2014-08-22 09:00:00 CEST

2014-08-22 09:00:03 CEST


Finnish English
Vaahto Group Plc Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)


Helsinki, Finland, 2014-08-22 09:00 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- VAAHTO GROUP PLC
OYJ INTERIM REPORT 22.8.2014 AT 10.00 


Turnover from Vaahto Group's continuing operations from 1 January to 30 June
2014 was 8.8 million euros (15.7 M euros) with an operating loss of 0.2 million
euros (profit 0.3 M euros). The order backlog of the continuing operations on
30 June 2014 was 9.7 M euros (16.4 M euros). Turnover and order backlog stayed
behind the reference period due to market situation which remained challenging.
Global economy continued to reflect on customers' investment decisions,
postponing them. However, the order backlog grew during the first half of the
year and the number of offers has remained on a good level. 

In the previous Interim Management Statement, the operating profit of the
Vaahto Group's continuing operations was expected to be positive for the fiscal
year 2014. During the first half of the year, however, the profit target was
not entirely met. The company lowered the 2014 operating profit estimate in the
stock exchange release published on 31 July 2014. The latest management
estimation is that the operating profit of the Group's continuing operations
will be negative for the fiscal year 2014. 

Business reporting

In February 2014, Vaahto Group announced to divest or discontinue operations of
the unprofitable Paper Technology business in its entirety and to focus on the
Process Technology business, in accordance to the group strategy. In the
financial statements for 2013, the Service Unit of the Vaahto Paper Technology
Ltd. was presented as discontinued operations as were the remaining parts of
the Projects Unit, which was sold during the fiscal period of 2013. 

On 30 June 2014, the Board of Directors resolved to present AP-Tela Oy as
discontinued operations in the interim report. Thus, the entire Vaahto Paper
Technology business has been classified as discontinued operations. From now
on, Vaahto Group will report one segment which consists of Vaahto Process
Technology business. 

The effect of discontinued operations on profit/loss is shown on its own line,
separately from continuing operations. Earlier, the group's overhead costs have
been allocated also to operations now discontinued. As the costs will no longer
be allocated to discontinued operations, they affect solely continuing
operations. As the volume of the continuing operations reduces, the relative
effect of these costs has increased. The group is currently adjusting its
administrative costs, especially regarding the group's ICT. 

Vaahto Process Technology

Vaahto Process Technology business includes all of the company's continuing
operations. Turnover of the business from 1 January to 30 June 2014 was 8.8
million euros (15.7 M euros) with an operating loss of 0.2 million euros
(profit 0.3 M euros). 

Vaahto Process Technology business is divided into two business areas: Japrotek
Vessels and Stelzer Mixing Technology. Japrotek Vessels designs and
manufactures demanding vessel structures for process industry as well as
complete vessel and agitator combinations. Stelzer Mixing Technology focuses on
the mixing technology for process industry and related maintenance services. 

For Japrotek Vessels business area, the year started in tough market situation
that improved slightly during spring as the customers began making investment
decisions for their projects. In May, Japrotek Vessels received new orders, the
most significant of which was a delivery to Valmet AB in Sweden consisting of
tanks and digester. The number of offers remains on a good level and increased
during the period. Signs of decrease in demand have not been detected although
some customers postponed their investment decisions until the end of the summer
vacation period. 

For Stelzer Mixing Technology business area, the year started well but the
market situation worsened in April. The traditional backbone of the business,
food industry, began postponing investments and the markets in China slowed
down. The situation in Ukraine and weakening value of the Russian ruble also
reflected on the business volume. Market situation started improving only by
the end of June. The number of offers, however, remains on a good level and the
market position is unchanged. 

As resolved in February, the Group focuses on the Process Technology business.
The deployment of the strategy has begun and continues in the latter half of
the year. Japrotek Vessels will increase its focus on demanding process
industry projects where vessel and agitator combinations are complemented with
know-how of the customers' process model. Stelzer Mixing Technology will focus
on industrial mixing products and seek strong growth in new market areas as
well as industrial segments. Japrotek Vessels will support its business with
the mixing know-how of Stelzer Mixing Technology. Japrotek and Stelzer will
both specialize in their own specific product categories that complement each
other, thus gaining synergy in production. This will both streamline the
production and increase the volume by utilizing the Group's existing resources. 

Financing and investments

During the period, the cash flow from the Group's business operations was 0.8
million euros (-0.4 M euros) and the cash flow from investments was -0.2
million euros (1.0 M euros). Interest-bearing liabilities amounted to 12.2
million euros (18.5 M euros). The Group's consolidated balance sheet total was
19.3 million euros (23.6 M euros). 

Group's capital expenditure during the period was 0.2 million euros (0.2 M

After the financing negotiations, finished in December 2013, the Group was
provided with a grace period for loans from financial institutions for 2014.
Additionally, conditions of the financing agreement for 2014 were met during
the first quarter and the Group received a debt relief totaling 3 million
euros; 2.7 million euros for the parent company and 0.3 million euros for
Vaahto Paper Technology Ltd. For financial restructuring, negotiations with the
Group's main financiers are scheduled for fall 2014. 

Directed share issue

On 10 March 2014, the board of directors of Vaahto Group Plc resolved to issue
up to 2,000,000 new shares in a directed share issue based on an authorization
by the general meeting of shareholders on 10 April 2013. 

In the share issue, the 10 largest shareholders had a subscription right. The
basis for the deviation from the pre-emptive subscription right was, according
to the resolution to issue shares, the strengthening of the company's financial
standing and the securing of the continuance of the company's operations. In
the share issue, Hannu Laakkonen subscribed for 1,000,000 shares and Mikko
Laakkonen subscribed for 1,000,000 shares. The subscription price per share for
all the shares was 0.52 euro. The subscription price was determined on the
basis of bids received by the company. 

The issued new shares have been registered with the Trade Register on 31 March
2014. Subsequent to the share issue, the total number of shares in the company
and the number of votes carried by the shares is 5,977,360. The issued new
shares represent 33.5% of the total amount of shares of the company. The issued
new shares carry shareholder rights in the company from the date of
registration with the Trade Register. 

The subscribers have given the company an undertaking not to sell, transfer,
donate, or otherwise dispose of the shares issued in the share issue within 180
calendar days from the registering of the shares with the trade register. The
company will apply for the listing of the shares at the latest within one year
from the issuance of the shares. In connection with the application, the
company will publish a listing prospectus in accordance with the Finnish
Securities Market Act and the EU Prospectus Regulation. 


On 30 June 2014, the Group has classified AP-Tela Oy as discontinued
operations. Also the liquidation processes of the discontinued operations
previously classified have progressed. Concerning these, the Group has
specified its estimate on the appreciation of the balance sheet items as well
as cost related to divestments and written off an additional 1.8 million euros.
The cost will be reported in the operating profit of the discontinued

In the financial statements 2013, the equity of the parent company Vaahto Group
Plc Oyj was negative by 4.3 million euros. The issue of the new shares in the
first quarter of 2014 as well as the waiver of loans had a positive impact on
the equity of the parent company. Along with the classification of AP-Tela Oy
as discontinued operations, the parent company impaired the shares of AP-Tela,
which lowered the equity of the parent company. On 30 June 2014, the equity was
negative by 4,6 million euros. 

Authorization to decide on a share issue

On 15 April 2014, the Annual General Meeting authorized the Board to decide on
an issue of new shares as well as option rights and other special rights
entitling to shares referred to in Chapter 10 Section 1 of the Finnish
Companies Act in one or several lots. The number of new shares issued would be
no more than 10,000,000, including shares to be issued based on the special

The authorization is in effect until 31 May 2015, unless the General Meeting
amends or cancels the authorization prior to that. 


The liquidity of the Group remains tight and includes significant risks.
Sufficiency of the working capital is followed actively with cash flow
forecasts. For the continuity of the operations, it is important that in 2014,
the company reaches the result and profitability objectives set in the
management forecasts. Negotiations with the Group's main financiers on
financial restructuring are scheduled for fall 2014. 

Negotiations with the financiers, planned divestments of the Paper Technology
business together with the authorization of the Board of Directors to decide on
a share issue if used, will support the improving of the Group's financial
position and liquidity. 


During the period, the average number of personnel in the Group was 225 (275).

Vesa Alatalo was appointed as CEO from 16 January 2014 onward. Ari Viinikkala
served as CEO until 15 January 2014. 

Outlook for the fiscal year 2014

Global economy and business fluctuation of customer industries have a direct
impact on the demand of the Vaahto Group's products as well as its financial
situation. The order backlog grew during spring and markets are expected to be
recovering, although slower than anticipated in the beginning of the year. 

In the tough market situation the Group businesses have focused on their key
segments, where the customer receives added value through the Group's strong
process know-how. Customers' willingness to invest increased towards the end of
the first half, which will have a positive impact on the Vaahto Process
Technology business. The number of offers has increased and particularly
Japrotek Vessels has received new orders. This trend is expected to continue
steadily during the second half. 

In accordance with the new strategy, the Group will focus on process industry
and the deployment of the strategy is currently ongoing. Focusing will become
more visible during fall. Streamlining of operations will also continue. During
the period, the Group's cost structure has been under scrutiny. The effects of
the changes in the cost structure are expected to become visible during the
second half. However, the operating profit of the Vaahto Group's continuing
operations is expected to be negative for the fiscal year 2014. 

Events after the period

The CEO of Vaahto Group Plc Oyj Vesa Alatalo is leaving the company on 31
August 2014 to become Managing Director of Oy SKF Ab. The Board of Directors
appointed M.Sc. (Tech.) Topi Karppanen as acting CEO starting on 1 September
2014. Karppanen has been a member of the Board of Vaahto Group Plc Oyj since

Consolidated Statement of                                                       
 Comprehensive Income, IFRS                                                     
1 000 EUR               Interim     Interim     Interim     Interim       Annual
                         Report      Report      Report      Report       Report
                     1.1.-30.6.  1.1.-30.6.  1.4.-30.6.  1.4.-30.6.  1.1.-31.12.
                           2014        2013        2014        2013         2013
                       6 months    6 months    3 months    3 months    12 months
NET TURNOVER              8 783      15 681       4 407       7 570       32 165
Change in finished           47      -1 031          63         220       -1 524
 goods and work in                                                              
Other operating             189           3           1           2           22
Material and             -3 213      -7 667      -1 796      -4 342      -16 617
Employee benefit         -4 011      -4 039      -2 046      -2 057       -7 911
Depreciations              -128        -273         -41         -72         -393
Other operating          -1 909      -2 367        -914      -1 234       -4 313
OPERATING PROFIT OR        -242         307        -326          87        1 428
Financial income          3 026          80         341          64        1 107
Financial expenses         -815        -503        -559        -279       -1 087
PROFIT OR LOSS            1 969        -116        -545        -128        1 448
 BEFORE TAXES                                                                   
Tax on income from          -67         -80         -23         -54         -586
PROFIT OR LOSS FROM       1 902        -195        -567        -182          862
 THE CONTINUING                                                                 
Profit or loss from      -2 076      -1 912      -2 285        -729       -4 952
 the discontinued                                                               
PROFIT OR LOSS             -174      -2 107      -2 852        -911       -4 090
OTHER COMPREHENSIVE                                                             
Translation                  -5          -4           0          -3          -10
OTHER COMPREHENSIVE          -5          -4           0          -3          -10
 INCOME, NET OF TAX                                                             
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE        -179      -2 112      -2 852        -914       -4 099
Earnings per share calculated on profit attributable to equity holders of the   
EPS undiluted,             0,38       -0,05       -0,11       -0,05         0,22
EPS diluted,               0,38       -0,05       -0,11       -0,05         0,22
EPS undiluted,            -0,42       -0,48       -0,46       -0,18        -1,24
EPS diluted,              -0,42       -0,48       -0,46       -0,18        -1,24
EPS undiluted,            -0,04       -0,53       -0,57       -0,23        -1,03
EPS diluted,              -0,04       -0,53       -0,57       -0,23        -1,03
Average number of                                                               
-undiluted            4 977 360   3 977 360   4 977 360   3 977 360    3 977 360
-diluted              4 977 360   3 977 360   4 977 360   3 977 360    3 977 360

Consolidated Balance Sheet, IFRS                                                
1 000 EUR                                                    Interim      Annual
                                                              Report      Report
                                                           30.6.2014  31.12.2013
NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                                              
Intangible assets                                                 30          60
Goodwill                                                       1 583       1 692
Tangible assets                                                2 264       5 241
Shares in affiliated companies                                     0          74
Available for sale investments                                    35          35
NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                             3 912       7 102
CURRENT ASSETS                                                                  
Inventories                                                    2 640       2 788
Trade receivables and other receivables                        4 160       6 992
Current receivables for revenue recognized in part               216       1 727
 prior to project completion                                                    
Cash and bank                                                     96         129
CURRENT ASSETS                                                 7 113      11 637
NON-CURRENT ASSETS HELD FOR SALE                               8 291       4 886
ASSETS                                                        19 316      23 624
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                          
SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY                                                            
Share capital                                                  2 872       2 872
Share premium account                                              6           6
Fair value reserve and other reserves                          6 060       5 063
Translation differences                                           51          48
Retained earnings                                            -14 433     -14 251
SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY                                          -5 444      -6 262
NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                         
Deferred tax liability                                           632         649
Long-term liabilities, interest-bearing                        5 287      11 763
Non-current provisions                                           262         362
NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                                        6 181      12 774
CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                             
Short-term liabilities, interest-bearing                       6 915       6 758
Trade payables and other liabilities                           6 555       7 787
Tax liability, income tax                                        232         200
CURRENT LIABILITIES                                           13 702      14 745
LIABILITIES HELD FOR SALE                                                       
Interest-bearing liabilities held for sale                        90           0
Interest-free liabilities held for sale                        4 788       2 367
LIABILITIES HELD FOR SALE                                      4 878       2 367
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                        19 316      23 624

Key Figures, IFRS                                                               
1 000 EUR                        Interim Report  Interim Report    Annual Report
                                 1.1.-30.6.2014  1.1.-30.6.2013  1.1.-31.12.2013
                                       6 months        6 months        12 months
The business indicators                                                         
Operating profit or loss,                  -242             307            1 428
 continuing operations                                               
% of turnover                              -2,8             2,0            -93,7
Profit or loss before taxes,              1 969            -116            1 448
 continuing operations                                                          
% of turnover                              22,4            -0,7            101,4
Profit or loss from the                  -2 076          -1 912           -4 952
 discontinued operations                                                        
Earnings per share calculated              -174          -2 107           -4 090
 on profit attributable to                                                      
 equity holders of the parent                                                   
% of turnover                              -0,7            -4,8             -6,8
Return on equity (ROE), %                   neg             neg              neg
Return on investment (ROI), %               neg             neg              neg
Earnings per share EUR                    -0,04           -0,53            -1,03
Shareholders' equity per share              neg             neg              neg
Equity ratio, %                             neg             neg              neg
Gearing                                      na              na               na
Gross investments in fixed                  181             166              869
Order book, continuing                    9 693          16 361            5 793
Total average number of                     225             275              256
Consolidated Flow of Funds                                                      
 Statement, IFRS                                                                
1 000 EUR                        Interim Report  Interim Report    Annual Report
                                 1.1.-30.6.2014  1.1.-30.6.2013  1.1.-31.12.2013
                                       6 months        6 months        12 months
Profit or loss before taxes                -174          -2 134           -4 090
Adjustments                                  80             340            1 383
Change in working capital                 1 605           1 671            1 418
Financial income and expenses              -671            -294           -1 070
 and taxes                                                                      
Flow of funds from operations               840            -417           -2 359
Investments in tangible and                -181            -166             -869
 intangible assets                                                              
Income from sales of tangible                 0           1 188            1 188
 and intangible assets                                                          
Flow of funds from investments             -181           1 022              320
Share issue                               1 040               0                0
Increase of the                             221              27            3 673
 interest-bearing liabilities                                                   
Decrease of the                          -1 953            -891           -1 904
 interest-bearing liabilities                                                   
Flow of funds from financial               -692            -865            1 769
Change of liquid funds total                -33            -260             -271
Change of liquid funds from                -488             522              235
 discontinued operations                                                        

Statement of                                                                    
 Changes in                                                                     
 Equity, IFRS                                                                   
1 000 EUR                                                                       
Changes in         Share     Share  Unrestri  Reserv  Translati  Retaine   Total
 shareholders'    capita   premium      cted  e fund         on        d        
 equity                l   account    equity          differenc  earning        
 1.1.-30.6.2014                      reserve                 es        s        
Shareholders'      2 872         6     3 068   1 995         48  -14 251  -6 262
 equity in the                                                                  
 beginning of                                                                   
 the period                                                                     
Profit or loss                                                      -174    -174
 for the period                                                                 
Translation                                                   3       -8      -5
Total                  0         0         0       0          3     -182    -179
 with owners                                                                    
Share issue                            1 040                               1 040
Transaction                              -32                                 -32
 costs for                                                                      
Deferred taxes                             6                                   6
 due to period                                                                  
Effect of change                         -17                                 -17
 in tax rate                                                                    
Transactions           0         0       997       0          0        0     997
 with owners                                                                    
Shareholders'      2 872         6     4 065   1 995         51  -14 433  -5 444
 equity at the                                                                  
 end of the                                                                     
 fiscal period                                                                  
Changes in         Share     Share  Unrestri  Reserv  Translati  Retaine   Total
 shareholders'    capita   premium      cted  e fund         on        d        
 equity                l   account    equity          differenc  earning        
 1.1.-30.6.2013                      reserve                 es        s        
Shareholders'      2 872         6     3 068   1 995         56  -10 160  -2 163
 equity in the                                                                  
 beginning of                                                                   
 the period                                                                     
Profit or loss                                                    -2 107  -2 107
 for the period                                                                 
Translation                                                  -1       -4      -4
Total                  0         0         0       0         -1   -2 111  -2 112
Shareholders'      2 872         6     3 068   1 995         56  -12 271  -4 275
 equity at the                                                                  
 end of the                                                                     
 fiscal period                                                                  

Securities and Responsibilities                                                 
1 000 EUR                                                  Interim        Annual
                                                            Report        Report                                         30.6.2014    31.12.2013
Granted securities                                                              
Debt secured by real estate and corporate mortgages                             
Loans from financial institutions and pension loans          6 051        11 092
Other loans                                                  2 000         3 350
Credit limits in use                                         3 698         3 872
Total                                                       11 749        18 313
Loans from financial institutions are secured by real estate and                
corporate mortgages and share pledges. Other loans are                          
secured by share pledges and bank deposits. Share pledges                       
are the share capitals of Vaahto Group Plc Oyj's subsidiaries.                  
Mortgages granted to secure loans and bank                                      
Real estate mortgages                                        2 543         2 543
Corporate mortgages                                          4 928         4 928
Total                                                        7 471         7 471
Mortgages granted to secure the bank guarantee limit                            
Corporate mortgages granted to secure the bank               8 235         8 235
 guarantee limit                                                                
Total                                                        8 235         8 235
Other granted securities for own behalf
Deposits                                                     1 483         1 483
Total                                                        1 483         1 483
Other granted securities                                                        
Vaahto Group Plc Oyj has granted as securities the                              
share capitals of  its subsidiaries Vaahto Paper                                
Technology Ltd,  Japrotek Oy Ab, AP-Tela Oy and                                 
Stelzer Rührtechnik International GmbH.                                         
Contingent liabilities and other liabilities                                    
Bank guarantees                                                                 
Bank guarantee limits total                                  4 990         6 163
Bank guarantee limits, used                                  4 652         4 598
Operating lease agreements                                                      
Within a year                                                  185           266
More than one year but no more than 5 years                    234           276
Total                                                          418           542
Contracts other than financial leasing contracts consist                        
mainly of short-term leasing contracts for IT equipment                         
and software. The terms and conditions are of leasing                           
agreements correspond to those of normal operational         
leasing agreements.                                                             
Arrangements according to IFRIC 4                                               
The Group has no arrangements meant in IFRIC 4.                                 
Other rent agreements                                                           
The Group has rented production and office buildings for                        
its use with various types of terminable rental agreements.                     
Rent liabilities                                                                
Within a year                                                  792           792
More than one year but no more than 5 years                  3 166         3 166
Later                                                        1 885         1 885
Total                                                        5 843         5 843
Annual rent payments under lease agreements that are in                         
effect until further notice total 454 thousand euros.                           
Other contingent liabilities                                                    
Granted guarantees to customers and creditors                                   
Guarantees granted to secure bank guarantee limit            4 990         4 110
Guarantees granted to secure bank loans                      2 552         3 580
Guarantees granted to secure guarantee insurances            2 175         2 175
Guarantees granted to secure rent guarantees                   400           400
Others guarantees                                              427           427
Total                                                       10 544        10 692

Discontinued Operations                                                         
1 000 EUR                      Interim Report    Interim Report    Annual Report
                             1.1. - 30.6.2014  1.1. - 30.6.2013  1.1.-31.12.2013
                                     6 months          6 months        12 months
Profit or loss of the                                                           
 discontinued operations                                                        
Turnover                                4 529             6 294           12 115
Other income                              119               295              463
Expenses                               -4 991            -7 918          -15 222
Amortizations, Sales gains             -1 593              -171           -1 500
 and losses                                                                     
Depreciations                            -162              -518             -880
Profit or loss before taxes            -2 097            -2 018           -5 023
Taxes                                      21               106               71
Profit or loss from the                -2 076            -1 912           -4 952
 discontinued operations                                                        
Flow of funds from the                                                          
 discontinued operations                                                        
Flow of funds from                       -465              -615             -902
Flow of funds from                          0             1 188            1 188
Flow of funds from                        -23               -52              -52
 financial items                                                                
Flow of funds total                      -488               522              235
Non-current assets held for         30.6.2014         30.6.2013       31.12.2013
 sale of discontinued                                                           
Intangible assets                          12                 1                4
Tangible assets                         5 140                 0            2 250
Inventories                               789               708              434
Receivables                             2 350             2 170            2 197
Assets total                            8 291             2 878            4 886
Liabilities of disposal             30.6.2014         30.6.2013       31.12.2013
 group held for sale of                                                         
 discontinued operations                                                        
Non-current liabilities                    43                 0                0
 held for sale,                                                                 
Current liabilities held                   47                 0                0
 for sale, interest-bearing                   
Current liabilities held                4 788             1 348            2 367
 for sale, interest-free                                                        
Liabilities total                       4 878             1 348            2 367
Figures are in thousand euros unless stated otherwise. Figures are unaudited.   
Notes required by IAS 34                                                        
Accounting principles                                                           
The interim report was drawn up according to the same accounting principles and 
 calculation methods as the                                                     
previous financial statement, for the fiscal period that ended on December 31,  
Dividends paid                                                                  
During the period under                                                         
 review, Vaahto Group Plc                                                       
 Oyj paid no dividends.                                                         

In Lahti on 22 August 2014


The Board of Directors

Vaahto Group is a globally operating high technology company serving process

         For additional information:
         Vesa Alatalo
         CEO, Vaahto Group Plc Oyj
         Tel. +358 40 726 8923