2009-10-20 15:26:48 CEST

2009-10-20 15:27:52 CEST


Lithuanian English
Invalda AB - Acquisition or disposal of a block of shares

Notifications on the disposal and acquisition of voting rights

Invalda AB received the following notifications:
- The notification of Lucrum Investicija UAB on the disposal of voting rights.
The threshold that was crossed - 15%, the reason for crossing the threshold -
securities transfer. 
- The notification of Alvydas Banys together with the persons acting in concert
- the spouse Daiva Baniene and the controlled company LJB Investments UAB - on 
the acquisition of voting rights. The threshold that was crossed - 10%, the
reason for crossing the threshold - securities acquisition. 
Notifications are attached thereto.

Kristina Gudauskaite
Assistant to President
+370 52752776