2017-10-11 14:58:31 CEST

2017-10-11 14:58:31 CEST


Vilniaus Degtine - General meeting of shareholders

Resolutions of the Extraordinary AB “Vilniaus degtinė” Shareholders Meeting held on 11th of October, 2017

1. Regarding mortgage and pledge of companies fixed assets

RESOLUTION (unanimously accepted)

According to concluded Limited Financial Liabilities Agreement No. 249-FI to submit to AB DNB Bankas obligation securities measures, which are stated in the agreement, including but not limiting to: to pledge by contractual mortgage and contractual pledge companies assets, which exceed 1/20 of the companies share capital, by setting maximums mortgage/pledge in favor of AB DNB Bank.

According to amendments of Credit Agreement No. K-2400-2008-464 dated 2008-09-29, with all latter amendments and appendices, to amend corresponding contractual mortgages / pledges so that they would correspond to the existing Credit contracts versions. Concluding such amendments, without other amendments, would be changed the size of the credit limit (to 4 300 000 euro), changed sum of maximum mortgage / pledge, with setting schedule for decrease of credit limit, which final term is not later than 2019-09-29.

To authorize company's general manager Raimonda Pilkė to sign all documents related to this decision, including, but not limiting to: amendments of contractual mortgages / pledges.


2. Other questions

Additional question was not submitted for the shareholders meeting

         General Manager
         Raimonda Pilkė
         8 5233 08 19