2010-08-02 08:00:00 CEST

2010-08-02 08:00:05 CEST


Ålandsbanken - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

Interim Report for the period January - June 2010

Bank of Åland Plc    STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE   2.8.2010 09.00 hrs                

Interim Report for the period January - June 2010 
The report period in brief                                                      
Ålandsbanken Sverige AB was consolidated for the first time on March 31, 2009,  
which means that the company's balance sheet was included in the Bank of Åland  
Group, while its earnings for Q1 2009 were not. During Q2 2009, the Bank of     
Åland Group recognised EUR 23.1 M in negative goodwill as income. Consolidated  
earnings and financial ratios for the first half of 2010 are thus not comparable
to the corresponding data for the first half of 2009.                           

•Consolidated net operating profit excluding negative goodwill decreased by 17 
 per cent to 4.2 million euros (January-June 2009: EUR 5.1 M). 
•Net interest income increased by 4 per cent to EUR 19.9 M (19.2)              
•Commission income increased by 58 per cent to EUR 20.6 M(13.0)                
•Total income increased by 15 per cent to EUR 48.9 M (42.4)                    
•Expenses rose by 27 per cent to EUR 44.7 M (35.3)                             
•Impairment losses on loans amounted to EUR 0.1 M (2.2)                        
•Lending volume increased by 5 per cent to EUR 2,549 M (June 2009: 2,428)      
•Deposits increased by 4 per cent to EUR 2,492 M (June 2009: 2,401)            
•Managed assets increased by 51 per cent to EUR 3,585 M (2,377)                
•Earnings per share amounted to EUR 0.17 (2.23)                                
•The total capital ratio in compliance with Basel 2 amounted to 12.4 per cent  
•Compared to the second quarter of 2009, consolidated net operating profit     
 (excluding negative goodwill) amounted to EUR 2.1 M (April-June 2009: -1.2) 
•Taking into consideration that the Group's earnings in 2009 included a        
 sizeable ­non-recurring income item, earnings in 2010 are expected to be 
 substantially lower than in 2009 
•The Group's operational earnings, excluding non-recurring income, are expected
 to be at least at the same level as in 2009 

Earnings and profitability                                                      

This Interim Report has been prepared in compliance with the International      
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) that have been adopted by the European    
Union, as well as with International Accounting Standard (IAS) 34, “Interim     
Financial Reporting”.                                                           

Earnings summary for the report period                                          
The consolidated earnings of the Bank of Åland Group during the first half of   
2010 were characterised by a clear improvement in income from asset management  
and private banking operations, while low market interest rates and depressed   
deposit margins continued to pull down net interest income in traditional       
banking operations. The Bank of Åland Group's managed assets showed very good   
growth, while lending and deposit volume increased moderately. Crosskey Banking 
Solutions Ab Ltd's operations expanded during the period, contributing to higher
“Other operating income”. During the period, the operations of Ålandsbanken     
Sverige AB were loss-making, even though managed assets showed positive growth. 

During January-June 2010, the consolidated net operating profit of the Bank of  
Åland Group decreased by 17 per cent to EUR 4.2 M (Jan-Jun 2009: 5.1). During   
the second quarter of 2009, the Group recognised negative goodwill of EUR 23.1 M
as income, due to its purchase of Kaupthing Bank Sverige AB.                    

Income excluding negative goodwill increased by 15 per cent to EUR 48.9 M       
(42.4), while expenses rose by 27 per cent to EUR 44.7 M (35.3). Return on      
equity after taxes (ROE) decreased to 3.0 (35.0) per cent, and earnings per     
share to EUR 0.17 (2.23).                                                       

The loss at Ålandsbanken Sverige AB during the report period totalled EUR 5.9 M.
The subsidiary group Ålandsbanken Sverige AB was consolidated in the Bank of    
Åland Group for the first time on March 31, 2009. This meant that the company   
was included in the statement of financial position, while earnings for the     
first half of 2009 did not include effects generated in Ålandsbanken Sverige AB 
during the first quarter of 2009. This affects comparability between the        
periods. The allocation between the Group's Finnish and Swedish business areas  
can be found in the table entitled “Earnings, newly acquired operations” on page

Net interest income                                                             
During the report period, consolidated net interest income increased by 4 per   
cent to EUR 19.9 M (19.2). Ålandsbanken Sverige AB had net interest income of   
EUR 4.1 M. Rising margins and higher lending volume had a positive impact, while
shrinking deposit margins and higher refinancing costs depressed the Group's net
interest income. Lending volume rose by 5 per cent to EUR 2,549 M (2,428).      
Deposit volume increased by 4 per cent to EUR 2,492 M (2,401).                  

Other income                                                                    
Commission income rose by 58 per cent to EUR 20.6 M (13.0). The Group's focus on
private banking and the good stock market trend increased income from securities
and mutual funds as well as asset management. Commission income at Ålandsbanken 
Sverige AB amounted to EUR 8.0 M (3.3).                                         

Net income from securities trading for the Bank's own account was EUR 0.2 M     
(2.9). Net income from dealing in the foreign exchange market decreased to EUR  
0.9 M (1.1). Net income from financial assets available for sale was EUR 0.9 M  
(0.1), and net income from investment properties increased to 0.6 M (0.2). Other
operating income increased to EUR 9.0 M (7.3) as a consequence of higher income 
from the sale and development of information technology (IT) systems.           

The Group's total income, excluding negative goodwill, increased by 15 percent  
to EUR 48.9 M (42.4).                                                           

Staff costs rose by 32 per cent to EUR 26.4 M (20.0) as a consequence of the    
acquisition of Ålandsbanken Sverige AB, employee recruitments at Crosskey       
Banking Solutions Ab Ltd plus salary hikes as provided by collective agreements.
Staff costs at Ålandsbanken Sverige AB amounted to EUR 9.2 M (4.4). Changes in  
the Bank's pension fund, Ålandsbanken Abp:s Pensionsstiftelse, according to the 
corridor approach reduced staff costs by EUR 0.2 M (0.0).                       

Other administrative expenses (office, marketing, communications and IT)        
increased to EUR 8.8 M (7.5). Production for own use totalled EUR 2.2 M (0.3)   
and was related to expenses for computer software, which in accordance with     
IFRSs must be capitalised. Depreciation/amortisation increased to EUR 3.6 M     
(3.2). Other operating expenses amounted to EUR 8.1 M (5.1), of which EUR 3.8 M 
arose at Ålandsbanken Sverige AB.                                               

The Group's total expenses rose by 27 per cent to EUR 44.7 M (35.3).            

Impairment losses on loans and other commitments                  
Impairment losses on loans amounted to EUR 0.1 M (0.2). All of these were       
individually targeted impairment losses.                                        

Second Quarter of 2010                                                          
Compared to the second quarter of 2009, the Group's net operating profit        
(excluding negative goodwill) rose to EUR 2.1 M (Q2 2009: -1.2). Including      
negative goodwill, net operating profit in the second quarter of 2009 was EUR   
22.0 M.                                                                         

Total income (excluding negative goodwill) increased by 15 per cent to EUR 25.4 
M (22.1). Net interest income rose by 1 per cent to EUR 10.2 M (10.1), due to   
higher deposit and lending volume.                                              

Commission income improved, amounting to EUR 11.5 M (8.1). Commission income on 
mutual funds, securities and asset management improved during the period. Net   
income from securities trading and foreign exchange operations decreased to EUR 
-0.9 M (0.8). Other operating income increased to EUR 4.8 M (3.9) as a          
consequence of higher income from IT operations.                                

Total expenses increased by 9 per cent to EUR 23.4 M (21.5). During the quarter,
staff costs amounted to EUR 13.6 M (12.3). Other administrative expenses        
increased to EUR 4.9 M (4.6) during the second quarter, primarily because of    
higher external computer expenses. Due to increased property rents, other       
operating expenses rose to EUR 4.4 M (3.0).                                     

Deposits from the public, including bonds and certificates of deposit issued,   
increased by 4 per cent to EUR 2,492 M (2,401),                                 
of which EUR 382 M (261)                                                        
consisted of deposits at Ålandsbanken Sverige AB. Deposit accounts rose by 3 per
cent to EUR 2,080 M (2,027). Bonds and certificates of deposit issued to the    
public increased by 10 per cent to EUR 412 M (374).                             

The volume of lending to the public increased by 5 per cent and amounted to EUR 
2,549 M (2,428). The volume of lending at Ålandsbanken Sverige AB was EUR 193 M 
(158). Lending to households increased by 6 per cent to EUR 1,742 M (1,648).    
Households accounted for 68 (68) per cent of the Group's total lending volume.  
Lending to companies rose by 3 per cent to EUR 780 M (756).                     

Balance sheet total and off-balance sheet obligations                           
At the end of the report period, the Group's balance sheet total was EUR 3,617 M
(3,152). During the period, the Group issued debenture loans 1/2010 and 2/2010  
in the amount of EUR 29 M. Off-balance sheet obligations rose to EUR 325 M      

ASsets under management                                                         
The Group's managed assets rose to EUR 3,585 M (2,377) during the report period.
Management of mutual fund units rose by 43 per cent to EUR 903 M (630), while   
assets under discretionary management increased by 57 per cent to EUR 1,474 M   

Hours worked in the Group, recalculated to full-time equivalent positions,      
totalled 690 (666) positions, which represented an increase by 24 positions     
compared to the preceding year.                                                 

| Bank of Åland Group                        | Apr-Jun 2010   | Apr-Jun 2009   |
| Bank of Åland Plc                          | 302            | 311            |
| Ab Compass Card Oy Ltd                     | 5              | 5              |
| Crosskey Banking Solutions Ab Ltd          | 190            | 146            |
| Ålandsbanken Asset                         | 22             | 18             |
| Management Ab                              |                |                |
| Ålandsbanken Fondbolag Ab                  | 6              | 6              |
| Ålandsbanken Equities Ab                   | 10             | 6              |
| Ålandsbanken Sverige Ab                    | 156            | 174            |
| Total number of full-time equivalent       | 690            | 666            |
| positions, recalculated from hours worked  |                |                |

Expense/income ratio                                                            
Efficiency measured as expenses divided by income, including and excluding loan 
losses, respectively:                                                           

| Bank of Åland Group                        | Jun 30, 2010   | Jun 30, 2009   |
| Exkluding negative goodwill                |                |                |
| Including loan losses                      | 0.91           | 0.88           |
| Excluding loan losses                      | 0.91           | 0.83           |

Capital adequacy                                                                
The Group is reporting capital adequacy in accordance with Pillar 1 in the Basel
2 regulations. The Group's total capital ratio at the end of June 2010 was 12.4 
per cent. The capital requirement for credit risks has been calculated according
to the standardised approach, and the capital requirement for operational risks 
according to the basic indicator approach in the Basel 2 regulations. Risk      
management under Pillar 2 will be reported in the Annual Report for 2009.       

The Bank of Åland will endeavour to begin applying an Internal Ratings Based    
(IRB) approach in compliance with Basel 2 to calculate its capital adequacy     
requirement for credit risk, starting on January 1, 2011. An application        
requesting approval for the use of Basel 2's Internal Ratings Based (IRB)       
approach for calculating the capital adequacy requirement for credit risk was   
submitted to the Finnish Financial Supervision Authority during the report      

Our assessment, according to the current regulations, is that this will         
substantially improve the Bank of Åland's capital adequacy.                     

Capital adequacy                                                                
| Bank of Åland Group                                                          |
|                                   | Jun 30,     | Jun 30,     | Dec 31, 2009 |
|                                   | 2010        | 2009        |              |
| Capital base, EUR M               |             |             |              |
| Core capital                      | 126.9       | 125.9       | 129.3        |
| Supplementary capital             | 80.5 *      | 70.0 **     | 72.4         |
| Total capital base                | 207.4       | 195.9       | 201.7        |
| Capital requirement for credit    | 114.7       | 108.3       | 113.9        |
| risks                             |             |             |              |
| Capital requirement for           | 2.9         | 0.5         | 2.2          |
| operational risks                 |             |             |              |
| Capital requirement for market    | 16.5        | 14.6        | 14.9         |
| risks                             |             |             |              |
| Total capital requirement         | 134.1       | 123.4       | 130.9        |
| Total capital ratio, %            | 12.4        | 12.7        | 12.3         |
| Core capital ratio, %             | 7.6         | 8.2         | 7.9          |

* Profit for the period is not included.                                        
** Includes profit for the period minus estimated dividend paid to shareholders.

Bank of Åland Pls (Ålandsbanken Abp)                                            
The Bank of Åland is a bank with strong customer relationships and personal     
service. The Bank has strong financial investment expertise and at the same time
can offer good financing services.                                              

The commercial bank was founded in 1919 and has been listed on the Nasdaq OMX   
Helsinki Oy (Helsinki Stock Exchange) since 1942. The Bank of Åland's Head      
Office is in Mariehamn. The Bank has 17 offices in the Åland Islands and eight  
offices elsewhere in Finland. Its subsidiary Ålandsbanken Sverige AB has three  
offices in Sweden. A total of 10 subsidiaries, whose operations are connected in
various ways to banking, belong to the Bank of Åland Group. Read more at        

Ab Compass Card Oy Ltd                                                          
Ab Compass Card Oy Ltd is a subsidiary of the Bank of Åland Plc. The company    
will issue credit and debit cards to private and institutional customers.       
Compass Card was founded in 2007 and has offices in Helsinki and Mariehamn.     

Crosskey Banking Solutions Ab Ltd                                               
Crosskey Banking Solutions Ab Ltd is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Bank of   
Åland Plc. The company develops, delivers and manages banking computer systems  to financial market players, offering comprehensive solutions and efficient     
banking processes. Crosskey includes the subsidiary S-Crosskey Ab. Crosskey was 
founded in 2004 and has offices in Mariehamn, Helsinki, Turku and Stockholm.    
Read more at www.crosskey.fi.                                                   

Ålandsbanken Asset Management Ab                                               
Ålandsbanken Asset Management Ab is a subsidiary of the Bank of Åland Plc. The  
company offers asset management services to institutions and private            
individuals. It manages the assets of the Bank of Åland's mutual funds          
registered in Finland. Asset Management was founded in 2000 and has an office in

Ålandsbanken Equities Ab                                                       
Ålandsbanken Equities Ab is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Bank of Åland Plc. 
The company offers equity analysis and stock brokerage services to institutional
investors. It includes the wholly owned subsidiary Ålandsbanken Equities        
Research Ab. Equities was founded in 2008 and has an office in Helsinki.        

Ålandsbanken Fondbolag Ab                                                       
Ålandsbanken Fondbolag Ab is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Bank of Åland Plc.
The company carries out mutual fund (unit trust) operations and manages eleven  
mutual funds registered in Finland. Ålandsbanken Fondbolag was founded in 1998  
and has an office in Mariehamn.                                                 

Ålandsbanken Sverige AB                                                         
Ålandsbanken Sverige AB is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Bank of Åland Plc.  
The company has operations in private banking, asset management, stock brokerage
and institutional equities trading. Ålandsbanken Fonder AB and Alpha Management 
Company S.A. are wholly-owned subsidies of the company. Ålandsbanken Sverige was
founded in 2009 and has offices in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö, Sweden. Read
more at www.alandsbanken.se.                                                    

Changes in group structure                                                     
On May 31, 2010, the Bank of Åland Plc acquired the minority interest in        
Ålandsbanken Equities Ab. After this transaction, the Bank owns 100 per cent of 
Ålandsbanken Equities Ab. A process has been initiated to merge Ålandsbanken    
Equities Ab with the Bank of Åland Plc, and this merger is expected to be       
completed during 2010.                                                          

Important events after the close of the report period                           
The Bank of Åland Plc's issue of debenture loan 2/2010 was completed on July 19,
2010. This debenture loan issue totalled EUR 20 M.                              

Outlook for 2010                                                                
Most observers expect a continued gradual recovery in the general economy and in
the financial system during 2010, but the economic situation will remain        
uncertain and there is thus great sensitivity.                                  

The Bank of Åland carried out an organisational change after completing the     
co-determination negotiations that were initiated on March 12, 2010.            

The aim of the reorganisation is to streamline the Bank's administrative        
functions by introducing Group-wide corporate and support units. Meanwhile the  
Bank is continuing to shift the focus of its operations increasingly to         
investment services, as part of its strategy of being a bank for investors that 
has financing financing know-how in expansive markets. 

The co-determination negotiations, which were completed on May 25, 2010, dealt  
with a need to reduce the number of positions by about 24 people. The           
negotiations achieved their aims without dismissals, by means of reassignments, 
early retirements and voluntary redundancy packages. A review was made of the   
cost structure at Ålandsbanken Sverige AB for the purpose of increasing         
efficiency while continuing to offer customers the same capacity and service.   

The Executive Team has identified potential efficiency improvements equivalent  
to an annual cost reduction of about EUR 3 M, of which half the potential is    
found at Ålandsbanken Sverige AB. This cost reduction is expected to achieve its
full effect from the turn of the year. Nonrecurring costs associated with these 
measures are expected to total about EUR 0.5 M during 2010.                     

The Group's assessment of the outlook for 2010 is based on its assumptions about
future developments in the fixed income and financial markets. However, general 
interest rates, the demand for lending, the trend of the capital and financial  
markets and the competitive situation, as well as the general economic situation
are factors that the Group cannot influence.                                    

Based on this assessment and taking into account that the Group's earnings in   
2009 included sizeable non-recurring income attributable to negative goodwill   
from the acquisition of Kaupthing Bank Sverige AB, earnings in 2010 are expected
to be substantially lower than in 2009. The Group's operational earnings,       
excluding nonrecurring income, are expected to be at least at the same level as 
in 2009.                                                                        

Interim reports will be published as follows during 2010.                       
January-September 2010	Monday, November 1, 2010                                 

Mariehamn, July 30, 2010                                                        

THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                          

| Financial ratios etc.                                                        |
| Bank of Åland Group             |   Jan-Jun   | Jan-Jun 2009  |  Full year   |
|                                 |    2010     |               |     2009     |
| Earnings per share before       |        0.17 |          2.23 |         2.27 |
| dilution, EUR 1                 |             |               |              |
| Earnings per share after        |        0.17 |          2.23 |         2.27 |
| dilution, EUR 2                 |             |               |              |
| Market price per share at end   |             |               |              |
| of period, EUR                  |             |               |              |
| Series A shares                 |       27.95 |         28.50 |        33.90 |
| Series B shares                 |       20.85 |         22.00 |        24.50 |
| Equity capital per share, EUR 3 |       13.72 |         13.69 |        13.97 |
| Return on equity after taxes, % |         3.0 |          35.0 |         17.8 |
| (ROE) 4                         |             |               |              |
| Return on total assets, % (ROA) |         0.1 |           1.8 |          0.9 |
| 5                               |             |               |              |
| Equity/assets ratio, % 6        |         4.4 |           5.0 |          4.8 |
| Total lending volume, EUR M     |       2,549 |         2,428 |        2,546 |
| Total deposits from the public, |       2,492 |         2,401 |        2,411 |
| EUR M                           |             |               |              |
| Equity capital, EUR M           |         160 |           159 |          162 |
| Balance sheet total, EUR M      |       3,617 |         3,152 |        3,379 |
| Expense/income ratio            |             |               |              |
| Including loan losses           |        0.91 |          0.88 |         0.92 |
| Excluding loan losses           |        0.91 |          0.83 |         0.88 |
| 1 Profit for the period before dilution / Average number of shares           |
| 2 Profit for the period after dilution / (Average number of shares + shares  |
| outstanding)                                                                 |
| 3 Equity capital − minority interest in capital / Number of shares on        |
| balance sheet date                                                           |
| 4 (Net operating profit − taxes) / Average equity capital                    |
| 5 (Net operating profit − taxes) / Average balance sheet total               |
| 6 Equity capital / Balance sheet total                                       |

| Summary statement of financial position                                      |
| Bank of Åland Group             |   Jun 30,   | Jun 30, 2009 | Dec 31, 2009  |
|                                 |    2010     |              |               |
| EUR M                           |             |              |               |
| Assets                          |             |              |               |
| Cash                            |          47 |           87 |            33 |
| Debt securities eligible for    |         146 |          144 |           186 |
| refinancing with central banks  |             |              |               |
| Claims on credit institutions   |         319 |          198 |           264 |
| Claims on the public and public |       2,549 |        2,428 |         2,546 |
| sector entities                 |             |              |               |
| Debt securities                 |         303 |          126 |           188 |
| Shares and participations       |          18 |           23 |            23 |
| Shares and participations in    |           1 |            1 |             1 |
| associated companies            |             |              |               |
| Derivative instruments          |          32 |           17 |            20 |
| Intangible assets               |           9 |            5 |             6 |
| Tangible assets                 |          36 |           36 |            38 |
| Other assets                    |         133 |           57 |            50 |
| Accrued income and prepayments  |          22 |           27 |            22 |
| Deferred tax assets             |           2 |            2 |             2 |
| Total assets                    |       3,617 |        3,152 |         3,379 |
|                                 |             |              |               |
| LIABILITIES AND EQUITY CAPITAL  |             |              |               |
| Liabilities to credit           |         416 |          119 |           263 |
| institutions                    |             |              |               |
| Liabilities to the public and   |        2081 |         2028 |         2,040 |
| public sector entities          |             |              |               |
| Debt securities issued to the   |         732 |          661 |           743 |
| public                          |             |              |               |
| Derivative instruments          |          11 |            9 |             8 |
| Other liabilities               |          98 |           62 |            57 |
| Accrued expenses and prepaid    |          27 |           37 |            27 |
| income                          |             |              |               |
| Subordinated liabilities        |          71 |           59 |            59 |
| Deferred tax liabilities        |          22 |           20 |            21 |
| Total liabilities               |       3,458 |        2,994 |         3,217 |
|                                 |             |              |               |
| Equity capital and minority     |             |              |               |
| interest                        |             |              |               |
| Share capital                   |          23 |           23 |            23 |
| Share premium account           |          33 |           33 |            33 |
| Reserve fund                    |          25 |           25 |            25 |
| Fair value reserve              |           9 |            3 |             6 |
| Retained earnings               |          68 |           74 |            74 |
| Shareholders' interest in       |         158 |          158 |           161 |
| equity capital                  |             |              |               |
| Minority interest in capital    |           1 |            1 |             1 |
| Total equity capital            |         160 |          159 |           162 |
| Total liabilities and equity    |       3,617 |        3,152 |         3,379 |
| capital                         |             |              |               |

| Summary statement of comprehensive income                                    |
| Bank of Åland Group             | Jan-Jun 2010 | Jan-Jun 2010 |  Full year   |
|                                 |              |              |     2009     |
| EUR M                           |              |              |              |
| Net interest income             |         19.9 |         19.2 |         39.1 |
| Income from equity instruments  |          0.0 |          0.0 |          0.0 |
| Commission income               |         20.6 |         13.0 |         32.5 |
| Commission expenses             |         -3.3 |         -1.4 |         -4.4 |
| Net income from securities      |          1.1 |          3.9 |          4.0 |
| transactions and foreign        |              |              |              |
| exchange dealing                |              |              |              |
| Net income from financial       |          0.9 |          0.1 |          0.5 |
| assets available for sale       |              |              |              |
| Net income from investment      |          0.6 |          0.2 |          0.2 |
| properties                      |              |              |              |
| Other operating income          |          9.0 |          7.3 |         15.4 |
| Total income                    |         48.9 |         42.4 |         87.2 |
|                                 |              |              |              |
| Staff costs                     |        -26.4 |        -20.0 |        -44.6 |
| Other administrative expenses   |         -8.8 |         -7.5 |        -16.7 |
| Production for own use          |          2.2 |          0.3 |          1.9 |
| Depreciation/amortisation       |         -3.6 |         -3.2 |         -6.4 |
| Other operating expenses        |         -8.1 |         -5.1 |        -11.4 |
| Total expenses                  |        -44.7 |        -35.3 |        -77.2 |
| Impairment losses on loans and  |         -0.1 |         -2.2 |         -2.9 |
| other commitments               |              |              |              |
| Share of profit/loss in         |          0.1 |          0.2 |          0.2 |
| associated companies            |              |              |              |
| Negative goodwill               |          0.0 |         23.1 |         23.1 |
| Net operating profit            |          4.2 |         28.2 |         30.5 |
|                                 |              |              |              |
| Income taxes                    |         -1.8 |         -2.2 |         -3.7 |
| Profit for the period           |          2.4 |         26.1 |         26.8 |
| Other comprehensive income      |              |              |              |
| Assets available for sale       |          0.2 |          0.4 |          0.2 |
| Valuation differences           |          3.4 |          0.7 |          3.7 |
| Income tax on other             |         -0.3 |         -0.1 |         -0.1 |
| comprehensive income            |              |              |              |
| Total comprehensive income for  |          5.7 |         27.0 |         30.7 |
| the period                      |              |              |              |
| Profit for the period           |          2.0 |         25.7 |         26.2 |
| attributable to owners of the   |              |              |              |
| parent                          |              |              |              |
| Profit for the period           |          0.5 |          0.3 |          0.7 |
| attributable to minority        |              |              |              |
| interests                       |              |              |              |
| Total                           |          2.4 |         26.1 |         26.8 |
| Total comprehensive income for  |          5.2 |         26.7 |         30.0 |
| the period attributable to      |              |              |              |
| owners of the parent            |              |              |              |
| Total comprehensive income for  |          0.5 |          0.3 |          0.7 |
| the period attributable to      |              |              |              |
| minority interests              |              |              |              |
| Total                           |          5.7 |         27.0 |         30.7 |
| Earnings per share              |              |              |              |
| Earnings per share before       |         0.17 |         2.23 |         2.27 |
| dilution, EUR 1                 |              |              |              |
| Earnings per share after        |         0.17 |         2.23 |         2.27 |
| dilution, EUR 2                 |              |              |              |
| 1 Profit for the period before dilution / Average number of   |              |
| shares                                                        |              |
| 2 Profit for the period after dilution / (Average number of   |              |
| shares + shares outstanding)                                  |              |

| Income statement by quarter                                                  |
| Bank of Åland Group        | Q2 2010 | Q1 2010 | Q4 2009 | Q3 2009 | Q2 2009 |
| EUR M                      |         |         |         |         |         |
| Net interest income        |    10.2 |     9.7 |     9.7 |    10.2 |    10.1 |
| Income from equity         |     0.0 |     0.0 |     0.0 |     0.0 |     0.0 |
| instruments                |         |         |         |         |         |
| Commission income          |    11.5 |     9.1 |    10.0 |     9.4 |     8.1 |
| Commission expenses        |    -1.6 |    -1.7 |    -1.3 |    -1.7 |    -0.9 |
| Net income from securities |    -0.9 |     2.0 |    -0.4 |     0.4 |     0.8 |
| transactions and foreign   |         |         |         |         |         |
| exchange dealing           |         |         |         |         |         |
| Net income from financial  |     0.8 |     0.1 |     0.1 |     0.2 |     0.1 |
| assets available for sale  |         |         |         |         |         |
| Net income from investment |     0.5 |     0.1 |     0.0 |     0.0 |     0.0 |
| properties                 |         |         |         |         |         |
| Other operating income     |     4.8 |     4.2 |     5.0 |     3.1 |     3.9 |
| Total income               |    25.4 |    23.5 |    23.2 |    21.6 |    22.1 |
|                            |         |         |         |         |         |
| Staff costs                |   -13.6 |   -12.9 |   -13.4 |   -11.3 |   -12.3 |
| Other administrative       |    -4.9 |    -3.8 |    -5.0 |    -4.2 |    -4.6 |
| expenses                   |         |         |         |         |         |
| Production for own use     |     1.1 |     1.0 |     0.8 |     0.8 |     0.2 |
| Depreciation/amortisation  |    -1.6 |    -2.0 |    -1.6 |    -1.6 |    -1.7 |
| Other operating expenses   |    -4.4 |    -3.6 |    -3.8 |    -2.5 |    -3.0 |
| Total expenses             |   -23.4 |   -21.3 |   -23.0 |   -18.9 |   -21.5 |
|                            |         |         |         |         |         |
| Impairment losses on loans |     0.0 |    -0.1 |    -0.6 |    -0.2 |    -1.8 |
| and other commitments      |         |         |         |         |         |
| Share of profit/loss in    |     0.1 |     0.0 |     0.0 |     0.1 |     0.1 |
| associated companies       |         |         |         |         |         |
| Negative goodwill          |     0.0 |     0.0 |     0.0 |     0.0 |    23.1 |
| Net operating profit       |     2.1 |     2.2 |    -0.4 |     2.7 |    22.0 |

| Earnings, newly acquired operations                                          |
| Bank of Åland Group    |Jan-Jun|Jan-Jun |Jan-Jun |Apr-jun | Jan-Ju | Jan-Jun |
|                        |  2010 |  2010  |  2010  | 2009   |  2009  |  2009   |
| EUR M                  | Sweden| Finland|  Total | Sweden | Finland|   Total |
| Net interest income    |   4.1 |   15.8 |   19.9 |    1.1 |   18.1 |    19.2 |
| Income from equity     |   0.0 |    0.0 |    0.0 |    0.0 |    0.0 |     0.0 |
| instruments            |       |        |        |        |        |         |
| Commission income      |   8.0 |   12.6 |   20.6 |    3.3 |    9.7 |    13.0 |
| Commission expenses    |  -2.1 |   -1.2 |   -3.3 |   -0.4 |   -1.1 |    -1.4 |
| Net income from        |  -1.1 |    2.2 |    1.1 |    0.3 |    3.6 |     3.9 |
| securities             |       |        |        |        |        |         |
| transactions and       |       |        |        |        |        |         |
| foreign currency       |       |        |        |        |        |         |
| dealing                |       |        |        |        |        |         |
| Net income from        |   0.0 |    0.9 |    0.9 |    0.0 |    0.1 |     0.1 |
| financial assets       |       |        |        |        |        |         |
| available for sale     |       |        |        |        |        |         |
| Net income from        |   0.0 |    0.6 |    0.6 |    0.0 |    0.2 |     0.2 |
| investment properties  |       |        |        |        |        |         |
| Other operating income |   1.3 |    7.7 |    9.0 |    0.8 |    6.5 |     7.3 |
| Total income           |  10.2 |   38.7 |   48.9 |    5.1 |   37.3 |    42.4 |
|                        |       |        |        |        |        |         |
| Staff costs            |  -9.2 |  -17.3 |  -26.4 |   -4.4 |  -15.5 |   -20.0 |
| Other administrative   |  -4.4 |   -4.3 |   -8.8 |   -2.0 |   -5.5 |    -7.5 |
| expenses               |       |        |        |        |        |         |
| Production for own use |   0.0 |    2.2 |    2.2 |    0.0 |    0.3 |     0.3 |
| Depreciation/amortisat |  -0.1 |   -3.5 |   -3.6 |   -0.2 |   -2.9 |    -3.2 |
| ion                    |       |        |        |        |        |         |
| Other operating        |  -3.8 |   -4.3 |   -8.1 |   -1.0 |   -4.1 |    -5.1 |
| expenses               |       |        |        |        |        |         |
| Total expenses         | -17.5 |  -27.2 |  -44.7 |   -7.6 |  -27.7 |   -35.3 |
|                        |       |        |        |        |        |         |
| Impairment losses on   |   0.1 |   -0.2 |   -0.1 |   -0.3 |   -1.9 |    -2.2 |
| loans and other        |       |        |        |        |        |         |
| commitments            |       |        |        |        |        |         |
| Share of profit/loss   |   0.0 |    0.1 |    0.1 |    0.0 |    0.2 |     0.2 |
| in associated          |       |        |        |        |        |         |
| companies              |       |        |        |        |        |         |
| Negative goodwill      |   0.0 |    0.0 |    0.0 |    0.0 |   23.1 |    23.1 |
| Net operating profit   |  -7.2 |   11.4 |    4.2 |   -2.7 |   31.0 |    28.2 |
|                        |       |        |        |        |        |         |
| Income taxes           |   1.3 |   -3.1 |   -1.8 |    0.1 |   -2.3 |    -2.2 |
| Profit for the period  |  -5.9 |    8.3 |    2.4 |   -2.7 |   28.7 |    26.1 |

| Statement of changes in equity capital                                       |
| Bank of Åland  |     |     |     |      |       |      |      |       |      |
| Group          |     |     |     |      |       |      |      |       |      |
| EUR M          | Sha | Sha | Res | Fair | Trans | Reta | Tota | Minor | Tota |
|                |  re |  re | erv | valu | latio | ined |    l |   ity |    l |
|                | cap | pre |   e |    e |     n | earn | befo | inter |      |
|                | ita | miu | fun | rese |   dif | ings |   re |   est |      |
|                |   l |   m |   d |  rve | feren |      | mino |       |      |
|                |     | acc |     |      |    ce |      | rity |       |      |
|                |     | oun |     |      |       |      | inte |       |      |
|                |     |   t |     |      |       |      | rest |       |      |
| Equity         | 23. | 33. | 25. |  1.7 |   0.0 | 53.6 | 136. |   1.6 | 138. |
| capital, Dec   |   3 |   3 |   1 |      |       |      |    9 |       |    5 |
| 31, 2008       |     |     |     |      |       |      |      |       |      |
| Comprehensive  |     |     |     |  0.3 |   0.7 | 25.7 | 26.7 |   0.3 | 27.0 |
| income for the |     |     |     |      |       |      |      |       |      |
| period         |     |     |     |      |       |      |      |       |      |
| Dividend paid  |     |     |     |      |       | -5.8 | -5.8 |  -0.8 | -6.6 |
| Equity         | 23. | 33. | 25. |  2.0 |   0.7 | 73.5 | 157. |   1.0 | 158. |
| capital, Jun   |   3 |   3 |   1 |      |       |      |    9 |       |    9 |
| 30, 2009       |     |     |     |      |       |      |      |       |      |
| Comprehensive  |     |     |     | -0.1 |   3.0 |  0.4 |  3.3 |   0.3 |  3.6 |
| income for the |     |     |     |      |       |      |      |       |      |
| period         |     |     |     |      |       |      |      |       |      |
| Dividend paid  |     |     |     |      |       |      |  0.0 |  -0.9 | -0.9 |
| Other changes  |     |     |     |      |       |      |  0.0 |   0.5 |  0.5 |
| in equity      |     |     |     |      |       |      |      |       |      |
| capital        |     |     |     |      |       |      |      |       |      |
| attributable   |     |     |     |      |       |      |      |       |      |
| to minority    |     |     |     |      |       |      |      |       |      |
| interests      |     |     |     |      |       |      |      |       |      |
| Equity         | 23. | 33. | 25. |  1.8 |   3.7 | 74.0 | 161. |   1.0 | 162. |
| capital, Dec   |   3 |   3 |   1 |      |       |      |    2 |       |    2 |
| 31, 2009       |     |     |     |      |       |      |      |       |      |
| Comprehensive  |     |     |     |  0.1 |   3.1 |  2.0 |  5.2 |   0.5 |  5.7 |
| income for the |     |     |     |      |       |      |      |       |      |
| period         |     |     |     |      |       |      |      |       |      |
| Dividend paid  |     |     |     |      |       | -8.1 | -8.1 |   0.0 | -8.1 |
| Other changes  |     |     |     |      |       |      |  0.0 |   0.1 |  0.1 |
| in equity      |     |     |     |      |       |      |      |       |      |
| capital        |     |     |     |      |       |      |      |       |      |
| attributable   |     |     |     |      |       |      |      |       |      |
| to minority    |     |     |     |      |       |      |      |       |      |
| interests      |     |     |     |      |       |      |      |       |      |
| Equity         | 23. | 33. | 25. |  2.0 |   6.8 | 67.9 | 158. |   1.5 | 159. |
| capital, Jun   |   3 |   3 |   1 |      |       |      |    3 |       |    8 |
| 30, 2010       |     |     |     |      |       |      |      |       |      |

| Summary cash flow statement                                                  |
| Bank of Åland Group               |    Jan-Jun 2010    |    Jan-Jun 2009     |
| EUR M                             |         |          |          |          |
| Cash flow from operating          |         |          |          |          |
| activities                        |         |          |          |          |
| Net operating profit              |     4.2 |          |     26.9 |          |
| Adjustment for net operating      |     6.9 |          |    -15.1 |          |
| profit items not affecting cash   |         |          |          |          |
| flow                              |         |          |          |          |
| Gains/losses from investing       |    -0.6 |          |     -0.5 |          |
| activities                        |         |          |          |          |
| Income taxes paid                 |    -1.5 |          |     -2.0 |          |
| Changes in assets and liabilities |    50.2 |     59.3 |    -65.3 |    -56.1 |
| in operating activities           |         |          |          |          |
| Cash flow from investing          |         |     -4.8 |          |     28.9 |
| activities                        |         |          |          |          |
| Cash flow from financing          |         |    -22.3 |          |    -14.4 |
| activities                        |         |          |          |          |
| Exchange rate differences in cash |         |     10.3 |          |      0.7 |
| and cash equivalents              |         |          |          |          |
| Change in cash and cash           |         |     42.5 |          |    -40.9 |
| equivalents                       |         |          |          |          |
| Cash and cash equivalents,        |         |    331.1 |          |    323.5 |
| January 1                         |         |          |          |          |
| Cash and cash equivalents, June   |         |    373.6 |          |    282.6 |
| 30                                |         |          |          |          |

Notes to the consolidated interim report                                        

1. Corporate information                                                        
The Bank of Åland Plc (Ålandsbanken Abp) is a Finnish public company, organised 
in compliance with Finnish legislation and with its Head Office in Mariehamn.   
The Bank of Åland Plc is a commercial bank with a total of 28 offices. Through  
its subsidiary Crosskey Banking Solutions Ab Ltd, the Bank of Åland Group is    
also a ­supplier of modern banking computer systems for small and medium-sized  
The Head Office of the Parent Company has the following address:                
Bank of Åland Plc                                                               
Nygatan 2                                                                       
AX-22100 Mariehamn, Åland, Finland                                              

The shares of the Bank of Åland Plc are traded on the Nasdaq OMX Helsinki Oy    
(Helsinki Stock Exchange).                                                  

The Interim Report for the financial period January 1-June 30, 2010 was approved
by the Board of Directors on July 30 , 2010.                                    

2. Basis for preparation and essential accounting principles 
Basis for preparation                                                           
The Interim Report for the period January 1-June 30, 2010 has been prepared in  
compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) and IAS 
34, “Interim Financial Reporting,” that have been adopted by the European Union.

The Interim Report does not contain all information and notes required in annual
financial statements and should be read together with the consolidated financial
statements for the year ending December 31, 2009.                               

Essential accounting principles                                                 
The essential accounting principles used in preparing the Interim Report are the
same as the essential accounting principles used in preparing the financial     
statements for the year ending December 31, 2009, except for the introduction of
new standards and interpretations, which are described below. The introduction  
of new standards and interpretations has not materially affected the Group's    
results or financial position.                                                  

As from April 1, 2010, the Bank of Åland Abp is applying hedge accounting in    
accordance with IAS 39, unlike what was stated in the Annual Report for 2009.   
Hedge accounting is used in order to hedge the foreign exchange risk on the     
Group's equity in Ålandsbanken Sverige AB. This means that the derivatives that 
protect this equity are recognised at fair value in the balance sheet in the    
same way as exchange rate changes in “Other comprehensive income”. Hedge        
accounting is expected to provide a more true and fair picture of the Group's   
financial results.                                                              

New accounting norms and standards that will apply starting in 2010:            

Improvements to International Financial Reporting Standards (2009)              
IFRS 2, “Share-based Payments”                                                  
IFRS 3, “Business Combinations”                                                 
IAS 27, “Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements”                        
IAS 39 Financial instrument: Recognition and Measurement” - Eligible Hedged     
IFRIC 12, “Service Concession Arrangements”                                     
IFRIC 15, “Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate”                      
IFRIC 16, “Hedges of a Net Investment in a Foreign Operation”                   
IFRIC 17, “Distributions of Non-cash Assets to Owners”                          
IFRIC 18, “Transfers of Assets from Customers”                                  

3. Estimates and judgements                                                     
Preparation of financial statements in compliance with IFRSs requires the       
company's Executive Team to make estimates and judgements that affect the       
recognised amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expenses as well as    
disclosures about commitments. Although these estimates are based on the best   
knowledge of the Executive Team on current events and measures, the actual      
outcome may diverge from the estimates.                                         

4. Segment report                                                               
The Bank of Åland Group reports operating segments in compliance with IFRS 8,   
which means that operating segments reflect the information that the Group's    
Executive Team receives. The Finland segment includes the Bank of Åland Plc, Ab 
Compass Card Oy Ltd, Ålandsbanken Asset Management Ab, Ålandsbanken Equities Ab,
Ålandsbanken Fondbolag Ab and Ålandsbanken Veranta Ab. The Sweden segment       includes Ålandsbanken Sverige AB, Ålandsbanken Fonder AB and Alpha Management   
Company S.A. The Crosskey segment includes Crosskey Banking Solutions Ab and    
S-Crosskey Ab.                                                                  

| Bank of Åland Group         | Jan-Jun 2010                                   |
| EUR M                       | Finland | Sweden | Crosskey| Elimina | Total   |
|                             |         |        |         | tions   |         |
| Deposits, lending and       | 18.3    | 2.8    | 0.0     | -1.0    | 20.1    |
| portfolio management        |         |        |         |         |         |
| of which impairment losses, | -0.2    | 0.1    | 0.0     | 0.0     | -0.1    |
| loans                       |         |        |         |         |         |
| Capital market              | 10.7    | 5.6    | 0.0     | 0.0     | 16.3    |
| products/services           |         |        |         |         |         |
| Other income                | 3.1     | 1.9    | 16.0    | -8.6    | 12.4    |
| Staff costs                 | -11.1   | -9.6   | -6.8    | 0.0     | -27.5   |
| Other expenses              | -10.5   | -7.8   | -5.6    | 8.0     | -15.9   |
| Depreciation/amortisation   | -1.4    | -0.1   | -0.2    | 0.4     | -1.2    |
| NET OPERATING PROFIT        | 9.2     | -7.2   | 3.4     | -1.1    | 4.2     |
|                             |         |        |         |         |         |
| Assets                      | 2,901.2 | 750.2  | 15.7    | -49.8   | 3,617.4 |
| Liabilities                 | 2,810.8 | 697.7  | 9.5     | -60.5   | 3,457.5 |
| Equity capital              | 90.4    | 52.5   | 6.2     | 10.7    | 159.8   |
| Bank of Åland Group         | Jan-Jun 2009                                   |
| EUR M                       | Finland | Sweden | Crosskey| Elimina | Total   |
|                             |         |        |         | tions   |         |
| Deposits, lending and       | 19.3    | 0.5    | 0.0     | 0.0     | 19.7    |
| portfolio management        |         |        |         |         |         |
| of which impairment losses, | -1.9    | -0.3   | 0.0     | 0.0     | -2.2    |
| loans                       |         |        |         |         |         |
| Capital market              | 7.3     | 3.0    | 0.0     | 0.0     | 10.3    |
| products/services           |         |        |         |         |         |
| Other income                | 2.8     | 1.4    | 12.8    | -6.6    | 10.3    |
| Staff costs                 | -10.5   | -4.7   | -5.6    | 0.0     | -20.8   |
| Other expenses              | -8.9    | -2.7   | -4.9    | 4.8     | -11.7   |
| Depreciation/amortisation   | -2.5    | -0.2   | -0.4    | 0.4     | -2.8    |
| Negative goodwill           | 23.1    | 0.0    | 0.0     | 0.0     | 23.1    |
| NET OPERATING PROFIT        | 30.6    | -2.7   | 1.8     | -1.5    | 28.2    |
| Assets                      | 2,812.9 | 374.6  | 12.3    | -47.3   | 3,152.4 |
| Liabilities                 | 2,673.2 | 319.0  | 7.3     | -6.0    | 2,993.5 |
| Equity capital              | 139.7   | 55.6   | 5.0     | -41.4   | 158.9   |
| In the segment report, “Other staff costs” are recognised as staff costs     |
| while in the external financial statements they are recognised as “Other     |
| administrative expenses”, and IT depreciation/amortisation is recognised as  |
| “Other expenses” while in the external financial statements it is recognised |
| as “Depreciation/amortisation”                                               |

5. Restructuring reserve                                                        
| Bank of Åland Group  | Jun 30,     |    Utilised |   Withdrawn | Jun 30,     |
|                      | 2009        |             |             | 2010        |
| EUR M                |             |             |             |             |
| Staff costs          | 4.6         | -3.5        | -0.2        | 0.9         |
| Rent for premises    | 1.7         | -0.9        | -0.5        | 0.3         |
| IT                   | 0.7         | -0.4        | 0.0         | 0.3         |
| Total                | 7.0         | -4.8        | -0.7        | 1.5         |

6. Goodwill                                                                     
| Bank of Åland Group  | Jun 30, 2010              | Jun 30, 2009              |
| EUR M                |             |             |             |             |
| Opening balance      |             | 1.4         |             | 1.4         |
| Closing balance      |             | 1.4         |             | 1.4         |

7. Income taxes                                                                 
| Bank of Åland Group                               | Jun 30,    | Jun 30,     |
|                                                   | 2010       | 2009        |
| EUR M                                             |            |             |
| Taxes for the period and prior periods            | 1.5        | 2.5         |
| Change in deferred tax assets/liabilities         | 0.3        | -0.3        |
| Income taxes                                      | 1.8        | 2.2         |

8. Dividend                                                                     
| Bank of Åland Group                               | 2009       | 2008        |
| EUR                                               |            |             |
| Final dividend for 2009: EUR 0.50 per share       | 5,768,061  |             |
| Final anniversary dividend for 2009: EUR 0.20 per | 2,307,224  |             |
| share                                             |            |             |
| Final dividend for 2008: EUR 0.50 per share       |            | 5,768,061   |
| The dividend for 2009 was adopted by the Annual General Meeting on April 19, |
| 2010. The record date was April 22, 2010 and the distribution date was April |
| 29, 2010.                                                                    |

9. Deposits from the public and public sector, including bonds and certificates 
of deposit issued                                                               
| Bank of Åland Group                         | Jun 30,  | Jun 30,  | Dec 31,  |
|                                             | 2010     | 2009     | 2009     |
| EUR M                                       |          |          |          |
| Deposit accounts from the public and public |          |          |          |
| sector                                      |          |          |          |
| Demand deposit accounts                     | 425      | 356      | 385      |
| Cheque accounts                             | 426      | 375      | 397      |
| Environmental and Savings Accounts          | 90       | 81       | 89       |
| Prime Accounts                              | 668      | 784      | 763      |
| Time deposits                               | 471      | 431      | 405      |
| Total deposit accounts                      | 2,080    | 2,027    | 2,039    |
| Bonds and subordinated debentures 1         | 256      | 224      | 231      |
| Certificates of deposit issued to the       | 156      | 150      | 140      |
| public 1                                     |          |          |         
| Total bonds and certificates of deposit     | 412      | 374      | 372      |
|                                             |          |          |          |
| Total deposits                              | 2,492    | 2,401    | 2,411    |
| 1 This item does not include debt           |          |          |          |
| securities subscribed by credit             |          |          |          |
| institutions.                               |          |          |          |

10. Lending to the public and public sector by purpose                          
| Bank of Åland Group                         | Jun 30,  | Jun 30,  | Dec 31,  |
|                                             | 2010     | 2009     | 2009     |
| EUR M                                       |          |          |          |
| COMPANIES                                   |          |          |          |
| Shipping                                    | 76       | 83       | 76       |
|  Wholesale and retail trade                 | 63       | 61       | 64       |
| Housing operations                          | 71       | 65       | 72       |
| Other real estate operations                | 154      | 138      | 154      |
| Financial and insurance operations          | 189      | 214      | 200      |
| Hotel and restaurant operations             | 17       | 15       | 16       |
| Other service operations                    | 139      | 85       | 128      |
| Agriculture, forestry and fishing           | 10       | 7        | 11       |
| Construction                                | 29       | 29       | 27       |
| Other industry and crafts                   | 39       | 32       | 39       |
|                                             | 788      | 727      | 787      |
| PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS                         |          |          |          |
| Home loans                                  | 1,152    | 1 103    | 1,151    |
| Securities and other investments            | 336      | 324      | 340      |
| Business operations                         | 118      | 111      | 119      |
| Other household purposes                    | 127      | 126      | 124      |
|                                             | 1,733    | 1,663    | 1,734    |
| PUBLIC SECTOR AND NON-PROFIT ORGANISATIONS  | 28       | 25       | 25       |
|                                             |          |          |          |
| TOTAL LENDING                               | 2,549    | 2,416    | 2,546    |

11. Off-balance sheet commitments                                               
| Bank of Åland Group                         | Jun 30, | Jun 30,  | Dec 31,   |
|                                             | 2010    | 2009     | 2009      |
| EUR M                                       |         |          |           |
| Guarantees and pledges                      | 23      | 39       | 19        |
| Other commitments                           | 302     | 259      | 287       |
|                                             | 325     | 298      | 306       |

12. Derivative contracts                                                        
| Bank of Åland Group        | Jun 30, 2010          | Jun 30, 2009            |
| EUR M                      | For       | Other     | For        | Other      |
|                            | hedging   |           | hedging    |            |
|                            | purposes  |           | purposes   |            |
| Value of underlying        |           |           |            |            |
| property                   |           |           |            |            |
| Interest rate derivatives  |           |           |            |            |
| Swap contracts             |       531 |        11 | 553        | 7          |
| Option contracts           |           |           |            |            |
| Purchased                  |     1,260 |         6 | 23         | 8          |
| Exercised                  |       756 |        60 | 0          | 5          |
| Currency derivatives       |           |           |            |            |
| Forward contracts          |       286 |        13 | 23         | 8          |
| Interest rate and currency |         1 |         1 | 0          | 5          |
| swap contracts             |           |           |            |            |
| Option contracts           |           |           |            |            |
| Purchased                  |        50 |          0| 0          | 0        
| Exercised                           50 |         0 | 0          | 0          |
| Equity derivatives         |           |           |            |            |
| Option contracts           |           |           |            |            |
| Purchased                  |       173 |         7 | 148        | 6          |
|                            |    3,106  |        98 | 817        | 118        |
| The equity derivatives that were purchased hedge option structures that are  |
| embedded in bonds issued to the public.                                      |

13. Maturity breakdown of claims and liabilities                                
| Bank of Åland Group          | Jun 30, 2010                                  |
| EUR M                        | < 3    | 3 -12  | 1- 5    | > 5     | Total   |
|                              | months | months | years   | years   |         |
| Claims                       |        |        |         |         |         |
| Debt securities eligible for | 2      | 44     | 100     | 0       | 146     |
| refinancing in central banks |        |        |         |         |         |
| Credit institutions and      | 319    | 0      | 0       | 0       | 319     |
| central banks                |        |        |         |         |         |
| The public and public sector | 315    | 399    | 1,004   | 832     | 2,549   |
| entities                     |        |        |         |         |         |
| Other debt securities        | 156    | 129    | 18      | 0       | 303     |
|                              | 792    | 572    | 1,122   | 832     | 3,318   |
|                              |        |        |         |         |         |
| Liabilities                  |        |        |         |         |         |
| Credit institutions and      | 101    | 285    | 30      | 0       | 416     |
| central banks                |        |        |         |         |         |
| The public and public sector | 1,865  | 198    | 18      | 0       | 2,081   |
| entities                     |        |        |         |         |         |
| Debt securities issued to    | 261    | 138    | 334     | 0       | 732     |
| the public                   |        |        |         |         |         |
| Subordinated liabilities     | 5      | 2      | 40      | 23      | 71      |
|                              | 2,232  | 624    | 422     | 23      | 3,300   |
| Bank of Åland Group          | Jun 30, 2009                                  |
| EUR M                        | < 3    | 3 -12  | 1- 5    | > 5     | Total   |
|                              | months | months | years   | years   |         |
| Claims                       |        |        |         |         |         |
| Debt securities eligible for | 1      | 1      | 143     | 0       | 144     |
| refinancing in central banks |        |        |         |         |         |
| Credit institutions and      | 275    | 0      | 0       | 0       | 275     |
| central banks                |        |        |         |         |         |
| The public and public sector | 322    | 272    | 959     | 875     | 2,428   |
| entities                     |        |        |         |         |         |
| Other debt securities        | 57     | 39     | 30      | 0       | 126     |
|                              | 655    | 312    | 1,132   | 875     | 2,973   |
| Liabilities                  |        |        |         |         |         |
| Credit institutions and      | 47     | 52     | 20      | 0       | 119     |
| central banks                |        |        |         |         |         |
| The public and public sector | 1,892  | 121    | 15      | 0       | 2,028   |
| entities                     |        |        |         |         |         |
| Debt securities issued to    | 89     | 295    | 277     | 0       | 661     |
| the public                   |        |        |         |         |         |
| Subordinated liabilities     | 0      | 15     | 44      | 0       | 59      |
|                              | 2,029  | 482    | 355     | 0       | 2,866   |
| No estimates of maturity dates have been made. Spot deposits, for example,   |
| are found in the category < 3 months.                                        |

14. Interest rate refixing periods                                              
| Bank of Åland Group   | Jun 30, 2010                                         |
| EUR M                 | < 3    | 3-6    | 6-12   | 1-5    | > 5    | Total   |
|                       | months | months | months | years  | years  |         |
| Assets                | 2,657  | 383    | 527    | 363    | 29     | 3,959   |
| Liabilities           | 2,782  | 550    | 278    | 246    | 46     | 3,903   |
| Difference between    | -125   | -167   | 249    | 116    | -17    | 56      |
| assets and            |        |        |        |        |        |         |
| liabilities           |        |        |        |        |        |         |
| Bank of Åland Group   | Jun 30, 2009                                         |
| EUR M                 | < 3    | 3-6    | 6-12   | 1-5    | > 5    | Total   |
|                       | months | months | months | years  | years  |         |
| Assets                | 2,347  | 370    | 275    | 529    | 56     | 3,578   |
| Liabilities           | 2,464  | 531    | 114    | 383    | 50     | 3,543   |
| Difference between    | -117   | -161   | 161    | 146    | 6      | 34      |
| assets and            |        |        |        |        |        |         |
| liabilities           |        |        |        |        |        |         |
| Shows the Bank's interest rate-related assets and liabilities, including     |
| derivatives at underlying value, according to the interest rate refixing     |
| date as of June 30, 2009.                                                    |

Review Report, Bank of Åland Plc Interim Report for January 1-June 30, 2010     

To the Board of Directors of the Bank of Åland Plc                              

We have reviewed the consolidated summary statement of financial position of the
Bank of Åland Plc on June 30, 2010, the consolidated summary statement of       
comprehensive income, the summary statement showing changes in consolidated     
equity capital and the consolidated summary cash flow statements for the        
six-month period ending on the above-mentioned date, as well as the summary of  
essential accounting principles and other disclosures in the notes. The Board of
Directors and the Managing Director are responsible for preparing the Interim   
Report and for providing accurate and sufficient information in compliance with 
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the European  
Union (EU) as well as in accordance with the other prevailing laws and          
regulations in Finland concerning the preparation of interim reports. On the    
basis of the review we have performed, at the request of the Board we are       
issuing our statement of opinion on the Interim Report in compliance with the   
Finnish Securities Markets Act, Chapter 2, Section 5a, Paragraph 7.             

SCOPE OF A REVIEW                                                               
This review was conducted in compliance with the standard on review engagements,
Standard 2410, “Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the        
Independent Auditor of the Company”. A review consists of making inquiries,     
primarily of persons chiefly responsible for financial and accounting matters,  
and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially  
more limited in scope than an audit, which must be conducted in accordance with 
generally accepted auditing standards and recommendations. It is consequently   
not possible for us to gain confirmation that we are obtaining information about
all those significant circumstances that might be identified in an audit. We are
thus not issuing an audit report.                                               

STATEMENT OF OPINION                                                            
On the basis of our review, to our knowledge no circumstances have emerged that 
would give us reason to believe that the Interim Report does not provide        
accurate and sufficient disclosures about the financial position of the Bank of 
Åland Group on June 30, 2010 and its operating results and cash flows during the
six-month period ending on that date, in compliance with IFRSs as adopted by the
EU and in accordance with the other prevailing laws and regulations in Finland  
concerning the preparation of interim reports.                                  

Mariehamn/Helsinki, July 30, 2010                                               

Leif Hermans                                                                    
Authorised Public Accountant                                                    
Terhi Mäkinen                                                                   
Authorised Public Accountant                                                    
Bengt Nyholm                                                                    
Athorised Public Accountant