2013-07-10 08:00:00 CEST

2013-07-10 08:00:03 CEST


Finnish English
Citycon Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

Citycon Oyj's Interim Report for 1 January–30 June 2013

Citycon Oyj 	Stock Exchange Release	 10 July 2013 at 09.00 hrs

Summary of the Second Quarter of 2013 Compared with the First Quarter of the
- Turnover decreased to EUR 61.6 million (Q1/2013: EUR 62.9 million) mainly due
to divestments and (re)development projects. 
- Net rental income increased by EUR 2.3 million, or 5.8 per cent, to EUR 42.7
million (EUR 40.4 million), mainly due to seasonal variations in property
operating expenses. 
- EPRA operating profit increased by EUR 2.3 million, or 6.6 per cent, to EUR
37.8 million (EUR 35.4 million), mainly due to higher net rental income. EPRA
earnings increased to EUR 20.8 million (EUR 19.7 million) mainly due to higher
EPRA operating profit. EPRA earnings per share decreased to EUR 0.047 (EUR
0.052) due to a higher number of shares resulting from the rights issue in
March 2013. EPRA key figures exclude non-recurring items such as fair value
changes in investment properties. 
- The fair value change in investment properties was EUR 3.3 million (EUR 11.8
million), and the fair value of investment properties totalled EUR 2,711.3
million (EUR 2,730.9 million). The weighted average net yield requirement for
investment properties was 6.3 per cent (6.3%). 

Summary of January - June 2013 Compared with the Corresponding Period of 2012
-Turnover increased to EUR 124.5 million (Q1-Q2/2012: EUR 116.2 million).
- Net rental income increased by EUR 5.8 million, or 7.5 per cent, to EUR 83.0
million (EUR 77.3 million). Completion of (re)development projects and the
acquisition of shopping centres in 2012 increased net rental income by EUR 2.6
- Net rental income of like-for-like properties increased by EUR 2.9 million,
or 4.8 per cent, excluding the impact of the stronger Swedish krona. 
- Earnings per share were EUR 0.07 (EUR 0.09). The reduction was mainly due to
non-recurring financial expenses of EUR 26.8 million related to the refinancing
and due to a higher number of shares. 
- EPRA earnings per share (basic) were EUR 0.099 (EUR 0.096).
- Net cash from operating activities per share decreased to EUR -0.02 (EUR
0.10) mainly due to above-mentioned non-recurring financial expenses and timing

Key Figures

IFRS based key      Q2/2013  Q2/2012  Q1/2013  Q1-Q2/2  Q1-Q2/2  Change     2012
 figures                                           013      012   -% 1)         
Turnover, EUR          61.6     58.4     62.9    124.5    116.2    7.2%    239.2
Net rental income,     42.7     39.7     40.4     83.0     77.3    7.5%    162.0
 EUR million                                                                    
Profit/loss             1.7     10.9     26.1     27.8     26.6    4.4%     77.2
 attributable to                         
 parent company                                                                 
 shareholders, EUR                                                              
Earnings per share     0.00     0.03     0.07     0.07     0.09  -20.8%     0.24
 (basic), EUR2)                                                                 
Net cash from         -0.06     0.05     0.05    -0.02     0.10       -     0.19
 activities per                                                                 
 share, EUR2)                                                                   
Fair value of       2,711.3  2,602.0  2,730.9  2,711.3  2,602.0    4.2%  2,714.2
 properties, EUR                                                                
Equity ratio, %        42.7     35.0     40.4     42.7     35.0   22.0%     37.8
Loan to Value          54.2     58.3     51.6     54.2     58.3   -7.0%     54.5
 (LTV), %                                                                       
EPRA based key      Q2/2013  Q2/2012  Q1/2013  Q1-Q2/2  Q1-Q2/2  Change     2012
 figures                                           013      012   -% 1)         
EPRA operating         37.8     33.1     35.4     73.2     64.1   14.1%    135.7
 profit, EUR                                                                    
% of turnover         61.2%    56.8%    56.3%    58.8%    55.2%    6.5%    56.7%
EPRA Earnings, EUR     20.8     15.6     19.7     40.4     29.9   35.2%     63.9
EPRA Earnings per     0.047    0.050    0.052    0.099    0.096    2.6%    0.199
 share (basic),                                                                 
EPRA NAV per           2.99     3.60     2.99     2.99     3.60  -17.0%     3.49
 share, EUR                                                                     
EPRA NNNAV per         2.77     3.21     2.70     2.77     3.21  -13.5%     3.08
 share, EUR                                                                     

1) Change-% is calculated from exact figures and refers to the change between
2013 and 2012. 
2)  Result per share key figures have been calculated with the issue-adjusted
number of shares resulting from the rights issue executed in March 2013. 

CEO's Comment

Comments from Citycon Oyj's Chief Executive Officer Marcel Kokkeel on the first
half of the year: 

“The first half of 2013 showed further improvements in rental growth and cost
savings; we were able to increase like-for-like net rental income by 4.8 per
cent and reduce administrative expenses by EUR 2.8 million compared to the
corresponding period in 2012. Overall, Citycon's operating results in the first
half of 2013 were positive. The occupancy rate reduced slightly during the
second quarter, but remained at a solid level, close to 95 per cent. Leasing
and vacancy reduction will continue to be a top priority for management. 

In May, Citycon renewed eleven grocery store lease agreements in supermarket
and shop properties with its largest tenant Kesko. The renewed leases increase
the average length of Citycon's total lease portfolio by approximately four
months. This is a clear example of Citycon's value-enhancing activities in its
non-core portfolio. 

During the reporting period, the company has strengthened its portfolio through
acquisitions and (re)development projects. Following the start of the
(re)development project at IsoKristiina shopping centre in Lappeenranta in
April, Citycon announced the initiation of the first phase of the extension and
(re)development project at Iso Omena shopping centre in June. The Iso Omena
extension will further enhance Citycon's position in Espoo, the fastest growing
and most affluent area in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. Organic growth will
continue to be a key focus for Citycon and the (re)development of existing core
shopping centres contribute to this. 

The company's goal has been to diversify funding sources and refinance debt.
After receiving two investment grade credit ratings from Standard & Poor's
(BBB-) and Moody's (Baa3) in May, we successfully placed a EUR 500 million
seven-year eurobond with an annual coupon of 3.75 per cent. This strategic
transaction enabled us to increase liquidity and extend average debt
maturities. The proceeds of the bond have been used to pay back existing loans
and repurchase domestic bonds maturing in 2014 and 2017. The one-off increase
in financial expenses was mainly due to the unwinding of interest rate swaps in
relation to the repayment of existing debt. Going forward, this transaction
will reduce our interest expenses and improve the interest cover covenant.” 

Other Events 1 January-30 June 2013

Financial position
In May, Citycon received two long-term corporate investment grade credit
ratings, BBB- from Standard & Poor's and Baa3 from Moody's. Both credit ratings
have stable outlook. 

On 14 June, the company issued an unsecured EUR 500 million eurobond. The
seven-year bond matures on 24 June 2020 and carries fixed annual interest at
the rate of 3.75 per cent, payable annually. The bond was rated BBB- by
Standard & Poor's and Baa3 by Moody's, in line with Citycon's corporate credit
rating. The company used the proceeds to prepay existing bank loans, pay down
lines of credit and to repurchase part of its domestic bonds maturing in 2014
and 2017, together EUR 421.9 million. During Q3, Citycon will additionally
repay the convertible bond maturing in August and other debt for a total of
approximately EUR 55 million. The debt prepayment and the related unwinding of
interest rate swaps and bond buy-backs caused some non-recurring indirect
financial expenses that are explained in more detail in the Net financial
expenses section. 

In February, following authorisation granted at the EGM of 6 February 2013, the
Citycon Board of Directors decided on an approximately EUR 200 million share
issue based on the shareholders' pre-emptive subscription rights. A total of
114,408,000 new shares were offered at EUR 1.75 per share. The subscription
period was 21 February-7 March. All offered shares were subscribed and
subsequently entered in the Finnish Trade Register on 14 March. 

Leasing Activity
The economic occupancy rate of the shopping centres was 95.8 per cent (96.8%),
and of the whole property portfolio 94.8 per cent (95.6%). The decline in the
occupancy rate was mainly due to increased vacancies in Sweden and a finalised
(re)development project with temporary vacancy. 

In May, Citycon renewed eleven grocery store lease agreements with the trading
sector company Kesko. The stores are part of Citycon's supermarket and shops
portfolio. The agreements cover some 44,000 square metres of leasable area and
increase the average remaining length of Citycon's total lease portfolio by
approximately four months. 

Acquisitions and Divestments
On 16 April, Citycon sold the office and retail property Lindome in the Greater
Gothenburg area to a local buyer for approximately SEK 81 million (approx. EUR
9.7 million). 

On 3 April, Citycon signed an agreement to sell the office building on
Wavulinintie, Helsinki, to ELF Invest Oy for approximately EUR 1.4 million. The
closing of the transaction is expected to take place in July. 

On 7 March, the company sold the office and retail property Hindås, located in
the Greater Gothenburg area, to a local buyer for approximately SEK 12 million
(approx. EUR 1.4 million). 

On 28 February, Citycon sold its 50 per cent share of IsoKristiina shopping
centre in Lappeenranta to Mutual Pension Insurance Company Ilmarinen. The
disposal was related to the started (re)development project. 

On 27 February, Citycon sold Ultima Oy, a company owning an undeveloped plot in
Vantaa, to YIT Construction Ltd for approximately EUR 4.4 million. 

On 17 January, Citycon acquired Kista Galleria shopping centre in Stockholm,
together with the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (“CPPIB”), from DNB
Livsforsikring ASA for approximately SEK 4.6 billion (approx. EUR 530 million).
Citycon and CPPIB each own 50 per cent of the shopping centre. The centre's
gross leasable area is approximately 90,000 square metres, of which
approximately 60,000 square metres is in retail premises. Kista Galleria
attracts approximately 18 million visitors a year, more than any other shopping
centre in the area, with annual sales of EUR 280 million. More information on
this transaction is available in the stock exchange release issued on 17
January 2013. 

In addition, during the period Citycon agreed on the sale of one non-core asset
and one residential portfolio in Sweden for a total price of SEK 83 million
(approximately EUR 9.7 million). These transactions are expected to be closed
in Q3 and Q4 2013. 

(Re)development projects
In May, Citycon announced the start of the first phase of the extension to Iso
Omena shopping centre. The estimated investment for the three-phase project,
including partial (re)development of the existing shopping centre, totals
approximately EUR 175 million. The first phase of the project, covering a EUR
120 million investment, will be carried out in a 50/50 partnership with NCC
Property Development Oy. The extension expands the leasable retail area of the
shopping centre by approximately 25,000 square metres, to over 75,000 square
metres. More information on the project is available in the stock exchange and
press releases issued on 31 May 2013. 

In February, Citycon decided to expand and (re)develop IsoKristiina shopping
centre, located in Lappeenranta city centre. The total investment will be
slightly above EUR 100 million. The (re)development will increase the centre's
leasable area from 19,800 square metres to 34,000 square metres. Mutual Pension
Insurance Company Ilmarinen acquired a 50 per cent share of the existing
shopping centre and joins the project with a 50 per cent share. More
information on the project is available in the press release issued on 28
February 2013. 

The renovation of Åkermyntan Centrum in Stockholm was finalised during Q2 2013.

Reorganisation and other events
On 30 January, statutory collaborative negotiations in the Finnish Business
Unit were concluded concerning the reorganisation of business operations. As a
result of these negotiations, Citycon reduced the number of employees in its
Finnish Business Unit by ten. At the same time, a cluster-based organisational
model was adopted in all of Citycon's operating countries, resulting in
shopping centres being combined to form entities led by commercial directors. 

Reporting of Kista Galleria
In Citycon's reporting, Kista Galleria is treated as a joint venture and the
shopping centre's result or fair value will not impact the turnover, net rental
income or fair value of investment properties of the group. Kista Galleria is
consolidated into Citycon's financial statements with the equity method meaning
that Citycon's share of Kista Galleria's profit for the period is recognised in
the line "Share of result in joint ventures" in the statement of comprehensive
income and Citycon's share of Kista Galleria's total assets is recognised in
the line "Investments in joint ventures" in the statement of financial
position. In addition, the management fee received by Citycon is reported in
the line other operating income and expenses and the interest income on the
shareholder loan is reported in the account net financial income and expenses.
However, Citycon's management and the Board of Directors additionally follow
the performance of Kista Galleria as if it was fully consolidated into
Citycon's net rental income and operating profit. The Notes to the interim
condensed consolidated financial statements on pages 27-28 (Note 3. Segment
Information) include more information about Kista Galleria shopping centre. 

Events after the Reporting Period

No events after the reporting period.


Citycon continues to focus on increasing both its net cash flow from operating
activities and its direct operating profit. In order to implement this
strategy, the company is pursuing value-added activities, selected acquisitions
and proactive asset management. 

The initiation of planned projects will be carefully evaluated against strict
pre-leasing criteria. Citycon intends to continue the divestment of its
non-core properties in order to improve the property portfolio and strengthen
the company's financial position. The company is also considering alternative
property financing sources. 

In 2013, Citycon expects to continue generating solid cash flow and anticipates
that its turnover will grow by EUR 7-17 million and its EPRA operating profit
by EUR 8-18 million compared with the previous year. This is based on the
existing property portfolio, including recent acquisitions and divestments. The
company expects its EPRA earnings to increase by EUR 18-28 million from the
previous year, and further forecasts an EPRA EPS (basic) of EUR 0.19-0.23 based
on the existing property portfolio and the increased number of shares. The
estimate for EPRA earnings per share (basic) reflects the increased number of
shares from the rights offering. 

These estimates are based on (re)development projects that have already been
completed and those to be completed in the future, as well as on the prevailing
level of inflation, the euro-krona exchange rate, and current interest rates.
Properties taken offline for planned development projects will reduce net
rental income during the year. 

Business Environment

On the whole, the first part of 2013 has been characterised by continued
financial uncertainty in Citycon's operating countries. 

At the beginning of the year, retail sales growth was strong in Estonia and
positive in Finland and Sweden. The total retail sales growth for the first
five months was 1.6 per cent in Finland, 1.5 per cent in Sweden and 5.0 per
cent in Estonia (source: Statistics Finland, Statistiska Central Byrån,
Statistics Estonia). 

During the first half of the year, household consumer confidence improved in
Finland and in Sweden. In Estonia and Lithuania the household consumer
confidence indicator remained negative, but developed positively during the
period (source: Eurostat). 

Retail sales growth and the inflation rate are key factors for Citycon's
business, and have an impact on rents from retail premises. Consumer prices
continued to rise at the beginning of the year in Finland and Estonia, but
decreased slightly in Sweden. In May, inflation was 1.6 per cent in Finland,
-0.2 per cent in Sweden and 3.3 per cent in Estonia (source: Statistics
Finland, Statistiska Central Byrån, Statistics Estonia). 

In Finland, Sweden and Estonia, seasonally adjusted unemployment is lower than
the European Union average (10.9%). At the end of May, the unemployment rate in
Finland was 8.4 per cent and in Sweden 7.9 per cent. In Estonia and Lithuania,
unemployment rates have been high but are decreasing: at the end of April they
were 8.3 per cent in Estonia and 12.5 per cent in Lithuania (Source: Eurostat). 

The instability of the financial markets in Europe is affecting the
availability and margins of debt financing. 

Property Market
In the second quarter of 2013, the retail property market remained quiet in
Finland and it seems that the transaction volume for H1 is remaining below the
corresponding period in 2012. There is a possibility that the second half of
the year might be more active than the first half, due to potential increase in
supply. Shopping centre prime yields have remained stable but the secondary
yields are facing upward pressure. Retail rents have also been increasing, even
though the softening outlook for retail sales might weaken future prospects.
Rental growth, however, has been focused on the prime locations. 

In Sweden the retail property transaction volume in the second quarter 2013 was
some SEK 2.5 billion, which is higher than the SEK 1.6 billion of retail
property transacted in the first quarter 2013, but significantly lower than in
the fourth quarter 2012, when some SEK 7.6 billion of retail property was
transacted. In the second quarter of 2013, the majority of the retail
transactions involved an international investor. Investor interest continues to
be strong for retail property that is in a good location and has high
specification, with relatively strong tenants and low vacancy rates. However,
retail property investments that do not meet some or all of these criteria are
more difficult to sell. Yields for prime shopping centres have remained stable
since mid-2011. 

Demand for retail space is strong in Estonia, especially in central areas of
Tallinn and modern shopping centres. Vacancy rates in Tallinn shopping centres
is close to zero and rents have remained stable or have slightly increased due
to fewer rental discounts and index increments. In addition, the investment
market has strengthened and retail yields have dropped below 8 per cent. In
Lithuania, the retail property market has shown an increase in activity from
the fourth quarter of 2012. 
(Source: Jones Lang LaSalle Finland Oy)

Tenants' Sales and Footfall in Citycon's Shopping Centres
During the period, total sales in Citycon's shopping centres grew by one per
cent and the footfall by three per cent, year-on-year. In Finland sales
remained at the same level than in the comparison period, in Sweden sales
increased by one per cent and in Baltic Countries and New Business sales grew
by four per cent. The sales development was particularly impacted by the
delayed spring. Footfall decreased in Finland by one per cent, it grew in
Sweden by nine per cent and in the Baltic Countries and New Business by 14 per
cent. The growth in footfall is mainly due to Liljeholmstorget; it was also
impacted by the completion of the Magistral (re)development, as the centre was
closed in the comparison period. Like-for-like shopping centre sales remained
at the same level than in the comparison period and footfall increased by two
per cent. There are estimates included in the sales and footfall figures. 

Short-Term Risks and Uncertainties

Citycon's Board of Directors considers the company's major short-term risks and
uncertainties to be associated with economic developments in the company's
operating regions, which affects demand, vacancy rates and market rents in
retail premises. In addition, key near-term risks include rising financial
expenses due to higher loan margins and interest rates, reduced availability of
debt financing and the fair value development of properties in uncertain
economic conditions. The refinancing risk of the company was, however, reduced
considerably as a result of the EUR 500 million eurobond issued in June. 

Although the effects of the financial crisis on rent levels for retail premises
and on occupancy rates have so far been minor in Citycon's operating regions,
lower demand for retail premises, higher vacancy rates and lower market rent
levels pose challenges in a sluggish economic environment. Economic
developments, particularly trends impacting on consumer confidence and consumer
behaviour, inevitably affect demand for retail premises. During 2013 risks to
the economic growth have persisted, and in conditions of weak economic growth
the rental levels of retail premises typically fall, leasing of new premises is
more difficult, and vacancy rates rise. 

The implementation of Citycon's strategy will require new financing going
forward, which means that risks associated with the availability and cost of
financing are of fundamental importance to Citycon. The willingness of banks to
lend money continues to be moderate, availability of financing is limited, and
loan margins remain at a high level or have even increased. In the future,
tightening regulation of the banking and insurance sectors (e.g. Basel III and
Solvency II regulations) is likely to elevate the costs of debt financing and
to limit the availability of long-term bank loans. This will probably raise the
cost of Citycon's new loan financing. So far, this change in margins has been
mitigated by reduced underlying base rates and Citycon's active financing
policy. When refinancing loan agreements that were signed at low margins before
the financial crisis, the margins on the new loans will be higher. Such a rise
in loan margins, along with rising market interest rates, are likely to push
Citycon's average interest rate upwards in the future. 

The company is actively seeking to diversify its funding sources, as
demonstrated by the EUR 500 million eurobond issued in June 2013 and the EUR
150 million domestic bond issued in May 2012, in order to mitigate the risks
related to bank financing. However, there are no guarantees that such
alternative funding sources will be available in the future at cost-efficient
margins. The bond issues along with the EUR 360 million credit facility
agreement signed with Nordic banks in September 2012, the EUR 90 million rights
issue in October 2012, and the EUR 200 million rights issue in March 2013,
considerably strengthened the balance sheet, improved the available liquidity,
and decreased the refinancing risk for the coming years. 

The fair value development of investment properties continues to be
characterised by high uncertainty caused by the sovereign debt crisis and the
resulting tough economic conditions. Several factors are affecting the fair
value of the investment properties owned by Citycon, such as general and local
economic development, interest rate levels, foreseeable inflation rates, market
rent trends, vacancy rates, property investors' yield requirements, and the
competitive environment. This uncertainty will be reflected most strongly on
retail properties located outside major cities, or in otherwise less attractive
properties, because investor demand is not currently focused on these
properties and banks are more reluctant to offer financing for such projects.
On the other hand, the fair value of winning shopping centres, which attract
investor interest in uncertain conditions, have remained stable or have even
increased during 2013. 

The company's short-term risks and uncertainties, as well as its risk
management and risk management principles, are discussed in more depth at
www.citycon.com/riskmanagement, on pages 43-46 of the Financial Statements for
2012, and on pages 50-51 of the Annual Report for 2012. 

Helsinki, 9 July 2013

Citycon Oyj
Board of Directors

Financial Reports in 2013

Citycon will issue one more interim report during the financial year 2013 as

January-September 2013 on Wednesday, 16 October 2013 at around 9.00 a.m.

For more investor information, please visit the corporate website at

For further information, please contact:
Marcel Kokkeel, CEO
Tel. +358 20 766 4521 or +358 40 154 6760

Eero Sihvonen, Executive Vice President and CFO
Tel. +358 20 766 4459 or +358 50 557 9137

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