2010-01-04 11:49:22 CET

2010-01-04 11:50:21 CET


Lithuanian English
VST AB - Notification on material event

The decisions adopted in the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting of VST, AB on January 4, 2010

The Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting of VST, AB, held on January 4,
2010, adopted the following decisions: 

1. The item of agenda: “Regarding the preparation of reorganization conditions
for Rytų skirstomieji tinklai AB and VST, AB by the way of merger”: 
1.1. To assign the preparation of conditions of reorganization of Rytų
skirstomieji tinklai, AB and VST, AB by the way of merger to the Management
Boards of Rytų skirstomieji tinklai, AB and VST, AB in collaboration with
management board of the parent company or person performing duties of the
management board.“ 

2. The item of agenda: “Regarding the amendment of the Bylaws of VST, AB”
2.1. To amend the article 63 of the Bylaws of VST, AB and to word it as follows:
„63. Company's notices that according to the laws, other legal acts and/or
these bylaws should be published in press, in news paper “Verslo žinios”. If
there is no possibility to publish Company's notices in newspaper “Verslo
žinios”, they, according to the laws, other legal acts and/or these bylaws
should be published in other newspaper of Lithuanian Republic. Company may
publish notices in other ways as well.“ 
2.2. According to the decision mentioned in item 2.1 of this protocol, to
approve the new wording of the Bylaws of VST, AB. 
2.3. To authorize the Chief Executive Officer of Company to sign the new
wording of the Bylaws of the Company set forth by the Law and to perform other
necessary actions abiding by the procedure to registry thereof in the Register
of Legal Entities under the  procedure established by legislation. 

More information the decisions adopted in the Extraordinary General
Shareholders Meeting of VST, AB can be found on the web page of the company

Rimantas Vaitkus
Chief Executive Officer

Person for contacts: 
Jolita Faktorovičienė 
Jurist of Legal Department 
Phone +370 5 2781270