2016-03-08 15:25:49 CET

2016-03-08 15:25:49 CET


English Lithuanian
Klaipedos Nafta - Notification on material event

Notice on convocation of an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of AB “Klaipėdos Nafta”

Notice is hereby given that on the initiative and by the resolution of the
Board of AB Klaipėdos Nafta, legal entity code 110648893, with the registered
office at Burių g. 19, Klaipėda (hereinafter, the Company), an extraordinary
general meeting of shareholders of the Company was held on 8 March 2016 at 1:00
p.m. The meeting was held in the Company’s offices at Burių g. 19, Klaipėda, in
the administrative premises of the Company. 

Agenda of the meeting:

1. Regarding the approval of the decision of the Board of AB Klaipedos Nafta to
enter into the contract on engineering and construction (EPC) works for the
Klaipeda LNG Reloading Station with the winner of the public procurement
"Procurement of engineering and construction works (EPC) for Liquefied Natural
Gas Reloading Station", conducted by the way of negotiated procedure without
prior public publication. 

2. Regarding the amendment of 25 August 2015 decision Regarding the approval of
the decision of AB Klaipedos Nafta’s Board to implement liquefied natural gas
distribution station investment project” item No 1. 

Decisions adopted:

1. Regarding the approval of the decision of the Board of AB Klaipedos Nafta to
enter into the contract on engineering and construction (EPC) works for the
Klaipeda LNG Reloading Station with the winner of the public procurement
"Procurement of engineering and construction works (EPC) for Liquefied Natural
Gas Reloading Station", conducted by the way of negotiated procedure without
prior public publication: 

“To approve the decision of AB Klaipėdos Nafta’s Board:

1. To  conclude the contract on performance of engineering and construction
(EPC) works for the Klaipeda LNG Reloading Station (hereinafter – the Works)
(hereinafter – the Contract) with consortium PPS Pipeline Systems GmbH and
Chart Ferox, a.s (hereinafter – the Contractor), who offered the lowest price
and is the winner of the public procurement “Procurement of engineering,
procurement and construction works (EPC) for Liquefied Natural Gas Reloading
Station”, conducted by AB Klaipedos Nafta by the way of  negotiated procedure
without prior public publication, under the following main conditions: 

1.1. The Contractor shall perform the Works required for engineering and
construction of the small scale liquefied natural gas (LNG) reloading and
bunkering reloading station, including procurement of Works related goods and
services, as defined in the Contract. 

1.2. The total fixed price for the Works performed under the Contract shall be
27,700,000.00 EUR (twenty seven million seven hundred thousand euro zero cents)
without VAT and 33,517,000.00 EUR (thirty three million five hundred seventeen
thousand zero cents) with VAT (the tariff which is applicable on the day the
Contract is concluded is 21 percent). 

1.3. The start of the operations of the natural gas reloading station is 15
months as of the Contract comes in force. 

1.4. Fixed price of the Contract may increase and the term for performance of
the Works may be extended only in exclusive cases explicitly provided in the
Contract. AB Klaipedos Nafta shall pay the fixed price only for actually
performed Works. 

2.  In case the total price of the Contract is increased more than 10 percent
or the  final execution period of the Contract is extended more than 60 days,
in order to ensure proper control of amendment of the Contract for such
increase of the Contract price and / or Contract performance period AB
Klaipedos Nafta management shall obtain the approval of the board. 

3. To authorise the General Manager of AB Klaipedos Nafta to conclude contract
on performanceof engineering and construction (EPC) works for the Klaipeda LNG
Reloading Station with the consortium PPS Pipeline Systems GmbH and Chart
Ferox, a.s under the main conditions approved by this Board decision.” 

2. Regarding the amendment of 25 August 2015 decision Regarding the approval of
the decision of AB Klaipedos Nafta’s Board to implement liquefied natural gas
distribution station investment project” item No 1: 

“1. To approve the decision of the Board of AB Klaipedos Nafta to implement
liquefied natural gas distribution station investment project for the total
price not exceeding 27,700,000.00 EUR (without VAT) and 10 % reserve which can
be used only in exceptional cases. 

2. To amend the 25 August 2015 decision “Regarding the approval of the decision
of AB Klaipedos Nafta’s Board to implement liquefied natural gas distribution
station investment project” item No 1 to the following: 

“1. AB Klaipedos Nafta to implement liquefied natural gas distribution station
investment project for the total price not exceeding 27,700,000.00 EUR (without
VAT) and 10 % reserve which can be used only in exceptional cases.”” 

         Marius Pulkauninkas, Director of Finance and Administration
Department, tel.: 8 46 391 763.