2014-01-31 15:00:00 CET

2014-01-31 15:00:01 CET


Finnish English
Suomen Hypoteekkiyhdistys - Financial Statement Release



                                                 THE MORTGAGE SOCIETY OF FINLAND       FINANCIAL STATEMENT RELEASE

                                     Release on 31.1.2014, Helsinki at 16:00 EET


Operating profit increased to EUR 6 million

The Hypo Group operating profit for financial year 2013 reached EUR 6.0 million
as expected (5.2 million in 2012). 

Total assets of the Group increased to EUR 1 220 million (911 million). The net
impairments on loans  increased the profit by EUR 0.02 million (-0.03 million). 

The Group was successful in increasing the net interest income as planned. The
NII increased 53% due to the positive development both in the loan portfolio
and interest margins. 

Fee and commission income for the financial year increased to EUR 2.7 million
(2.3 million). 

Administrative expenses, depreciation and other expenses totalled EUR 8.1
million (6.7 million). The Group's average number of personnel was 36 (28).
Cost-to-income ratio was 57.4% (56.0%). The administrative expenses included
EUR 0.5 million of one-off items related to the reorganization of the Group.
Excluding the one-off items the cost-to-income ratio was 53.8%. 

The Group's operating profit calculated per average number of employees was EUR
167 000 (186 000). The Group's comprehensive income for the financial year 2013
was EUR 7.7 million (4.4 million) including the operating profit and changes in
equity due to changes in fair value reserves. 

The Group's recognition as a stable and strongly capitalized Finnish credit
institution and deposit taking bank increased further. The Group's customer
base remained stable at around 24 500. 

Loans secured by residential property continued to increase. Non-performing
loans at very low level. 

As a mortgage society, Hypo's loan portfolio is entirely secured by residential
property. The average LTV (loan-to-value) improved to 49.98% (51.03%). 

At year end 2013 Hypo's total loan portfolio stood at EUR 977.9 million (725.0

The quality of the loan portfolio remained good and the amount of
non-performing loans decreased to EUR 1.0 million (1.1 million) equaling 0.1%
of the total portfolio. 

Solid liquidity. Capital Adequacy at 18.5% by standard method.

The Group liquidity was strong throughout the financial year. The amount of
liquid assets including cash and cash equivalents in the cash flow statement,
combined with binding credit facilities, totalled EUR 205.6 million (141.9
million). Approximately 52% of cash and cash equivalents consisted of
investments with at least an AA rating, distributed widely across various
counterparties, and of debt securities tradable on the secondary market. 

The Group's capital adequacy was 18.5% (17.0%) calculated by the standard
method, which is more than twice the regulatory minimum. The capital adequacy
calculated from Tier 1 assets was 14.1 %  (15.9%). 

The quality and amount of Group's own funds was excellent regarding the current
and future business of the Group as well as unexpected developments in the
operating environment. 

Hypo Group as an investment is low risk yet profitable. Deposits and retail
bond funding increased by 21.4%. The Group's financing position remained
stable, and the deposit and retail bond funding increased. Total amount of
deposits and retail bonds increased by 21.4 percent, to EUR 374.7 million
(308.6 million) including deposits made by financial institutions. The share of
deposits and retail bonds accounted for 33.8 percent (38.1%) of total funding. 

The Mortgage Society of Finland has programs for issuance of EMTNs and
Certificate of Deposits. During the financial year 2013, nine bond issues were
completed totaling nominal capital of EUR 353.2 million. As at December 31,
2013 the amount of outstanding bonds and CDs stood at EUR 534.3 million (298.9
million) equaling 48.1% (36.9%) of total funding. 

Outlook for 2014

The general economic sentiment is considered to modestly improve but the
economic growth is nevertheless expected to remain subdued in 2014. The
economic cycle and interest rates are not expected to bring any substantial
changes to the prevailing situation in the Finnish housing market.  The
management is very confident that as a specialized mortgage institution, the
Mortgage Society of Finland has good possibilities to continue growing its
business in a profitable manner while managing risks also in 2014. The
management expects the Group operating profit for 2014 to exceed the 2013. 

CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT, IFRS                                             
                                       1.1.2013    1.1.2012                     
(1000 €)                             31.12.2013  31.12.2012  10-12/201  10-12/20
                                                                     3        12
Interest income                        17 663,2    19 245,8    5 163,0   4 259,5
Interest expenses                     -12 373,0   -15 793,8   -3 189,5  -3 254,2
Net interest income                     5 290,2     3 452,0    1 973,5   1 005,3
Income from equity investments             98,0        65,5       28,0      65,5
Net income from financial assets          101,9        17,5       90,0       9,1
 available for sale                                                             
Net income from investment              5 825,4     6 123,5    1 645,2   3 046,1
Fee and commission income               2 731,9     2 287,7      678,3     638,5
Impairment losses on loans and             19,1       -29,7       -9,2     -33,1
 other commitments                                                              
Administrative-, depreciations and     -8 060,4    -6 695,2   -2 715,5  -2 424,3
 other operating expenses                                                       --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OPERATING PROFIT                        6 006,1     5 221,3    1 690,3   2 307,1
Income taxes                           -1 116,5    -1 129,1     -220,6    -468,0
PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD                   4 889,7     4 092,2    1 469,7   1 839,1
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF               7 726,9     4 444,9    3 433,2   2 276,1
 COMPREHENSIVE INCOME STATEMENT                                                 
(1000 €)                             31.12.2013  31.12.2012  10-12/201  10-12/20
                                                                     3        12
Capital ratio, %                           18,5        17,0       18,5      17,0
Capital Ratio Tier 1, %                    14,1        15,9       14,1      15,9
Own funds Total (m€)                    105 398      79 156    105 398    79 156
Tier 1 Capital                           80 388      73 804     80 388    73 804
Minimum requirements of own funds        45 527      37 249     45 527    37 249
Cost-to-income ratio,%                     57,4        56,0       61,5      50,9
Average number of personnel                  36          28         46        29
Non-performing loans, % of total           0,10        0,16       0,10      0,16
LTV-ratio, %                              49,98       51,03      49,98     51,03
Deposits/loans, %                          36,8        42,6       36,8      42,6
Receivables from the public and         977 893     725 046    977 893   725 046
 public sector entities                                                         
Deposits                                359 734     308 562    359 734   308 562
Balance sheet total                   1 219 595     911 203  1 219 595   911 203

All information included in this release is preliminary and unaudited. The
audited Financial Statements will be published on February 28, 2014 and the
Annual Report during the week 14/2014. 

The Mortgage Society of Finland               Suomen AsuntoHypoPankki Oy

The Mortgage Society of Finland - Secure options for better living.

Contact Information:             CEO Mr Ari Pauna, tel. +358 9 228 361, +358 50
3534 690 

CFO Ms Aija Kontinen, tel. +358 9 228 361, +358 50 4117 960

This is an unofficial English language translation of the original Finnish
language release (Tilinpäätöstiedote) and it has not been approved by any
competent authority. Should there be any discrepancies between the Finnish
language and the English language versions, the Finnish version shall prevail. 

         CEO Mr Ari Pauna, tel. +358 9 228 361, +358 50 3534 690
         CFO Ms Aija Kontinen, tel. +358 9 228 361, +358 50 4117 960