2013-08-01 07:30:00 CEST

2013-08-01 07:30:03 CEST


Suomi Englanti
Trainer's House Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)


REPORT, 1 AUGUST 2013 AT 8:30 

January-June 2013 in brief (the figures are figures for the company's
continuing operations) 

  -- Net sales amounted to EUR 5.5 million (EUR 7.4 million)
  -- Operating profit (EBIT) before non-recurring items and depreciation
     resulting from the allocation of acquisition cost was EUR 0.2 million (EUR
     0.7 million), or 4.0% of net sales (10.1%)
  -- Operating profit was EUR -4.4 million (EUR -0.1 million), or -80.0% of net
     sales (-0.9%)
  -- Cash flow from operating activities was EUR 1.2 million (EUR 0.8 million)
  -- Earnings per share were EUR -0.08 (EUR -0.00)

April-June 2013 in brief (the figures are figures for the company's continuing

  -- Net sales amounted to EUR 2.6 million (EUR 3.5 million)
  -- Operating profit (EBIT) before non-recurring items and depreciation
     resulting from the allocation of acquisition cost was EUR 0.1 million (EUR
     0.2 million), or 2.2% of net sales (5.6%)
  -- Operating profit was EUR -4.5 million (EUR -0.2 million), or -172.9% of net
     sales (-5.9%)
  -- Cash flow from operating activities was EUR 0.1 million (EUR 0.4 million)
  -- Earnings per share were EUR -0.08 (EUR -0.00)

Key figures at the end of the second quarter of 2013

  -- Liquid assets totalled EUR 2.1 million (EUR 2.8 million)
  -- Interest-bearing liabilities amounted to EUR 4.1 million (EUR 6.3 million),
     and interest-bearing net debt totalled EUR 2.0 million (EUR 3.5 million)
  -- Net gearing was 18.5% (20.9%).
  -- Equity-to-assets ratio was 55.8% (58.5%).


During the second quarter the company's orders did not develop in line with the
forecast, causing the company's forecast of its net sales for the second half
of the year to decrease clearly in comparison to the previous year's level. The
clear decrease in net sales will have a negative impact on the company's
operating profits despite the cost-reduction measures that have already been

The company updated on 26 June its forecast, expecting the net sales for the
2013 accounting period to be clearly lower than in 2012. The company estimated
the operating profits before non-recurring items and depreciation resulting
from the allocation of acquisition cost to decrease from 2012. 

Previous release

In its previous release, the company forecast its 2013 net sales to decrease
from the 2012 level and the operating profits before non-recurring items and
depreciation resulting from the allocation of acquisition cost to remain
approximately on the same level as 2012. 


Net sales and operating profit in the first half of the year was weaker in
comparison to the same period in the previous year, but operating profits
remained positive. The company released a profit warning concerning the entire
year in the second quarter, which was caused primarily by sales development in
the first half of the year that fell short of targets. Sales development was
impacted by the on-going streamlining measures in the company, the
reorganisation of tasks as well as market conditions and a persistently
demanding operational environment. 

The implemented personnel reductions following codetermination negotiations at
the beginning of the year and other streamlining measures are expected to
create annual savings totalling EUR 0.9 million. These cost-saving measures
have been successfully launched. The savings will be realised in full during
the third quarter. 

During the current state of the company's change process, improving
profitability is dependent on the realisation of the initiated cost-reductions.
The company expects that the investments currently made into the on-going
change process will begin to repay themselves in the form of increasing net
sales in the coming years. 

For more information, please contact:
Arto Heimonen, CEO, +358 40 412 3456
Mirkka Vikström, CFO, +358 50 376 1115


The codetermination negotiations concerning the entire company, which were
started at Trainers' House in January, ended in February. As a result of the
negotiations, a total of 9 employment contracts in the Group were terminated.
The costs of personnel reductions and other non-recurrent costs caused by the
reorganization are a total of EUR 0.1 million. 

Alongside sales and customer service production, during the reviewed period the
company invested in changing its operational model and the development of a
product and service model to generate significant improvements to customer

The change projects implemented by Trainers' House are related to the
clarification of customers' business strategies, strategy marketing and
strategy execution by speeding up sales, improving customer service through
service tailoring and by developing management, leadership and employee skills.
Managing work capacity through physical and mental coaching holds an important
role in an increasing number of customer projects. 

The starting point for change implementation projects is the latest situation
picture in the customer company, based on which realistic objectives are set
for the desired results and the changes to activities that they require. If
required, an internal trainer network will be created to support the changes
and anchor them into the organization. 

The results of customer projects are verified by auditing customers' everyday
work and by bringing in management systems to help monitor the activities and
the results. In January, the company launched a new version of its Pulssi
(Pulse) monitoring system. The service has been well received among customers. 


Net sales development in the first half was weaker than in 2012. Operating
profit in the first quarter before non-recurring items and depreciation
resulting from the allocation of acquisition cost was also lower year-on-year.
As the depreciation resulting from the allocation of acquisition cost was
completed during the last quarter of 2012, operating result before
non-recurring items improved year-on-year. The result for the first half of the
year is burdened by the personnel reductions costs and other non-recurring
costs related to the codetermination negotiations in January and February that
amounted to EUR 0.1 million. 

Net sales from continuing operations during the period under review came to EUR
5.5 million (EUR 7.4 million). Operating profit from continuing operations
(operating profit before depreciation resulting from the allocation of the
acquisition cost of Trainers' House Oy and non-recurring items) was EUR 0.2
million, 4.0 % of net sales (EUR 0.7 million, or 10.1 %). Profit for the period
was EUR -5.4 million, or -97.1% of net sales (EUR -0.1 million, or -0.9%). 

Non-recurring items

In conjunction with impairment tests after the end of the quarter, the Board of
Directors of the company decided to lower the estimates on the profitability
and growth of net sales in the training business used in impairment testing. As
a result, the Board of Directors resolved that a total of EUR 4.5 million of
the Group's goodwill will be written down based on the impairment testing. This
write-down has no effect on operating profits or cash flow. After this
write-down, the Group balance sheet has EUR 4.6 million of goodwill. 

Trainers' House, Sentica Kasvurahasto II Ky and the employee-owners of
atBusiness Oy signed an agreement on a corporate transaction on 6 June 2013
under which Innofactor Oyj purchased all of the shares of atBusiness Oy as well
as the company's the partnership loans given to atBusiness Oy by the company's
old shareholders. As compensation for atBusiness Oy shares and the partnership
loans it gave to atBusiness Oy, Trainers' House received EUR 0.5 million in
cash and EUR 0.8 million as new shares of Innofactor Oyj, totalling EUR 1.3
million. As a result of the arrangement, Trainers' House recorded a
non-recurring EUR 0.9 million loss to its second quarter profits. 


The comparative figures used for reporting on operating profit include the
operating profit reported as well as operating profit before depreciation of
allocated acquisition costs related to the acquisition of Trainers' House Oy
and non-recurring items (i.e., operating profit, EBIT). According to the
company's management, these figures provide a more accurate view of company

The following table itemises the Group's key figures (in thousands of euros
unless otherwise noted): 

                                       1-6/2013  1-6/2012
Net sales                                 5,527     7,437
Personnel-related expenses               -3,095    -3,691
Other expenses                           -2,094    -2,825
EBITDA                                      338       920
Depreciation of non-current assets         -116      -171
Operating profit before depreciation        222       749
of acquisition cost                                      
% of net sales                              4,0      10.1
Depreciation of allocation of                        -819
acquisition cost *)                                      
Operating profit before non-recurring       222       -70
Non-recurring items **)                  -4,646          
EBIT                                     -4,424       -70
% of net sales                            -80.0      -0.9
Financial income and expenses ***)         -943       -73
Profit/loss before tax                   -5,367      -143
Tax ****)                                     1        73
Profit/loss for the period               -5,366       -70
% of net sales                            -97.1      -0.9

*) Of the purchase price of Trainers' House Oy in 2007, EUR 10.2 million has
been allocated to intangible assets with a limited useful life. These assets
have been wholly depreciated during 2007-2012. 

**) Non-recurring items in 2013 include a restructuring provision in the amount
of EUR 0.1 million, and a write-down in the Group's goodwill in the amount of
EUR 4.5 million. 

***) Financial items include a non-recurring loss of EUR 0.9 million resulting
from the sale of minority stake in atBusiness Oy. 

****) The tax included in the income statement is deferred. Taxes recognised in
the income statement have no effect on cash flow. On 30 June 2013, the
company's balance sheet included deferred tax assets from losses carried
forward in the amount of EUR 0.4 million. Of the deferred tax assets, EUR 0.3
million will expire in 2019 and EUR 0.1 million in 2021. 

The following table itemises distribution of net sales from continuing
operations and shows the quarterly profit/loss from the start of 2012 (unit in
thousands of euros). 

              Q112  Q212  Q312  Q412   2012  Q113   Q213
Net sales     3901  3536  2485  3381  13302  2945   2582
Operating      549   200   -20   453   1182   167     56
cost *)                                                 
Operating      140  -210  -338   317    -91    42  -4465

*) excluding non-recurring items


The company's long-term objective is profitable growth.


In connection with the merger of Trainers' House Oy and Satama Interactive Plc,
the company concluded a loan agreement in the amount of EUR 40 million. At the
end of the reporting period the company had EUR 4.0 million of loans left from
this loan agreement under a new loan agreement negotiated at the end of 2011. 

Hybrid bond

On 15 January 2010, Trainers' House Plc issued a EUR 5.0 million domestic
hybrid bond. Interest of EUR 1.0 million related to the hybrid bond was
recognised in shareholders' equity. 

According to the terms of the hybrid bond, the company has the right to decide,
subject to certain limitations specified in the terms, either to pay the
interest on the hybrid bond annually or to postpone these payments. Interest in
the amount of EUR 0.5 million has been paid to the subscribers on 21 January
2011 and EUR 0.5 million on 20 January 2012. The interest paid reduces the
non-restricted equity and is not recognised as income. 

In accordance with its stock exchange release dated 17 December 2012, Trainers'
House has decided to defer interest payments on the hybrid loan for the time
being. The purpose of the deferment of interest payments is to strengthen the
company's financial position and to ensure that the company fulfils the terms
of its loan agreement. According to the terms of the hybrid bond, the company
must pay the deferred interest and any interest accrued on it by the latest if,
for example, the company pays dividends in excess of the minimum dividend
stipulated in the Companies Act, or otherwise distributes equity to its
shareholders. The company aims to refinance the hybrid bond in its entirety in
the medium term. 

Cash flow and financing

Cash from operating activities before financial items totalled EUR 1.3 million
(EUR 1.4 million) and after these, EUR 1.2 million (EUR 0.8 million). 

Cash from investments totalled EUR 0.5 million during the period under review
(EUR 1.2 million). Cash flow from financing came to EUR -1.1 million (EUR -2.4

Total cash flow amounted to EUR 0.6 million (EUR -0.5 million).

On 30 June 2013, the Group's liquid assets totalled EUR 2.1 million (EUR 2.8
million). The equity ratio was 55.8 % (58.5 %). Net gearing was 18.5 % (20.9%).
At the end of the reporting period, the Group had interest-bearing liabilities
in the amount of EUR 4.1 million (EUR 6.3 million). 

Financial risks

Interest rate risk is managed by covering some of the risk with hedging
agreements. A bad-debt provision, which is booked on the basis of ageing and
case-specific risk analyses, covers risks to accounts receivable. 


Risks in the company's operating environment have remained unchanged. On
account of the project-based nature of the company's operations, the order life
cycle is short, which makes it more difficult to estimate future developments.
Because of the overall economic situation, long-term trends remain unclear. 

Short-term risks

The Group's goodwill and deferred tax assets recognised in the balance sheet
were re‑tested for impairment at the end of the third quarter. Based on the
results of this impairment testing, the goodwill values were EUR 4.5 million
lower than the book value, resulting in a goodwill write-off. 

If the company's profitability should fail to develop as predicted, or if
external factors beyond the company's control, such as interest rates, should
change significantly, there is a risk that some of the Group's goodwill may
have to be written down. Such a write-down would not affect the company's cash

At the end of the period under review, Trainers' House Plc's balance sheet
included deferred tax assets from losses carried forward in the amount of EUR
0.4 million. Of the deferred tax assets, EUR 0.3 million will expire in 2019
and EUR 0.1 million in 2021. 

The company's new loan agreement, under which there were loans in an amount of
EUR 4.0 million at the end of the reporting period, includes standard
covenants, including one concerning the ratio of net debt to EBITDA. 

If the company's profitability should fail to develop as expected, there would
be a risk of the company being unable to fulfil the covenants, which would
increase financial expenses. 

Risks are discussed in more detail in the annual report and on the company's
Web site, at www.trainershouse.fi > Investors. 


At the end of June 2013, the Group employed 101 (125) people.


The Annual General Meeting of Trainers' House Plc was held on 19 March 2013 in

In accordance with the proposal of the Board of Directors, the Annual General
Meeting decided that no dividend be paid for the 2012 financial year. 

In accordance with the proposal of the Board of Directors, the Annual General
Meeting decided that thecompany's premium fund be decreased by EUR 823,478.02
to cover the parent company's losses. On 31 December 2012, before the
offsetting of losses, the parent company's premium fund amounted to EUR
5,355,637.99. After the write-off the company's premium fund totals EUR

The Annual General Meeting adopted the company's Financial Statements and
discharged the CEO and the members of the Board of Directors from liability for
the period 1 January - 31 December 2012. 

It was confirmed that the Board of Directors shall consist of five (5) members.
Aarne Aktan, Jarmo Hyökyvaara, Tarja Jussila and Jari Sarasvuo were re-elected
as members of the Board of Directors. Vesa Honkanen was elected a new member of
the Board. In its assembly meeting, the Board of Directors elected Aarne Aktan
as the Chairman of the Board. 

The Annual General Meeting decided on a monthly emolument for a Board member of
EUR 1,500 and of EUR 3,500 for the Chairman of the Board. 

Authorised Public Accountants Ernst & Young Oy were elected as the
company's auditors. 

In accordance with the proposal of the Board of Directors, the Annual General
Meeting held on 21 March 2012 decided to authorise the Board of Directors to
decide on a share issue, on transfer of own shares and on the granting of
special rights entitling to shares, on one or several occasions. The number of
shares to be granted or transferred on the basis of the authorisation may not
exceed 13,000,000 shares. A share issue, transfer of own shares and the
granting of other special rights entitling to shares may take place in
deviation of the shareholders' pre-emptive subscription rights (a private
placement). The authorisation is valid until 30 June 2015. 


The shares of Trainers' House Plc are listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd under
the symbol TRH1V. 

At the end of the period reviewed, Trainers' House Plc had issued 68,016,704
shares and the company's registered share capital amounted to EUR 880,743.59.
No changes took place in the share capital or number of shares during the
period under review. 

Share performance and trading

In the period under review, 4.8 million shares in total, or 7.0% of the average
number of all company shares (3.5 million shares, or 5.1%), were traded on the
Helsinki stock exchange, for a value of EUR 0.5 million (EUR 0.5 million). The
period's highest share quotation was EUR 0.11 (EUR 0.22), the lowest EUR 0.08
(EUR 0.10) and the closing price EUR 0.09 (EUR 0.11). The weighted average
price was EUR 0.10 (EUR 0.16). With the closing price for 30 June 2013, the
company's market capitalisation for the reviewed period was EUR 6.1 million
(EUR 7.5 million). 


Trainers' House Plc has two option programmes for its personnel, included in
the personnel's commitment and incentive scheme. 

The Annual General Meeting held on 25 March 2010 decided to initiate an
employee option programme for key employees at Trainers' House and its

The number of option rights granted shall not exceed 2,000,000, and the option
rights shall entitle their holders to subscribe for no more than 2,000,000 new
shares or treasury shares in total. The subscription prize for the 2010B
warrant is EUR 0.29. The subscription period for shares converted under the
warrant 2010B is from 1 September 2012 to 31 December 2013. The total number of
warrants granted to the personnel is 0.9 million. No shares have been
subscribed under the warrants. 

The Annual General Meeting held on 21 March 2012 decided to initiate an
employee option programme for key employees in Trainers' House and its

The number of option rights granted shall not exceed 5,000,000, and the option
rights shall entitle their holders to subscribe no more than 5,000,000 new
shares or treasury shares in total. Of the warrants, 3,000,000 will be titled
2012A and 2,000,000 will be titled 2012B. The subscription price for the
warrants is EUR 0.16. The subscription period for shares converted under the
warrant 2012A is from 1 September 2013 to 31 December 2014, and for shares
converted under the warrant 2012B from 1 September 2014 to 31 December 2015.
The options have not yet been offered. 


The interim report was compiled in accordance with the IAS 34 standard. This
interim report has been prepared in accordance with the IFRS standards and
interpretations adopted in the EU, valid on 31 December 2012. 

In producing this interim report, Trainers' House has applied the same
accounting principles for key figures as in its 2012 financial statements. The
calculation of key figures is described on page 92 of the financial statements
included in the Annual Report 2012. 

The figures given in the interim report are unaudited.


                                   Group     Group     Group     Group     Group
                                  01/04-    01/04-    01/01-    01/01-    01/01-
                                30/06/13  30/06/12  30/06/13  30/06/12  31/12/12
CONTINUING OPERATIONS                                                           
NET SALES                          2,582     3,536     5,527     7,437    13,302
Other income from operations         179       161       356       324       797
Materials and services              -276      -456      -599      -994    -1,562
Personnel-related                 -1,518    -1,888    -3,210    -3,691    -6,696
Depreciation                         -45      -490      -116      -990    -1,689
Impairment                        -4,521              -4,521                    
Other operating expenses            -866    -1,072    -1,862    -2,155    -4,244
Operating profit/loss             -4,465      -210    -4,424       -70       -91
Financial income and expenses       -944       -52      -943       -73      -303
Profit/loss before tax            -5,410      -262    -5,367      -143      -394
Tax *)                                12        91         1        73       151
PROFIT/LOSS FOR THE PERIOD        -5,398      -171    -5,366       -70      -243
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE               -5,398      -171    -5,366       -70      -243
INCOME FOR THE YEAR                                                             
Profit/loss attributable to:                                                    
Owners of the parent company      -5,398      -171    -5,366       -70      -243
Total comprehensive income                                                      
attributable to:                                                                
Owners of the parent company      -5,398      -171    -5,366       -70      -243
Earnings per share, undiluted:                                                  
EPS result for the period from     -0.08     -0.00     -0.08     -0.00     -0.00
continuing operations                                                           
EPS attributable to hybrid                                       -0.00     -0.00
bond investors                                                                  
EPS continuing operations          -0.08     -0.00     -0.08     -0.00     -0.00
EPS attributable to equity         -0.08     -0.00     -0.08     -0.00     -0.00
holders of the parent company                                                   
EPS result for the period          -0.08     -0.00     -0.08     -0.00     -0.00

Diluted earnings per share are the same as undiluted earning per share.

*) The tax included in the income statement is deferred.


                                   Group     Group     Group
                                30/06/13  30/06/12  31/12/12
Non-current assets                                          
Property, plant and equipment        286       491       380
Goodwill                           4,614     9,135     9,135
Other intangible assets            9,688    10,238     9,710
Other financial assets               773       202       202
Other receivables                     57     1,607     1,490
Deferred tax receivables             383       490       382
Total non-current assets          15,800    22,162    21,299
Current assets                                              
Inventories                           10        11        10
Accounts receivables and           1,937     3,290     3,776
other receivables                                           
Cash and cash equivalents          2,097     2,828     1,520
Total current assets               4,044     6,129     5,306
TOTAL ASSETS                      19,845    28,290    26,605
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND                                    
Equity attributable to equity                               
holders of the parent company                               
Share capital                        881       881       881
Premium fund                       4,253     5,077     5,077
Distributable non-restricted      31,872    31,872    31,872
equity fund                                                 
Other equity fund                  4,962     4,962     4,962
Retained earnings                -30,940   -26,232   -26,397
Total shareholders' equity        11,028    16,559    16,394
Long-term liabilities                                       
Deferred tax liabilities           2,507     2,649     2,507
Other long-term liabilities        2,029     4,114     3,074
Accounts payable and other         4,280     4,968     4,629
Total liabilities                  8,817    11,731    10,211
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND    19,845    28,290    26,605


                                  Group     Group     Group
                                 01/01-    01/01-    01/01-
                               30/06/13  30/06/12  31/12/12
Profit/loss for the period       -5,366       -70      -243
Adjustments to profit/loss        5,602     1,023     1,726
for the period                                             
Change in working capital         1,049       468      -100
Financial items                    -110      -666      -774
Cash flow from operations         1,175       755       608
Investments in tangible and                             -49
intangible assets           
Divestment of business              472                    
Repayment of loan receivables        15     1,200     1,200
Cash flow from investments          487     1,200     1,152
Repayment of long-term loans     -1,000    -2,297    -3,297
Repayment of finance lease          -85      -110      -223
Cash flow from financing         -1,085    -2,407    -3,520
Change in cash and cash             577      -452    -1,760
Opening balance of cash and       1,520     3,280     3,280
cash equivalents                                           
Closing balance of cash and       2,097     2,828     1,520
cash equivalents                                           

Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent company

A. Share capital
B. Premium fund
C. Distributable non-restricted equity
D. Other equity fund
E. Retained earnings
F. Total

                A.    B.      C.     D.       E.      F.  
Equity         881  13,943  31,872  4,962  -35,031  16,627
Other                                          -70     -70
Hybrid bond                                    -23     -23
Sharebased                                      25      25
Decrease of         -8,866                   8,866       0
share premium                                             
fund to cover                                             
Equity         881   5,077  31,872  4,962  -26,232  16,559
Equity         881   5,077  31,872  4,962  -26,397  16,394
Other                                       -5,366  -5,366
Decrease of           -823                     823       0
share premium                                             
fund to cover                                             
Equity         881   4,253  31,872  4,962  -30,940  11,028

RESTRUCTURING PROVISION (kEUR)     Group     Group     Group
                                  01/01-    01/01-    01/01-
                                30/06/13  30/06/12  31/12/12
Provisions 1 January                 240       258       258
Provisions increased                 125                    
Provisions used                     -110                 -19
Provisions 30 June/31 December       255       258       240

PERSONNEL                       Group     Group     Group
                               01/01-    01/01-    01/01-
                             30/06/13  30/06/12  31/12/12
Average number of personnel        98       119       115
Personnel at the end of           101       125       108
the period                                               

COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENT     Group     Group     Group
LIABILITIES (kEUR)          30/06/13  30/06/12  31/12/12
Collaterals and contingent    10,091    11,348    10,716
liabilities given for                                   
own commitments                                         

OTHER KEY FIGURES                    Group     Group     Group
                                  30/06/13  30/06/12  31/12/12
Equity-to-assets ratio (%)            55.8      58.5      62.0
Net gearing (%)                       18.5      20.9      22.5
Shareholders' equity/share (EUR)      0.16      0.24      0.24
Return on equity (%)                 -40.2     -71.9      -1.5
Return on investment (%)             -22.4     -50.5       0.9

Return on equity and return on investment have been calculated for the previous
12 months. 

Helsinki, 1 August 2013



For more information, please contact
Arto Heimonen, CEO, +358 40 412 3456
Mirkka Vikström, CFO, +358 50 376 1115

OMX Nordic Exchange, Helsinki
Main media
www.trainershouse.fi > Investors