2014-04-18 12:18:55 CEST

2014-04-18 12:19:55 CEST


Lithuanian English
Klaipedos Nafta AB - Notification on material event

Company approved the Rules for Use of the Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal

AB Klaipėdos Nafta (hereinafter, the Company) hereby informs that on 18 April
2014 the Board of the Company decided to approve the main provisions of the
Rules for Use of the Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal (hereinafter, the Rules)
pre-approved by the National Commission for Energy Control and Prices
(hereinafter, the NCECP). Following the above-mentioned provisions, on the same
day the Rules were also approved by the General Manager of the Company. 

The Company notified about the pre-approval of the Rules by the NCECP by giving
a notification of material event on 11 April 2014. 

         Mantas Bartuška, Director of the Finance and Administration
Department, 8 46 391 763