2014-02-28 15:46:49 CET

2014-02-28 15:47:53 CET


Litauiska Engelska
LITGRID AB - Interim information

Litgrid Group publishes interim activity results for 2013

Vilnius, Lithuania, 2014-02-28 15:46 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Litgrid Group
reported an income of LTL 614 million for 2013, an increase of 21 per cent
compared with 2012. Income from electricity transmission made up 37 per cent of
the group's total income. 

Litgrid Group's EBT in 2013 reached LTL 29.8 million; in 2012, EBT amounted to
LTL 31 million. 

In planning Litgrid's income from transmission and system services in 2015, the
share of profit that was earned in 2013 in excess of the quota set by the
National Commission for Energy Control and Prices will be taken into account.
In 2013, the share of profit earned from system services and balancing and
regulating activities that Litgrid's income may be reduced by in 2015 made up
LTL 30 million. 

In carrying out its function as the electricity transmission system operator,
Litgrid transmitted 9.3 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity for
domestic needs via high-voltage electricity grids in 2013, i.e. 0.7 per cent
more than in 2012. 

In 2013, investments made by the electricity transmission system operator
Litgrid amounted to LTL 206 million. The bulk of investments - 74 per cent -
were allocated for the implementation of strategic projects, while 26 per cent
were earmarked for the reconstruction and development of the national
transmission grid. Litgrid is currently implementing Lithuania's strategic
electricity cross-border link projects: NordBalt (Lithuania-Sweden) and LitPol
Link (Lithuania-Poland). Litgrid is also responsible for the full-fledged
integration of the Lithuanian energy system into the synchronous grid of
Continental Europe and the common European electricity market. 

The Litgrid Group comprises Lithuanian electricity transmission system operator
AB Litgrid, energy resources exchange operator UAB Baltpool, and UAB Tetas,
which carries out technical maintenance of electrical equipment. 

         Laura Šebekienė
         Communications Manager
         Ph. + 370 693 65377,
         Email: laura.sebekiene@litgrid.eu