2014-07-24 11:41:32 CEST

2014-07-24 11:42:35 CEST


Finnish English
Fingrid Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

Fingrid Group's Interim report 1 Jan - 30 Jun 2014

Helsinki, Finland, 2014-07-24 11:41 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fingrid Oyj
Interim report 24.7.2014 at 12.40 EET

Figures in brackets refer to the corresponding period the previous year, unless
otherwise stated. 

Financial development Jan-Jun 2014

  -- The Group's turnover between January and June was 305 (280) million euros
  -- The Group's net profit was 99 (69) million euros.
  -- Consolidated profit for the financial period was 76 (40) million euros.
  -- The cash flow from the Group's operations with capital expenditure deducted
     was 97 (39) million euros
  -- Interest-bearing borrowings totalled 1,056 million euros (977 million).
  -- Capital expenditure was 57 (64) million euros.
  -- The equity ratio was 29.8% (28.9%)
  -- Earnings per share totalled 22,906 (11,990) euros

Financial development Apr-Jun 2014

  -- The Group's turnover between April and June was 114 (110) million euros
  -- Operating profit for the second quarter of the year was 20 million euros
     (-10 million).
  -- The Group's profit between April and June was 14 (-15) million euros

KEY FIGURES            1-6/14   1-6/13  change  4-6/14  4-6/13  change   1-12/13
                                             %                       %          
Turnover      MEUR      305.3    280.1     9.0   114.1   109.5     4.1     543.1
Capital       MEUR       57.5     63.6    -9.6    25.9    29.1   -11.2     225.3
e, gross                                                                        
- % of          %        18.8     22.7            22.7    26.6              41.5
Research      MEUR        0.9      0.9     1.9     0.5     0.4    11.7       1.8
t expenses                                                                      
- % of          %         0.3      0.3             0.4     0.4               0.3
Personnel,                297      282     5.3     306     288     6.2       277
Personnel                 317      296     7.1     317     296     7.1       287
 at the end                                                                     
 of period                                                                      
Salaries      MEUR       10.4      9.4    10.2     5.2     4.8     8.1      19.0
ons total                    
Operating     MEUR       99.0     69.0    43.6    19.7   -10.2   293.4     115.3
- % of          %        32.4     24.6            17.2    -9.3              21.2
Profit        MEUR       95.0     52.7    80.4    17.2   -20.1   185.5      87.3
- % of          %        31.1     18.8            15.1   -18.4              16.1
Profit for    MEUR       76.2     39.9    91.0    13.8   -15.2   191.3      90.7
Comprehensi   MEUR       75.8     35.6   112.8    13.9   -14.6   195.1      86.1
ve income                                                                       
Return on       %                                                            6.3
s (ROI)                                             
Return on       %                                                           15.0
Equity          %        29.8     28.9     3.1    29.8    28.9     3.1      29.5
Interest-be   MEUR     1056.2    977.3     8.1  1056.2   977.3     8.1    1076.7
aring net                                                                       
Gearing                   1.7      1.7             1.7     1.7               1.7
Profit/shar     €    22 905.6  11990.3    91.0                          27 277.9
Dividend/A      €                                                        29788.9
Dividend/B      €                                                        16038.5
Equity/shar     €     191 459  178 125     7.5                           193 293
Dividend        %                                                          109.2
 ratio A                                                                        
Dividend        %                                                           58.8
 series B                                                                       
Number of                                                                       
- Series A   shares     2 078    2 078           2 078   2 078             2 078
- Series B   shares     1 247    1 247           1 247   1 247             1 247
Total        shares     3 325    3 325           3 325   3 325             3 325

President of Fingrid Jukka Ruusunen: "Strong import of electricity in the first

Fingrid's first half-year result developed favourably on the whole.

Fingrid's transmission connections to Sweden were in heavy use during the
period. The transmission connections, however, are not sufficient in all
conditions for such great import of electricity, which results in a higher
regional price for electricity in Finland compared to other Nordic countries.
In a maximal import situation, faults in transmission connections are
immediately visible in the price of electricity. Because of the market
situation, in the first half of the year Fingrid's congestion income has been
clearly higher than in the previous year. 

The company has continued the implementation of its investment programme, which
amounts to about 150 million euros per year. The focus of investments has now
moved to the west coast. Increased wind power construction is also evident in
the company's investment programme. During the spring, the company has made an
investment decision concerning five power lines and substations, which connect
wind power to the main grid. The total value of these investments is more than
50 million euros and the projects will be completed during 2015 and 2016. 

Calculation principles

Fingrid's interim report has been prepared in accordance with standard IAS 34,
Interim Financial Reporting. In this interim report, Fingrid has followed the
same principles as in the annual financial statements for 2013, with the
exception of hedge accounting for electricity derivatives, which was
discontinued at the beginning of 2014, as a result of which the entire change
in fair value of the said derivatives has been immediately recognised and will
continue to be immediately recognised in the income statement. The hedge
reserve of 11.6 million euros in the balance sheet will be recognised in the
income statement and deducted from the profit in equal instalments during 2015
and 2016. 

Financial result

Group turnover for the second quarter of the year was 114 (109) million euros.
Grid revenue was 61 (57) million euros in the the second quarter. Other
operating income was 1 (2) million euros. Costs for the second quarter were 106
(107) million euros. 

The Group's turnover between January and June was 305 (280) million euros.
During the first half of the year, grid revenue rose to 185 (173) million
euros, mainly as a result of the tariff increase of 8% carried out at the
beginning of the year. Other operating income was 2 (3) million euros. Costs
for the period January to June were 211 (210) million euros. 

In the period January-June, the consumption of electricity remained on the same
level as last year at 42.7 (43.4) TWh. Sales of imbalance power were 77 (75)
million euros. Fingrid's congestion income from connections between Finland and
Sweden increased significantly to 24 (5) million euros. The increase in
congestion income resulted from the market situation in which Finland has
imported a significant amount of electricity from Sweden. Cross-border
transmission income from the connection between Finland and Russia decreased to
4 (8) million euros. This is a result of a reduction in import from Russia.
Congestion income from connections between Finland and Estonia decreased, and
European inter-TSO compensation income increased from the level in the
corresponding period of last year. 

Imbalance power costs were less than last year at 52 (58) million euros. The
decision was therefore made in June to reduce the prices of the balance service
from 1 August 2014. Loss energy costs increased to 34 (27) million euros as a
result of greater losses and the increased price of loss energy compared to the
reference period. At the end of June, approximately 96 (97) per cent of
Fingrid's projected loss energy procurement for the remaining part of 2014 had
been hedged at an average price of 42.4 (47.3) euros per megawatt hour. 

The costs of reserves, which safeguard the system security of the power system,
decreased by 28 (32) million euros during the review period due to a fall in
the market prices of reserves and as a result of the good market situation. As
a consequence of the completion of several investment projects, depreciations
increased by 6 million euros. Maintenance management costs fell to 7 (9)
million euros. The costs for repairing the fault in the Fenno-Skan 1 direct
current connection increased the maintenance management costs from the previous

Turnover and other income       1-6/14  1-6/13   change  4-6/14  4-6/13   change
 (million €) €)                                       %                        %
Grid service revenue               185     173      6.9      61      57      6.5
Sales of imbalance power            77      75      2.2      35      35      0.1
ITC income                           7       5     27.4       3       2     14.0
Cross-border transmission            4       8    -46.3       2       3    -39.9
Finland-Estonia congestion           1       2    -73.9       0       2    -90.7
Peak load capacity income**          4       9    -56.9       2       5    -57.4
Finland-Sweden congestion           24       5    412.2       9       4    123.0
Other turnover                       4       3     51.4       2       1     56.1
Other operating income               2       3    -37.0       1       2    -70.6
Turnover and other income          307     283      8.6     115     111      3.0

Costs (million €)                 1-6/14  1-6/13  change  4-6/14  4-6/13  change
                                                       %                       %
Purchase of imbalance power           52      58   -11.8      24      27    -9.3
Cost of loss energy                   34      27    25.4      16      12    29.0
Depreciation                          46      40    14.6      24      20    15.0
Estlink grid rents                     0       2  -100.0       0       2  -100.0
Cost of reserves                      28      32   -12.9      15      20   -24.6
Personnel costs                       12      11     8.0       6       6     3.5
Cost of peak load capacity**           4       9   -57.6       2       5   -57.7
Maintenance management costs           7       9   -27.9       4       5   -24.9
ITC charges                            5       5     6.5       2       2    -0.3
Other costs                           24      15    57.4      12       7    72.3
Costs total                          211     210     0.6     106     107    -1.1
Operating profit excluding the         96      73    31.4       9       4   103.8
 change in the fair value of                                                    
 commodity derivatives                                                          
Operating profit of Group, IFRS       99      69    43.6      20     -10   293.4

*Fingrid's income from the congestion income between Finland and Estonia was
0.6 million euros.There were no costs (Finland-Estonia grid rental) during the
period under review, since the EstLink connection has been under Fingrid's
ownership since 30.12.2013.Before the transferral of ownership, congestion
income profits between Finland and Estonia were paid as grid rental to the
owners of the connection. 
**The peak load capacity income and costs are related to the securing of the
sufficiency of electricity during peak consumption hours within the framework
of the Finnish Peak Load Capacity Act. 

Group operating profit for the second quarter of the year was 19.7 (-10.2)
million euros. The profit before taxes was 17.2 (-20.1) million euros. Profit
in the review period was 13.8 (-15.2) million euros and total comprehensive
income 13.9 (-14.6) million euros. In the review period, net cash flow from the
operations of the Group with capital expenditure deducted was 24 (39) million
euros positive. 

The operating profit of the Group in the first half of the year was 99 (69)
million euros. The profit before taxes was 95 (53) million euros. Profit for
the financial period was 76 (40) million euros and total comprehensive income
76 (36) million euros. The greatest positive differences from the corresponding
period the previous year can be attributed to changes in the fair value of
derivatives (19 million euros) and congestion income from the Nordic countries
(19 million euros). In the first half year, cash flow from the operations of
the Group with capital expenditure deducted was 97 (39) million euros positive.
The equity ratio was 29.8 (28.9) per cent at the end of the review period. 

The Group's profit for the financial period is characterised by seasonal
fluctuations, which is why the profit for the entire year cannot be directly
estimated on the basis of profit from this review period. 

Investments and maintenance

Fingrid's investment programme is proceeding according to plan. Dozens of
projects to improve the operational reliability and transmission capacity of
the main grid are ongoing in different parts of Finland. The focus of the
investment programme is moving to the west coast. Significant projects are the
EUR 25.5-million Hikiä-Forssa project and the EUR 16.7-million
Ulvila-Kristinestad project. 

In the review period, the decision was made to construct a 400kV power line
between Hirvisuo and Kalajoki, the total costs of which will be about 18
million euros. During the spring, Fingrid made five investment decisions, which
will connect wind power to the main grid. The total value of investments to be
completed in 2015-2016 exceeds 50 million euros. According to Finland's energy
and climate strategy, the production of wind power will be increased to 9
terawatt hours by 2025. 

The operational reliability of power lines has been improved by clearing about
5,000 ha. of land around the lines during this year and by taking care of trees
in about 900 km of marginal zones. 

During the spring, according to an ITOMS (International Transmission Operations& Maintenance Study), Fingrid was found to be amongst the best in the world in
maintenance management in terms of both quality and costs. 

Power system

Electricity consumption in Finland in the period April-June was 18.9 (18.9)
terawatt hours. Between January and June, electricity consumption in Finland
totalled 42.7 (43.4) terawatt hours. A total of 34 (32.5) terawatt hours of
electricity was transmitted in Fingrid's grid during the same period,
representing 79.6 per cent of the electricity consumption in Finland. 

Between April and June, 4.2 (2.6) TWh of electricity was imported from Sweden
to Finland, and 0.04 (0.3) TWh was exported from Finland to Sweden. Between
January and June, 9.3 (4.8) TWh of electricity was imported from Sweden to
Finland, and 0.07 (0.6) TWh was exported from Finland to Sweden. 

Between April and June, the volume of electricity imported from Estonia was
0.02 (0.2) TWh and 1.0 (0.3) TWh was exported from Finland to Estonia. The
volume of electricity imported from Estonia to Finland between January and June
was 0.03 (0.4) TWh and 2.3 (0.6) TWh was exported from Finland to Estonia. 

Between April and June, 0.5 (0.9) TWh of electricity was imported from Russia
to Finland, and between January and June the import volume was 1.3 (2.7) TWh.
The transmission capacity of electricity from Russia to Finland has been fully
available, with the exception of maintenance work performed on the Russian grid
during April. During the maintenance work, the transmission capacity was less
than normal, but still sufficient for market needs. The import of electricity
from Russia has been small, as it was the previous year. Import fluctuation
within 24-hour periods, however, has been great. 

The Fenno-Skan 1 direct current connection between Finland and Sweden was
disconnected from the grid on 25 May 2014 and was out of use until 27 May 2014.
The Estonian direct current connection EstLink 2 was disconnected on 25 June
and reconnected on 26 June. Fenno-Skan 1 was disconnected from the grid on 28
June and reconnected on 29 June. Ongoing investment work in Ostrobothnia
required outage arrangements and the operational reliability of the main grid
was ensured in May-June by purchasing local electricity production for the grid
and by using Fingrid's Kristiina reserve power plant. 

Power system operation                      1-6/14  1-6/13  4-6/14  4-6/13
Electricity consumption in Finland TWh        42.7    43.4    18.9    18.9
Fingrid's transmission volume TWh             34.0    32.5    15.8    14.9
Fingrid's loss energy volume TWh               0.6     0.5     0.3     0.2
Electricity transmission Finland - Sweden                                 
Exports to Sweden TWh                         0.07     0.6    0.04     0.3
Imports from Sweden TWh                        9.3     4.8     4.2     2.6
Electricity transmission Finland - Estonia                                
Exports to Estonia TWh                         2.3     0.6     1.0     0.3
Imports from Estonia TWh                      0.03     0.4    0.02     0.2
Electricity transmission Finland - Russia                                 
Imports from Russia TWh                        1.3     2.7     0.5     0.9

Electricity market

During the second quarter of the year, the average Nordic price (system price)
of electricity was 25.68 (38.75) euros per megawatt hour and the Finnish
regional price was 34.55 (39.93) euros per megawatt hour. During the first half
of the year, the average price (system price) on the Nordic spot markets was
27.92 (40.37) euros per megawatt hour and the Finnish regional price was 34.89
(41.01) euros per megawatt hour. 

Fingrid's counter trade costs between January and June were approximately 6.5
(0.5) million euros, which were related to ensuring operational reliability in
connection with outage arrangements required by investment projects and to
disturbances in Fenno-Skan connections. 

Electricity market                                1-6/14  1-6/13  4-6/14  4-6/13
Nord Pool system price, average €/MWh              27.92   40.36   25.68   38.75
Area price Finland, average €/MWh                  34.89   40.99   34.55   39.96
Congestion income between Finland and Sweden,       47.7     9.3    17.7     7.9
 million €*                                                                     
Congestion hours between Finland and Sweden %*      46.7     9.3    31.5    11.1
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Congestion income between Finland and Estonia,       1.1     4.4     0.3     3.4
 million €*                                                                     
Congestion hours between Finland and Estonia %*     6.86    29.9    2.43    33.3

*The congestion income between Finland and Sweden as well as between Finland
and Estonia is divided between the relevant TSOs in equal proportions. The
income and costs of the transmission connections are presented in the tables
under Financial Result. 


The financial position of the Group continued to be satisfactory. The net
financial costs of the Group in the period April-June were 3 (10) million
euros. The net financial costs between January and June were 5 (17) million
euros, including the positive change of 5 (-7) million euros in the fair value
of derivatives. Financial assets recognised at fair value in the income
statement, and cash and cash equivalents amounted to EUR 203 (215) million on
30 June 2014. Moreover, the company has an undrawn revolving credit facility of
250 million euros. 

Interest-bearing loans totalled 1,260 (1,192) million euros, of which 1,012
(1,018) million euros were long-term and 248 (174) million euros were

The counterparty risk involved in the derivative contracts relating to
financing was 34 (50) million euros. 

In the second quarter, the company organised 110 million euros of finance from
private capital markets with a maturity of 15 years. 

On 14 April 2014, the international rating agency Standard & Poor's Rating
Services (S&P) changed Fingrid Oyj's outlook changed from stable to negative.
The deterioration in outlook is a direct result of the similar deterioration in
the outlook of the Finnish government, which is Fingrid's majority owner. 


In the first half of the year, Fingrid had 297 (282) employees, 271 (264) of
whom were employed permanently. 


The consolidated figures in this Interim Report are unaudited.

Shareholders' meetings and dividend policy

On 6 June 2014, the shareholders concluded a new shareholder agreement
concerning A- and B-shares. On the same day, the Annual General Meeting was
held, which elected the Board of Directors, and decided on changing the
Articles of Association and on holding an extraordinary general meeting. The
changes to the Articles of Association concerned, among other things,
specification of the definitions of the company's field of business, a
regulation concerning distribution of dividends between A- and B-shares,
majority voting requirements concerning a change to the Articles of
Association, the fact that personal deputy members will no longer be elected as
ordinary members of the Board, the repeal of the regulation concerning the
upper age limit for Board members, the Advisory Committee and other changes of
a technical nature. All decisions made at the Annual General Meeting were
reported on 6 June 2014 on the company's website and on the London Stock
Exchange.The Annual General Meeting also accepted the financial statements for
2013, confirmed the income statement and balance sheet, and discharged the
members of the Board of Directors and the President from liability. 

The Annual General Meeting elected Helena Walldén M.Sc. (Tech.) as the Chairman
of the Board of Directors for 2014 and Juha Majanen (Budget Counsellor,
Ministry of Finance) as Deputy Chairman. Other members elected to the Board
were Managing Director Sirpa Ojala, and Directors Esko Torsti and Juhani Järvi. 
The Board assembled on 6 June approved Fingrid's dividend policy. All decision
made at the Annual General meeting were reported on 6 June 2014 on the
company's website and on the London Stock Exchange. 

The Annual General Meeting decided to pay a dividend of 6.7 million euros. The
extraordinary general meeting held on 18 June decided to pay an additional
dividend of 75.2 million euros. These dividends were paid in June 2014. 

Events after review period and outlook for the remaining part of the year

Fingrid Group's profit for the financial year 2014 before taxes and without the
change in the fair value of derivatives is expected to increase from the
previous year. The uncertainty involved in reserve costs, congestion income and
in cross-border income on the interconnections from Russia makes it difficult
to anticipate Fingrid's financial result for the entire year. 

Notes: Tables for the Interim Report 1 January - 30 June 2014

Further information:
Jukka Ruusunen, President & CEO, tel. +358 30 395 5140 or +358 40 593 8428
Jan Montell, Chief Financial Officer, tel. +358 30 395 5213 or +358 40 592 4419

Notes:Tables for the Interim Report 1 January - 30 June 2014

Condensed             1-6/20  1-6/20  Change  4-6/20  4-6/20  Change  1.-12.2013
 consolidated             14      13       %      14      13       %            
 statement of                                                                   
million euros                                                                   
Turnover               305.3   280.1    25.2   114.1   109.5     4.5       543.1
Other operating          1.7     2.7    -1.0     0.5     1.8    -1.2         4.1
Depreciation           -45.6   -39.8    -5.8   -23.6   -20.5    -3.1       -81.7
Operating expenses    -162.4  -174.0    11.6   -71.4  -101.0    29.6      -350.2
Operating profit        99.0    69.0    30.0    19.7   -10.2    29.8       115.3
Finance income and      -4.6   -16.7    12.1    -2.7   -10.1     7.4       -28.7
Portion of profit of     0.7     0.4     0.3     0.2     0.2     0.1         0.7
Profit before taxes     95.0    52.7    42.4    17.2   -20.1    37.3        87.3
Income taxes           -18.9   -12.8    -6.1    -3.4     5.0    -8.3         3.4
Profit for the          76.2    39.9    36.3    13.8   -15.2    29.0        90.7
 financial period                                                               
Other comprehensive                                                             
Cash flow hedges         0.0    -3.6     3.6     0.0     0.8    -0.8        -4.0
Translation reserve     -0.4    -0.6     0.3     0.1    -0.2     0.3        -0.6
Items related to         0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0         0.0
 long-term asset                                                                
 items available for                                                            
Total comprehensive     75.8    35.6    40.2    13.9   -14.6    28.5        86.1
 income for the                                                                 
 financial period                                                               
Profit attributable                                                             
Equity holders of       76.2    39.9    36.3    13.8   -15.2    29.0        90.7
 the company                                                                    
Total comprehensive                                                             
 income attributable                                                            
Equity holders of       75.8    35.6    40.2    13.9   -14.6    28.5        86.1
 the company                                                                    
Earnings per share    22 906  11 990  10 915   4 161  -4 560   8 722      27 278
 (euros) belonging                                                              
 to the owners of                                                               
 parent company,                                                                
 calculated from                                                                
no dilution effect                                                              

Condensed consolidated balance sheet,   30.6.2014  30.6.2013  Change  31.12.2013
million euros                                                      %            
Non-current assets                                                              
Goodwill                                     87.9       87.9     0.0        87.9
Intangible assets                            92.8       91.4     1.4        92.8
Property, plant and equipment             1 615.9    1 506.2   109.7     1 623.4
Investments                                  11.0        8.4     2.6        10.7
Derivatives                                  42.3       52.6   -10.3        42.3
Receivables                                  13.0       18.2    -5.2        18.0
Current assets                                                                  
Inventories                                  13.2       11.8     1.3        11.4
Derivatives                                   4.9        1.8     3.1         2.1
Receivables                                  51.1       61.6   -10.5        76.0
Financial assets recognised in income       105.2      210.8  -105.6       195.0
 statement at fair value                                                        
Cash and cash equivalents                    98.2        3.7    94.5        22.3
Total assets                              2 135.4    2 054.4    81.0     2 182.0
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                            
Shareholders' equity belonging to the                                           
 owners of the parent company                                                   
Shareholders' equity                        636.6      592.3    44.3       642.7
Non-current liabilities                                                         
Current interest-bearing liabilities      1 011.9    1 017.5    -5.6       975.3
Derivatives                                  44.9       38.4     6.5        38.8
Other current liabilities                   129.1      160.2   -31.1       121.5
Current liabilities                                                             
Current interest-bearing liabilities        247.8      174.3    73.5       318.7
Derivatives                                   8.6        7.5     1.1        15.5
Other current liabilities                    56.5       64.2    -7.8        69.5
Total shareholders' equity and            2 135.4    2 054.4    81.0     2 182.0

Consolidated statement of changes in total equity. EUR million                  
Attributable to         Share      Share       Fair  Translati  Retained   Total
 equity holders of     capita    premium      value         on  earnings  equity
 the parent company         l    account   reserves    reserve                  
1.1.2013                 55.9       55.9       -7.6        0.6     464.9   569.8
Comprehensive income                                                            
Profit or loss                                                      39.9    39.9
Other comprehensive                                                             
Cash flow hedges                               -3.6                         -3.6
Translation reserve                                       -0.6              -0.6
Items related to                                0.0                          0.0
 long-term asset                                                                
 items available for                                                            
Total other                                    -3.6       -0.6              -4.2
 comprehensive income                                                           
 adjusted by tax                                                                
Comprehensive income                           -3.6       -0.6      39.9    35.6
Transactions with                                                               
Dividend relating to                                               -13.1   -13.1
30.6.2013                55.9       55.9      -11.2        0.0     491.6   592.3
Comprehensive income                                                            
Profit or loss                                                      50.8    50.8
Other comprehensive                                                             
Cash flow hedges                               -0.4                         -0.4
Translation reserve                                        0.0               0.0
Items related to                                0.0                          0.0
 long-term asset                                                                
 items available for                                                            
Total other                                    -0.4        0.0              -0.4
 comprehensive income                                                           
 adjusted by tax                                                                
Comprehensive income                           -0.4        0.0      50.8    50.4
1.1.2014                 55.9       55.9      -11.6        0.0     542.4   642.7
Comprehensive income                                                            
Profit or loss                                                      76.2    76.2
Other comprehensive                                                             
Translation reserve                                       -0.4              -0.4
Items related to                                0.0                          0.0
 long-term asset                                                                
 items available for                                                            
Total other                                     0.0       -0.4              -0.4
 comprehensive income                       
Comprehensive income                            0.0       -0.4      76.2    75.8
Transactions with                                                               
Dividend relating to                                               -81.9   -81.9
30.6.2014                55.9       55.9      -11.6       -0.4     536.7   636.6

Condensed consolidated cash flow statement. Eur     1-6/201  1-6/201  1.-12.2013
 million                                                  4        3            
Cash flow from operating activities                                             
Profit for the financial period                        76.2     39.9        90.7
Adjustments                                            65.0     71.3       111.1
Changes in working capital                             16.9     12.2        -0.5
Interest paid                                         -12.0    -12.5       -21.6
Interest received                                       0.8      0.8         1.2
Taxes paid                                             -7.9     -6.8       -22.1
Net cash flow from operating activities               138.9    104.9       158.8
Cash flow from investing activities                                             
Investments in property. plant and equipment          -59.9    -67.5     --222.3
Investments in intangible assets                       -1.6     -1.7        -4.7
Investments in other assets                             0.0                 -2.0
Proceeds from sale of property. plant and               0.2      4.0         4.0
Dividend received                                       0.3      0.0         0.3
Contributions received                                 19.9                     
Interest paid                                          -0.9     -0.8        -1.7
Net cash flow from investing activities               -41.8    -66.0      -226.4
Cash flow from financing activities                                             
Withdrawal of loans                                   263.0    128.3       528.6
Repayment of loans                                   -292.1   -159.8      -444.5
Dividends paid                                        -81.9     -6.7       -13.1
Net cash flow from financing activities              -111.0    -38.2        71.0
Net change in cash and cash equivalents               -13.9      0.7         3.5
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the     217.3    213.8       213.8
 financial period                                                               
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the           203.4    214.5       217.3
 financial period                                                               

                  QUARTERLY FIGURES                                          
                         Q2/2014  Q1/2014  Q4/2013  Q3/2013  Q2/2013  Q1/2013
Turnover          EUR M    114.1    191.3    155.1    107.8    109.5    170.6
Operating profit  EUR M     19.7     79.3     36.5      9.9    -10.2     79.1
Operating profit    %       17.2     41.5     23.5      9.2     -9.3     46.4

Grid investments                    53.5      56.5
Substations                         30.1      34.7
Transmission lines                  23.4      21.8
Gas turbine investments              0.4       1.9
Current gas turbine plants           0.0          
New gas turbine plants               0.4       1.9
Other investments                    3.6       5.1
ICT                                  3.6       4.0
Other                                0.0       1.1
Total investments                   57.5      63.6

                                                 1-6/2014  1-6/2013
Research and development expenses                     0.9       0.9

DERIVATIVE AGREEMENTS. EUR MILLIONEUROS                                         
Interest and currency derivatives               Fair      Fair      Net  Nominal
                                               value     value     fair    value
                                                pos.      neg.    value         
Cross-currency swaps                              34        -9       25      342
Forward contracts                                  1                  1      -79
Interest rate swaps                               20       -13        7      471
Call options. bought                               0                  0      275
Total                                             55       -22       34    1 008
Electricity derivatives                       Fair        Fair      Net   Volume
                                             value       value     fair      TWh
                                              pos.        neg.    value         
Electricity forward contracts. NASDAQ OMX                                       
 Commodities. designated as hedge                                               
Electricity forward contracts. NASDAQ OMX          0       -35      -35     4.22
 Commodities not designated as hedge                                            
Total                                              0       -35      -35     4.22

*Fingrid has ceased hedge accounting for electricity derivates from the
beginning of 2014. The hedge fund in the balance sheet will be dismantled
during 2015 and 2016. 

DERIVATIVE AGREEMENTS. EUR MILLIONEUROS                                         
                             30.6.2013                      31.12.2013          
Interest and        Fair    Fair     Net  Nomina    Fair    Fair     Net  Nomina
 currency          value   value    fair       l   value   value    fair       l
 derivatives        pos.    neg.   value   value    pos.    neg.   value   value
Cross-currency        52      -6      46     366      40      -9      31     366
Forward                0               0       3              -1      -1     135
Interest rate         10      -7       3     421      12      -8       4     471
Call options.          0               0     665                             350
Total                 62     -13      50   1 455      52     -18      34    1322
Electricity         Fair    Fair     Net  Volume    Fair    Fair     Net  Volume
 derivatives       value   value    fair     TWh   value   value    fair     TWh
                    pos.    neg.   value            pos.    neg.   value        
Electricity                  -18     -18    2.16             -19     -19    1.76
 NASDAQ OMX                                                                     
 designated as                                                                  
Electricity                  -18     -18    1.86             -20     -20    2.21
 NASDAQ OMX                                                                     
 Commodities not                                                                
 designated as                                                                  
Total                  0     -36     -36    4.01             -38     -38    3.97

Fair value hierarchy. EUR million                              30.6.2014        
                                                       Level 1  Level 2  Level 3
Financial assets recognised at fair value                                       
Available-for-sale investments                                                  
Interest and currency derivatives                                    55         
Financial assets recognised at fair value                   20       85         
Financial assets recognised at fair value total             20      140         
Financial liabilities recognised at fair value                                  
Interest and currency derivatives                                   -22         
Electricity forward contracts. NASDAX OMX Commodities      -35                  
Financial liabilities recognised at fair value total       -35      -22         

Fair value measurement of assets and liabilities are categorised in a
three-level hierarchy in the fair value presentation. The appropriate hierarchy
is based on the input data of the instrument. The level is determined on the
basis of the lowest level of input for the instrument in its entirety that is
significant to the fair value measurement. 

Level 1: inputs are publicly quoted in active markets.

Level 2: inputs are not publicly quoted and are observable market parameters
either directly or indirectly. 

Level 3: inputs are not publicly quoted or observable market parameters.

Commitments and contingencies. EUR million   30.6.2014  30.6.2013  31.12.2013
Pledges/ bank balances                               1          0           5
Rental liabilities                                  32         27          28
Commitment fee of revolving credit facility          2          2           2
Total                                               35         29          34
Investment commitments                             119        224         137
Other financial liabilities                          2          2           2

Changes in property. plant and equipment. EUR   30.6.2014  30.6.2013  31.12.2013
Carrying amount at beginning of period              1 623      1 485       1 485
Increases                                              40         62         222
Decreases                                              -2         -2          -3
Depreciation and amortisation expense                 -45        -38         -80
Carrying amount at end of period                    1 616      1 506       1 623

Transactions with associated companies. EUR     30.6.2014  30.6.2013  31.12.2013
Sales                                                   5          3           8
Purchases                                              21         20          43
Receivables                                             2          1           3
Liabilities                                             0          0           0

Transactions with owners  30.6.2014  30.6.2013  31.12.2013
million euros                                             
Purchases                         6          5          24
Liabilities                       0                      1
Other related parties                                     
Sales                            56         48          83
Purchases                        29         19          50
Receivables                       5          4           9
Liabilities                       5          3           5

Accounting principles

This interim report has been drawn up in accordance with standard IAS 34.
Interim Financial Reporting. In this interim report Fingrid has followed the
same principles as in the annual financial statements for 2013. 

Segment reporting

The entire business of the Fingrid Group is deemed to comprise transmission
system operation in Finland with system responsibility only constituting a
single segment. There are no essential differences in the risks and
profitability of individual products and services. This is why segment
reporting in accordance with the IFRS 8 standard is not presented. 

Corporate rearrangements

There have been no changes in the Group structure during the review period.

Seasonal fluctuation

The Group's operations are characterised by extensive seasonal fluctuations.

General clause

Certain statements in this release concern the future and are based on the
management's present views. Due to their nature they contain some risk and
uncertainty and are subject to changes in economy and the relevant business.