2009-01-15 14:00:00 CET

2009-01-15 14:00:01 CET


Lithuanian English
Stumbras AB - Notification on material event

Notice on the resolutions of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders held on 15 01 2009

The resolutions of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders held on 15
01 2009: 
            1. Elect PricewaterhouseCoopers UAB as the auditor of the Company
for the year 2008 and to set remuneration for audit services LTL 76 000 (EUR 22
011) without VAT. 
            2. Elect Mrs. Birute Minalgiene as the independent member of the
Company‘s audit committee. Elect Mr. Romanas Raulynaitis as the member of the
Company's audit committee. 

Dalius Balceris
Member of the Supervisory Board
+ 370 5 2786 065