2016-04-20 08:15:01 CEST

2016-04-20 08:15:01 CEST


Finnish English
Norvestia - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)


Helsinki, Finland, 2016-04-20 08:15 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 

Norvestia Oyj        Interim Report      20 April 2016 at 9:15


In January–March 2016, the result of the Group amounted to EUR 4.1 million (EUR
12.7 million in the same period previous year). 
Earnings per share was EUR 0.27 (0.83).
Investment income was EUR 5.4 million (15.8).
Net Asset Value (dividend-adjusted) increased during the period by 2.4% (8.6%).
Dividend of EUR 0.79 per share was paid for 2015 (0.30).


Norvestia’s Board has decided to apply the venture capital organization
exemption of the IAS 28 standard and to value associates and joint ventures at
fair value through profit or loss in Norvestia’s consolidated IFRS financial
statements according to the IAS 39 standard from 1 January 2016. As a result,
all Norvestia’s investments will be valued at fair value through profit or
loss. Norvestia considers the valuation of investments at fair value to give
more meaningful information about the real value of investments and to better
describe the company’s business, the company’s way of reviewing its investments
and making decisions relating to them. 

Similarly, investments in unlisted private equity funds previously booked as
available-for-sale financial assets will be reclassified as financial assets at
fair value through profit or loss. Thus, in future any change in value will be
recognized directly in profit or loss, and not in the statement of
comprehensive income. Norvestia believes that classifying investments as assets
at fair value through profit or loss better describes their nature and the
accumulation of returns taking into account the company’s business. 

The change in question is a voluntary change in accounting principle according
to the IAS 28 standard which requires that comparative figures be presented
retrospectively according to the new accounting principles, including the
balance sheet at the beginning of the first comparative period. Norvestia
published 14 April 2016 a separate stock exchange release in which the
comparative periods have been adjusted. 


The capital markets began 2016 in rather uncertain mood. Share prices declined
sharply in January–February on all the main stock exchanges. Some of the shares
on the Helsinki stock exchange declined by over 30% during the first weeks of
the year, representing one of the worst ever drops in the history of the
Helsinki stock exchange. Towards the end of February share prices rallied, and
the index yields for the first quarter turned out to be almost normal. The OMX
Helsinki CAP Yield Index dropped by just 3.3% during the first quarter,
recovering from its mid-February low, when it was almost 15% off. This sharp
drop and recovery is indeed exceptional. 

Behind this volatility lie the same factors that have been shaking share prices
for several years now. The European economy has long been suffering from slow
growth, and the first quarter of this year was no exception. The economic
problems of the Eurozone are many, and high unemployment rate is one of the
most severe of these. The refugee crisis has further exacerbated the situation
in Europe. The problems of the Eurozone are clearly visible in the poor growth
figures of the Finnish economy. The European Central Bank (ECB) has tried
various support measures to initiate economic growth in the Eurozone, but with
little success. 

Apart from the Eurozone, concern over the development of the Chinese economy
has further increased turbulence on the stock markets. China has been the
engine of the world economy for several years but now there are signs of
Chinese economic growth slowing down. This will negatively impact economic
growth globally. The poor outlook for economic growth has also depressed
commodity prices to record lows. This in turn has increased pressure on the
stock market as low commodity prices are thought to indicate poor future
economic growth. Crude oil is now cheaper than it was a decade ago. This gloomy
situation is almost darkly comical, as for years the high price of oil was said
to be constraining global economic growth, whereas now it is the low price of
oil that is said to be hampering development. 

Index yields on various exchanges for the first three months of 2016 were as

Finland/OMX Helsinki Index                        -6.9%
Finland/OMX Helsinki CAP Yield Index              -3.3%
Sweden/OMX Stockholm Index                        -4.3%
Norway/OBX Index                                  -4.1%
Denmark/OMX Copenhagen Index                      -6.2%
USA/Nasdaq Composite Index                        -2.7%
USA/S&P 500 Index                              0.8%
Bloomberg European 500 Index                      -7.7%
MSCI World Index                                  -0.9%
Japan/Nikkei 225 Index                           -12.0%
Norvestia’s share price (dividend-adjusted)        9.1%
Norvestia’s Net Asset Value (dividend-adjusted)    2.4%


Norvestia’s twofold investment strategy consists of market investments and
Growth Equity. Market investments are made primarily in Nordic listed shares,
funds and bonds. Growth Equity investments are made in Nordic unlisted
companies, growth-oriented listed companies and private equity funds. 

Norvestia’s investments excluding cash and other liquid assets were 94% (92%)
of total assets at the end of March. The fair value breakdown of the
investments was as follows: 

                                       31/3/2016         31/3/2015
                                 MEUR          %   MEUR          %
Listed shares and share funds*   87.4      50.5%   97.1      58.3%
Growth Equity                    41.6      24.1%   16.6      10.0%
Bonds and bond funds             17.3      10.0%   21.0      12.6%
Hedge funds                      15.6       9.0%   18.5      11.1%
Cash and other liquid assets     11.0       6.4%   13.3       8.0%
In total                        172.9     100.0%  166.5     100.0%

* of which share funds EUR 13.8 million (15.0).

82% of the Group’s assets were in euros, 12% in Swedish krona, 5% in US dollars
and 1% in other currencies. 

During the first quarter of the year Norvestia traded shares actively and
intended to take advantage of falling share prices. During the period under
review shares with strong dividend yields in particular were added to the

Norvestia’s Net Asset Value fluctuated less month on month than the stock
market in general. The company hedged its investments from time to time by
selling Euro Stoxx Index futures. Approximately half of the Swedish krona
currency risk was hedged with a currency future. 


In March Norvestia’s associate Coronaria Hoitoketju Oy sold the majority of
Touhula Varhaiskasvatus Oy’s share capital to EQT Mid Market fund. Along with
the trade the fair value of Coronaria Hoitoketju on Norvestia’s balance sheet
increased by approximately EUR 5 million. In connection with the transaction
Norvestia invested EUR 4 million in Touhula in April and thus continues as a
minority owner in the company. 

Investments in unlisted companies belong to Norvestia’s Growth Equity
portfolio, which is administered by Norvestia’s subsidiary Norvestia Industries
Oy. The aim of Norvestia’s Growth Equity activities is to find interesting
companies with strong growth potential, the long-term and active development of
which can yield significant increases in value and thereby return to
Norvestia’s shareholders. In accordance with its investment strategy, Norvestia
aims to find target companies that operate in sufficiently large markets and
have the opportunity to take advantage of their service and solution
innovations both in Finland and internationally. 

Norvestia invests in minority shares or can be in the majority together with
another investor. At the end of March 2016, the Growth Equity portfolio
consisted of five unlisted companies: Aste Holding which offers media
production and consulting, Coronaria Hoitoketju which offers health care and
wellbeing services, Fluido which offers cloud services consulting, Idean
Enterprises which offers customer experience design services and Polystar
Instruments which develops telecommunications business intelligence software
solutions. The total fair value of the interests in these companies amounted to
EUR 35.2 million. 

Growth Equity also includes investments in private equity funds. Norvestia has
committed itself to investing EUR 2.0 million in the Amanda V East Ky private
equity fund, of which EUR 1.1 million is now invested; EUR 2.0 million in
Lifeline Ventures Fund I Ky, of which EUR 1.4 million is now invested; EUR 5.0
million in Lifeline Ventures Fund III Ky, of which EUR 0.1 million is now
invested and EUR 3.0 million in Open Ocean Fund 2015 Ky, of which EUR 0.0
million is now invested. In addition, Norvestia has invested EUR 0.1 million in
Lifeline Ventures Fund III AB. 


It is likely that sentiment on the capital markets will remain uncertain during
the second quarter of the year. It is currently much easier to list threatening
factors than positive opportunities for the economy. Despite the ECB’s
extensive attempts to reflate the economy the Eurozone shows no clear signs of
growing any time soon. This is particularly concerning as the ECB’s supply of
support measures is rapidly running out. The European banking system still has
its own inherent risks although they haven’t been much discussed lately. In
Italy in particular the amount of banks’ nonperforming assets is very large.
The Greek economy and fears of its complete collapse have caused great concern
for the European decision-makers during recent summers, and it seems that they
will once again be forced to deal with Greece’s situation this summer. 

Eurozone-wise the greatest concern this coming summer will be Britain’s
referendum on European Union membership. If the Brits decided to exit the EU it
would be a major setback to the entire EU and its future. It is yet difficult
to predict everything that might result from a Brexit. 

From Norvestia’s perspective the situation is interesting. Uncertain market
sentiment often leads to excesses which can offer opportunities for a fast
moving investor such as Norvestia. In addition, we believe that the development
of Growth Equity investments will remain positive and that rapid price changes
on the capital markets will not directly affect their valuations. 

In this sensitive investment environment, Norvestia aims to take into account
various possible scenarios in the economy and on the stock market, based on the
latest economic figures. According to the chosen strategy, the amount of Growth
Equity investments will be increased during 2016–2018. Otherwise investment
levels between shares, funds and interest-yielding investments will be assessed
on the basis of the prevailing situation. 


                                      1/1-31/3/   1/1-31/3/  1/1-31/12/
                                           2016        2015        2015
Earnings per share, EUR                    0.27        0.83        1.63
                                      31/3/2016   31/3/2015  31/12/2015
Equity ratio, %                            92.4        94.5        96.6
Shareholders’ equity per share, EUR       10.52       10.53       11.04
Net Asset Value per share, EUR            10.52       10.53       11.04
Net Asset Value, EUR million              161.1       161.3       169.1
Share price, EUR                           7.93        7.83        7.99
Number of shares                     15,316,560  15,316,560  15,316,560


This stock exchange release is a summary of Norvestia's January-March 2016
Interim Report. The full Interim Report including tables is attached to this
release and available on Norvestia’s web pages at www.norvestia.fi/reports. 

The interim financial information is unaudited.

Helsinki 20 April 2016

Board of Directors

On behalf Juha Kasanen
Managing Director
Tel. +358-9-6226 380

Nasdaq Helsinki
Main media