2009-08-27 09:42:56 CEST

2009-08-27 09:43:56 CEST


Lithuanian English
VST AB - Notification on material event

VST AB made a lawsuit against NDX energija UAB

On August 25, 2009 VST AB made a lawsuit to Vilnius Regional Court against NDX
energija UAB regarding adjudge 520 830 706 LT (150 842 998,7 EUR). 
In the lawsuit it is pointed out that in the privatization process of VST AB,
NDX energija UAB transferred banks' loan to VST AB, and in this way the
essential part of the privatization price of VST AB was paid by VST AB, but not
by NDX energija UAB. In this way the acquisition of VST AB was financed by VST
AB rather than "NDX energija" UAB. In the opinion of VST AB, it was a violation
of the regulations of the Law of Joint Stock Companies and EU Directives that
prohibits financing the acquisition of own shares using target company's
capital. According to the Laws in force, Court should make the decision
regarding the civil claim. 

Chief Executive Officer 
Vytautas Kazimieras Aranauskas
Phone +370 5 2781200