2014-05-20 13:21:41 CEST

2014-05-20 13:22:40 CEST


Lithuanian English
Agrowill Group - Notification on material event

Regarding approval of the circular of the non-competitive mandatory tender offer

On 20 May 2014 AB Agrowill Group received a notification from the company's
shareholders Baltic Champs Group, UAB, Vretola Holdings Limited, Volemer
Holdings Limited, UAB “Eastern Agro Holdings”, UAB Sauledra, Romualdas Antanas
Petrošius, Aldona Petrošienė, Jurgis Petrošius, Marius Žutautas, Vladas
Bagavičius and Domantas Savičius about the decision of the Bank of Lithuania to
approve the circular of a non-competitive mandatory tender offer to buy up the
remaining ordinary registered voting shares of AB Agrowill Group. 

The tender offer price is EUR 0.29 per 1 (one) ordinary registered share of AB
Agrowill Group LTL 1 (one litas) par value (ISIN code LT0000127466) each
(equivalent in litas is LTL 1, equivalent in zloty as on the day of circular is
PLN 1.21). Commencement of the implementation of the tender offer is on 26 May
2014, termination - on 9 June 2014. 

Comprehensive conditions of the tender offer are presented in the circular (in
English and in Polish languages) attached (please see the annexes). A summary
of circular (in English and in Polish languages) is also attached thereof. 

         Vladas Bagavičius
         Member of the Board;
         +370 5 233 53 40