2008-12-16 08:19:25 CET

2008-12-16 08:20:25 CET


Finnska Enska
Huhtamäki Oyj - Company Announcement

Huhtamaki supports strategy execution with organizational alignment, books restructuring and impairment charges

Huhtamaki supports strategy execution with organizational alignment, books      
restructuring and impairment charges. 2008 earnings outlook updated.            
HUHTAMÄKI OYJ STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 16.12.2008 AT 8.30                         
Huhtamaki books restructuring and impairment charges of EUR 159 million in the  
fourth quarter 2008 and updates full year 2008 Group EBIT outlook to            
approximately EUR 90 million, before impact of any restructuring and impairment 
charges. Reasons for updated 2008 earnings outlook are soft market conditions as
well as need to mark-to-market inventory values downwards as a result of sharply
reduced raw material prices. The previous outlook expected Group EBIT to be     
below the 2007 underlying Group EBIT of EUR 136 million. 2007 underlying Group  
EBIT excluded restructuring, goodwill impairment and tangible asset impairment  
charges, total amount EUR 108 million.                                          
Restructuring charges                                                           
Rigid packaging business organization is aligned with earlier announced         
strategic direction. Rigid plastic Consumer Goods operations in Europe and      
Oceania are reorganized as a separate, standalone, business entity under        
strategic review.  This reorganization will lead to a reduction of approximately
170 employees during the first half of 2009. The measures will improve the      
competitiveness of the business and reduce the cost base by EUR 8 million on an 
annual basis. A one-time restructuring charge of EUR 8 million will be recorded 
for these measures in the fourth quarter of 2008. Including the restructuring   
charges of EUR 5 million from the earlier announced processes in Phoenix and    
Malvern, USA, the total fourth quarter restructuring charges amount to EUR 13   
Non-cash impairment charges                                                     
In addition, Huhtamaki will book non-cash goodwill and tangible asset impairment
charges of EUR 129 million in the fourth quarter of 2008, mostly related to     
rigid plastics Consumer Goods businesses in Europe and Oceania. Goodwill        
impairment charges of EUR 65 million and tangible asset impairment charges of   
EUR 64 million result from the adjustment of book values to lower future cash   
flow expectations. Including the impairment charges of EUR 17 million from the  
processes in Phoenix and Malvern, the total fourth quarter impairment charges   
will amount to EUR 146 million.                                                 
Distribution of restructuring and impairment charges by segment                 
The distribution of the above mentioned charges of EUR 159 million by reporting 
segment is following: Rigid Europe EUR 98 million, Rigid and Molded Fiber       
Asia-Oceania-Africa EUR 36 million, Flexibles and Films Global EUR 18 million,  
Rigid and Molded Fiber Americas EUR 5 million and Other activities EUR 2        
For further information, please contact:                                        
Timo Salonen, CFO, tel. +358 (0)10 686 7880                                     
Kia Aejmelaeus, Analysts and Investors, tel. +358 (0)10 686 7819                
Minna Staffans, Media, tel. +358 (0)10 686 7863                                 
HUHTAMÄKI OYJ                                                                   
Group Communications                                                            
Huhtamaki Group is a leading manufacturer of consumer and specialty packaging   
with 2007 net sales totaling EUR 2.3 billion. Consumer goods and foodservice    
markets are served by some 15,000 people in 65 manufacturing units and several  
sales offices in 35 countries. The parent company, Huhtamäki Oyj, has its head  
office in Espoo, Finland and is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd.          
Additional information is available at www.huhtamaki.com.