -1 312      -1 103     -4 799                       
OPERATING RESULT               127         233       -498                       
Financial income and           -25         126         19                       
PROFIT BEFORE                                                                   
AND TAXES                      102         359       -479                       
Income taxes                    52         -93        602                       
PROFIT/LOSS FOR THE            154         266        123                       
Earnings / share, e           0,01        0,02       0,01                       
Earnings / share, e           0,01        0,02       0,01                       
GROUP BALANCE SHEET        31.3.07     31.3.06   31.12.06                       
NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                                              
Intangible assets                                                               
 Intangible rights           2 103       1 446      2 140                       
 Goodwill                    6 664       5 841      6 600                       
Tangible assets              2 988       3 153      3 019                       
 Other shares and sim.          81          89         81                       
 rights of ownership                                                            
 Other long-term debtors         0         140          0                       
Deferred tax assets            782          90        663                       
Total non-current assets    12 618      10 579     12 503                       
CURRENT ASSETS                                                                  
Short-term debtors           5 588       5 830      5 619                       
Investments                      0         224      1 579                       
Cash in hand and at            114       1 638        646                       
Total current assets         5 702       7 692      7 844                       
TOTAL ASSETS                18 320      18 451     20 347                       
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                          
CAPITAL AND RESERVES ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE                                        
OF THE PARENT COMPANY                                                           
 Share capital                 994         992        994                       
 Share issue                     8           0          0                       
 Share premium account       2 164       2 151      2 164                       
 Equity account                  0       5 962      5 962                       
 Unrestricted equity         6 254           0        298                       
 Retained earnings             298         168        173                       
 Profit for the                154         266        123                       
 financial year                                                                 
Total equity                 9 872       9 539      9 714                       
Non-current liabilities        163         163        163                       
Current liabilities          8 285       8 749     10 470                       
Total liabilities            8 448       8 912     10 633                       
TOTAL EQUITY AND            18 320      18 451     20 347                       
FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE      1-03/07     1-03/06    1-12/06                       
Net turnover MEUR             6,38        5,78       23,2                       
Change in net turnover     10,38 %     15,14 %      7,4 %                       
Operating result MEUR         0,13        0,23       -0,5                       
% of turnover               2,00 %      4,04 %     -2,2 %                       
Result before taxes MEUR      0,10        0,36       -0,5                       
% of turnover               1,60 %      6,22 %     -2,1 %                       
Equity ratio, %              53,89       51,70       47,7                       
Gearing, %                 38,90 %     -6,80 %     15,8 %                       
Gross investments in non-     0,03        4,24        7,7                       
current assets MEUR                                                             
Return on equity, %         6,43 %     11,25 %      1,2 %                       
Return on investment, %     4,64 %     14,32 %     -2,4 %                       
Personnel at end of            239         242        234                       
Personnel average for          243         223        240                       
KEY INDICATORS PER SHARE                                                        
Earnings / share, e           0,01        0,02       0,01                       
Earnings / share, e           0,01        0,02       0,01                       
Equity / share, e             0,82        0,81       0,81                       
QUARTERLY KEY INDICATORS                                                        
              2Q/05  3Q/05 4Q/05 1Q/06 2Q/06  3Q/06 4Q/06 1Q/07                 

Net turnover   5,91   4,58  6,06  5,78  6,16   4,65  6,58  6,38                 
Operating      0,33   0,35  0,46  0,22 -0,04  -0,70  0,02  0,13                 
Result before  0,32   0,46  0,46  0,35 -0,07  -0,73 -0,03  0,10                 
CASH FLOW STATEMENT (MEUR)        1-03/07    1-03/06   1-12/06                  
Cash flow from business              0,12       0,93      0,25                  
Cash flow from capital              -2,12      -0,02      1,86                  
Cash flow from financing                                                        
 Income from issued shares           0,00       0,00      0,02                  
 Return of equity (paid)             0,00       0,00     -3,53                  
 Loan agreement                      0,00       0,50      3,27                  
Cash flow from financing             0,00       0,50     -0,24                  
Change in cash and cash             -2,00       1,41      1,87                  
LIABILITIES (MEUR)                31.3.07    31.3.06  31.12.06                  
Perfomance bonds                     0,05       0,05      0,05                  
Lease contracts, machinery &         0,74       1,01      0,71                  
Lease liability, premises            3,31       3,54      3,42                  
The company has given collateral of EUR 1.178 thousand on                       
company quarantees                                                              
against credit limits of EUR 3.505 thousand. Credit limits of                   
EUR 2.465 thousand are in use at the end of the review period.                  
The Group has no liabilities from derivative instruments.                       
STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN GROUP EQUITY (TEUR)                                     
                 Share  Shar  Share  Equity  Unrest  Ret.  Total                
               Capital issue  Prem.  Account Equity  Earn                       
                            account            fund                             
EQUITY             908     0    234   9 500      0   167  10 809                
Granted option                                         1       1                
Result for the                                       266     266                
Total gains                                          266     266                
and losses                                                                      
Directed issue      83                                        83                
Emission gain                 1 917                        1 917                
Return of                            -3 538               -3 538                
EQUITY             992     0  2 151   5 962      0   434   9 539                
EQUITY             994     0  2 164   5 962    298   296   9 714                
Granted option                                         2       2                
Result for the                                       154     154                
Total gains                                          154     154                
and losses                                                                      
Subscription               2                                   2                
Transfer                   6         -5 962  5 956             0                
between equity                                                                  
EQUITY             994     8  2 164       0  6 254   452   9 872                
Taxes corresponding to the result have been presented as taxes                  
for review period.                                                              
The Financial Statements is unaudited.                                          

Financial reporting in 2007                                                     

Solteq Plc will publish the next interim reports for 2007 as                    

January - June 8.8.2007                                                         
January - September 24.10.2007                                                  

More information for investors at Solteq's website at                           

Additional information:                                                         

Managing Director Hannu Ahola                                                   
Telephone +358 20 1444 211 or +358 40 8444 211                                  
E-mail hannu.ahola@solteq.com                                                   

CFO Antti Kärkkäinen                                                            
Telephone +358 20 1444 393 or +358 40 8444 393                                  
E-mail antti.karkkainen@solteq.com                                              


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