2016-08-29 12:58:16 CEST

2016-08-29 12:58:16 CEST


Finnish English
Bonum Pankki Oyj - Half Year financial report

Bonum Bank Plc: Bonum Bank Plc has published the Half-Year Report for 1 January - 30 June 2016

Bonum Bank's business has developed remarkably during the first half year
compared to the same period last year. Bonum Bank became a public limited
company in the spring. Bonum Bank published a EUR 750 million bond program in
May and issued its first three-year unsecured senior bond of EUR 100 million in
June according to the program. The bond is listed on the Helsinki Stock
Exchange. The wholesale funding enables a diversification of the fund raising of
the POP Bank Group and supports the Group's growth.

The credit rating agency S&P Global (S&P) granted Bonum Bank Plc a credit rating
of 'BBB' for long-term investment grade and a rating of 'A-2' for short-term
investment grade on 23 May 2016. The outlook is stable. The granted rating
reflects an assessment made based on the criteria used by S&P. The assessment
reviewed, for example, the business status of the POP Bank Group, its financial
performance, capital and liquidity buffers, risk profiling and fundraising. The
stable outlook reflects the strong capital adequacy of the POP Bank Group, the
business stability and predictability and the increasing efficiency of the

Bonum Bank has been a shareholder in Visa Europe and provided Visa Europe's card
services to POP Bank customers. Visa Europe's board of directors agreed to sell
the company to Visa Inc. registered in USA during spring 2016. The acquisition
was finalized in June and Bonum Bank's sales profit from the share was EUR 1.5
million. In connection to the trade finalization Bonum Bank received Visa Inc.
C-Series shares.

Bonum Bank's profit before taxes for the first half year amounted to EUR 1,336
thousand (loss for the equal period in 2015 was EUR 61 thousand). The first half
year is Bonum Bank's first period during which the bank has been operating to
the full extent according to the strategy. Most of the result comes from
interest and commission income on central credit institution services provided
for POP Banks and investment income mainly from the sale of Visa Europe's
equity. The Bank's cost-to-income ratio was 73.23% (90.98).

The bank's balance sheet was EUR 515,722 thousand at the end of the reporting
period (427,333). The total balance has increased due to the bond issuance in
June and loans to POP Banks.

Anders Dahlqvist, CEO

Bonum Bank Plc Half-Year Report 1.1.-30.6.2016

Further information:

Anders Dahlqvist, CEO

Bonum Pankki Plc

+358 (0)500 440 031

