2016-08-02 08:30:01 CEST

2016-08-02 08:30:01 CEST


Finnska Enska
QPR Software - Half Year financial report




Summary April – June 2016

  -- Net sales EUR 2,173 thousand (2015: 2,402). 
  -- Operating profit EUR 230 thousand (32).
  -- Operating margin 10.6% (1.3).
  -- Comparable operating profit EUR 230 thousand (32).
  -- Cash flow from operating activities EUR 192 thousand (- 380). 
  -- Profit before taxes EUR 217 thousand (16).
  -- Profit for the quarter EUR 175 thousand (35). 
  -- Earnings per share EUR 0.015 (0.003).

Summary January – June 2016

  -- Net sales EUR 4,215 thousand (2015: 4,926). 
  -- Operating profit EUR 125 thousand (291).
  -- Operating margin 3.0% (5.9).
  -- Comparable operating profit EUR 165 thousand (291).
  -- Cash flow from operating activities EUR 1,422 thousand (1,066).
  -- Profit before taxes EUR 95 thousand (289).
  -- Profit for the period EUR 70 thousand (260). 
  -- Earnings per share EUR 0.006 (0.022).

Business operations

QPR Software focuses on providing organizations software and professional
services for operational development. Our software and services are used in
over 50 countries. The Company offers its customers insight to their business
operations through modeling, analysis and performance monitoring. This insight
enables customers to streamline and improve business operations and to execute
their strategies swiftly and effectively. 


Operating environment and market outlook

QPR expects the demand for process mining software to grow in its home market
in Finland, as well as in the broader European market. The software market for
process mining is relatively new and, for the time being, its market size is
still small. Market maturity varies greatly from one country to another, but
already last year we experienced strong market growth in several European
countries. This growth is expected to continue this year, and the Company
believes that its QPR ProcessAnalyzer product has a strong position in the

In developed markets, competition in process and enterprise architecture
modeling and performance management software is expected to continue to
increase. In developing markets, especially in the Middle East and Africa,
there is still strong growth potential for these software products. 

Outlook for 2016

The Company´s outlook is unchanged.

In process mining software and process analysis services, QPR continues to
invest in direct sales in Finland and in international channel sales. The
Company estimates that this business will continue to grow this year. 

In process and enterprise architecture modeling and performance management
software, the tightened competition is expected to continue to have a negative
impact on sales in part of QPR´s reseller channel, especially in developed
markets. To offset this impact, QPR seeks growth from new reseller
partnerships, especially from Middle East and Africa. 

The Company believes that in its home market, Finland, it will maintain the
leading position as a process modeling and analysis software vendor targeting
operational development functions in organizations; as well as to preserve
QPR’s position in operational development consulting. This position has
strengthened over the past few years. 

The Company estimates that its comparable operating profit will grow in 2016
compared to 2015. 

KEY FIGURES                                                                     
EUR in thousands,    Apr-Jun  Apr-Jun  Change,  Jan-Jun  Jan-Ju  Change  Jan-Dec
 unless otherwise     , 2016   , 2015        %   , 2016      n,     , %   , 2015
 indicated                                                 2015                 
Net sales              2,173    2,402     -9.5    4,215   4,926   -14.4    9,436
EBITDA                   456      243     87.2      542     702   -22.8    1,190
% of net sales          21.0     10.1              12.9    14.2             12.6
Operating profit         230       32    615.6      125     291   -57.2      368
% of net sales          10.6      1.3               3.0     5.9              3.9
Profit before tax        217       16  1,238.2       95     289   -67.2      347
Profit for the           175       35    406.5       70     260   -72.9      338
% of net sales           8.1      1.4               1.7     5.3              3.6
Earnings per share,    0.015    0.003    403.5    0.006   0.022   -73.0    0.028
Equity per share,      0.221    0.229     -3.8    0.221   0.229    -3.8    0.234
Cash flow from           192     -380    150.6    1,422   1,066    33.4      406
Cash and cash            900    1,134    -20.7      900   1,134   -20.7      585
Net borrowings          -900   -1,134    -20.7     -900  -1,134   -20.7      -85
Gearing, %             -32.8    -39.7             -32.8   -39.7             -2.9
Equity ratio, %         65.2     57.6              65.2    57.6             42.7
Return on equity, %     25.2      4.4               5.0    17.2             11.1
Return on               29.9      1.0               8.8    19.2             12.0
 investment, %                                                                  


QPR Software innovates, develops, sells and delivers software and services in
international markets aimed at operational development. QPR Software reports
one operating segment: Operational development of organizations. In addition to
this, the Company reports revenue from products and services as follows:
Software licenses, Software maintenance services, Software rentals, and
Consulting. Software rentals and Software maintenance services together form
the recurring revenue reported by the Company. Recurring revenue is based on
long-term contracts continuing for the time being or for a fixed period of
several years. Typically rental and maintenance charges are invoiced annually
in advance. 

The geographical areas reported are Finland, the rest of Europe (including
Russia and Turkey), and the rest of the world. Net sales are reported according
to the customer´s location. 

In the January – June 2016 interim report the Company has renamed a term used
in financial reporting to comply with the European Securities and Markets
Authority´s (ESMA) recommendations for alternative key figures. The new term
used for previously used “operating profit excluding non-recurring items” is
“comparable operating profit”. Items having an impact on comparable operating
profit are, for example, non-recurring items related to business streamlining
or restructuring. Comparable operating profit is calculated by eliminating
these items from operating profit. Interest-bearing net debt is calculated by
deducting cash and cash equivalents out of interest-bearing liabilities. 


After a challenging first quarter, our profit development made a clear upturn
in the second quarter from April to June. As a result of streamlining our
operations, EBITDA doubled year-on-year and operating profit exceeded 10% of
net sales. 

The business environment remained challenging and economic growth was weak in
most markets. This was the case especially in the Company’s largest market
area, Europe (including Finland). Channel license net sales were negatively
affected by the tightened competition in process modeling software, as well as
performance management software. 

However, in the second quarter we received many positive signals that indicate
accelerating growth in the process mining market. Our net sales in this product
area grew over 50 % and we acquired many significant customers among large
international corporations. Due to our patented technology, early go-to-market
strategy and innovative functionalities, our process mining software QPR
ProcessAnalyzer is in excellent position to continue its strong revenue growth.
Our patented technology in question received additional intellectual property
protection in May, when the United States Patent and Trademark Office awarded
already the second patent for this technology. 

In 2015, we invested in recruiting and training new reseller partners; as well
as in marketing and product launches in new markets. In process mining
software, we expanded distribution especially into developed European markets,
such as Germany, Sweden, Belgium and the Netherlands. For performance
management and process modeling software, we recruited many new resellers from
Middle East, Africa and South America. 

We believe these investments will have a positive impact on net sales this
year, but at the same time, we estimate that the tightened competition will
continue to have a negative impact on sales in part of QPR´s reseller channel.
We estimate that comparable operating profit will grow in 2016, as compared to

Jari Jaakkola



April – June 2016

Net sales in the second quarter were EUR 2,173 thousand (2,402) and decreased
10% from the corresponding period of the previous year. This was mainly due to
a decrease in process modeling and performance management software net sales in
the international sales channel. Process mining software and related consulting
net sales grew significantly, over 50% compared to prior year. 

Software license net sales decreased 39% compared to previous year. Net sales
were negatively affected by the tightened competition in process and enterprise
architecture modeling software, as well as performance management software. 

Net sales from software maintenance services and software rentals decreased
(-6% and -7%, respectively). Currency exchange rates had a slightly negative
impact on software maintenance service net sales. The share of recurring
revenues was 50% (48) of total net sales. 

Consulting net sales were on the same level as in the previous year (+1%).
Technical SAP consulting net sales decreased, but process mining consulting net
sales increased significantly. 

Of the Group net sales, 71% (65) derived from Finland, 18% (19) from the rest
of Europe (including Russia and Turkey) and 11% (16) from the rest of the

NET SALES BY PRODUCT GROUP                                                      
EUR in thousands  Apr-Jun,  Apr-Jun,  Change  Jan-Jun,  Jan-Jun  Change  Jan-Dec
                      2016      2015       ,      2016   , 2015       ,   , 2015
                                           %                          %         
Software               249       409     -39       453      764     -41    1,427
Software               672       715      -6     1,355    1,451      -7    2,873
Software rentals       414       445      -7       828      884      -6    1,774
Consulting             839       833       1     1,579    1,828     -14    3,362
Total                2,173     2,402     -10     4,215    4,926     -14    9,436

NET SALES BY GEOGRAPHIC AREA                                                    
EUR in thousands  Apr-Jun,  Apr-Jun,  Change  Jan-Jun,  Jan-Jun  Change  Jan-Dec
                      2016      2015       ,      2016   , 2015       ,   , 2015
                                           %                          %         
Finland              1,549     1,575      -2     2,967    3,321     -11    6,499
Europe incl.           389       446     -13       796      905     -12    1,740
 Russia and                                                                     
Rest of the            235       382     -38       452      701     -36    1,197
Total                2,173     2,402     -10     4,215    4,926     -14    9,436

January – June 2016

Net sales in the January – June reporting period were EUR 4,215 thousand
(4,926). The decrease in net sales was due to weaker sales in software licenses
and consulting services. 

Software license net sales decreased 41% compared to previous year. Net sales
were negatively affected by tightened competition in process modeling and
performance management software. 

Software maintenance services net sales and software rental net sales decreased
(-7% and -6%, respectively). Currency exchange rates had a negative impact to
software maintenance service net sales. The share of recurring revenues was 52%
(47) of total net sales. 

Consulting net sales (-14%) were negatively affected by the decrease in
technical SAP consulting net sales and a slow start in operational development
consulting projects at the beginning of the year. 

Of the Group net sales, 70% (67) derived from Finland, 19% (18) from the rest
of Europe (including Russia and Turkey) and 11% (14) from the rest of the


April – June 2016

In the second quarter, the Group’s operating profit improved due to expense
reductions and was EUR 230 thousand (32), or 10.6% of net sales (1.3).
Especially personnel expenses were lower than in the previous year. Investments
into new software products and international sales channel were continued. 

The Group´s fixed costs in the quarter were EUR 1,844 thousand (2,221), and
decreased 19.0% compared to the corresponding period in the previous year.
Personnel expenses represented 73.8% (77.6) of the fixed costs and were EUR
1,361 thousand (1,723). 

Profit before taxes in the quarter was EUR 217 thousand (16) and profit for the
period was EUR 175 thousand (35). Taxes recorded for the period were EUR 42
thousand (-18). Earnings per share (fully diluted) were EUR 0.015 (0.003). 

January – June 2016

In the January – June reporting period, the Group operating profit was EUR 125
thousand (291), or 3.0% of net sales (5.9). Operating profit decreased from the
previous year due to lower net sales. 

Comparable operating profit was EUR 165 thousand (291). The items that have an
impact on comparable operating profit are related to the streamlining of
operations implemented in early 2016, and mainly include personnel expenses. 

The Group´s fixed costs were EUR 3,856 in the reporting period (4,381), and
decreased 12.0% compared to previous year. Personnel costs represented 75.7%
(76.4) of fixed costs and were EUR 2,918 thousand (3,345). Credit losses,
inclusive in fixed costs, totaled EUR 8 thousand (19). 

Profit before taxes in the reporting period was EUR 95 thousand (289) and
profit for the period was EUR 70 thousand (260). Taxes recorded for the period
were EUR 24 thousand (29). Earnings per share (fully diluted) were EUR 0.006


Cash flow from operating activities was EUR 1,422 thousand (1,066) in January -
June. The growth in cash flow was due to more efficient working capital
management and lower investments. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the
second quarter were EUR 900 thousand (1,134). 

Investments in the first half of the year totaled EUR 366 thousand (754).
Investments were mainly related to product development expenditure. 

Net financial items in the review period January - June were EUR -30 thousand
(-2). Net financial expenses included net foreign exchange losses of EUR 22
thousand (2). In April – June net financial items were EUR -12 thousand (-16),
and included net foreign exchange currency losses of EUR 12 thousand (16). 

At the end of the second quarter, the Company had no interest-bearing
liabilities. The gearing ratio was -33% (-40). Current liabilities include
deferred revenue in total of EUR 2,427 thousand (1,910). Annualized return on
investment was 9% (19) in the reporting period January – June and 30% (1) in
April – June. 

At the end of the second quarter, equity ratio was 65% (58) and the
consolidated shareholders’ equity was EUR 2,745 thousand (2,854). Annualized
return on equity was 5% (17) in the reporting period January – June and 25% (4)
in April – June. 

The Annual General Meeting held on March 22, 2016 authorized the Board of
Directors to decide on issuing a maximum of 4,000,000 new shares, to decide on
conveyance of a maximum of 700,000 own shares held by the Company, and to
decide on acquiring a maximum of 250,000 own shares. The authorizations are in
force until the next Annual General Meeting. 


In the April – June reporting period, product development expenses were EUR 418
thousand (468), and represented 19% of net sales (19). Product development
expenses do not include amortization of capitalized product development
expenses. Product development expenses were capitalized for a total amount of
EUR 161 thousand (193). The amortization of capitalized product development
expenses in the quarter was EUR 147 thousand (114). 

In the reporting period January – June, product development expenses were EUR
906 thousand (948), and represented 22% of net sales (19). Product development
expenses do not include amortization of capitalized product development
expenses. Product development expenses were capitalized for a total amount of
EUR 340 thousand (360). The amortization of capitalized product development
expenses in the quarter was EUR 256 thousand (229). 


At the end of the reporting period, the Group employed a total of 69 persons
(86). The average number of personnel during the second quarter was 70 (88) and
75 (85) in the review period January – June. 

For incentive purposes, the Company has a bonus program that covers all
employees. Remuneration of the top management consists of salary, fringe
benefits and a possible annual bonus based on net sales performance. In 2016,
the maximum annual bonus of the executive management team, including the CEO,
is 30% of the annual base salary. More information on the bonus program can be
found in the Annual Report 2015


Trading of shares                      Jan-Jun,    Jan-Jun,  Change,    Jan-Dec,
                                           2016        2015        %        2015
Shares traded, pcs                      366,396   3,358,905      -89   4,558,065
Volume, EUR                             387,159   4,811,303      -92   6,350,859
% of shares                                 3.1        28.0                 38.0
Average trading price, EUR                 1.06        1.43      -26        1.39
Shares and market capitalization        Jun 30,     Jun 30,  Change,     Dec 31,
                                           2016        2015        %        2015
Total number of shares, pcs          12,444,863  12,444,863        -  12,444,863
Treasury shares, pcs                    457,009     457,009        -     457,009
Book counter value, EUR                    0.11        0.11        -        0.11
Outstanding shares, pcs              11,987,854  11,987,854        -  11,987,854
Number of shareholders                    1,198       1,219       -2       1,212
Closing price, EUR                         1.00        1.46      -32        1.20
Market capitalization, EUR           11,987,854  17,502,267      -32  14,385,425
Book counter value of all treasury       50,271      50,271        -      50,271
 shares, EUR                                                                    
Total purchase value of all             439,307     439,307        -     439,307
 treasury shares, EUR                                                           
Treasury shares, % of all shares            3.7         3.7        -         3.7

The Annual General Meeting held on March 22, 2016 approved the Board's proposal
to pay a per-share dividend of EUR 0.02 (0.05), a total of EUR 240 thousand
(599) for the financial year 2015. Dividends were paid to all shareholders
registered in the Company's shareholder register, maintained by Euroclear
Finland Oy, on the record date of March 24, 2016. Dividends were paid on April
5, 2016. 

The Annual General Meeting approved the Board´s proposal to authorize the Board
of Directors, subject to its discretion, on payment of an extra dividend of EUR
0.01 during 2016. The authorization is valid until 31 December, 2016. 


In January, QPR and the Swedish business and IT services company iStone
announced that they have signed a reseller agreement for QPR ProcessAnalyzer -
the software that enables automated process analysis based on existing data
from Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. The partnership creates new
opportunities in automated process mapping and process flow optimization,
especially for those organizations using the ERP system Infor M3. 

QPR Software and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Portugal announced in February
that they have signed a consulting agreement on using QPR ProcessAnalyzer in
PwC’s process and operational improvement consulting in Portugal. QPR
ProcessAnalyzer enables automated process analysis based on existing data from
enterprise IT systems, utilizing technology patented in the United States by

In March, QPR completed co-determination negotiations with its personnel. As a
result of the negotiations, the Company reduces its annual expenses by
approximately EUR 0.7 million. Of the total, EUR 0.1 million will be realized
by reducing external purchases and EUR 0.6 million through personnel

QPR signed an agreement in March on delivering software for business process
management purposes in one of the world’s largest lighting manufacturing
companies. The signed agreement is valid for three years, and the value of the
entire three year agreement is approximately EUR 0.2 million before reseller

In March, QPR announced the launch of QPR MobileDashboard, an application that
makes it even easier to access and browse actionable performance information on
the go. 

QPR Software was listed in April as a representative vendor in the Gartner
Market Guide for Enterprise Business Process Analysis (EBPA). Globally the
Gartner Market Guide lists 22 representative vendors offering solutions in this

In May, QPR received additional intellectual property protection for its
process mining technology. This was already the second patent that the United
States Patent and Trademark Office has awarded for the technology in question.
The patented technology is utilized in QPR ProcessAnalyzer, an application
developed by QPR. QPR’s previous patent from 2015 related to the utilization of
event instance data obtained from information management systems to help
organizations analyze and improve their business processes. The latest patent
now safeguards the technology behind predicting the probability of future
events based on process analysis. 

In June, the Company announced the release of the new QPR Suite 2016, the
complete portfolio of business management tools for planning, executing and
monitoring strategy-driven operations. The newest developments in QPR
technology bring enhancements to user experience and enable easy integration
between QPR products and third party software. New features of the Suite
further strengthen QPR’s offering as a value-adding solution provider for
strategy execution, business-IT alignment, performance and process management
and process mining. 

In June, QPR made a deal to deliver QPR ProcessDesigner and QPR Metrics, as
well as professional consulting services to a leading European engineering
group. The duration of the contract made is three years, and it is worth well
over 0,2 million euros. 


There were no significant events after the reporting period.


The Annual General Meeting on March 22, 2016 resolved that the number of Board
Members is four (4). 

The Annual General Meeting re-elected Kirsi Eräkangas, Vesa-Pekka Leskinen,
Juho Malmberg and Topi Piela as members of the Company´s Board of Directors.
The term of office of the members of the Board of Directors expires at the end
of the next Annual General Meeting. At its organizing meeting, the Board of
Directors elected Vesa-Pekka Leskinen as its Chairman. 

The Annual General Meeting re-elected Authorized Public Accountants KPMG Oy Ab
as QPR Software´s auditor with Kirsi Jantunen, Authorized Public Accountant,
acting as principal auditor. The term of office of the auditor expires at the
end of the next Annual General Meeting. 

The Annual General Meeting decided to authorize the Board of Directors to
decide on an issue of new shares and conveyance of the own shares held by the
Company (share issue) either in one or in several occasions. The share issue
can be carried out as a share issue against payment or without consideration on
terms to be determined by the Board of Directors. 

All authorizations of the Board and other decisions made by the Annual General
Meeting are available in their entirety on the stock exchange release published
by the Company on March 22, 2016 and available on the investors section of the
Company's web site, http://www.qpr.com/investors/stock-exchange-releases.htm. 


Internal control and risk management at QPR Software aims to ensure that the
Company operates efficiently and effectively, distributes reliable information,
complies with regulations and operational principles, reaches its strategic
goals, reacts to changes in the market and operational environment; and ensures
the continuity of its business. 

QPR has identified the following three groups of risks related to its
operations: risks related to business operations (country, customer, personnel,
legal), risks related to information and products (QPR products, IPR, data
security) and risks related to financing (foreign currency, short-term cash
flow). The Company has an insurance policy for property, operational and
liability risks. 

Financial risks include reasonable credit risk concerning individual business
partners, which is characteristic to any international business. QPR seeks to
limit this credit risk by continuous monitoring of standard payment terms,
receivables and credit limits. The amount of trade receivables over 60 days
past due was 14% (11) of total trade receivables at the end of the reporting

Approximately 69% of Group’s trade receivables were in Euro at the end of the
reporting period (66). At the end of the reporting period, the Company had not
hedged its non-euro trade receivables. 

QPR has initiated an arbitration process due to a customer´s decision to
dissolve a contract, as QPR regards this dissolution unjustified. The value of
the contract is less than EUR 100 thousand and less than EUR 50 thousand has
been recognized as revenue. 

No significant changes have taken place in the Company’s short-term risks and
uncertainties during the quarter. Risks and risk management related to the
Company’s business are further described in the Annual Report 2015, pages 14-15


QPR Software will publish the interim report in English and Finnish on the
following date: 

  -- Interim Report Q3/2016: Thursday, October 27, 2016



Further information:

Jari Jaakkola, CEO

Tel. +358 (0) 40 5026 397


NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd

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Neither this press release nor any copy of it may be taken, transmitted or
distributed, directly or indirectly, in or into the United States of America or
its territories or possessions. 

CONSOLIDATED COMPREHENSIVE INCOME STATEMENT                                     
EUR in thousands, unless  Apr-Ju  Apr-Ju  Change  Jan-Ju  Jan-Ju  Change  Jan-De
 otherwise indicated          n,      n,     , %      n,      n,     , %      c,
                            2016    2015            2016    2015            2015
Net sales                  2,173   2,402     -10   4,215   4,926     -14   9,436
Other operating income        12       1   1,099      18       1   1,705       1
Materials and services       112     149     -25     253     254      -1     558
Employee benefit           1,361   1,723     -21   2,918   3,345     -13   6,477
Other operating expenses     257     287     -11     521     625     -17   1,211
EBITDA                       456     243      88     542     702     -23   1,190
Depreciation and             226     211       7     417     411       2     822
Operating profit             230      32     618     125     291     -57     368
Financial income and         -12     -16     -23     -30      -2   1,391     -21
Profit before tax            217      16   1,258      95     289     -67     347
Income taxes                 -42      18    -335     -24     -29     -16      -9
Profit for the period        175      35     407      70     260     -73     338
Earnings per share, EUR    0.015   0.003     407   0.006   0.022     -73   0.028
(basic and diluted)                                                             
Consolidated statement                                                          
comprehensive income:                                                           
Profit for the period        175      35              70     260             338
Other items in                                                                  
 comprehensive income                                                           
 that may be                                                                    
 subsequently to profit                                                         
 or loss:                                                                       
Exchange differences on        3       7               1      -3             -21
translating foreign                                                             
Income tax relating to         -       -               -       -               -
components of other                                                             
comprehensive income                                                            
Total comprehensive          178      42              71     257             317

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                                      
EUR in thousands                                     Jun     Jun  Change     Dec
                                                     30,     30,       ,     31,
                                                    2016    2015       %    2015
Non-current assets:                                                             
Intangible assets                                  2,030   1,996       2   2,041
Goodwill                                             513     513       0     513
Tangible assets                                      234     337     -31     274
Other non-current assets                              27      27       0      27
Total non-current assets                           2,804   2,873      -2   2,855
Current assets:                                                                 
Trade and other receivables                        2,934   2,856       3   4,592
Cash and cash equivalents                            900   1,134     -21     585
Total current assets                               3,834   3,990      -4   5,177
Total assets                                       6,638   6,863      -3   8,033
Equity and liabilities                                                          
Share capital                                      1,359   1,359       0   1,359
Other funds                                           21      21       0      21
Treasury shares                                     -439    -439       0    -439
Translation differences                             -241    -224       8    -242
Invested non-restricted equity fund                    5       5       0       5
Retained earnings                                  2,040   2,131      -4   2,210
Equity attributable to shareholders of the         2,745   2,854      -4   2,914
 parent company                                                                 
Non-current liabilities:                                                        
Non-interest-bearing liabilities                       1      17     -92       9
Total non-current liabilities                          1      17     -92       9
Current liabilities:                                                            
Interest-bearing liabilities                           -       -             500
Advances received                                  2,427   1,910      27   1,209
Accrued expenses and prepaid income                1,136   1,633     -30   2,932
Trade and other payables                             328     449     -27     468
Total current liabilities                          3,891   3,992      -3   5,109
Total liabilities                                  3,892   4,009      -3   5,119
Total equity and liabilities                       6,638   6,863      -3   8,033

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                
EUR in thousands        Apr-Ju  Apr-Ju  Change  Jan-Jun,  Jan-Ju  Change  Jan-De
                            n,      n,     , %      2016      n,     , %      c,
                          2016    2015                      2015            2015
Cash flow from                                                                  
 operating activities:                                                          
Profit for the period      175      35     400        70     260     -73     338
Adjustments to the         285     259      10       474     448       6     850
Working capital           -230    -557     -59       948     499      90    -645
Interest and other         -10     -17     -39       -30     -18      67     -38
expenses paid                                                                   
Interest and other           1       7                 3       7     -57      12
income received                                                                 
Income taxes paid          -29    -106     -73       -43    -129     -67    -111
Net cash from              192    -380     151     1,422   1,066      33     406
 operating activities                                                           
Cash flow from                                                                  
 investing activities:                                                          
Purchases of tangible     -167    -314     -47      -366    -754     -51  -1,148
intangible assets                                                               
Net cash used in          -167    -314     -47      -366    -754     -51  -1,148
 investing activities                                                           
Cash flow from                                                                  
 financing activities:                                                          
Proceeds from short          -       -                 -       -             500
Repayments of                -       -              -500       -               -
Dividends paid            -240    -599     -60      -240    -599     -60    -599
Net cash used in          -240    -599     -60  -739.687    -599      23     -99
 financing activities                                                           
Net change in cash and    -215  -1,294     -83       316    -287    -210    -841
Cash and cash            1,116   2,427     -54       585   1,426     -59   1,426
 equivalents at the                                                             
 beginning of the                                                               
Effects of exchange         -2       0                -2      -5     -64       1
 rate changes on cash                                                           
 and cash equivalents                                                           
Cash and cash              900   1,134     -21       900   1,134     -21     585
 equivalents at the                                                             
 end of the period                                                              

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY                                     
EUR in      Share   Other  Translatio  Treasur         Invested  Retained  Total
 thousand  capita   funds           n        y   non-restricted  earnings       
s               l          difference   shares      equity fund                 
Equity      1,359      21        -221     -439                5     2,471  3,196
 Jan 1,                                                                         
Dividends                                                            -599   -599
e of                                                                            
Comprehen                          -3                                 260    257
Equity      1,359      21        -224     -439                5     2,131  2,854
 Jun 30,                                                                        
e of                                                                            
Comprehen                         -18                                  78     60
Equity      1,359      21        -242     -439                5     2,210  2,914
 Dec 31,                                                                        
Dividends                                                            -240   -240
e of                                                                            
Comprehen                           1                                  70     71
Equity      1,359      21        -241     -439                5     2,040  2,745
 Jun 30,                                                                        



This report complies with requirements of IAS 34 ”Interim Financial Reporting”.
Starting from the beginning of 2016, the Group has applied certain new or
revised IFRS standards and IFRIC interpretations as described in the
Consolidated Financial Statements 2015. The implementation of these new and
revised requirements have not impacted the reported figures. For all other
parts, the accounting principles and methods are the same as they were in the
2015 financial statements. 

When preparing the consolidated financial statements, management is required to
make estimates and assumptions regarding the future and to consider the
appropriate application of accounting principles, which means that actual
results may differ from those estimated. 

All amounts presented in this report are consolidated figures, unless otherwise
noted. The amounts presented in the report are rounded, so the sum of
individual figures may differ from the sum reported. This report is unaudited. 

During the reporting period, the Group did not have any financial instruments
measured at fair value. 

INTANGIBLE AND TANGIBLE ASSETS                                                  
EUR in thousands                            Jan-Jun,      Jan-Jun,      Jan-Dec,
                                                2016          2015          2015
Increase in intangible assets:                                                  
Acquisition cost Jan 1                         7,862         6,956         6,956
Increase                                         343           526           906
Increase in tangible assets:                                                    
Acquisition cost Jan 1                         1,707         1,465         1,465
Increase                                          23           228           242
CHANGE IN INTEREST-BEARING LIABILITIES                                          
EUR in thousands                            Jan-Jun,      Jan-Jun,      Jan-Dec,
                                                2016          2015          2015
Interest-bearing liabilities Jan 1               500             -             -
Proceeds from short term borrowings                -             -           500
Repayments                                       500             -             -
Interest-bearing liabilities Jun                   -             -           500
 30/Dec 31                                                                      

PLEDGES AND COMMITMENTS                                                         
EUR in thousands                         Jun 30,    Jun 30,     Dec 31,  Change,
                                            2016       2015        2015        %
Business mortgages (held by the            1,390      1,392       1,392        0
Minimum lease payments based on                                                 
 lease agreements:                                                              
Maturing in less than one year               257        353         357      -28
Maturing in 1-5 years                        407        259          89      357
Total                                        664        611         446       49
Total pledges and commitments              2,054      2,003       1,838       12

CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT BY QUARTER                                        
EUR in thousands             Q2 2016  Q1 2016  Q4 2015      Q3  Q2 2015  Q1 2015
Net sales                      2,173    2,042    2,520   1,989    2,402    2,524
Other operating income            12        6        -       -        1        -
Materials and services           112      141      156     148      149      105
Employee benefit expenses      1,361    1,557    1,734   1,398    1,723    1,622
Other operating expenses         257      264      346     239      287      338
EBITDA                           456       86      284     204      243      459
Depreciation and                 226      191      206     206      211      200
Operating profit                 230     -105       78      -1       32      259
Financial income and             -12      -18      -30      11      -16       14
Profit before tax                217     -123       48      10       16      272
Income taxes                     -42       18        7      13       18      -47
Profit for the period            175     -105       55      23       35      225

GROUP KEY FIGURES                                                               
EUR in thousands, unless       Jan-Jun or Jun    Jan-Jun or Jun   Jan-Dec or Dec
 otherwise indicated                 30, 2016          30, 2015         31, 2015
Net sales                               4,215             4,926            9,436
Net sales growth, %                     -14.4               5.1             -1.1
EBITDA                                    542               702            1,190
% of net sales                           12.9              14.3             12.6
Operating profit                          125               291              368
% of net sales                            3.0               5.9              3.9
Profit before tax                          95               289              347
% of net sales                            2.2               5.9              3.7
Profit for the period                      70               260              338
% of net sales                            1.7               5.3              3.6
Return on equity (per                     5.0              17.2             11.1
 annum), %                                                                      
Return on investment (per                 8.8              19.2             12.0
 annum), %                                                                      
Borrowings                                  -                 -              500
Cash and cash equivalents                 900             1,134              585
Net borrowings                           -900            -1,134              -85
Equity                                  2,745             2,854            2,914
Gearing, %                              -32.8             -39.7             -2.9
Equity ratio, %                          65.2              57.6             42.7
Total balance sheet                     6,638             6,863            8,033
Investments in non-current                366               754            1,148
% of net sales                            8.7              15.3             12.2
Product development                       906               948            1,821
% of net sales                           21.5              19.2             19.3
Average number of personnel                75                85               86
Personnel at the beginning                 83                78               78
 of period                                                                      
Personnel at the end of                    69                86               83
Earnings per share, EUR                 0.006             0.022            0.028
Equity per share, EUR                   0.221             0.229            0.234