2013-04-23 07:30:00 CEST

2013-04-23 07:30:12 CEST


Finnish English
Ixonos - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

Turnaround of the company advances according to plan and continues towards the end of the year

Helsinki, Finland, 2013-04-23 07:30 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ixonos Plc        
 Stock Exchange Release          23 April 2013 at 8:30 

Interim report for the period 1 January - 31 March 2013

 Review period in brief (last year figures in brackets):

- Turnover for the review period was 10.8 MEUR (17.7 MEUR), a change of -38.9
per cent. 

- Operating profit was -1.9 MEUR (-10.5 MEUR including goodwill impairment of
9.2 MEUR),  -17.7 per cent of turnover. 

- Net profit was -1.6 MEUR (-10.2 MEUR), -15.1 per cent of turnover.

- Earnings per share were EUR -0.05 (EUR -0.46 ).

- Net cash flow from operating activities was -3.1 MEUR (0.4 MEUR).

Future prospects in brief

The company keeps the guidance unchanged. Estimated turnover for 2013 to be in
the range of EUR 40-50 million. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation
and amortisation (EBITDA) for the entire year are expected to be positive. EBIT
in the second half-year is estimated to be better than in the first half. 

Esa Harju, President and CEO:"The year started with a successful completion of stock rights issue, and I
wish to thank our shareholders for showing continuous trust in Ixonos. 

Our transition process towards restored profitability and positive cash flow
has been continuing during the first quarter of the year, with a particular
emphasis in adjusting our cost structure in accordance with the business

Our cash position remains challenging, and we have initiated several
cost-saving actions in the company, which will start to have impact mainly from
second quarter 2013 onwards. These measures include the discontinuation of our
operations in China, and plans to transfer software production operations in
Tallinn to the Kosice branch in Slovakia during 2013. Additionally, we needed
to implement measures that unfortunately also impact our people, with the
announcement of cooperation negotiations in March for our employees in Finland
(which were consequently concluded in April). 

We announced a number of new solutions during the first quarter. These included
Ixonos Media Spark™ solution for media companies, as well as Fast video
streaming solution capabilities based on Embedded Linux framework. We also
announced a number of new business relationships, including Samsung, National
Geographic, Sharp, Firstbeat and Marcopolo. 

Going forward, we intend to pay special attention to our business development
and sales capabilities, in order to stabilize our profitability and operations.
There is ongoing demand for Ixonos' skills within several industries, and our
future builds on our growing base of customers. Whilst the first quarter
results show unprofitable operations, our profitability is expected gradually
recover during the remainder of the year. We are on track with our renewal


Ixonos designs and delivers creative mobile and online solutions. We develop
technologies, software and solutions for mobile devices and services. Together
with our corporate customers, we design products and services that provide
inspiring user experiences. We also improve the competitiveness of our client
organizations by shortening the time to market for their devices and services.
Our strategy is to position ourselves as a strategic partner to the leading
innovators in the mobile and online industry. 

We have offices in Finland, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Great Britain, Slovakia,
South Korea and the United States. 

Our Connected Devices service area comprises of products and services for
design and development of connected devices. This includes professional
services in software development, testing and system integration for the mobile
and embedded industries, as well as device design and consultancy services for
a broad range of electronics from consumer appliances to industrial equipment. 

The clientele of the Connected Devices area comprises wireless technology
suppliers, mobile device manufacturers, telecommunications companies,
industrial companies and entertainment electronics manufacturers operating on
the international market. Customers include Nokia, Vodafone, Intel, Cargotec,
Qualcomm, Huawei and others. 

The Online Solutions service area encompasses global products and services for
development of cloud services and mobile applications, including system
integration and expert services for online services. In Finland, the offering
is supplemented by online solutions for e-commerce, e-government and service

Our clientele consists of companies in the publishing, communications,
telecommunications and service sectors and also includes Finnish public
administration organizations. Customers include eZ Systems, the BBC, Fonecta,
Kone, Finnish Ministry of Finance, Al Jazeera and others. 

Our Design service area includes comprehensive set of design strategy, user
analysis, concept and design innovation and implementation services for
brand-supporting comprehensive user experiences as well as industrial design,
user interface products and services for wireless devices, multi-channel online
services and cross-platform applications. 

The customers of this service area include National Geographic, Samsung, Sony,
Warner Brothers, MBC, Marcopolo, and others. 


Ixonos reports its operations as a single segment. The reporting segment
comprises the three service areas described above: Connected Devices, Online
Solutions and User Experience Design. The product and service offering of the
service areas make up the company's core business, which focuses on wireless
devices, online services and mobile-application R&D. 


Consolidated turnover for the review period was EUR 10.8 million (EUR 17.7
million), which is 38,9 per cent less than in the previous year. 

The main reason for the decreased turnover was a change in strategy of the
company's biggest single customer during year 2011 and 2012. In a review
period, no customer brought turnover more than one fourth. 


Consolidated operating profit was EUR −1.9 million (MEUR -10.5 including
goodwill impairment of MEUR 9.2) and profit before tax was EUR −2.0 million
(EUR -10.6 million). Profit for the period was EUR −1.6 million (EUR -10.2
million). Earnings per share were EUR −0.05 (EUR -0.46). Cash flow from
operating activities was EUR −0.10 (EUR 0.02) per share. 


Consolidated return on equity (ROE) was −75.0 per cent (-168.4 per cent) and
return on investment (ROI) was −33.6 per cent (-122.2 per cent). 


Investments during the period totalled EUR 0.2 million (EUR 0.8 million).


The balance sheet total was EUR 32.1 million (EUR 41.7 million). Shareholders'
equity was EUR 9.9 million (EUR 19.2 million). The equity ratio was 30.8 per
cent (46.0 per cent). The group's liquid assets at the end of the period
amounted to EUR 0.7 million (EUR 0.8 million). 

At the end of the review period, the balance sheet showed EUR 10.2 million (EUR
7.5 million) in bank loans. This amount includes overdraft in use. 

The bank loans have covenants attached to them. These covenants are based on
the equity ratio and on the proportion of interest-bearing bank loans to the
12-month rolling operating profit. 

At 31 March 2013, the company did not meet the terms of the covenants. The
company's non-current borrowings are therefore presented as current
liabilities, in accordance with IFRS. However, the company has received waivers
from its lenders for the first and second half of the year. 


On 31 March 2013, the consolidated balance sheet included EUR 12.4 million in
goodwill. This is EUR 2.0 million less than at the end of the review period
2012. The amount of goodwill has been reduced due to impairment recognised in
December 2012. 


Consolidated cash flow from operating activities during the period was EUR −3.1
million (EUR 0.4 million). By 31 March 2013, the company had sold EUR 2.2
million (EUR 5.2 million) in accounts receivable so as to reduce their
turnaround time. 


The number of personnel averaged 568 (1,022) during the review period. At the
end of the period, the company had 557 (1,010) employees. Staff decreased in
Finland as well as abroad. At the end of the period, the Group had 396
employees (576) in Finnish companies, while Group companies in other countries
employed 161 (434). During the first quarter, the number of employees decreased
by 53. 


Share turnover and price

During the review period, the highest price of the company's share was EUR 0.68
(EUR 1.20) and the lowest price was EUR 0.29 (EUR 0.79). The closing price on
31 March 2013 was EUR 0.30 (EUR 0.98). The average price over the review period
was EUR 0.41 (EUR 0.96). The number of shares traded during the review period
was 4,240,625 (1,831,953), which corresponds to 12.0 per cent (12.1 per cent)
of the total number of shares at the end of the period. According to the
closing price on 31 March 2013, the market value of the company's shares was
EUR 10,571,739 (EUR 14,800,434). 

During the review period Ixonos completed a share issue directed to its present
shareholders. All of the issued 20,136,645 shares, totalling of EUR 4.23
million were subscribed. 

Share capital

At the beginning of the review period, the company's registered share capital
was EUR 585,394.16 and the number of shares was 15,102,484. At the end of the
review period, the company's registered share capital was EUR 585,394.16 and
the number of shares was 35,239,129. 

Option plan 2011

The Board of Directors of Ixonos Plc decided on 30 November 2011 to grant new
options. This decision was based on the authorisation given by the Annual
General Meeting on 29 March 2011. 

The options were issued by 31 December 2011, free of charge, to a subsidiary
wholly owned by Ixonos Plc. This subsidiary will distribute the options, as the
Board decides, to employees of Ixonos Plc and other companies in the Ixonos
Group, to increase their commitment and motivation. Options will not be issued
to members of the Board of Directors of Ixonos Plc or to the Ixonos Group's
senior management (Ixonos Management Invest Oy shareholders). 

The options will be marked IV/A, IV/B and IV/C. A total of 600,000 options will
be issued. According to the terms of the options, the Board of Directors
decides how the options will be divided between option series and, if needed,
how undistributed options will be converted from one series to another. 

Each option entitles its holder to subscribe for one new or treasury share in
Ixonos Plc. The shares that can be subscribed for with options comprise 3.82
per cent of all Ixonos Plc shares and votes on a fully diluted basis. 

The exercise period for the IV/A options will begin on 1 October 2014, for the
IV/B options on 1 October 2015 and for the IV/C options on 1 October 2016. The
exercise periods for all options will end on 31 December 2018. The exercise
price for each option series is a trade volume weighted average price at NASDAQ
OMX Helsinki. The period during which this average price is determined is 1
September - 30 November 2011 for the IV/A options (resulting in an exercise
price of EUR 0.86), 1 June - 31 August 2012 for the IV/B options and 1 June -
31 August 2013 for the IV/C options. The exercise prices will be reduced by the
amount of dividends, and they can also be adjusted under other circumstances
specified in the option terms. 

A total of 410,000 options have been allocated to series IV/A and granted to
employees of group companies, in accordance with the terms of the option plan. 


On 31 March 2013, the company had 3,348 shareholders (3,137). Private persons
owned 51.8 per cent (56.3 per cent) and institutions 48.2 per cent (43.7 per
cent) of the shares. Foreign ownership was 9.0 per cent (7.5 per cent) of all


Market events in the first quarter of 2013

At the beginning of 2013, Ixonos announced new accounts, including National
Geographic Society and Firstbeat Technologies. Ixonos and Sharp Europe reported
that they would collaborate to create a mobile device for a mutual customer.
Ixonos announced that Samsung Electronics had chosen Ixonos as its innovation
partner, particularly to develop the Android user experience. 

Ixonos Media Spark was launched in January 2013. In February, Ixonos launched
technology components for embedded systems. These components include a modern
embedded Linux solution as well as a fast HD video streaming solution suitable
e.g. for closed circuit TV. 

New registration document

On 21 January 2013, Ixonos published its registration document, which the
Financial Supervisory Authority had approved on 17 January 2013, as provided in
the Securities Market Act (746/2012). The registration document contains
information about the company, its operations and its financial position. It is
valid for 12 months from the date of approval. The new registration document
includes a working capital statement noting that the company's present working
capital will not be sufficient for the company's needs over the next twelve
months, but that the company's working capital will be sufficient for the
company's needs over the next twelve months if the company's cash flow develops
as forecast and planned and if the share issue is completed in its entirety.
However, there is no guarantee that the company will be able to fulfil its
financial covenants under all circumstances. If the company cannot comply with
its covenants, the financiers are entitled to e.g. call in the loans or
renegotiate the terms of the loans. The company and its financiers have begun
negotiations on additional financing. The management of the company trusts that
should the working capital requirements cause a need for additional financing,
the company will be able to meet that need. 

Share issue

Ixonos Plc's rights issue ended on 7 February 2013. All 20,136,645 shares
offered were subscribed for. The number of shares after the issue is
35,239,129. A total of 19,052,212 shares were subscribed for with subscription
rights. This amount corresponds to approximately 94.6 per cent of the shares
offered. In the secondary subscription, 5,358,879 shares were subscribed for
without subscription rights, and subscriptions for 1,084,433 shares were
accepted. The subscriptions thus correspond to approximately 121.2 per cent of
the shares offered. Ixonos raised approximately EUR 4.23 million gross through
the issue. As all offered shares were subscribed for, the underwriting
commitments that had been provided were not used. 

On 16 January 2013, because of the rights issue, Ixonos' Board of Directors
adjusted the subscription ratio and exercise price associated with the option
rights in the 2011 option plan, in accordance with the terms of the options.
The adjustment was made to ensure equal treatment of option holders and
shareholders. It was announced in a stock exchange release on 13 February 2013. 

Changes in the Management Team

During the review period the following changes have been taking place

- Esa Harju was appointed as President and CEO. He took up his duties on 1
January 2013. 

- CFO Timo Leinonen left the company on 22 January 2013.

- Teppo Talvinko took up his duties as CFO on 1 February 2013.


Changes in the Management Team

Vice president Pasi Iljin left the company on 11 April 2013.

From 12 April 2013, the Group Management Team consisted of CEO Esa Harju,
Senior Vice President Teppo Talvinko, Senior Vice President Timo Kaisla, Vice
President Teppo Kuisma and Vice President Sami Paihonen. 

Ixonos co-operation negotiations have been concluded

Ixonos commenced co-operation negotiations with its personnel on 4 March 2013,
for reasons related to production, financial position and reorganization of

The negotiations applied to all Ixonos personnel in Finland and the actions
were estimated to impact a maximum of 87 employees in Finland. 

The co-operation negotiations have been concluded. As a result 20 persons will
be made redundant and 50 persons will be temporarily laid-off in Finland. 


Ixonos Plc's risk management aims to ensure undisturbed continuity and
development of the company's operations, support attainment of the commercial
targets set by the company and promote increasing company value. Details on the
risk management organisation and process as well as on recognised risks are
presented on the company's website at www.ixonos.com. 

Changes in key customer accounts may have adverse effects on Ixonos'
operations, earning power and financial position. Should a major customer
switch its purchases from Ixonos to its competitors or make forceful changes to
its own operating model, Ixonos would have limited ability to acquire, in the
short term, new customer volume to compensate for such changes. 

The reduction and rationalisation of the company's operations cause one-time
expenses, such as redundancy payments in various countries. This increases the
company's need for short-term financing. The company manages this need by
creating, together with financiers, adequate buffers to ensure sufficient funds
as well as by facilitating the circulation of working capital. 

The company's balance sheet also includes a significant amount of goodwill,
which may still be impaired should internal or external factors reduce the
profit expectations of the company or any of its cash generating units.
Goodwill is tested during the final quarter of each year and, if necessary, at
other times. 

The company's financial agreements have covenants attached to them. A covenant
breach may increase the company's financial expenses or lead to a call for
swift partial or full repayment of non-equity loans. The main risks related to
covenant breaches are associated with operating profit fluctuation due to the
market situation and with a potential need to increase the company's working
capital through non-equity funding. The company manages these risks by
negotiating with financiers and by maintaining readiness for various financing

There is a risk that the company's working capital will not be sufficient to
fund the company's operations over the next twelve months. Although the company
considers that it will be able to cover its need for working capital over the
next twelve months through various means, there is no guarantee that the
company will be able to ensure sufficient working capital under all
circumstances. A shortage of working capital may have a substantial adverse
effect on the company's operations, result and financial position. 


In the long term, Ixonos aims to achieve an operating profit of at least 10 per
cent. To reach its long-term goals, Ixonos focuses its strategy on deepening
the company's product, solution and service operations as well as on new
accounts in selected industries. 

Our value proposition - Dream, Design, Deliver - works best for customers for
whom a short time to market and a well thought-through user experience are
crucial. Our ability to combine design studio skills, productised solutions,
advanced online services and device deliveries is at the top level globally. 


In accordance with its strategy, Ixonos continues to strengthen and expand its
customer base by focusing on products, solutions and services for technology
suppliers, mobile device manufacturers, consumer electronics manufacturers, the
different industry segments and other customers in Finland as well as

Ixonos aims to restore positive cash flow and profitability by rationalising
its operations. 

The company keeps it's guidance unchanged. Estimated turnover for 2013 to be in
the range of EUR 40-50 million. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation
and amortisation (EBITDA) for the entire year are predicted to be positive.
EBIT in the second half-year is estimated to be better than in the first half. 


The interim report for the period 1 April - 30 June 2013 will be published on 6
August 2013. 


Board of Directors

For more information, please contact:

Ixonos Plc

- Esa Harju, President and CEO, tel. +358 40 844 3367, esa.harju@ixonos.com

- Teppo Talvinko, CFO, tel. +358 40 715 3660, teppo.talvinko@ixonos.com

Distribution:NASDAQ OMX Helsinki
Main media



Accounting policies

This financial statement bulletin has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34
(Interim Financial Reporting) and the accounting policies for the annual
financial statement of 31 December 2012. The IFRS amendments and
interpretations that entered into force on 1 January 2012 have not affected the
consolidated financial statements. 

Preparing the financial statements in accordance with IFRS requires Ixonos'
management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts of assets
and liabilities on the balance sheet date as well as the amounts of income and
expenses for the review period. In addition, judgment must be used in applying
the accounting policies. As the estimates and assumptions are based on views
prevailing at the time of releasing the interim report, they involve risks and
uncertainty factors. Actual results may differ from estimates and assumptions. 

The figures in the income statement and balance sheet are consolidated. The
consolidated balance sheet includes all group companies as well as Ixonos
Management Invest Oy, a company owned by members of Ixonos' management. The
original interim report is in Finnish. The interim report in English is a
translation of the original report. 

As the figures in the report have been rounded, sums of individual figures may
differ from the sums presented. The interim report is unaudited. 


                                  1.1.-31.3.2  1.1.-31.3.2   Change  1.1.-31.12.
                                      013          012         %        2012    
Turnover                               10,799       17,661   -38.9        56,852
Operating expenses                    -12,715      -18,928   -32.8       -69,969
OPERATING PROFIT BEFORE GOODWILL       -1,916       -1,267   51.2        -13,117
Goodwill impairment                         0       -9,200               -11,200
OPERATING PROFIT                       -1,916      -10,467   -81.7       -24,317
Financial income and expenses             -99          -93    6.7           -700
Profit before tax                      -2,015      -10,560   -80.9       -25,018
Income tax                                386          323   19.5          3,043
PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD                  -1,629      -10,236   -84.1       -21,975
Attributable to:                                                                
Equity holders of the parent           -1,711      -10,228   -83.3       -21,948
Non-controlling interests                  82           -8                   -27


Profit for the period                -1,629  -10,236  -84.1  -21,975
Other comprehensive income                               
Change in translation difference         78      -36             -11
COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD  -1,551  -10,272         -21,987


ASSETS                                          31.3.2013  31.3.2012  31.12.2012
NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                                              
Goodwill                                           12,447     14,447      12,447
Other intangible assets                             2,367      4,974       2,646
Property, plant and equipment                       3,093      3,900       3,410
Deferred tax assets                                 3,207        333       2,780
Available-for-sale investments                         19        110          19
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS                           21,133     23,763      21,303
CURRENT ASSETS                                                                  
Trade and other receivables                        10,257     17,175      11,551
Cash and cash equivalents                             674        769         477
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                               10,931     17,944      12,028
TOTAL ASSETS                                       32,064     41,708      33,331
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                          31.3.2013  31.3.2012  31.12.2012
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                            
Share capital                                         585        585         585
Share premium reserve                                 219        219         219
Invested non-restricted equity fund                24,171     20,288      20,247
Retained earnings                                 -13,633      8,119       8,214
Profit for the period                              -1,711    -10,228     -21,948
Equity attributable to equity holders of the        9,631     18,983       7,317
Non-controlling interests                             254        192         172
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                          9,885     19,175       7,489
Non-current liabilities                             1,273      4,112       1,521
Current liabilities                                20,906     18,421      24,320
TOTAL LIABILITIES                                  22,179     22,533      25,841
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                       32,064     41,708      33,331


A:  Share Capital

B:  Share premium reserve

C: Share issue

D: Invested non-restricted equity fund

E:  Translation dirrerence

F:  Retained earnings

G: Total equity attributable to equity holders of the parent

H:  Non-controlling interests

I:   Total equity

                            A    B   C     D     E      F       G     H      I  
Shareholders' equity at 1  585  219  0  20,313   86   8,045  29,248  200  29,448
 January 2012                                                                   
Profit for the period                                -10,22  -10,22   -8  -10,03
                                                        8       8            6  
Other comprehensive                                                             
Change in translation                           -36           -36          -36  
Transactions with                                                               
Expenses for equity                      -25                  -25          -25  
Share-based remuneration                               23      23           23  
Shareholders' equity at    585  219  0  20,288   50  -2,160  18,983  192  19,175
 31 March 2012                                                                  
Shareholders' equity at 1  585  219  0  20,247   75  -13,81   7,317  172   7,489
 January 2013                                           0                       
Profit for the period                                -1,711  -1,711   82  -1,629
Other comprehensive                  
Change in translation                            78            78           78  
Transactions with                                                               
Share issue                              4,229                4,229        4,229
Expenses for equity                      -305                 -305         -305 
Share-based remuneration                               23      23           23  
Shareholders' equity at    585  219  0  24,171  153  -15,49   9,631  253   9,885
 31 March 2013                                          8                       


                                 1.1.-31.3.2013  1.1.-31.3.2012  1.1.-31.12.2012
Cash flow from operating                                                        
Profit for the period                    -1,629         -10,236          -21,975
Adjustments to cash flow from                                                   
 operating activities                                                           
Income tax                                 -386            -323           -3,043
Depreciation and impairment                -736          10,323           16,823
Financial income and expenses               -99              93              700
Other adjustments                           -62              -2              -13
Change in provisions                       -545               0            1,066
Cash flow from operating                 -1,786            -146           -6,441
 activities before change in                                                    
 working capital                                                                
Change in working capital                -1,217             785            6,491
Interest received                           116              51               79
Interest paid                              -219            -113             -796
Tax paid                                    -34            -177             -372
Net cash flow from operating             -3,140             402            -1039
Cash flow from investing                                                        
Investments in tangible and                  29            -823           -1,275
 intangible assets                                                              
Dividends received                            0               0                4
Net cash flow from investing                 29            -823           -1,271
Net cash flow before financing           -3,111            -422           -2,310
Cash flow from financing                                                        
Increase in long-term                         0               0            4,415
Repayment of long-term                        0            -506           -1,920
Increase in short-term                        0             727              588
Repayment of short-term                    -630            -456           -1,740
Proceeds from share issue                 4 229               0                0
Expenses for equity procurement            -305             -25              -18
Net cash flow from financing              3,294            -260            1,325
Change in cash and cash                     196            -697             -989
Liquid assets at the beginning              477           1,466            1,466
 of the period                                                                  
Liquid assets at the end of the             673             769              477


                               Q1/2013   Q4/2012     Q3/2012   Q2/2012   Q1/2012
                              1.1.-31.  1.10.-31.1  1.7.-30.  1.4.-30.  1.1.-31.                        3.13       2.12       9.12      6.12      3.12  
Turnover                        10,799      12,786     9,977    16,428    17,661
Operating expenses             -12,715     -16,060   -17,216   -17,766   -18,928
OPERATING PROFIT BEFORE         -1,916      -3,273    -7,239    -1,338    -1,267
 GOODWILL IMPAIRMENT                                                            
Goodwill impairment                  0      -2,000         0         0    -9,200
OPERATING PROFIT                -1,916      -5,273    -7,239    -1,338   -10,467
Financial income and               -99        -309      -183      -116       -93
Profit before tax               -2,015      -5,582    -7,422    -1,454   -10,560
Income tax                         386       1,162     1,190       367       323
PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD           -1,629      -4,420    -6,232    -1,087   -10,236


                   Goodwi  Intangible  Property, plant  Available-for-sa   Total
                       ll      assets    and equipment    le investments        
Carrying amount    23,647       5,138            3,391               110  32,286
 at 1 January                                                                   
Additions                         528              959                     1,488
Changes in                         -4               -7                       -11
 exchange rates                                                                 
Disposals and                                       -9                        -9
Impairment         -9,200                                                 -9,200
Depreciation for                 -689             -434                    -1,123
 the period                                                                     
Carrying amount    14,447       4,974            3,900               110  23,431
 at 31 March 2012                                                               
Carrying amount    12,447       2,646            3,410                19  18,522
 at 1 January                                                                   
Additions                          17              149                       166
Changes in                                          -1                        -1
 exchange rates                                                                 
Disposals and                                      -24                       -24
Impairment                                                                     0
Depreciation for                 -296             -440                      -736
 the period                                                                     
Carrying amount    12,447       2,367            3,094                19  17,927
 at 31 March 2013                                                               


                                      1.1.-31.3.201  1.1.-31.3.201  1.1.-31.12.2
                                                  3              2           012
Earnings per share, diluted, EUR              -0.05          -0.46         -1.00
Earnings per share, EUR                       -0.05          -0.46         -1.00
Equity per share, EUR                          0.27           1.26          0.48
Operating cash flow per share,                -0.10           0.02         -0.04
 diluted, EUR                                                                   
Return on investment, per cent                -33.6         -122.2         -81.6
Return on equity, per cent                    -75.0         -168.4        -119.0
Operating profit ∕ turnover, per              -17.7          -59.3         -42.8
Net gearing, per cent                         116.0           48.0        161.95
Equity ratio, per cent                         30.8           46.0          22.5


                                                   1.1.-      1.1.-       1.1.-
                                               31.3.2013  31.3.2012  31.12.2012
PERSONNEL                                            568      1,022         824
Employees, average                                                             
Employees, at the end of the period                  557      1,010         610
COMMITMENTS, EUR 1,000                         31.3.2013  31.3.2012  31.12.2012
Collateral for own commitments                                                 
Corporate mortgages                               19,800     19,800      19,800
Leasing and other rental commitments                                           
Falling due within 1 year                          2,382      5,413       2,726
Falling due within 1-5 years                       3,698      2,393       3,408
Falling due after 5 years                             97          0         243
Total                                              6,177      7,807       6,377
Nominal value of interest rate swap agreement                                  
Falling due within 1 year                              0      1,219           0
Falling due within 1-5 years                       5,270      1,357       5,270
Falling due after 5 years                              0          0           0
Total                                              5,270      2,576       5,270
Fair value                                           -67        -27         -87


Diluted earnings per share = profit for the period ∕ number of shares, adjusted
for issues and dilution, average 

Earnings per share = profit for the period ∕ number of shares, adjusted for
issues, average 

Shareholders' equity per share = shareholders' equity ∕ number of shares,
undiluted, on the closing date 

Cash flow from operating activities, per share, diluted = net cash flow from
operating activities ∕ number of shares, adjusted for issues and dilution,

Return on investment = (profit before taxes + interest expenses + other
financial expenses) ∕ (balance sheet total − non-interest-bearing liabilities,
average) × 100 

Return on equity = net profit ∕ shareholders' equity, average × 100

Gearing = (interest-bearing liabilities - liquid assets) / shareholders' equity
× 100