2011-01-26 13:30:00 CET

2011-01-26 13:30:03 CET


Finnish English
UPM-Kymmene - Company Announcement

UPM's associated company Pohjolan Voima is negotiating with the State of Finland and Ilmarinen on the transaction of Fingrid shares

Helsinki, 2011-01-26 13:30 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The energy company Pohjolan
Voima Oy, the State of Finland and the Mutual Pension Insurance Company
Ilmarinen are negotiating on the sale of Pohjolan Voima's 25% shareholding of
Fingrid, the Finnish electricity transmission system operator. The State would
acquire approximately 81% of the shares and Ilmarinen approximately 19% of the
shares owned by Pohjolan Voima. 

The closing of the transaction requires signing of the final transaction
documentation and approvals of the decision making bodies of the respective
parties as well as regulatory approval. 

Upon closing, the transaction price would be EUR 325 million, and Pohjolan
Voima would record a capital gain of EUR 200 million for the transaction. 

UPM owns 43.09% of Pohjolan Voima. Upon closing, UPM will recognise a special
income of EUR 86 million from the sale in the associated company results. 

Pohjolan Voima estimates that the transaction will be closed during the first
half of 2011. 

For further information, please contact:
Tapio Korpeinen, CFO, UPM tel. +358 204 15 0004

UPM, Corporate Communications
Media Desk, tel. +358 40 588 3284