2017-01-09 17:00:01 CET

2017-01-09 17:00:01 CET


Lithuanian English
AUGA group - Notification on material event

Draft decisions of extraordinary shareholder‘s meeting of AUGA group, AB which will take place on 31st January, 2017

Draft decisions of extraordinary shareholder‘s meeting of AUGA group, AB which
will take place on 31st January , 2017: 

1. Amendments to the Articles of Association of the Company.

-To decrease the number of the Supervisory Board members of the Company from 5
(five) to 3 (three). 

-To decrease the number of the Board members of the Company from 7 (seven) to 5

-To amend the competence of the Board and procedure on concluding the Company‘s

-With respect to above mentioned decisions amend the Articles of Association of
the Company and approve the new wording of the Articles of Association. 

2.  Election of the Supervisory Board.

2.1. To recall members of the Supervisory Board of the Company with regard
changes of Articles of Association (change number of members of the Supervisory

2.2. To elect members of the Supervisory Board of the Company:

(i) Vladas Lašas;

(ii) Rimantas Rudzkis;

(iii) Liudas Navickas.

3. Regarding of  the power of attorney.

To authorise (with the power to delegate) the General Manager of the Company to
sign the amended wording of Articles of Association of the Company as well as
to sign any and all documents and execute any actions in order to register new
Articles of Association of the Company in the Register of Legal Persons. 

All documents possessed by the Company related to the agenda of the Meeting, 
are available at the  headquarters of AUGA group AB, Konstitucijos av. 21C,
Vilnius, Lithuania (tel. +370 5 233 53 40) and also available online at


  1. Draft of the Articles of Association.
  2. General voting ballot .

         Vladas Bagavičius
         Member of the Board
         tel. +370 5 233 5340