2015-03-25 19:58:05 CET

2015-03-25 19:59:05 CET


BankNordik P/F - Niðurstöður hluthafafundar

Annual General Meeting of P/F BankNordik 2015

At the annual general meeting of P/F BankNordik on Wednesday, March 25, 2015,
the shareholders: 

  -- Approved the Chairman's report, audited Annual Accounts and Anuual Report
     2014, and the allocation of net profit, including the proposed dividend
     payment of DKK 2,0 per share and in total DKK 20.000.000,00

  -- Elected Stine Bosse, Rúni Vang Poulsen, Súsanna Poulsen and Jógvan
     Jespersen to the Board of Directors

  -- Re-appointed P/F Januar, løggilt grannskoðanarvirki together with
     PricewaterhouseCoopers Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab as external

  -- Adopted the Remuneration committees proposal regarding remuneration of the
     Board of Directors for 2015

Immediately after the annual general meeting the Board of Directors met to
elect its Chairman and Vice Chairman. Stine Bosse was elected Chairman and Rúni
Vang Poulsen was elected as Vice Chairman. The Board of Directors of P/F
BankNordik hereafter consists of: 

  -- Stine Bosse, Chairman of the Board
  -- Rúni Vang Poulsen, Vice Chairman of the Board
  -- Súsanna Poulsen, Board Member
  -- Jógvan Jespersen, Board Member
  -- Kenneth M. Samuelsen, Board Member elected by the employees
  -- Tórhallur Olsen, Board Member elected by the employees

Stine Bosse, elected chairman of BankNordik says:

“I look forward to becoming Chair of BankNordik. The Bank holds a strong
position in many respects, and the natural step forward will be to work on
strategy, customer orientation, capital resources and earnings, today and in
the years ahead. The Faroes are an exciting, dynamic society, and BankNordik
can contribute to sustaining solid growth in the business community and to
providing new opportunities for retail customers.” 

P/F BankNordik

CEO's Office