2009-03-27 08:15:00 CET

2009-03-26 10:23:32 CET


Lithuanian English
Biofuture AB - Notification on material event

Notification on material event

Regarding the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

	Annual General Meeting of Shareholders is convented with the resolution of
Biofuture AB Management Board. 
	1. The meeting will take place at 12 a.m. at the Biofuture AB premises Šilo  g. 4,  Šilutė on  30 April 2009.  Registration of the shareholders starts at 11:30 a.m.
	2. Accounting date of the meeting: all shareholders of Biofuture AB of the end day 23 April  2009. 
	3. The agenda includes:
	1) Approval of the annual report on the Company‘s in 2008.
	2) Approval of the financial statements.
	3) Profi (loss) appropriation for 2008.
	4) Election of the Audit Company and determination of the conditions for audit remuneration. 

	Shareholders will be able to get acquained with draft resolution of the meeting at the Biofuture AB premises Šilo  g. 4,  Šilutė., at working days from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m. since 17 April 2009. 
	You can get inforamtion by telephone  +370-5-2786065 

	Gediminas Kvaraciejus	
	Finance director	
	+ 370 686 70681