2012-10-18 12:40:00 CEST

2012-10-18 12:40:04 CEST


Suomi Englanti
Componenta - Company Announcement

Componenta weakens prospects for 2012

Componenta Corporation   Stock Exchange Release 18.10.2012 at 13.40

The continuous uncertainty of European and the world economy has further
decreased the demand for investment goods in Componenta's customer industries.
Componenta's order book on 30 September 2012 was EUR 87 (104) million. The
order book has declined in almost all customer segments and the decrease of the
order book during the last quarter of the year will be impacted significantly
by adaptations of production and stocks started by many customers. Based on the
order book and production estimates given by customers, Componenta's net sales
in 2012 are expected to decline from the previous year. 

The operating profit excluding one-time items is expected to decline clearly
from the previous year. Remarkable change in prospects during the third quarter
is caused by clearly lower net sales estimate, weakness of Euro with respect to
Turkish lira and Swedish krona and structural ineffectiveness in the Orhangazi
foundry in Turkey, operations in the Netherlands and the Främmestad machine
shop in Sweden. The result after financial items, excluding one-time items is
expected to show a clear loss. The result is burdened by exceptionally high
financial expenses in addition to the already mentioned other cost items. The
new syndicated credit facility of EUR 90 million, released on 12 October 2012
and accomplished on 17 October 2012 is estimated to decrease Componenta's
financial costs in the future. 

Componenta net sales in January - September 2012 were EUR 427 (435) million and
preliminary operating profit excluding one-time items was EUR 13.6 (23.0)

Previous prospects for 2012 were:

The continuous uncertainty of European and the world economy has decreased the
demand for investment goods in Componenta's customer industries. Componenta's
order book on 31 August 2012 was EUR 92 (104) million. Based on the order book
and production estimates given by customers, Componenta's net sales in 2012 are
expected to remain on the same level as in the previous year or decrease
slightly. The change in prospects is especially caused by weakened outlook in
the construction and mining industry and the machine building industry. The
demand is expected to continue on low level in a prevailing economic situation. 

The operating profit excluding one-time items is expected be in the range of
EUR 26 - 32 million. Change in the expected operating profit is based on the
lower net sales and weakened Euro with respect to other currencies. The result
after financial items, excluding one-time items is expected to be between EUR
-3 and 3 million. 

Helsinki, 18 October 2012


Heikki Lehtonen
President and CEO

For further information, please contact:

Heikki Lehtonen                                                               
Mika Hassinen 
President and CEO                                                           CFO
tel. +358 10 403 2200                                                       
tel. +358 10 403 2723 

Componenta is a metal sector company with international operations and
production plants located in Finland, Turkey, the Netherlands and Sweden. The
net sales of Componenta were EUR 576 million in 2011 and its share is listed on
the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. The Group employs approx. 4,700 people. Componenta
specializes in supplying cast and machined components and total solutions made
of them to its global customers who are manufacturers of vehicles, machines and