2008-04-30 20:57:35 CEST

2008-04-30 20:58:35 CEST


English Lithuanian
Agrowill Group AB - Notification on material event

Resolutions of Annual General Shareholders Meeting of Agrowill Group AB

On 30 April, 2008 the following resolutions were adopted in the Annual 
General Shareholders Meeting of Agrowill Group AB (company code 126264360, 
registered address: Smolensko st. 10, Vilnius):

1. Hearing of annual report of the Company for the year 2007 and Auditors

2. To approve the consolidated Financial Statements of the Company for 2007.

3. To approve the consolidated profit (loss) appropriation of the Company 
for the year 2007:

a) Not distributed profit at the end of the previous financial year: 
12 787 thousand LTL (EUR 3 703 thousand)

b) Accounting corrections for year 2006:
9 135 thousand LTL (EUR 2 645 thousand)

c) Increase in share capital from reserves:
-19 794 thousand LTL (EUR -5 732 thousand)

d) Net profit for the year: 
2 623 thousand LTL (EUR 760 thousand);

e) Total profit available for distribution:
4 751 thousand LTL (EUR 1 376 thousand)

f) Profit allocation to the required reserves:
1 000 thousand LTL (EUR 290 thousand)

g) Profit allocation to the other reservess: 
0 thousand LTL (EUR 0 thousand)

h) Profit allocation to dividends: 
0 thousand LTL (EUR 0 thousand)

i) Profit allocation to annual payments (tantiemes) to the members 
of the Supervisory Council:
126 thousand LTL (EUR 36 thousand)

j) Not distributed profit brought forward to the next year:
3 625 thousand LTL (EUR 1 050 thousand).

4. To approve the ammendment of the Articles of Association of the Company, 
with regard to withdraw point 8.9 of VIII part of the Statutes and adjust 
the subsequent numbering accordingly.

5. To authorize and commission (including delegation of powers) Mr. Valentas 
Šulskis, the Director of the Company to sign the amended reading of the 
Company's Articles and register them with the State Registrar.

6. To issue a new LTL 16 000 000 (EUR 4 633 920) bonds and authorize the 
Board of the Company to agree upon the final details of the issue including
the terms, nominal value of securities, annual interest rates, maturity date
and other related conditions.

Domantas Savičius
(8-5) 233 53 40