2010-08-27 14:16:34 CEST

2010-08-27 14:17:35 CEST


Klaipedos Nafta AB - Interim information

On Klaipedos nafta SC interim information for six months of 2010

The revenue of the Company amounted to LTL 62,95 million (EUR 18,23 million)
for the six months of 2010   and   increased   by 11  % compared to the same
period last year. 

The unaudited profit of the Company amounted to LTL 17,64 million (EUR 5,1
million) for the six months of 2010   and   increased   by  6  % compared to
the same period last year. 

In 2010 the Company has planned to reload 7,1 million tons of oil products -
actually during the first six months it has handled  57 % (4,063 million tons)
of the planned annual transshipment of oil products  and   increased   by  9 %
compared to the same period last year (3,744 million tons). 

It was planned to generate LTL 103,0 million of  sales income during  2010.
During the first six months 61 % (LTL 62,9 million) of the targeted annual
income  was earned. Sales income increased due to the large flows of products
from the main customer and due to flexible tariff policy. 

The interim report of the  Company, as managers΄ confirmation  letter  as well
as  the  unaudited interim financial statements  are ready for acquaintance in
the attachments. The interim information 
is also available at:


Irena Barauskaitė-Gaižiūnienė
+370 46 391 626