2013-02-12 19:43:23 CET

2013-02-12 19:44:25 CET


Islandic English
Marel hf. - Notice to convene extr.general meeting

Marel hf. – Annual General Meeting 2013

The Annual General Meeting of Marel hf. will be held at the Company‘s
headquarters at Austurhraun 9, Gardabaer, Iceland, on Wednesday, 6 March at


  -- Annual General Meeting matters as provided for in Article 4.13 of the
     Company‘s Articles of Association.
  -- Amendment of the Company's Articles of Association in terms of Board of
     Directors' gender quota as stipulated in Art. 63 of Icelandic Company Act
     no. 2/1995.
  -- Proposal on a renewed authorisation for the Company to buy own shares.
  -- Any other business, lawfully presented.

The meeting will be conducted in English.

In particular, it should be noted that candidatures for the Board of Directors
shall be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors at least five full days
prior to the meeting. 

In order for shareholders to have proposals or matters considered by the
meeting, they must have been submitted to the Board of Directors at least seven
days prior to the meeting. 

Further information on deadlines in relation to the right of shareholders to
submit proposals etc. can be found on the Company's AGM website
www.marel.com/agm. Additionally, all further information in relation to the
Annual General Meeting can be found on the website, including its Annual
Report, draft agenda, proposals of the Board of Directors, Company's annual
statements for the year 2012, information on the total number of shares and
voting rights as of 12 February 2013, proxy template, as well as information on
documents to be submitted in relation to the meeting. 

The meeting's agenda and final proposals will be available to shareholders
seven days prior to the meeting, both on the aforementioned AGM webpage of the
Company as well as at the Company‘s offices at Austurhraun 9, Gardabaer. 

The agents of shareholders shall submit written proxies at the entrance of the
meeting. Ballots and other applicable documents will be available at the venue
of the meeting as of 15:30 on the day of the meeting. 

The Board of Directors of Marel hf.