2009-04-17 15:00:00 CEST

2009-04-17 15:00:12 CEST


Lithuanian English
DnB NORD Bankas AB - Notification on material event

FitchRatings changed individual rating of AB DnB NORD Bankas

On 16 April 2009 ratings agency Fitch Ratings changed the individual rating of
AB DnB NORD Bankas (company code 112029270, VAT payer code LT120292716,
registered office at J. Basanavičiaus St. 26, Vilnius, the data about the
company is collected and stored at the Register of Legal Entities) to D/E from
C/D and affirmed its long-term issuer's default rating A/Outlook negative,
short term issuer's default rating F1 and the support rating 1. According to
Fitch Ratings, “the downgrades of the individual ratings of all rated Baltic
subsidiaries of Nordic banks reflect the rapid deterioration in the operating
environment in Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia.” 

Andrius Vilkancas
press officer
tel. +370 5 239 3413