2014-05-08 07:30:00 CEST

2014-05-08 07:30:05 CEST


Munksjö Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

Munksjö Oyj's Interim Report for January-March 2014 - Positive profitability development

Helsinki, Finland, 2014-05-08 07:30 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 

Highlights of the first quarter 2014

-Net sales amounted to EUR 287.9 (154.5) million. The significant net sales
improvement was primarily a result of the business combination between Munksjö
AB and Ahlstrom Corporation's business area Label and Processing completed in

-Adjusted EBITDA was EUR 27.4 (11.5) million corresponding to an adjusted
EBITDA margin of 9.5% (7.5%). 

-Operating result adjusted for non-recurring items was EUR 13.7 (5.0) million.
Non-recurring items amounted to EUR -1.0 (-3.0) million and were costs for
achieving synergy benefits and for the work in connection with the Statement of
Objections from the European Commission. 

-Operating result was EUR 12.7 (2.0) million and the net result was EUR 4.3
(-1.9) million. 

-Earnings per share (EPS) were EUR 0.08 (-0.15).

-Interest-bearing net debt at the end of the reporting period was EUR 237.6
million (31 Dec 2013: 229.3, 31 March 2013: 218.3), equivalent to a gearing of
55.3% (31 Dec 2013: 54.1%, 31 March 2013: 109.2%). 

-Operating cash flow was EUR -2.6 (3.5) million.

KEY FIGURES (MEUR)                Jan-Mar    Jan-Dec
                                2014   2013     2013
Net sales                      287.9  154.5    863.3
EBITDA (adj.*)                  27.4   11.5     55.0
EBITDA margin, % (adj.*)         9.5    7.5      6.4
EBITDA                          26.4    8.5      5.9
EBITDA margin, %                 9.2    5.5      0.7
Operating result (adj.*)        13.7    5.0     15.7
Operating margin, % (adj.*)      4.8    3.2      1.8
Operating result                12.7    2.0    -33.4
Operating margin, %              4.4    1.3     -3.9
Net result                       4.3   -1.9    -57.4
Earnings per share (EPS), EUR   0.08  -0.15    -1.97
Interest-bearing net debt**    237.6  218.3    229.3

*  Adjusted for non-recurring items
** Restated to reflect the adoption of IFRS 11 as explained in the notes to the
interim report 

Unless otherwise indicated, the figures in parentheses refer to the figures for
the equivalent period in 2013. This interim report is unaudited. It is
published in Swedish, Finnish and English. In case of any discrepancies between
the three versions, the Swedish text shall prevail. 

Comments from Munksjö's President and CEO, Jan Åström

“The newly formed specialty paper company Munksjö has now completed its first
full quarter. At the end of 2013, the business combination between Munksjö AB
and Ahlstrom Corporation's business area Label and Processing was completed
when the Brazilian operation was incorporated into the Group and the business
area Release Liners. The organisation has delivered a good profitability growth
and has also already achieved the lower synergy benefits target level. 

Prices were stable during the first quarter of 2014. In the business area Decor
and Industrial Applications, the growth in volumes was good compared to the
same period in 2013. With adjusted EBITDA margins in the region of 14 to 15 per
cent, these two business areas are generating improved results. The business
areas Release Liners and Graphics and Packaging are showing the results of the
company's increased focus on profitability as both business areas have improved
their results compared to previous quarters. 

I am proud of this organisation which is delivering a level of performance that
will take us another step closer to achieving our EBITDA margin goal of 12 per
cent over a business cycle.” 


During the second quarter of 2014, demand for Munksjö's products is expected to
remain stable after a relatively strong first quarter. Prices in local currency
are expected to remain at the same level as in the first quarter. 

As previously communicated, the synergy benefits of EUR 20-25 million will be
achieved earlier than originally planned, as the related synergy activities are
expected to be completed already 2014, and realised during 2015. 

The previously communicated prolonged intervals between the maintenance stops
from 12 to 18 months at the pulp production facility in Aspa, Sweden will
impact the result for the business area Release Liners negatively in the second
quarter instead of in the fourth quarter this year. The effect on the result is
expected to be EUR -4 million. 

During the Easter holiday shorter scheduled maintenance shutdowns were carried
out. Otherwise the yearly holiday shutdowns, during which planned maintenance
operations are scheduled, are expected to be carried out to the same extent as
in 2013. 

Forming a global leader in specialty paper - combining Munksjö AB with Ahlstrom
Corporation's business area Label and Processing 

Munksjö Oyj was formed when the Swedish company Munksjö AB and the business
area Label and Processing of the Finnish company Ahlstrom Corporation were
combined. The company consists of four business areas: Decor, Release Liners,
Industrial Applications and Graphics and Packaging. The business areas are also
the reporting segments. 

In addition to the financial result for the reporting period, the report
contains pro forma financial information of the business combination. As the
combination was completed during 2013, pro forma information is only prepared
up until the fourth quarter 2013. This information is presented for
illustrative purposes only. Further information on how the pro forma
information was compiled is available in the Financial Statements Bulletin,
published on 13 February 2014. 

Synergy benefits and integration

As previously communicated the annual synergy benefits arising from the
business combination are related to procurement, production efficiency,
economies of scale and improved organisational performance and efficiency, and
are still expected to be between EUR 20-25 million. The result for the first
quarter of 2014 includes realised and recorded synergies of approximately EUR 5
million. At the end of the first quarter the annual synergy benefits run-rate
was approximately EUR 20 million. 

The synergies have primarily been achieved within procurement and improved
efficiency within the organisation. It is within the area of improved
efficiency within the organisation, including the improvement programme in the
business area Graphics and Packaging, that the synergies are expected to be
further developed during 2014. 

Non-recurring items to achieve synergies are still estimated at EUR 10-15
million. In addition to the approximately EUR 11 million recorded in the result
of 2013, EUR 0.5 million in costs were recorded in the result of the first
quarter of 2014. The cash flow effect in the first quarter of 2014 was
approximately EUR 1.5 million in addition to the EUR 4 million which affected
the cash flow in 2013. The remainder of the non-recurring items are expected to
affect the cash flow during the rest of 2014. 

The Munksjö Group

                            Jan-Mar      Jan-Dec  ACQUIRED OPERATIONS   27        May-Dec
MEUR                      2014     2013     2013  MEUR                      2013
Reported 1)                                       Reported 1)                   
Net sales                287.9    154.5    863.3  Net sales                257.0
EBITDA (adj.*)            27.4     11.5     55.0  EBITDA (adj.*)             6.9
EBITDA margin, %           9.5      7.5      6.4  EBITDA margin, %           2.7
 (adj.*)                                           (adj.*)                      
EBITDA                    26.4      8.5      5.9  EBITDA                    -3.5
EBITDA, margin %           9.2      5.5      0.7  EBITDA, margin %          -1.4
Operating result          13.7      5.0     15.7  Operating result          -4.9
 (adj.*)                                           (adj.*)                      
Operating margin, %        4.8      3.2      1.8  Operating margin, %       -1.9
 (adj.*)                                           (adj.*)                      
Operating result          12.7      2.0    -33.4  Operating result         -15.3
Operating margin, %        4.4      1.3     -3.9  Operating margin, %       -6.0
Net result                 4.3     -1.9    -57.4  Delivery volumes,      223,400
Capital expenditure        5.5      2.2     22.6                                
Employees, FTE           2,770    1,658    2,216                                
Pro forma 2)                                                                    
Net sales                287.9    290.4  1,120.3                                
EBITDA** (adj.*)          27.4     18.9     64.1                                
EBITDA** margin, %         9.5      6.5      5.7                                
EBITDA**                  26.4     18.2     42.3                                
EBITDA**, margin %         9.2      6.3      3.8                                
Delivery volumes,      225,600  227,000  885,300                                

*  Adjusted for non-recurring items
** Includes stand-alone cost savings and synergies obtained after 27 May 2013
1) Includes LP Europe from 27 May 2013 and Coated Specialties from 2 December
2) Includes LP Europe and Coated Specialties from 1 January 2012. As the
combination was completed during 2013, the pro forma information is only
consolidated until the fourth quarter 2013. From the first quarter 2014 the
reported figure is used. 


First quarter 2014

Net sales amounted to EUR 287.9 (154.5) million. The significant net sales
improvement was primarily a result of the business combination completed in

EBITDA adjusted for non-recurring items increased to EUR 27.4 (11.5) million
and the adjusted EBITDA margin was 9.5% (7.5%). 

Operating profit adjusted for non-recurring items was EUR 13.7 (5.0) million
and the adjusted operating margin was 4.8% (3.2%). Non-recurring items amounted
to EUR -1.0 (-3.0) million. Of these costs EUR 0.5 million were costs for
achieving synergy benefits and EUR 0.5 million for work in connection with the
Statement of Objections from the European Commission. 

The operating result was EUR 12.7 (2.0) million with a net result of EUR 4.3
(-1.9) million. 

Reported figures compared to pro forma figures

First quarter 2014

The reported net sales were slightly lower than the pro forma figures amounting
to EUR 287.9 (290.4) million. 

Adjusted EBITDA increased to EUR 27.4 (18.9) million and the adjusted EBITDA
margin was 9.5% (6.5%). The result for the first quarter 2013 includes a
positive impact on the result of approximately EUR 3 million which was a result
of the release of certain accruals related to personnel liabilities. 

Webcast and conference call

A live combined news conference, conference call and webcast for investors,
analysts and media will be arranged on the publishing day, 8 May 2014 at 10
a.m. CEST (11 EEST) at the restaurant Palace in Helsinki, Finland (Eteläranta
10, 10th floor, Conference hall). The report will be presented by President and
CEO Jan Åström. The event will be held in English. 

The live webcast can be followed on the Internet and an on-demand version of
the webcast will be available on the same webpage later the same day. To join
the conference call, participants are requested to dial one of the numbers
below 5-10 minutes prior to the start of the event. 

Webcast and conference call information

Finnish callers: +358 (0)9 2313 9201
Swedish callers: +46 (0)8 505 201 10
US callers: +1 334 323 6201
UK callers: +44 (0)20 7162 0077
Conference ID: 943089

Link to the webcast: http://qsb.webcast.fi/m/munksjo/munksjo_2014_0508_q1

For further information, please contact

Jan Åström, President and CEO, Tel. +46 10 250 1001
Kim Henriksson, CFO, Tel. +46 10 250 1015

Munksjö - Materials for innovative product design

The Munksjö Group is an international specialty paper company with a unique
product offering for a large number of industrial applications and
consumer-driven products. Founded in 1862, Munksjö is among the leading
producers in the world of high-value added papers within attractive market
segments such as Decor paper, Release Liners, Electrotechnical paper, Abrasive
backings and Interleaving paper for steel. Given Munksjö's global presence and
way of integrating with its customers' operations, the company forms a global
service organisation with approximately 3,000 employees. Production facilities
are located in France, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Spain, Brazil and China. Munksjö
Oyj is listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. Read more at www.munksjo.com.