2015-04-10 10:28:41 CEST

2015-04-10 10:29:41 CEST


Lithuanian English
Amber Grid - Notification on material event

Adoption of Decision on the Issuance in Respect of AB Amber Grid of an Open-ended Natural Gas Transmission System Operator's Licence

On 10 April 2015, the National Commission for Energy Control and Prices
(hereinafter - the NCC), upon the receipt of the European Commission's opinion
on the compliance of the draft decision of the NCC with the legislative
provisions of the European Union, passed its decision stating that the
unbundling of AB Amber Grid's natural gas transmission activity from the
natural gas supply activity complies with the provisions of the Law on Natural
Gas. AB Amber Grid was issued with an open-ended Transmission System Operator's
license and was designated as the Transmission System Operator. 

The individual authorised by AB Amber Grid (the issuer) to provide additional
information on the material event: 

Danas Janulionis

Head of Strategic Planning and External Relations Division

tel. +370 5 232 7747

fax +370 5 236 0850

e-mail: d.janulionis@ambergrid.lt