2014-12-04 07:54:27 CET

2014-12-04 07:55:26 CET


Lithuanian English
Klaipedos Nafta - Notification on material event

SC Klaipedos Nafta transshipment results in November 2014

SC Klaipedos nafta (hereinafter - “the Company”) during November 2014 reloaded
555 thousand tons of oil products into its storage tanks, greater by 82.6
percent than during November 2013, when 304 thousand tons were reloaded. During
November 2014 more oil products from the main client of the Company SC Orlen
Lietuva as well as from refineries of the Republic of Belarus were reloaded,
compared to transshipment during November 2013. 

The preliminary sales revenues of the Company for November 2014 comprise LTL
12.1 million (EUR 3,5 million); greater by 26.0 percent compared to November
2013 (i.e. LTL 9.6 million or EUR 2.8 million). 

The Company during eleven months of 2014 reloaded 4,944 thousand tons of oil
products into its storage tanks, by 9.3 percent lower than during eleven months
of 2013, when 5,452 thousand tons were reloaded. The transhipment in 2014,
comparing to 2013, was lower because of unfavorable macro economics conditions
in the first half of the year that influenced lower refinery volume of SC Orlen
Lietuva and subsequently lower transhipment volume through the Company's

The preliminary sales revenues of the Company for the eleven months of 2014 are
LTL 105.1 million (EUR 30.4 million) and reduced by 9.4 percent compared to the
same period of 2013 (LTL 116.0 or EUR 33.6 million). 

         Marius Pulkauninkas, Director of Finance and Administration
Department, tel. 8 46 391763