2011-05-18 14:27:07 CEST

2011-05-18 14:28:06 CEST


Lithuanian English
Agrowill Group AB - Acquisition or disposal of a block of shares

Notifications about acquisition of a block of shares of Agrowill Group , AB

Agrowill Group AB has received a notifications from:

1) Volemer Holdings Limited - regarding acquisition of voting rights. The
declared limit reached - 30 percent . The reason for overstepping the limit -
acquisition  of voting rights  by change of controlling person. 

2) Jurgis Petrošius - regarding acquisition of voting rights. The declared
limit reached - 30 percent . The reason for overstepping the limit -
acquisition  of voting rights  by acquiring the control of legal entity

3) Romualdas Antanas Petrošius - regarding acquisition of voting rights. The
declared limit reached - 30 percent . The reason for overstepping the limit -
acquisition  of voting rights  by acquiring the control of legal entity

4) Aldona Petrošienė - regarding acquisition of voting rights. The declared
limit reached - 30 percent . The reason for overstepping the limit -
acquisition of voting rights  by acquiring the control of legal entity

The notifications attached.

Vladas Bagavičius

Chairman of the Board;

8 5 233 53 40