2007-06-29 15:40:00 CEST 2007-06-29 15:40:00 CEST REGULATED INFORMATION Cencorp - Company AnnouncementCENCORP CORPORATION´S INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JANUARY 1, 2007 - MARCH 31, 2007 AND REVIEW OF THE BOARDCencorp Corporation's interim financial statements January 1, 2007 - March 31, 2007 and review of the Board based on companies act 20:23§ are available at the Company's web site at www.cencorp.com. Annexes: Interim financial statements and report of the Board In Lohja, June 29, 2007 Cencorp Corporation BOARD OF DIRECTORS Further information: Jarmo Kanervo CFO Tel. +358 6610 100 Cencorp develops and supplies automation solutions to the electronics and semiconductor industry that enhance productivity. Distribution: Helsinki Stock Exchanges Main media www.cencorp.com Neither this press release nor any copy of it may be taken, transmitted into or distributed in the United States of America or its territories or possessions. |