2012-03-30 15:33:34 CEST

2012-03-30 15:34:34 CEST


Lithuanian English
Klaipedos Nafta AB - Notification on material event

Preliminary hearing in the case between Klaipėdos nafta AB and Naftos grupė UAB was held

On 29 March 2012 the preliminary hearing in the Vilnius Regional Court in the
case according to claim of claimant Naftos grupė UAB to Klaipėdos nafta AB
(hereinafter, the “Company“) for the compensation of allegedly incurred losses
of LTL 17 mill., for reimbursement of surplus of oil products to claimant
allegedly belonging to Naftos grupė UAB and held by the Company and for
recognition the cancellation of Service contract No. 12-12-2005, dated
22-12-2004 due to Company's supposed fault was held (the Company announced on
the acceptance of the claim and on provision of counterclaim in the case on 20
April 2011 and 5 July 2011 respectively, by notifying the notifications on
material event). 

During the preliminary hearing the court incorporated to the case additional
documents, provided by the parties, also obliged them to provide additional
proofs to the court until 30 April 2012. 

The preliminary hearing was adjourned until 6 June 2012.

         Mantas Bartuška, Finance Director, 8 46 391 763