2017-08-17 10:36:18 CEST

2017-08-17 10:36:18 CEST


Suomių Anglų
Robit Oyj - Half Year financial report




Robit Plc's Interim Report January 1 - June 30, 2017 (unaudited)
In text H1 refers to period January 1 - June 30, 2017 and H2 to period July 1
-December 31, 2017.

During the reporting period, Robit Plc started to apply IFRS standards. The IFRS
conversion accounts were published on May 12, 2017 and comparative figures have
also been amended accordingly.

January 1 - June 30, 2017 in brief

  * Robit listed on Nasdaq Helsinki main list. The total proceeds of the share
    issue were EUR 49.5 million.
  * Robit expanded its offering by acquiring assets and inventories from Halco
    USA January and 51 percent of shareholding of Halco UK companies in
  * H1 net sales were EUR 42.6 million (H1/2016: 21.1), change +102 percent.
  * H1 adjusted EBITDA was EUR 2.9 million (H1/2016: 2.2), +33 percent. The
    comparability was influenced by one-time costs relating to listing and share
    issue totaling EUR 1.3 million and the expenses relating to acquisitions
    totaling EUR 0.3 million. In addition to the above-mentioned costs, the
    result of the first half-year was pressed by the integration of new units,
    global implementation of the ERP system and intense personnel investments to
    ensure the company's planned growth. The combined effect of these items was
    approximately EUR 1.7 million. In addition, the gross margin was pressed by
    foreign exchange losses of EUR 1.0 million.
  * H1 EBITDA amounted to EUR 1.3 million (H1/2016: 2.2), change -40 percent.
  * Adjusted EBITA was EUR 0.8 million (H1/2016: 1.5).
  * In May 2017, the company's management estimated that the company's
    percentage profitability (excluding adjustment items) will remain in 2017 at
    the 2016 level if market demand remains at current level and there are no
    other disturbances in the market. According to the current view of company's
    management, the relative EBITA profitability (excluding comparable items)
    will be lower if market demand is maintained at current level and there are
    no other disturbances in the market.
  * H1 EBIT-% was -3.0 percent of net sales (H1/2016: 7.2).
  * H1 profit was EUR -1.9 million (H1/2016: 1.5). Net interest expenses of EUR
    0.3 million were interest expenses and EUR 0.5 million in exchange rate
  * Earnings per share for the review period were EUR -0.11 (H1/2016: 0.09).
  * The equity ratio at the end of the review period was 56.9 percent (H1/2016:

|Key financials                          |1-6/2017|1-6/2016|Change, %|1-12/2016|
|Net sales, EUR 1.000                    | 42 645 | 21 076 |  102 %  | 64 050  |
|EBITDA, EUR 1.000                       | 1 320  | 2 187  |  -40 %  |  7 495  |
|Adjusted EBITDA*, EUR 1.000             | 2 908  | 2 187  |   33%   | 10 251  |
|EBITA, EUR 1.000                        |  -824  | 1 508  | -155 %  |  4 721  |
|Adjusted EBITA*, EUR 1.000              |  764   | 1 508  |  -49 %  |  7 468  |
|Adjusted EBITA, percent of sales        | 1,8 %  | 7,2 %  |  -75 %  | 11,7 %  |
|EBIT, EUR 1.000                         | -1 288 | 1 508  | -185 %  |  4 262  |
|EBIT, percent of sales                  | -3,0 % | 7,2 %  | -142 %  |  6,7 %  |
|Net income for the review period, EUR   | -1 898 | 1 482  | -228 %  |  4 040  |
|1.000                                   |        |        |         |         |
*) The items affecting comparability are: share issue expenses EUR 1.3 million,
acquisition-related expenses EUR 0.3 million and acquisition-related
amortizations EUR 0.5 million.


The  company's review period was  in line with the  sales target. Net sales over
the  comparative period doubled. The company's net sales for organic growth also
developed according to the company's long-term growth target. A significant part
of  growth came from Top Hammer products,  the strongest growth being in Korea's
Top  Hammer products. The company's growth was  supported in H1 by the increased
activity  of  the  market,  especially  for  the company in a significant market
segment  in the mining  industry. Market is  picking up and  expected to have an
impact on net sales in the second half.

The  company's  net  sales  during  the  review  period increased by 102 percent
compared  to the comparative period. The  profitability of the review period was
pressed  by the exceptional costs due  to the acquisitions made in 2016-2017 and
the   company's   listing   to  Nasdaq  Helsinki  main  list  in  May  2017. The
profitability  was influenced by the upfront  investments in human resources and
the integration of new units. The above-mentioned exchange rate performance also
had a significant impact to profitability during the review period.

The  implementation of the Robit 3.0 growth  strategy is proceeding according to
plan.  The capacity of  the current Korean  plant has been  fully utilized. As a
result,  the  company  made  the  largest  production investment decision in its
history  in March 2017 to  build a new,  state-of-art, automated plant in Korea.
The  new  Korean  factory  will  be  operational  at the end of 2017, which will
support  the company's  delivery capability  and volume  growth. This  and other
acquired  units will provide a positive  outlook for the future, especially when
the market appears to be recovering after several years.

A Halco acquisition took place to support the growth strategy. Its business will
be  developed as an independent brand. The  Halco business will benefit from the
Group's sourcing, manufacturing and product development expertise.

Investments in human resources during the review period are supporting company's
already   extensive   expertise,   which   together   will   contribute  to  the
implementation of the growth strategy.


The  market seems to  recover after several  years, especially in the investment
goods.  The  increased  market  activity  is  especially  visible  in the mining
industry,  which is a significant market segment for the company. This will also
have a positive effect on the demand for the consumables. Based on the company's
view  and based on  past experience, H2/2017  is expected to  be better than the
review period.

Further,  the  company's  previous  investments  in  its  own  sales network and
expansion  of the supply will improve  the company's operational performance and
customer service. The company continued to pursue its strategy and established a
subsidiary in Kazakhstan to serve customers in the region.

With  the  above-mentioned  Halco  acquisition,  company's position strengthened
further.  This supports a global growth strategy especially in the United States
and  England. Robit  supplemented significantly  its offering  in Down  the Hole
business  already in  previous year  due to  two acquisitions  (DTA and Bulroc).
Acquisitions  strengthened  company  significantly  in  the consumable business,
which the company has focused on in its strategy.

The  share  of  Asia  and  Australia  in  company's net sales grew significantly
compared to the comparative period. The company's management sees this market as
a significant growth potential in the future.

In  line with its  strategy, the company  targets further organic  growth in all
market  areas.  The  company's  systematically  built  own  sales,  service  and
distribution  network will continue to serve as a global platform for increasing
the company's sales.


For  the Top Hammer product line, growth  is still sought by providing customers
with  one-stop shopping. The  significance of the  South Korean factory was high
and  the volume  of shanks  and rods  produced there  developed considerably. To
support  growth,  it  was  decided  on  a new state-of-art factory investment in
Korea.  The factory investment  is planned to  be operational by  the end of the

The  Top Hammer  business volume  was EUR  16.1 million (EUR 14.6 million in the
comparison period H1/2016).

Down  the Hole products of the acquired companies represented a significant part
of  the DTH SBU sales. The  company's competitiveness is expected to strengthen,
and  simultaneously the customer-specific  delivery size will  increase. The DTH
business  volume  was  EUR  26.5 million  (H1/2016:  6.4). The DTH business is a
significant part of the company's net sales.

The Digital Services business area made its first customer deliveries during the
review  period. As a result of multi-year product development, Sense Systems has
formed  the core of the  business area. During the  review period, several long-
term   tests   were   carried  out  with  end-customers  in  different  drilling
environments.  Currently, the  focus is  on deliveries  and testing of reference

Technology  and related  service have  gained great  interest in the market. The
first orders for M-Sense and S-Sense were received during the review period.


|                                    |H1/2017|H1/2016 |Change %| 2016 |Change %|
|Net Sales, EUR 1.000                | 42 645|  21 076| 102,3 %|64 050|  40,5 %|
|Net Sales growth, percent           |102,3 %|        |        |40,5 %|        |
|Gross profit                        | 14 987|   7 747|  93,5 %|25 152|  71,3 %|
|Gross margin, percent of sales      | 35,1 %|  36,8 %|  -4,4 %|39,3 %|        |
|EBITDA, EUR 1.000                   |  1 320|   2 187| -39,6 %| 7 495|  92,0 %|
|EBITDA, percent of sales            |  3,1 %|  10,4 %| -70,2 %|11,7 %|        |
|Adjusted EBITDA                     |  2 908|   2 187|  33,0 %|10 251|        |
|Adjusted EBITDA, percent of sales   |  6,8 %|  10,4 %| -34,3 %|16,0 %|        |
|EBITA, EUR 1.000                    |   -824|   1 508|-154,6 %| 4 721|  71,2 %|
|EBITA, percent of sales             | -1,9 %|   7,2 %|-127,0 %| 7,4 %|        |
|Adjusted EBITA                      |    764|   1 508| -49,3 %| 7 468|        |
|Adjusted EBITA, percent of sales    |  1,8 %|   7,2 %| -75,0 %|11,7 %|        |
|Operating profit, EUR 1.000         | -1 288|   1 508|-185,4 %| 4 262|  54,5 %|
|Operating profit, percent of sales  | -3,0 %|   7,2 %|-142,2 %| 6,7 %|        |
|Result for the fiscal period        | -1 898|   1 482|-228,1 %| 4 040| 123,9 %|
|Result for the fiscal period,       |       |        |        |      |        |
|percent of sales                    | -4,5 %|   7,0 %|-163,3 %| 6,3 %|        |
|EPS, adjusted for share split       |  -0,11|    0,09|-222,2 %|  0,26| 100,0 %|
|Return on equity, percent           | -2,6 %|   3,0 %|-186,9 %| 9,9 %|        |
|Return on capital employed (ROCE),  |       |        |        |      |        |
|percent                             | -0,3 %|   9,3 %|-103,1 %| 5,5 %|        |
|Adjusted ROCE percent               |  1,1 %|   9,3 %| -88,7 %| 7,8 %|        |
|Net interest-bearing debt, EUR 1.000| -3 922|  11 042|-135,5 %|36 910|-269,1 %|
|Equity ratio, percent               | 56,9 %|  42,5 %|  33,8 %|43,9 %|        |
|Gearing, percent                    | -4,1 %|  23,3 %|-117,6 %|73,7 %|        |
|Gross investments, EUR 1.000        |  5 856|  33 272| -82,4 %|58 027|1378,0 %|
|Gross investments, percent of sales |13,73 %|157,87 %| -91,3 %|90,6 %|        |
|Gross investments, excl.            |       |        |        |      |        |
|acquisition, EUR 1.000              |  3 654|     656| 457,0 %| 2 641| -32,7 %|
|R&D costs, EUR 1.000                |    772|     444|  18,2 %| 1 505|  33,6 %|
|R&D costs, percentage of sales      |  1,8 %|   2,1 %| -41,6 %| 2,3 %|        |
|Average number of employees         |    294|     139| 127,9 %|   199|  60,1 %|
|Number of employees at the end of   |       |        |        |      |        |
|period                              |    325|     214| 142,5 %|   263|  96,3 %|

*) The items affecting H1 2017 comparability are: share issue expenses EUR 1.3
million, acquisition-related expenses EUR 0.3 million and acquisition-related
amortizations EUR 0.5 million. In 2016 the items affecting comparability were:
acquisition-related expenses EUR 2.8 million.

The  Group's net sales during the review period were EUR 42.6 million (21.0), an
increase  of 102 percent from the comparison  period. This growth was especially
due  to the consolidation of the acquired business during the previous financial
year, but also to organic growth.

EUR  16.1 million (14.6) of the review period net sales came from the Top Hammer
business and EUR 26.5 million (6.4) from the Down the Hole business. The Digital
Services  business did not yet generate significant net sales and focused mainly
on reference deliveries.

Of  the  Group's  net  sales,  the  EMEA  accounted for EUR 14.7 million (12.3),
Australia & Asia EUR 18.8 million (4.1), Americas EUR 7.0 million (2.9) and East
EUR 2.2 million (1.8).

The  Group's EBIT for the  review period was EUR  -1.3 million (1.5). The EBIT-%
was -3.0 percent (7.2) of the net sales for the review period. The result of the
business was influenced by the upfront investments in human resources and on the
integration of new units. The above-mentioned exchange rate performance also had
a significant impact on the decline in profitability during the review period.

EBITA was EUR -0.8 million (1.5). Adjusted EBITA was EUR 0.8 million (1.5), thus
1.8 per  cent  (7.2)  of  net  sales.  Items  affecting  comparability are items
relating to acquisitions and share issue, which are as follows.

When looking at profitability, the following items of income and expense must be

  * amount of listing expenses totaled EUR 2.9 million, of which EUR 1.3 million
    were expensed.
  * acquisition-related expenses amounted to EUR 0.3 million
  * acquisition-related amortizations of EUR 0.5 million

Adjusted EBITDA has thus been adjusted for a total of EUR 1.6 million.

The Group's net financial expenses were EUR 0.8 million (H1/2016: 0.4), of which
interest  costs portion  was EUR  0.4 million. Result  before taxes was EUR -2.1
million  (1.9) and taxes EUR 0.2 million (-0.4). The impact of exchange rates on
operational operations was also negative in the review period.


In  line  with  its  strategy,  the  company  will continue strongly as a growth
company.  Growth is targeted  with an average  annual organic growth  rate of at
least 15 percent.

During  the review period,  the company's growth  was 102 percent to comparative
period,  with growth being in line with expectations, most of which based on new
acquisitions.   The   company's   targets  to  grow  through  acquisitions  were
implemented   in  the  beginning  of  the  year,  when  Robit  acquired  assets,
inventories  and  IPRs  from  Halco  International  LLC and Halco America LLC on
January  12, 2017 as  well  as  a  majority  of  Halco Brighouse Ltd's shares on
February 16, 2017

Company  has adopted IFRS  in 2017. The relative  EBITA profitability (excluding
adjustment  items) calculated in  accordance with the  IFRS financial statements
for  2016 was 11.7%. In  May 2017, the  company's management  estimated that the
company's  percentage profitability (excluding adjustment  items) will remain in
2017 at  the 2016 level if market demand remains  at current level and there are
no other disturbances in the market.

According  to  the  current  view  of  company's  management, the relative EBITA
profitability  (excluding comparable  items) will  be lower  if market demand is
maintained at current level and there are no other disturbances in the market.

The  long-term strategic goal is  to achieve an EBITA  margin of over 13 percent
over the economic cycle.

Post-acquisitions  integration projects  will further  enhance the importance of
optimizing  the  product  range,  inventory  turnover,  lead times and logistics
efficiency.  The company will intensify its management of working capital, while
maintaining the good service of customers in the globally chosen market segments
in the future.


The  Group's net cash flow  from operating activities for  the review period was
EUR 0.1 million
(H1/2016:  -0.7). The effect of changes in  working capital was EUR -0.2 million
(H1/2016: -2.1).

In  the reporting period, the change in working capital during the review period
was  mainly due to a growth in receivables of EUR 2.3 million and an increase of
EUR 2.2 million in inventories. The increase in non-interest-bearing liabilities
was  EUR 4.3 million. With the development program working capital will decrease

Net  working capital amounted to EUR  39.3 million (H1/2016: 17.3) at the end of
the  review period. Company acquisitions are the main reason for the net working
capital increase.

Net  cash flow from investing activities  was EUR -5.9 million (H1/2016: -31.6).
Gross  investments were EUR 5.9 million (H1/2016: 31.6). Of the investments, EUR
2.1 million  related to the Korean new plant's investment and EUR 1.8 million to
Halco assets.

Net  cash  flow  from  financing  activities  EUR  49.8 million (H1/2016: 25.2)
consists of EUR 49.5 million of the share issue and net change in loans.

Liquid  assets  at  the  end  of  the  review  period  totalled EUR 54.7 million
(H1/2016:  26.3) and interest-bearing  financial liabilities  totalled EUR 51.5
million (H1/2016: 37.3).

The  Group's  equity  at  the  end  of  the  review  period was EUR 95.7 million
(H1/2016: 47.4).

At  the end  of the  review period,  the Group's  equity ratio was 56.8 per cent
(H1/2016:  42.5) and the  net debt  to equity  ratio was  -4.1 percent (H1/2016:
23.3) as a result of the company's good financial position after share issue.

Depreciation  was 2.6 (H1/2016: 0.7) million. The  growth of depreciation of EUR
1.9 million  was  mainly  due  to  the  increase in the depreciation through the
companies  acquired in 2016 and 2017, and EUR 0.5 million to the amortization of
the purchase price allocations of the acquisitions.


Robit  supplemented its offering with the acquisition of Halco. This acquisition
also supports the growth strategy.

The  new product offering from this  and previous acquisitions combined with the
company's  expanded  distribution  network  and  a more developed dealer network
enable  good growth opportunities in the  new group. The professional, efficient
and  customer-oriented dealer network is essential for the future organic growth
of  the company. According to the management, the above-mentioned factors create
good conditions for strengthening the company's market share and market position
in  the future. With the wider delivery range company is able to serve customers

The company continues to evaluate suitable potential acquisition targets as part
of  the  global  consolidation  trend  in  the  industry,  which  the  company's
management  expects to continue  further. The development  of the Halco business
also strengthens Robit's growth strategy.


The number of shares on June 30, 2017 was 21,083,900 shares.

The number of shareholders on June 30, 2017 was 2,051.

The company holds 94,674 treasury shares (0.5 percent of the number of shares).

The  market capitalization on June 30, 2017 was EUR 219 million (share price was
EUR 10.40).

During   the  review  period,  the  company  made  a  directed  share  issue  to
institutional investors, which were issued 5,000,000 new shares. The issue price
was  EUR  9.90 per  share  and  a  total  of EUR 49.5 million of new capital was


At  the end of the review period,  the company's personnel amounted to 325 (144.
The  increase  in  the  number  of  employees  was  due  to the personnel of the
companies  acquired  during  the  previous  financial  year and the period under
review. During the review period, the number of employees grew by 62, two thirds
of which came from acquisitions and one third through additional recruitment. Of
the company's personnel, 73 percent were outside Finland.

Company  strengthened its management with the  following persons: Group CEO Mika
Virtanen,  Group CFO Ilkka Miettinen,  VP Down the Hole  Tommi Lehtonen, VP East
Jorma  Juntunen  and  VP  EMEA  Kari  Alenius.  VP Top Hammer Olli Kuismanen, VP
Americas Mikko Mattila and HR Manager Terhi Mäkinen left the company.


Robit  Plc's  Annual  General  Meeting  on March 28, 2017 approved the presented
financial  statements  for  January  1 -  December  31, 2016 and  decided that a
dividend  of  EUR  1 598 922.60 to  be  paid.  It  was resolved to discharge the
members  of the Board  of Directors from  liability for the  financial period of
2016 and the CEO for the financial period of 2016.

The  following persons were elected as the Board of Directors: Mammu Kaario as a
new  member and Tapio Hintikka, Matti Kotola, Kalle Reponen and Harri Sjöholm as
old members. Anni Ronkainen was no longer available for re-election to the Board
of Directors. It was resolved to elect Harri Sjöholm as Chairman of the Board of

Ernst  & Young  Oy, an  Authorized Public  Accounting firm,  was elected  as the
company's  auditor and  Authorized Public  Accountant Mikko  Järventausta as the

Robit  Plc's  Extraordinary  General  Meeting  held  on  20 April  2017 made the
following key resolutions:

The  Extraordinary General Meeting resolved to  authorise the Board of Directors
to  decide on the  acquisition of a  maximum of 1,608,390 own  shares, in one or
several  tranches, using  the Company's  unrestricted shareholder's  equity. The
maximum  number  of  shares  to  be  acquired equals to approximately 10% of all
shares  in  the  Company  at  the  date  of  the notice to the EGM. However, the
Company,  together with its subsidiary companies, may  not at any point own more
than 10% of all the shares in the Company. Own shares may be purchased under the
authorisation using only the unrestricted shareholders' equity.

The  shares are acquired otherwise than in  proportion to the share ownership of
the shareholders in public trading arranged by Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd at the market
price  on the  date of  the acquisition  or otherwise  at a  price formed on the
market.  The Company's own  shares may be  acquired, for instance,  to carry out
possible  corporate transactions or as part of share-based incentive systems, or
for  other purposes as decided  by the Board of  Directors, as well as otherwise
for  further  transfer,  retention  or  cancellation.  The Board of Directors is
authorised to decide on all other terms and conditions regarding the acquisition
of the Company's own shares.

The  Extraordinary General Meeting resolved  that this authorisation cancels the
authorisation  granted by the Annual General  Meeting on 18 March 2016 to decide
on the acquisition of own shares.

The  authorisation is  in force  until the  end of  the following Annual General
Meeting, however not longer than until 30 June 2018.

The Board of Directors resolved to authorise the Board of Directors to decide on
the  issuance of shares  and special rights  entitling to shares  referred to in
chapter  10, section 1 of  the Limited  Liability Companies  Act, in one or more
tranches, either against or without consideration.

The  number of  shares to  be issued,  including the  shares to be issued on the
basis of special rights, may not exceed 7,000,000, which equals to approximately
43.5% of all the shares in the Company at the date of the notice to the EGM. The
Board  of Directors may decide to issue either new shares or to transfer any own
shares held by the Company.

The  authorisation entitles the Board of Directors to decide on all terms of the
share  issue and transfer  of special rights  entitling to shares, including the
right to deviate from the shareholders' pre-emptive right. The authorisation may
be  used  to  finance  the  Company's  growth,  as  consideration  in  corporate
transactions,  as part of the Company's incentive systems, or for other purposes
as decided by the Board of Directors.

The  authorisation  remains  in  force  for  five  years  from  the  end  of the
Extraordinary  General Meeting.  This authorisation  cancels any previous unused
authorisations  to decide on  the share issue  and issuance of  options or other
special rights entitling to shares.


During  the  review  period,  the  company  acquired  51 percent  of  Halco UK's
shareholding  (Halco Brighouse Ltd, Halco Drilling Tools Ltd). A new subsidiary,
Robit  LLC, was established  in the USA,  which acquired Halco  USA's assets. In
addition, the company established a new subsidiary in Kazakhstan (TOO Robit).


The  company's risks  and uncertainties  are related  to the company's operating
environment, its possible changes and global economic development.

In  addition,  uncertainty  factors  include  exchange  rate  developments,  the
functioning  and  introduction  of  new  information systems, the integration of
acquisitions,   security   of   supply   and  logistics  risks,  IPR  risks  and
uncertainties  associated with the company's operations. In addition, changes in
tax and customs legislation in the export countries may harm the export trade or
profitability of the company.

The  possible realization  of the  risks is  expected to  have a negative impact
mainly  on the company's growth, financial position and profitability as well as
the   image.   The   company's  management  does  not  expect  these  risks  and
uncertainties to be significant at the time of the review.


Mika  Virtanen, M.Sc. Economics and Production Technologies, (42), was appointed
the  new Group CEO  of Robit Plc  in May 1, 2017. Virtanen  has made a career of
over  20 years in several management positions in metal and automation industry.
He worked since 2002 for Cargotec Corporation in international operations before
joining Robit.

Company listed on Nasdaq Helsinki main list on May 17, 2017.

The  listing enabled  a new  share issue  for institutional investors. The gross
proceeds from the issue totaled EUR 49.5 million to finance growth.


Robit  has recruited  Jukka Pihamaa,  M.Sc, Engineering,  MBA, as  the VP Supply
Chain  and Mikko  Vuojolainen, M.Sc,  Engineering, MBA  as the VP Americas. Both
will  begin  their  duties  later  in  the  autumn  at  a  time  to be announced


An  analyst and press conference in connection with the publication of the half-
year   financial   report  will  be  held  for  analysts,  investors  and  media
representatives  on Thursday,  17 August 2017 at  1.00 p.m. The  conference will
take  place in Helsinki  at Event Arena  Bank (meeting rooms 24-25), Unioninkatu
22, 00130 Helsinki. Entrance through Havis Business Center.

Doors will be open at 12.30 p.m. The conference will be held in English.

The  event is open  for everybody. However,  it is advisable  to register to the
event by Thursday 10 August 2017 via email investors@robitgroup.com.

The    conference    can    also    be    viewed    as   a   live   webcast   at
http://live.mentoraid.fi/9uer5t/. Registration is not required.

The  presentation material and record will be available on the company's website
at  http://www.robit.fi/investors/financial-information/  after  the analyst and
press conference.


The  company will  present its  net sales  figures from  the time period January
1, 2017 - September 30, 2017 on October 19, 2017.


This  release has been prepared in  accordance with the International Accounting
Standards  (IFRS)  recognition  and  measurement  principles. All figures in the
statement  of financial statements  and notes are  rounded, which means that the
aggregate amount of the individual figures may differ from the amount presented.

Robit  has made a  preliminary assessment of  the application of  IFRS 15 and no
significant  change is  expected in  the valuation  or timing  of the  sales net
sales.  The application of IFRS 15 will be launched in the Group during the rest
of 2017.

Lempäälä, August 17, 2017

Robit Plc

Group CEO Mika Virtanen
Board of Directors

Summary of Financial Statements

|Consolidated statement|                  |                 |                  |
|of       comprehensive|                  |                 |                  |
|income                |                  |                 |                  |
|                      |                  |                 |                  |
|EUR thousand          |                  |                 |                  |
|                      |        1.1.2017 -|       1.1.2016 -|        1.1.2016 -|
|                      |         30.6.2017|        30.6.2016|        31.12.2016|
|Revenue               |            42 645|           21 076|            64 050|
|Changes in inventories|            -1 060|            1 343|               -67|
|of  finished goods and|                  |                 |                  |
|work in progress      |                  |                 |                  |
|Manufacturing  for own|               147|               98|               201|
|use                   |                  |                 |                  |
|Other operating income|               110|              100|               241|
|Materials and services|                  |                 |                  |
|Purchases  during  the|          -16 610 |           -7 288|          -20 290 |
|year                  |                  |                 |                  |
|Change in inventories,|              927 |              292|             -634 |
|increase  (+) decrease|                  |                 |                  |
|(-)                   |                  |                 |                  |
|External services     |           -6 760 |           -5 828|          -11 727 |
|Materials and supplies|           -22 443|          -12 823|           -32 651|
|Employee       benefit|            -9 059|           -3 758|           -11 113|
|expense               |                  |                 |                  |
|Depreciation,         |            -2 608|             -679|            -3 233|
|amortization       and|                  |                 |                  |
|impairment            |                  |                 |                  |
|Other        operating|            -9 019|           -3 849|           -13 167|
|expenses              |                  |                 |                  |
|Operating       profit|            -1 288|            1 508|             4 262|
|(loss)                |                  |                 |                  |
|                      |                  |                 |                  |
|Financial  income  and|                  |                 |                  |
|costs                 |                  |                 |                  |
|Interest   income  and|               639|            2 008|             3 316|
|other finance income  |                  |                 |                  |
|Interest  expense  and|            -1 475|           -1 639|            -2 411|
|other financial cost  |                  |                 |                  |
|Financial  income  and|              -836|              369|               906|
|costs total           |                  |                 |                  |
|                      |                  |                 |                  |
|                      |                  |                 |                  |
|Profit  (loss)  before|            -2 124|            1 877|             5 168|
|income tax            |                  |                 |                  |
|                      |                  |                 |                  |
|Income taxes          |                  |                 |                  |
|Current tax           |              -210|             -245|            -1 100|
|Changes   in  deferred|               435|             -150|               -28|
|taxes                 |                  |                 |                  |
|Income taxes          |               226|             -395|            -1 128|
|                      |                  |                 |                  |
|Profit  (loss) for the|            -1 898|            1 482|             4 040|
|period                |                  |                 |                  |
|                      |                  |                 |                  |
|Attributable to:      |                  |                 |                  |
|Owners of the parent  |            -1 898|            1 482|             4 040|
|                      |            -1 898|            1 482|             4 040|
|                      |                  |                 |                  |
|Other    comprehensive|                  |                 |                  |
|income                |                  |                 |                  |
|                      |                  |                 |                  |
|Items   that   may  be|                  |                 |                  |
|reclassified to profit|                  |                 |                  |
|or  loss in subsequent|                  |                 |                  |
|periods:              |                  |                 |                  |
|Translation           |              -986|               19|                43|
|differences           |                  |                 |                  |
|Other    comprehensive|                  |                 |                  |
|income, net of tax    |              -986|               19|                43|
|Total    comprehensive|            -2 884|            1 502|             4 083|
|income                |                  |                 |                  |
|                      |                  |                 |                  |
|Attributable to:      |                  |                 |                  |
|Owners of the parent  |            -2 884|            1 502|             4 083|
|Total    comprehensive|            -2 884|            1 502|             4 083|
|income                |                  |                 |                  |
|                      |                  |                 |                  |
|Earnings   per   share|                  |                 |                  |
|attributable   to  the|                  |                 |                  |
|owners  of  the parent|                  |                 |                  |
|during the year       |                  |                 |                  |
|                      |                  |                 |                  |
|Basic    and   diluted|             -0,11|             0,09|              0,26|
|earnings per share    |                  |                 |                  |

|CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET            |         |         |          |        |
|EUR tuhatta                           |30.6.2017|30.6.2016|31.12.2016|1.1.2016|
|ASSETS                                |         |         |          |        |
|Non-current assets                    |         |         |          |        |
|Goodwill                              |   25 573|   19 501|    25 469|      88|
|Other intangible assets               |    8 314|    6 836|     8 333|   1 297|
|Property, plant and equipment         |   20 901|  14  991|    16 611|   7 752|
|Loan receivables                      |      376|      742|       720|     744|
|Other receivables                     |      153|      156|       157|     150|
|Deferred tax assets                   |    1 078|      691|       720|     339|
|Total non-current assets              |   56 395|   42 917|    52 011|  10 369|
|                                      |         |         |          |        |
|Current assets                        |         |         |          |        |
|Inventories                           |   32 726|   27 363|    30 176|  11 873|
|Account and other receivables         |  24  338|   14 292|    21 248|  10 431|
|Loan receivables                      |       31|       65|        48|      26|
|Income tax receivable                 |       27|      204|         0|      10|
|Derivatives                           |        0|      449|          |        |
|Cash and cash equivalents             |   54 698|   26 280|    10 519|  33 310|
|Total current assets                  |  111 819|   68 654|    61 991|  55 650|
|                                      |         |         |          |        |
|Total assets                          |  168 214|  111 570|   114 002|  66 019|
|                                      |         |         |          |        |
|                                      |         |         |          |        |
|EUR thousand                          |30.6.2017|30.6.2016|31.12.2016|1.1.2016|
|EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                |         |         |          |        |
|Equity                                |         |         |          |        |
|Share capital                         |      705|      705|       705|     705|
|Share premium                         |      202|      202|       202|     202|
|Reserve   for   invested  unrestricted|   82 436|   32 322|    32 368|  32 322|
|equity                                |         |         |          |        |
|Cumulative translation difference     |     -842|      120|       144|     101|
|Retained earnings                     |   15 059|   12 598|    12 597|  11 526|
|Profit (loss) for the period          |   -1 898|    1 482|     4 040|   1 704|
|Total equity attributable to owners of|   95 661|   47 429|    50 056|  46 559|
|the parent                            |         |         |          |        |
|                                      |         |         |          |        |
|Total Equity                          |   95 661|   47 429|    50 056|  46 559|
|                                      |         |         |          |        |
|Liabilities                           |         |         |          |        |
|Non-current liabilities               |         |         |          |        |
|Borrowings                            |   42 340|   32 502|    36 601|   5 262|
|Deferred tax liabilities              |    1 938|    1 583|     2 093|      - |
|Derivative financial instruments      |        0|       30|         0|      49|
|Employee benefit obligations          |    1 178|      891|       947|     430|
|Total non-current liabilities         |   45 456|   35 005|    39 641|   5 741|
|                                      |         |         |          |        |
|Current liabilities                   |         |         |          |        |
|Borrowings                            |    9 122|    4 820|    10 828|   6 224|
|Derivative financial instruments      |        0|        0|        38|      0 |
|Advances received                     |      330|      269|       282|     132|
|Income tax liabilities                |      195|       16|       736|     103|
|Account  payables  and  other  current|   17 449|   24 032|    12 421|   7 260|
|liabilities                           |         |         |          |        |
|Total current liabilities             |   27 096|   29 136|    24 305|  13 720|
|                                      |         |         |          |        |
|Total liabilities                     |   72 553|   64 141|    63 946|  19 460|
|                                      |         |         |          |        |
|Total equity and liabilities          |  168 214|  111 570|   114 002|  66 019|

|CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY                                   |
|EUR thousand   |Share    |Share   |Reserve for  |Cumulative  |Retained |Total |
|               |capital  |premium |invested     |translation |earnings |      |
|               |         |        |unrestricted |difference  |         |      |
|               |         |        |equity       |            |         |      |
|Equity at      |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|1.1.2016       |      705|     202|       32 322|         101|   13 229|46 559|
|Profit for the |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|period         |       - |      - |           - |          - |    1 482| 1 482|
|Other          |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|comprehensive  |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|income         |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|Translation    |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|differences    |       - |      - |           - |          19|       - |    19|
|Total          |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|comprehensive  |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|income or      |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|expense        |       - |      - |           - |          19|    1 482| 1 501|
|               |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|Dividend       |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|distribution   |       - |      - |           - |          - |     -631|  -631|
|Total          |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|transactions   |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|with owners,   |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|recognized     |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|directly in    |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|equity         |       - |      - |           - |          - |     -631|  -631|
|               |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|Equity at      |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|30.6.2016      |      705|     202|       32 322|         120|   14 080|47 429|
|               |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|Equity at      |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|1.1.2017       |      705|     202|       32 368|         144|   16 638|50 057|
|Profit for the |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|period         |         |        |             |            |   -1 898|-1 898|
|Other          |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|comprehensive  |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|income         |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|Translation    |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|differences    |         |        |             |        -986|         |  -986|
|Total          |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|comprehensive  |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|income         |       - |      - |            0|        -986|   -1 898|-2 884|
|               |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|Dividend       |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|distribution   |         |        |             |            |   -1 579|-1 579|
|Halco          |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|acquisition    |         |        |        1 797|            |         | 1 797|
|Share issue    |       - |      - |       48 270|          - |       - |48 270|
|Total          |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|transactions   |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|with owners,   |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|recognized     |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|directly in    |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|equity         |        0|       0|       50 067|           0|   -1 579|48 488|
|               |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|Equity at      |         |        |             |            |         |      |
|30.6.2017      |      705|     202|       82 435|        -842|   13 161|95 661|

|CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS     |                 |                  |
|EUR thousand          |        1.1.2017 -|       1.1.2016 -|        1.1.2016 -|
|                      |         30.6.2017|        30.6.2016|        31.12.2016|
|Cash flows from       |                  |                 |                  |
|operating activities  |                  |                 |                  |
|Profit before income  |            -2 124|            1 877|             5 168|
|tax                   |                  |                 |                  |
|Adjustments           |                  |                 |                  |
|Depreciation,         |                  |                 |                  |
|amortization and      |             2 608|              679|             3 233|
|impairment charges    |                  |                 |                  |
|Finance income and    |               836|             -369|              -906|
|finance costs         |                  |                 |                  |
|loss (+) on sale of   |                  |                 |                  |
|property, plant and   |                 0|                0|               135|
|equipment             |                  |                 |                  |
|Other non-cash        |               145|                0|                46|
|transactions          |                  |                 |                  |
|Cash flows before     |                  |                 |                  |
|changes in working    |             1 465|            2 187|             7 677|
|capital               |                  |                 |                  |
|                      |                  |                 |                  |
|Change in working     |                  |                 |                  |
|capital               |                  |                 |                  |
|Increase (-) in       |                  |                 |                  |
|account and other     |            -2 276|           -2 133|            -8 187|
|receivables           |                  |                 |                  |
|Increase (-) /        |                  |                 |                  |
|decrease (+) in       |            -2 212|           -1 797|               -37|
|inventories           |                  |                 |                  |
|Increase (+) in       |                  |                 |                  |
|account and other     |             4 333|            1 783|             2 048|
|payables              |                  |                 |                  |
|Cash flows from       |                  |                 |                  |
|operating activities  |             1 309|               39|             1 456|
|before financial      |                  |                 |                  |
|items and taxes       |                  |                 |                  |
|Interest and other    |              -557|             -252|              -737|
|finance expenses paid |                  |                 |                  |
|Interest and other    |                  |                 |                  |
|finance income        |               173|                1|                20|
|received              |                  |                 |                  |
|Income taxes paid     |              -849|             -524|              -521|
|Net cash inflow       |                  |                 |                  |
|(outflow) from        |                76|             -736|               264|
|operating activities  |                  |                 |                  |
|                      |                  |                 |                  |
|Cash flows from       |                  |                 |                  |
|investing activities  |                  |                 |                  |
|Purchases of property,|            -3 253|             -294|            -1 749|
|plant and equipment   |                  |                 |                  |
|Purchases of          |              -761|             -341|              -892|
|intangible assets     |                  |                 |                  |
|Proceeds from the sale|                  |                 |                  |
|of property, plant and|                 0|                0|                77|
|equipment             |                  |                 |                  |
|Proceeds from loan    |               361|                0|                 2|
|receivables           |                  |                 |                  |
|Loans granted         |                 0|              -37|                 0|
|Proceeds from currency|                 0|                0|             1 156|
|forward contracts     |                  |                 |                  |
|Acquisition of        |                  |                 |                  |
|subsidiaries, net of  |            -2 202|          -30 945|           -56 622|
|cash acquired         |                  |                 |                  |
|Net cash inflow       |                  |                 |                  |
|(outflow) from        |            -5 856|          -31 617|           -58 027|
|investing activities  |                  |                 |                  |
|                      |                  |                 |                  |
|Cash flows from       |                  |                 |                  |
|financing activities  |                  |                 |                  |
|Proceeds from share   |                  |                 |                  |
|issues, net of        |            47 962|                0|                - |
|expenses              |                  |                 |                  |
|Acquisition of own    |                  |                0|                - |
|shares                |                  |                 |                  |
|Proceeds from non-    |             6 000|           27 383|            36 815|
|current loans         |                  |                 |                  |
|Repayments of non-    |            -3 532|           -1 272|            -1 871|
|current loans         |                  |                 |                  |
|Change in bank        |             1 072|             -201|               636|
|overdrafts            |                  |                 |                  |
|Payment of finance    |              -130|              -34|               -67|
|lease liabilities     |                  |                 |                  |
|Distribution of       |            -1 578|             -631|              -631|
|dividend              |                  |                 |                  |
|Net cash inflow       |                  |                 |                  |
|(outflow) from        |            49 794|           25 245|            34 881|
|financing activities  |                  |                 |                  |
|                      |                  |                 |                  |
|Net increase (+) /    |                  |                 |                  |
|decrease (-) in cash  |            44 014|           -7 109|           -22 862|
|and cash equivalents  |                  |                 |                  |
|Cash and cash         |                  |                 |                  |
|equivalents at the    |            10 519|           33 310|            33 310|
|beginning of the      |                  |                 |                  |
|financial year        |                  |                 |                  |
|Exchange gains/losses |                  |                 |                  |
|on cash and cash      |               164|               79|                91|
|equivalents           |                  |                 |                  |
|Cash and cash         |                  |                 |                  |
|equivalents at end of |            54 698|           26 280|            10 519|
|the year              |                  |                 |                  |

|Borrowings/Loans/Interest-bearing loans                      |
|EUR thousand                  |30.6.2017|30.6.2016|31.12.2016|
|Non-current borrowings        |         |         |          |
|Loans from credit institutions|   41 512|   32 365|    35 787|
|Other loans                   |      735|        -|       702|
|Finance lease liabilities     |       93|      137|       113|
|Total non-current borrowings  |   42 340|   32 502|    36 601|
|                              |         |         |          |
|Current borrowings            |         |         |          |
|Loans from credit institutions|    4 871|    3 047|     8 162|
|Bank overdrafts               |    3 657|    1 748|     2 585|
|Finance lease liabilities     |      593|       25|        81|
|Total current borrowings      |    9 122|    4 820|    10 828|
|                              |         |         |          |
|Total borrowings              |   51 462|   37 321|    47 429|

|Changes in property, plant and equipment                                      |
|EUR thousand                                   |30.6.2017|30.6.2016|31.12.2016|
|                                               |         |         |          |
|Cost at the beginning of period                |   23 797|   12 696|    12 696|
|Additions                                      |    3 054|      294|     1 789|
|Acquisition of subsidiaries                    |    3 765|    7 496|     9 325|
|Disposals                                      |     -316|       -9|      -235|
|Exchange differences                           |     -610|       49|       222|
|Cost at the end of period                      |   29 690|   20 526|    23 797|
|                                               |         |         |          |
|Accumulated depreciation and impairment at the |   -7 186|   -4 944|    -4 944|
|beginning of period                            |         |         |          |
|Depreciation                                   |   -1 917|     -577|    -2 241|
|Disposals                                      |      171|        0|        23|
|Exchange differences                           |      143|      -13|       -23|
|Accumulated depreciation and impairment at the |   -8 789|   -5 534|    -7 185|
|end of period                                  |         |         |          |
|                                               |         |         |          |
|Net book amount at the beginning of period     |   16 611|    7 752|     7 752|
|Net book amount at the end of period           |   20 901|   14 991|    16 611|


In  2017 Robit  has  executed  its  global  growth strategy by strengthening its
appearance in USA and UK. First Robit acquired the manufacturing assets and IPRs
from Halco International LLC and Halco America LLC ("Halco US") as at 12 January

In  February 2017 Robit  purchased a  majority (51%)  of Halco Brighthouse Ltd's
shares, which is the Halcos operating company in England. The agreement includes
the  acquisition of 100% of the  shares in Halco Drilling  Ltd and Paddico (320)
Ltd,  which  owns  51% of  Halco  Brighthouse  Ltd shares ("Halco UK"). The deal
included  also the right and obligation to purchase the rest of the shares (49%)
after a year on the basis of an option.

These  acquisitions strengthen Robit's Down the Hole business and complement the
acquisition that were executed in Australia and UK in 2016

Total consideration for the acquisitions amounted to EUR 4 078 thousand, of this
EUR  1 798 thousand was settled  by issuing shares  in Robit, EUR 1 812 thousand
was  settled in cash  at closing.  Deferred  consideration amounting to EUR 468
thousand  was settled  in cash  on April.  The exercise  price of  the option to
purchase  49% of the shares in Halco Brighthouse  Ltd is linked to the net sales
in 2017 and it is capped to EUR 350 thousand (GBP 300 thousand).

As the deal of Halco UK included obligation to purchase rest of the shares (49%)
in  Halco  Brighouse  Ltd  from  the  key  employees of Halco Brighouse Ltd, the
company  has been  consolidated in  full to  the Robit  Group. The price for the
remaining  shares is tied  to the adjusted  sales of Halco  Brighouse Ltd and is
considered  as  employee  benefit.  As  at  the reporting date, the management's
estimate  is that the payable  for the remaining shares  is the maximum GBP 300
thousand. For the six month period ended 30 June 2016 EUR 147 thousand (GBP 126
thousand) is recognized as employee benefit expense.

The following table summarizes the consideration paid for Halco UK and Halco US,
the  fair values of  assets acquired and  liabilities assumed at the acquisition

 EUR thousand                                                      EUR thousand
 Cash paid                                                                1 812

 Equity consideration (Robit's shares)                                    1 798

 Deferred consideration                                                     468
 Total purchase consideration                                             4 078

 The assets and liabilities recognized as a result of the
 acquisition are as follows:

 EUR thousand                                                        Fair Value
 Intangible assets                                                          187

 Property, plant and equipment                                            3 765

 Inventories                                                                338

 Account receivables and other receivables                                  813

 Cash and cash equivalents                                                   78

 Deferred tax liabilities                                                 (298)

 Finance lease liabilities                                                (622)

 Advance payments                                                          (72)

 Account payables and other current liabilities                           (721)
 Net identifiable assets acquired                                         3 601

 Goodwill                                                                   609
 Net assets acquired                                                      4 078

Acquisition-related costs (EUR 299 thousand) have been charged to administrative
expenses in the consolidated income statement for the period ended 30 June 2017.

The  fair value of the 200 thousand  ordinary shares issued as the consideration
paid  for Halco UK was based on  the published share price on 16 February 2017.
There were no significant issuing costs.

|CONSOLIDATED KEY FIGURES          |   H1/2017|   H1/2016|      2016|
|Net sales, EUR 1.000              |    42 645|    21 076|    64 050|
|EBIT, EUR 1.000                   |    -1 288|     1 508|     4 262|
|EBIT, percent of sales            |   -3,02 %|    7,16 %|    6,65 %|
|Earnings per share                |     -0,11|      0,09|      0,26|
|Return on equity, %               |   -2,61 %|    5,00 %|    9,90 %|
|Equity ratio, %                   |   56,79 %|   42,50 %|   43,90 %|
|ROCE, %                           |    -0,3 %|    9,30 %|    4,70 %|
|Net gearing                       |   -4,10 %|   23,30 %|   73,70 %|
|Investments                       |     3 654|       656|     2 641|
|Investments, percent of sales     |    8,57 %|    3,11 %|    4,12 %|
|Number of shares                  |21 083 900|15 784 333|15 784 333|
|Own shares                        |    94 674|    99 450|    99 567|
|Percentage of total shares        |    0,45 %|    0,63 %|    0,63 %|
|                                  |          |          |          |
|CONSOLIDATED KEY FIGURES, ADJUSTED|   H1/2017|   H1/2016|      2016|
|Adjusted EBITDA                   |     2 908|     2 187|    10 251|
|Adjusted EBITDA, percent of sales |    6,82 %|   10,38 %|   16,00 %|
|Adjusted EBIT                     |       300|     1 508|     4 262|
|Adjusted EBIT, percent of sales   |    0,70 %|    7,16 %|    6,65 %|
|Adjusted ROE, percent of sales    |   -0,43 %|    5,00 %|    9,90 %|
|Adjusted ROCE, percent of sales   |     1,1 %|    9,30 %|    4,70 %|


                        Operating profit + Depreciation and
 EBITDA               = amortization

                        Operating profit + Amortization of
 EBITA                = goodwill

                           Profit (loss) for the reporting
 Earnings per share   =---------------------------------------
 (EPS), EUR              Amount of shares adjusted with the
                           share issue (average during the
                                  reporting period)

                         Profit (loss) for the
 Return on equity,          reporting period
 percent              =--------------------------x 100
                         Equity (average during
                         the reporting period)

                        Profit before appropriations and taxes + Interest
                              expenses and other financing expenses
 Return on capital     ---------------------------------------------------
 employed (ROCE),     =  Equity (average during the reporting period) +   x 100
 percent                Interest-bearing financial liabilities (long-term
                        and short-term loans from financial institutions,
                              average during the reporting period)

 Net interest-bearing   Long-term and short-term loans from financial
 debt                 = institutions - Cash and cash equivalents - Short-
                        term financial securities

 Equity ratio,        =------------------------x 100
 percent                Balance sheet total -
                          Advances received

                         Net interest-bearing
 Net gearing, percent = financial liabilities  x 100

Further information:

Mika Virtanen, Group CEO
+358 40 832 7583

Harri Sjöholm, Chairman
+358 400 622 092

Robit  is  a  strongly  internationalized  growth  company selling and servicing
global   customers   in   drilling   consumables  for  applications  in  mining,
construction  and  contracting,  tunneling  and  well  drilling.  The  company's
offering  is divided into three product and  service range: Top Hammer and Down-
the-Hole  products  as  well  as  Digital  Services.  Robit has 21 own sales and
service   points  as  well  as  active  sales  networks  in  115 countries.  The
manufacturing units are located in Finland, South Korea, Australia, UK and USA.

Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd
Key media
