2011-05-04 11:02:09 CEST

2011-05-04 11:03:09 CEST


Finnska Enska
M-real - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

M-real Corporation Interim report

M-real Corporation Interim report on 4 May 2011 at 12.00

M-real's operating result excluding non-recurring items EUR 43 million in 1Q

Result for 1Q 2011

  -- Sales EUR 685 million (Q4/2010: 665)
  -- Operating result excluding non-recurring items EUR 43 million (37).
     Operating result including non-recurring items EUR 46 million (-4).
  -- Result before taxes excluding non-recurring items EUR 28 million (20).
     Result before taxes including non-recurring items EUR 31 million (-22).
  -- Earnings per share from continuing operations excluding non-recurring items
     EUR 0.07 (0.07), and including non-recurring items EUR 0.08 (-0.06).

Events in 1Q 2011

  -- M-real launched a EUR 70 million profit improvement programme for 2011.
  -- M-real decided to expand the annual folding boxboard capacity at Äänekoski
     and Kyröskoski by a total of 70,000 tonnes.
  -- M-real announced price increases in liner, uncoated fine paper, and special

Events after the period

  -- M-real signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the partial sale of the
     Reflex mill to Lenk Paper's affiliate.
  -- M-real plans to divest the entire Gohrsmühle mill in Germany or
     alternatively parts of the mill separately based on a Paper Park concept.
     At the same time M-real commences a process to discontinue the production
     of uncoated fine paper and the unprofitable special papers at the
     Gohrsmühle mill. If the closures would materialize, Gohrsmühle mill would
     produce only  cast coated label packaging products (CHROMOLUX).
  -- M-real commences a public process to divest Alizay paper mill. If the sales
     process turns out to be unsuccessful by the end September 2011, M-real
     considers closing the production.
  -- M-real is planning to discontinue the remaining operation, carbonless paper
     converting, at Reflex mill in Germany.

“Profitability of our cartonboard business improved in the first quarter.
However, cost inflation has accelerated, which is why M-real needs to increase
the prices of board and paper in the future as well. M-real targets a
significant profitability improvement by developing the cartonboard business
according to its strategy and planning to either divest or alternatively close
the unprofitable paper units.” 

CEO Mikko Helander

KEY FIGURES                              2011   2010   2010   2010   2010   2010
                                           Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  Q1-Q4
Sales, EUR million                        685    665    662    676    602  2,605
EBITDA, EUR million                        77     74     95     61     82    312
excl. non-recurring items, EUR million     74     71     85     77     72    305
EBITDA, %                                11.2   11.1   14.4    9.0   13.6   12.0
excl. non-recurring items, %             10.8   10.7   12.8   11.4   12.0   11.7
Operating result, EUR million              46     -4     66     35     49    146
excl. non-recurring items, EUR million     43     37     54     43     39    173
EBIT, %                                   6.7   -0.6   10.0    5.2    8.1    5.6
excl. non-recurring items, %              6.3    5.6    8.2    6.4    6.5    6.6
Result before taxes                                                             
from continuing operations, EUR            31    -22     45      0     25     48
excl. non-recurring items, EUR million     28     20     33     24     15     92
Result for the period                                                           
from continuing operations, EUR            28    -22     38     -8     19     27
from discontinued operations, EUR           0      0      0      0      0      0
Total, EUR million                         28    -22     38     -8     19     27
Result per share                                                                
from continuing operations, EUR          0.08  -0.06   0.12  -0.03   0.06   0.09
from discontinued operations, EUR        0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
Total, EUR                               0.08  -0.06   0.12  -0.03   0.06   0.09
Result per share                                                                
excl. non-recurring items, EUR           0.07   0.07   0.08   0.05   0.03   0.23
Return on equity, %                      10.8   -8.7   15.5   -3.1    7.9    2.8
excl. non-recurring items, %              9.5    8.7   10.7    6.8    3.6    7.6
Return on capital employed, %             8.4   -0.7   11.6    3.8    9.1    5.7
excl. non-recurring items, %              7.8    6.3    9.6    8.1    7.3    7.6
Equity ratio at end of period, %         33.6   32.1   31.8   31.1   32.7   32.1
Gearing ratio at end of period, %         125    135    135    140    121    135
Net gearing ratio at end of period, %      78     83     81     89     86     83
Interest-bearing net liabilities, EUR     799    827    821    845    821    827
Gross investments, EUR million             12     18     31     10      7     66
Deliveries, 1 000 tonnes                                                        
Paper businesses                          301    297    269    278    311  1,155
Consumer Packaging                        334    344    353    372    321  1,390
Personnel at the end of period                                                  
in continuing operations                4,515  4,538  4,682  4,946  4,796  4,538
EBITDA = Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and impairment charges   

Result for January-March compared to the previous quarter
M-real's sales totalled EUR 685 million (Q4/2010: 665). Comparable sales were
up 3 per cent. The operating result was EUR 46 million (-4), and operating
result excluding non-recurring items was EUR 43 million (37). 

In January-March, a gain of EUR 3 million was recognised in Other operations
from the sale of a plot in Jyväskylä. A net total of EUR -41 million was
recognised as non-recurring items in the operating result for October-December,
the most significant of them being: 
  -- EUR 28 million impairment of fixed assets in the Speciality Papers business
  -- EUR 15 million impairment of fixed assets in the Market Pulp and Energy
     business area
  -- EUR 15 million impairment of fixed assets and cost provisions in the
     Consumer Packaging business area related to the closure of the Simpele
     paper machine
  -- EUR 9 million reversal of impairment of fixed assets in the Office Papers
     business area
  -- EUR 7 million gain in the Speciality Papers business area related to the
     partial divestment of the Reflex mill

Operating result excluding non-recurring items compared to the previous period
was in particular improved by the increase in the average sales prices of board
and office papers. However, the operating result was weakened by the higher
cost of production factors, especially the cost of wood, energy, chemicals and
transportation. In addition, the strengthening of the Swedish krona increased
the company's euro-denominated costs. 

The total paper business delivery volume was 301,000 tonnes in January-March
(297,000). Deliveries by Consumer Packaging totalled 334,000 tonnes (344,000). 

Financial income and expenses totalled EUR -15 million (-15). Foreign exchange
rate differences from trade receivables, trade payables, financial items and
the valuation of currency hedging were EUR 2 million (-2). Net interest and
other financial income and expenses amounted to EUR -17 million (-13). Other
financial expenses include 
EUR 0 million of valuation gains on interest rate hedges (valuation gain of 1).

The result from continuing operations before taxes in January-March was EUR 31
million (-22). The result from continuing operations before taxes and excluding
non-recurring items was EUR 28 million (20). Income taxes, including the change
in deferred tax liabilities, were EUR -3 million (0). 

Earnings per share were EUR 0.08 (-0.06). Earnings per share from continuing
operations excluding non-recurring items were EUR 0.07 (0.07). Return on equity
was 10.8 per cent 
(-8.7), and 9.5 per cent (8.7) excluding non-recurring items. The return on
capital employed was 8.4 per cent (-0.7); 7.8 per cent (6.3) excluding
non-recurring items. 

Result for January-March compared to the corresponding period last year
M-real's sales totalled EUR 685 million (Q1/2010: 602). Comparable sales were
up 14 per cent. Operating result was EUR 46 million (49), and operating result
excluding non-recurring items was EUR 43 million (39). 

In January-March, a gain of EUR 3 million was recognised in Other operations
from the sale of a plot in Jyväskylä. In January-March 2010, a gain of EUR 10
million was recognised in operating result as a non-recurring item relating to
IT operations in Other operations. In addition, the arrangement allocated EUR 2
million to the result of discontinued operations. 

Operating result excluding non-recurring items compared to the corresponding
period last year was improved by the higher average sales prices of board and
papers. The result was weakened by the increase in raw material prices. In
particular, the cost of wood, chemicals and energy was at a higher level than
the year before. In addition, the clear strengthening of the Swedish krona
weakened the result. 

The total paper business delivery volume was 301,000 tonnes for January-March
2011 (311,000). Deliveries by Consumer Packaging totalled 334,000 tonnes

Financial income and expenses in the period totalled EUR -15 million (-22).
Foreign exchange rate differences from trade receivables, trade payables,
financial items and the valuation of currency hedging were EUR 2 million (-6).
Net interest and other financial income and expenses amounted to EUR -17
million (-16). Other financial expenses include EUR 0 million of valuation
gains on interest rate hedges (valuation gain of 0). 

In the review period, the result from continuing operations before taxes was
EUR 31 million (25). The result from continuing operations before taxes and
excluding non-recurring items was EUR 28 million (15). Income taxes, including
the change in deferred tax liabilities, were EUR -3 million (-6). 

Earnings per share were EUR 0.08 (0.06). Earnings per share from continuing
operations excluding non-recurring items were EUR 0.07 (0.03). Return on equity
was 10.8 per cent (7.9), and 9.5 per cent (3.6) excluding non-recurring items.
The return on capital employed was 8.4 per cent (9.1); 7.8 per cent (7.3)
excluding non-recurring items. 


The number of personnel was 4,515 at the end of March (31 December 2010:
4,538), of whom 1,773 (1,783) people worked in Finland. During the period,
M-real employed an average of 4,525 people (2010: 4,772). 


Gross investments in January-March totalled EUR 12 million (Q1/2010: 7).

M-real will invest EUR 26 million in the Simpele mill to increase its annual
folding boxboard capacity by about 80,000 tonnes. The sheeting capacity will
also be expanded at the same time. The investments will be carried out in
summer 2011. 

M-real will invest approximately EUR 30 million at the Äänekoski and Kyröskoski
mills in order to expand the folding boxboard capacity by a total of 70,000
tonnes. The Kyröskoski investment will be carried out at the end of 2011, and
the Äänekoski investment in the spring of 2012. 

M-real also invests in the modernisation of the coating section at the Kemiart
Liners mill. The estimated total value of the investment is approximately EUR
16 million. This investment will also be carried out in 2011. 

Hämeenkyrön Voima Oy, an affiliate of Pohjolan Voima Oy, decided in March to
build a biopower plant to M-real Kyro mill site. The plant is to produce
electricity and steam to M-real's Kyro mill as well as electricity and
municipal heating for Leppäkosken Sähkö Oy. The expected investment cost is in
total EUR 50 million. Investment by M-real is about EUR 11 million. The
permissions needed to build the plant were received in February 2011 and the
project is expected to be finalized during Autumn 2012. 

Structural change

M-real's structural change from a paper company to a clearer packaging material
manufacturer has progressed according to the strategy. The focus of the
operations has increasingly shifted from restructuring to development, as
demonstrated by the investments in Simpele, Äänekoski, Kyröskoski and Kemiart
Liners scheduled for 

M-real announced in May new plans to eliminate losses of its paper business.
More information of the plans can be found in the chapter Events after the
reporting period of this report. 

In January, M-real launched a EUR 70 million profit improvement programme for
2011. The programme focuses on improving the profitability of the paper
business operations as well as on decreasing the variable costs of all
businesses. The earlier-announced profit improvement impact of the cardboard
investments in Simpele and Kemi and the closure of speciality paper production
at Simpele are included in the new profit improvement programme. The full
effect of the programme on operating profit, EUR 70 million, is expected to be
reached from 2012 onwards. The result improvement in 2011 is expected to be
approximately EUR 30 million. Cost inflation is estimated to accelerate in
M-real's new profit improvement programme and the earlier programmes are
estimated to have a total positive impact of approximately EUR 90 million on
the 2011 result, which is believed to mainly offset the increased cost


At the end of March, M-real's equity ratio was 33.6 per cent (31 December 2010:
32.1) and gearing ratio was 125 per cent (135). The net gearing ratio was 78
per cent (83). Some of M-real's loan agreements set a 120 per cent limit on the
company's net gearing ratio and a 30 per cent limit on the equity ratio.
Calculated as defined in the loan agreements, the gearing ratio at the end of
March was approximately 60 per cent (64) and equity ratio approximately 39 per
cent (38). 

The change in the fair value of investments available for sale was
approximately EUR +2 million, mainly due to the increase in the value of the
Pohjolan Voima shares, during the period under review. 

Net interest-bearing liabilities amounted to EUR 799 million at the end of
March (827). Foreign-currency-denominated loans accounted for 8 per cent; 83
per cent were floating-rate, and the rest were fixed-rate. At the end of March,
the average interest rate on loans was 5.1 per cent and the average maturity of
long-term loans 2.4 years. The interest rate maturity of loans was 7.7 months
at the end of March. During the period, the interest rate maturity varied
between seven and ten months. 

Cash flow from operations amounted to EUR 10 million (Q1-Q4/2010: 49). Working
capital increased by EUR 36 million (86), mainly as a result of the increase in
delivery volumes and prices as well as preparation for Simpele investment
shutdown. In cash flow statement the net financial items for the period include
a dividend of EUR 45 million paid by Metsä-Botnia. 

At the end of the period under review, an average of 5.1 months of the annual
net foreign currency exposure was hedged. The degree of hedging varied between
four and five months during the period. Approximately 26 per cent of the
non-euro-denominated equity was hedged at the end of the period under review. 

Liquidity continues at a good level. At the end of the period under review,
liquidity was EUR 425 million, of which EUR 7 million consisted of undrawn
pension premium (TyEL) loans and EUR 418 million of liquid assets and
investments. In March Metsäliitto Cooperative made an early repayment of the
EUR 49 million vendor note received in connection to the restructuring of
Metsä-Botnia ownership in 2009. EUR 156 million of the liquid assets and
investments are assets deposited by other Metsäliitto Group businesses in
M-real's subsidiary Metsä Finance. To meet its short-term financing needs, the
Group also had at its disposal uncommitted domestic and foreign commercial
paper programmes and credit facilities amounting to EUR 517 million. 

Standard & Poors raised the outlook of M-real's credit rating B- from stable to


In January-March, the highest price for M-real's A share on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki
Ltd. was EUR 3.34, the lowest EUR 2.60, and the average price EUR 3.09. At the
end of March, the price of the A share was EUR 3.09. At the end of 2010, the
price of the A share was EUR 2.85, while the average price in 2010 was EUR

In January-March 2011, the highest price of M-real's B share was EUR 3.33, the
lowest EUR 2.50, and the average price EUR 2.96. At the end of March, the price
of the B share was EUR 3.08. At the end of 2010, the price of the B share was
EUR 2.54, while the average price in 2010 was EUR 2.44. 

The trading volume of the A shares was EUR 3 million, or 1 per cent of the
share capital. The trading volume of the B shares was EUR 211 million, or 24
per cent of the share capital. The market value of the A and B shares totalled
EUR 1,011 million at the end of March. 

At the end of March, Metsäliitto Cooperative owned 39 per cent of the shares,
and the voting rights conferred by these shares amounted to 61 per cent.
International investors held 14 per cent of the shares. 

The company does not hold any treasury shares.

Reduction of the share premium account

The Annual General Meeting decided to reduce the share premium account in
operating capital, as stated on the parent company's balance sheet on 31
December 2010, by transferring all funds in the account, or EUR 663,812,052.56,
to the company's non-restricted equity reserve. The reduction of the share
premium account will take place without consideration and it does not impact
the company's number of shares, the rights conferred by the shares, or the
proportionate ownership of the shareholders. The reduction will become
effective after the completion of the creditor protection procedure referred to
in the Limited Liability Companies Act. The target of the reduction is to
restore the company's capability to pay dividend in the future. 

Management changes

Sari Pajari was appointed as SVP, Business Development and a member of the
Corporate Management Team. She has a Master of Science degree in Engineering
(forest products technology). Her main responsibilities are business
development and Total Quality Management. Pajari starts in the new position on
1 April 2011 and reports to CEO Mikko Helander. Pajari joins M-real from the
position of SVP, CIO of the Metsäliitto Group, a position she held since 2009.
Before joining the Metsäliitto Group in 2007, she worked as a managing strategy
consultant at Pöyry, PwC Consulting, and IBM. Pajari will become a member of
M-real's senior management remuneration system approved by the Board of
Directors in December 2010. 

Board of Directors and Auditors

The Annual General Meeting elected the following individuals as the members of
M-real's Board of Directors: Mikael Aminoff, M.Sc. (Forestry); Martti Asunta,
metsäneuvos (Finnish honorary title); Kari Jordan, vuorineuvos (Finnish
honorary title); Kirsi Komi, LL.M.; Kai Korhonen, M.Sc. (Eng); Liisa Leino, MA
(Education); Juha Niemelä, vuorineuvos (Finnish honorary title); Antti
Tanskanen, Minister; and Erkki Varis, M.Sc. (Eng). The term of office of the
Board members expires at the end of the next Annual General Meeting. 

At its constitutive meeting, the Board of Directors elected Kari Jordan as its
Chairman and Martti Asunta as its Vice Chairman. The Board further resolved to
organise the Board committees as follows: 

The members of the Auditing Committee are Kirsi Komi, Kai Korhonen, Antti
Tanskanen and Erkki Varis, and the members of the Nomination and Compensation
Committee are Mikael Aminoff, Martti Asunta, Kari Jordan, Liisa Leino and Juha

Authorized Public Accountants PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy with Johan Kronberg,
Authorized Public Accountant, as Chief Auditor, were elected as the company's
auditors. The term of office of the auditor expires at the end of the next
Annual General Meeting. 

Events after the period

M-real signed a letter of intent on the sale of the Premium Paper operations at
the Reflex mill to Papierwerke Lenk AG's affiliate. The agreement would cover
the Premium Paper operations and related properties as well as approximately
100 M-real employees. If the arrangement proceeds as planned, M-real will
recognise a EUR 12 million negative non-recurring item in the Specialty Papers
business area. The cash impact would be approximately EUR 1 million negative.
The divestment does not have a significant impact on M-real's operating result
excluding non-recurring items. It is estimated that the arrangement will become
final during the second quarter of 2011. 

In May M-real announced plans to divest the entire Gohrsmühle mill or
alternatively parts of the mill separately based on a Paper Park concept. In
case the divestment would turn out to be unsuccessful M-real commences a
process to discontinue the uncoated fine and the unprofitable parts of the
speciality paper operations at Gohrsmühle mill. If the closures would
materialize, Gohrsmühle mill would produce only cast coated label and packaging
products (Chromolux). M-real is also planning to discontinue the remaining
operation, carbonless paper converting, at Reflex mill in Germany. 

M-real has had several unsuccessful attempts with a number of candidates to
divest Alizay paper mill. M-real continues to search for alternatives to divest
the mill. M-real invites credible candidates to a public process which aims at
a divestment of the Alizay paper mill by the end of September 2011 at the
latest. Should M-real fail to find a credible buyer for the mill in the process
within the given time frame, M-real would be forced to consider closing the
Alizay paper mill. 

If the measures are implemented as planned M-real's annual sales is expected to
reduce by about EUR 390 million and the operating result to increase by about
EUR 60 million based on actual performances in 2010. Most of the annual
financial impact is expected to be seen in 2012, full impact from 2013 onwards.
As a result from the planned measures M-real's annual paper production capacity
would reduce by about 500 000 tonnes of which about 430 000 tonnes would be
uncoated fine paper and 70 000 tonnes coated specialty papers. Implementations
of the planned measures are subject to finalisation of the information
consultation processes based on the local legislations. Implementations of the
planned measures are subject to finalisation of the consultation processes with
the employees based on the local legislations. Also other future alternatives
than closures will be investigated as part of the consultation processes. These
negotiations will be started at Gohrsmühle and Reflex as soon as possible.
Concerning Alizay the negotiations relating to possible closure will be
commenced in case the divestment process is unsuccessful. M-real will be
proactive in the mitigation of the planned measures' social impacts for the

In total the planned measures in Alizay, Gohrsmühle anf Reflex are
preliminarily expected to result in approximately EUR 170 million negative
non-recurring result impact. The estimated net cash costs are approximately EUR
50 million. Based on the planned measures Speciality Papers 2Q 2011 result is
expected to include approximately EUR 20 million non-recurring impairments and
cost provisions. Above estimates of the non-recurring financial impacts are
preliminary and they will be further determined when the final decisions for
the planned measures are taken. 

Near-term outlook

Demand for board is expected to remain good also during the next few months.
M-real successfully increased the prices of liner in April. The production
downtime relating to the capacity increase investment of the Simpele folding
boxboard machine, to be carried out in May, will have a negative impact on the
result of Consumer Packaging in 2Q 2011. 

Demand for and price level of uncoated fine paper and special paper seem to
continue unchanged. The euro-denominated average price of pulp in the second
quarter is estimated to remain at approximately the same level as in the first

Cost inflation is estimated to accelerate in 2011. M-real launched a EUR 70
million profit improvement programme in January 2011. The new profit
improvement programme and the earlier programmes are estimated to have a total
positive impact of approximately EUR 90 million on the 2011 result, which is
believed to mainly offset the increased cost inflation. 

M-real's 2Q 2011 operating result excluding non-recurring items is expected to
weaken slightly from 1Q 2011 due to the investment shutdown at Simpele mill and
the unfavorable exchange rate development. 

Near-term business risks

There is still a risk of the economic recovery of the euro zone slowing down or
coming to a standstill and of the demand for board and paper products, which
has mainly already recovered, experiencing another downturn. 

Should the demand for M-real's main products considerably decrease, there would
be a risk of prices declining. 

M-real has a good opportunity to cover the increased cost inflation mainly with
its own profit improvement measures. However, there is a risk that the cost
levels of production factors will increase more than the current estimates,
which would have a negative impact on profitability. 

M-real has announced new significant plans to eliminate losses of its paper
business. Implementing the reorganisation of operations carries a risk of not
being able to carry out the plans as planned. 

The company's short-term and medium-term financial position is secure. As a
result of increasing regulation in the financial market, the operation of the
credit and bond markets may become more difficult, which may hamper the
company's ability to acquire long-term debt financing at a competitive price. 

Because the forward-looking estimates and statements of these financial
statements are based on current plans and estimates, they contain risks and
other uncertain factors that may cause the results to differ from the
statements concerning them. In the short term, M-real's result will be
particularly affected by the price of and demand for finished products, raw
material costs, the price of energy, and the exchange rate development. More
information about longer-term risk factors can be found on pages 35-36 of
M-real's 2010 annual report. 


Further information:

Matti Mörsky, CFO, tel. +358 (0)10 465 4913
Juha Laine, Vice President, Investor Relations and Communications, tel. +358
(0)10 465 4335 

More information is available starting from 1 pm on 4 May 2011. A conference
call held in English for investors and analysts starts at 3 p.m. (EET).
Conference call participants are requested to dial in and register a few
minutes prior to the start of the conference call on the following numbers: 

Europe: +44 (0)20 7162 0025
US: +1 334 323 6201

The conference ID is 891237.

Consumer Packaging

                           2011   2010   2010   2010   2010   2009   2010   2009
Consumer Packaging           Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4  Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4
Sales, EUR million          299    303    305    310    257    255  1,175    968
EBITDA, EUR million          63     49     48     51     52     50    200    140
excl. non-recurring          63     52     48     51     52     51    203    146
Operating result, EUR        50     24     34     38     39     33    135     51
excl. non-recurring          50     38     34     38     39     34    149     69
excl. non-recurring        16.7   12.5   11.1   12.3   15.2   13.3   12.7    7.1
 items, %                                                                       
Return on capital          27.8   13.7   18.1   21.1   22.8   18.8   19.4    6.9
 employed, %                                                                    
excl. non-recurring        27.8   22.0   18.1   21.1   22.8   19.2   21.5    9.4
 items, %                                                                       
Deliveries, 1,000 tonnes    334    344    353    372    321    327  1,390  1,212
Production, 1,000 tonnes    344    362    353    363    342    342  1,420  1,232
Personnel at the end of   1,441  1,441  1,461  1,679  1,453  1,465  1,441  1,465
(Personnel figures of Kaskinen pulp mill have been moved to                     
 Market Pulp and Energy's personnel)                                            

Result for January-March compared to the previous quarter
Operating result excluding non-recurring items for the Consumer Packaging
business area improved from the previous quarter and was EUR 50 million
(Q4/2010: 38). The result was primarily improved by a higher average price due
to price increases. The result was weakened by an increase in energy costs. The
result does not include non-recurring items. 

The result for the previous quarter includes EUR -14 million of non-recurring
items, of which the most significant was the impairment loss of EUR 15 million
from fixed assets as well as cost provisions relating to the closure of the
Simpele paper machine. 

Deliveries by folding boxboard producers in Europe were up 1 per cent compared
to the previous quarter. Consumer Packaging's deliveries of folding boxboard
were also up 1 per cent. 

Result for January-March compared to the corresponding period last year
Operating result excluding non-recurring items for the Consumer Packaging
business area improved compared to the corresponding period last year,
totalling EUR 50 million (Q1/10: 39). The most significant factor improving the
result was the average sales price of board which had increased due to the
price increases achieved. The result was weakened by the increased raw material
and energy prices. 

The result does not include non-recurring items. The result for the
corresponding period last year also did not include non-recurring items. 

The deliveries of European folding boxboard producers increased by 4 per cent
compared to the corresponding period last year. Consumer Packaging's deliveries
of folding boxboard were up 10 per cent. 

Office Papers

                           2011   2010   2010   2010   2010   2009   2010   2009
Office Papers                Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4  Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4
Sales, EUR million          184    181    164    153    160    132    658    543
EBITDA, EUR million           4      9     17      6     11      6     43      1
excl. non-recurring           4     10     17      6     11     13     44      8
Operating result, EUR        -6      9      9     -4      0    -54     14   -104
excl. non-recurring          -6      0      9     -4      0      0      5    -48
excl. non-recurring        -3.3    0.0    5.5   -2.6    0.0    0.0    0.8   -8.8
 items, %                                                                       
Return on capital          -4.4    6.5    8.5   -4.0   -0.1  -47.0    2.8  -21.1
 employed, %                                                                    
excl. non-recurring        -4.4    0.0    8.5   -4.0   -0.1   -0.1    1.1   -9.8
 items, %                                                                       
Deliveries, 1,000 tonnes    241    248    212    212    237    198    909    790
Production, 1,000 tonnes    232    238    228    209    235    213    910    795
Personnel at the end of   1,190  1,208  1,213  1,252  1,320  1,374  1,208  1,374

Result for January-March compared to the previous quarter
Operating profit excluding non-recurring items for the Office Papers business
area weakened from the previous quarter and stood at EUR -6 million (Q4/2010:
0). The result was weakened by the higher cost of raw materials and energy as
well as the strengthening of the Swedish krona against the euro. The result was
improved by the higher average sales price following price increases. 

The result does not include non-recurring items. The result for the previous
quarter included a non-recurring item of EUR 9 million from the reversal of
impairment loss from property, plant and equipment. 

Total deliveries by European uncoated fine paper producers were up 8 per cent
compared to the previous quarter. The delivery volume of Office Papers fell by
3 per cent. 

Result for January-March compared to the corresponding period last year
Operating result excluding non-recurring items for Office Papers weakened
compared to the corresponding period last year and totalled EUR -6 million
(Q1/2010: 0). The result was weakened by the higher prices of pulp and other
raw materials and energy as well as the strengthening of the Swedish krona
against the euro. The most significant factor improving the result was the
average sales price which had increased due to the price increases. 

The result does not include non-recurring items. The result for the
corresponding period last year also did not include non-recurring items. 

Total deliveries by European uncoated fine paper producers remained at the same
level as during the corresponding period last year. The delivery volume of
Office Papers increased by 2 per cent. 

Speciality Papers

                         2011    2010   2010   2010   2010    2009   2010   2009
Speciality Papers          Q1      Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1      Q4  Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4
Sales, EUR million         78      66     75     80     82      73    303    352
EBITDA, EUR million        -7       0      5    -18     -4      -8    -17    -65
excl. non-recurring        -7      -7     -3     -2     -4      -2    -16    -31
Operating result, EUR      -9     -31      4    -21     -6     -78    -54   -151
excl. non-recurring        -9      -8     -7     -5     -6      -6    -26    -51
excl. non-recurring     -11.5   -12.1   -9.3   -6.3   -7.3    -8.2   -8.6  -14.5
 items, %                                                                       
Return on capital       -50.1  -155.6   18.0  -76.3  -19.6  -170.3  -49.1  -55.8
 employed, %                                                                    
excl. non-recurring     -50.1   -43.0  -24.5  -18.8  -19.6   -14.1  -23.6  -18.7
 items, %                                                                       
Deliveries, 1,000          60      49     57     66     74      68    246    342
Production, 1,000          59      46     52     67     70      63    235    297
Personnel at the end    1,006   1,007  1,132  1,165  1,176   1,194  1,007  1,194
 of period                                                                      
(Personnel figures of Hallein pulp mill have been moved to                      
 Market Pulp and Energy's personnel)                                            

Result for January-March compared to the previous quarter
Operating profit excluding non-recurring items for the Specialty Papers
business area decreased from the previous quarter and stood at EUR -9 million
(Q4/2010: -8). The result was weakened by the lower average sales price of
paper and the higher prices of raw materials. The result was improved by an
increase in delivery volumes. 

The result does not include non-recurring items. The result of the previous
quarter included a total of EUR -23 million of non-recurring items, which
contained EUR -28 million of impairment losses, EUR 7 million of sales gain
from the partial sales of the Reflex mill, and EUR 2 million of other expenses. 

The delivery volume of Specialty Papers increased by 22 per cent compared to
the previous quarter. 

Result for January-March compared to the corresponding period last year
Operating result excluding non-recurring items for Specialty Papers weakened
compared to the corresponding period last year and totalled EUR -9 million
(Q1/2010: -6). The result was weakened by the higher prices of pulp and other
raw materials and the lower delivery volume of paper. The result was improved
by the implemented price increases and cost saving measures. 

The result does not include non-recurring items. The result for the
corresponding period last year also did not include non-recurring items. 

The delivery volume of Specialty Papers decreased by 19 per cent compared to
the corresponding period last year. 

Market Pulp and Energy

                               2011  2010  2010  2010  2010   2009   2010   2009
Market Pulp and Energy           Q1    Q4    Q3    Q2    Q1     Q4  Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4
Sales, EUR million              110   106   107   126    95    126    434    508
EBITDA, EUR million              13    19    19    23    14     -1     75    -21
excl. non-recurring items        13    19    23    23    14      2     79    -17
Operating result, EUR million     7    -1    12    16     9    -39     36    -91
excl. non-recurring items         7    12    16    16     9     -9     53    -54
excl. non-recurring items, %    6.4  11.3  15.0  12.7   9.5   -7.1   12.2  -10.6
Return on capital employed, %   4.7  -0.4   7.6  11.4   5.9  -22.1    6.0  -12.2
excl. non-recurring items, %    4.7   7.9  10.1  11.4   5.9   -4.8    8.9   -7.2
Deliveries, 1,000 tonnes        174   168   167   194   161    246    690  1,155
Personnel at the end of         302   301   304   297   299    294    301    294
(Personnel figures of Kaskinen and Hallein pulp mills have been included        
 in Market Pulp and Energy's personnel)                                         

Result for January-March compared to the previous quarter
Operating result excluding non-recurring items for the Market Pulp and Energy
business area weakened compared to the previous quarter and stood at EUR 7
million (Q4/2010: 12). The result was weakened by the higher cost of wood,
chemicals, other raw materials and energy. The average selling price of pulp
was at the same level as in the previous quarter. 

The result does not include non-recurring items. A total of EUR -13 million net
was recognised in the result of the previous quarter as non-recurring items, of
which impairment losses related to the Hallein mill accounted for EUR -15
million and other non-recurring items EUR +2 million. 

Result for January-March compared to the corresponding period last year
Operating result for the Market Pulp and Energy business area, excluding
non-recurring items, weakened compared to the corresponding period last year
and totalled EUR 7 million (Q1/2010: 9). The result was weakened by the higher
cost of wood, chemicals, other raw materials and energy. The result was
improved by the higher selling price of pulp and the higher delivery volumes. 

The result does not include non-recurring items. The result for the
corresponding period last year also did not include non-recurring items. 

Condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income                        
                                               2011  2010            2010   2010
EUR million                                      Q1    Q1  Change   Q1-Q4     Q4
Continuing operations                                                           
Sales                                           685   602      83   2,605    665
Other operating income                           22    25      -3     108     38
Operating expenses                             -651  -556     -95  -2,479   -651
Share of results in associated companies *)      21    11      10      78     22
Depreciation and impairment losses              -31   -33       2    -166    -78
Operating result                                 46    49      -3     146     -4
% of sales                                      6.7   8.1             5.6   -0.6
Share of results in associated companies          0    -2       2     -24     -3
Net exchange gains and losses                     2    -6       8      -9     -2
Other net financial items                       -17   -16      -1     -65    -13
Result before income tax                         31    25       6      48    -22
% of sales                                      4.5   4.2             1.8   -3.3
Income taxes                                     -3    -6       3     -21      0
Result for the period from continuing            28    19       9      27    -22
% of sales                                      4.1   3.2             1.0   -3.3
Discontinued operations                                                         
Result from discontinued operations               0     0       0       0      0
Result for the period                            28    19       9      27    -22
Other comprehensive income                                            
Cash flow hedges                                 -3    -5       2      10     10
Available for sale financial assets               2    16     -14      28     -5
Translation differences                           0     2      -2      12      5
Share of results in associated companies          0   2        -2       2      0
Income tax relating to components of other        0     0       0      -2      0
 comprehensive income                                                           
Other comprehensive income, net of tax           -1    15     -16      50     10
Total comprehensive income for the period        27    34      -7      77    -12
Result for the period attributable to                                           
Shareholders of parent company                   28    19       9      28    -22
Non-controlling interests                         0     0       0      -1      0
Total comprehensive income for the period                                       
 attributable to                                                                
Shareholders of parent company                   27    34      -7      78    -12
Non-controlling interests                         0     0       0      -1      0
                                        Total    27    34      -7      77    -12
Earnings per share for result attributable to                                   
 shareholders of parent company (EUR/share)                                     
from continuing operations                     0.08  0.06    0.02    0.09  -0.06
from discontinued operations                   0.00  0.00    0.00    0.00   0.00
                                        Total  0.08  0.06    0.02    0.09  -0.06
*) Metsä-Botnia's net result is included from 8.12.2009 on in operating result  
 at row "Share of results in associated companies"

Condensed consolidated balance sheet                                            
                                       31.3.         31.3.         31.12.       
EUR million                             2011      %   2010      %    2010      %
Non-current assets                                                              
Goodwill                                  13    0.4     13    0.4      13    0.4
Other intangible assets                   35    1.2     40    1.4      26    0.8
Tangible assets                        1,047   34.2  1,123   38.3   1,063   34.1
Investments in associated companies      240    7.8    221    7.5     265    8.5
Available for sale investments           317   10.4    328   11.2     314   10.1
Other non-current financial assets        11    0.4     63    2.1      67    2.1
Deferred tax receivables                   4    0.1      3    0.1       3    0.1
                                       1,667   54.5  1,791   61.0   1,751   56.1
Current assets                                                                  
Inventories                              391   12.8    331   11.3     391   12.6
Accounts receivables and other           582   19.0    651   22.2     567   18.2
Cash and cash equivalents                418   13.7    162    5.5     408   13.1
                                       1,391   45.5  1,144   39.0   1,366   43.9
Total assets                           3,058  100.0  2,935  100.0   3,117  100.0
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                            
Shareholders' equity                                                            
Equity attributable                                                             
to shareholders of parent company      1,021   33.3    950   32.4     994   31.9
Non-controlling interests                  5    0.2      6    0.2       5    0.2
Total equity                           1,026   33.5    956   32.6     999   32.1
Non-current liabilities                                                         
Deferred tax liabilities                 180    5.9    167    5.7     179    5.8
Post-employment benefit obligations       85    2.8     88    3.0      85    2.7
Provisions                                15    0.5     52    1.8      35    1.1
Borrowings                             1,009   33.0    949   32.3   1,016   32.6
Other liabilities                         22    0.7     31    1.0      26    0.8
                                       1,311   42.9  1,287   43.8   1,341   43.0
Current liabilities                                                             
Provisions                                21    0.7     28    1.0       7    0.2
Current borrowings                       273    8.9    209    7.1     334   10.7
Accounts payable and other               427   14.0    455   15.5     436   14.0
                                         721   23.6    692   23.6     777   24.9
Total liabilities                      2,032   66.5  1,979   67.4   2,118   67.9
Total shareholders' equity and         3,058  100.0  2,935  100.0   3,117  100.0

Condensed consolidated cash flow statement                                      
                                                         2011  2010   2010  2010
EUR million                                                Q1    Q1  Q1-Q4    Q4
Result for the period                                      27    19     27   -22
Total adjustments                                          19    22    108    33
Change in working capital                                 -36   -68    -86     0
Cash flow arising from operations                          10   -27     49    11
Net financial items                                        27   -12   -102   -31
Income taxes paid                                          -2    -4    -16     2
Net cash flow arising from operating activities            35   -43    -69   -18
Investments in intangible and tangible assets             -12    -7    -66   -18
Divestments of assets and other                            54     6     86    31
Net cash flow arising from investing activities            42    -1     20    13
Changes in non-current loans and in other financial       -67  -290    -39   -24
Dividends paid                                              0    -2     -2     0
Net cash flow arising from financing activities           -67  -292    -41   -24
Changes in cash and cash equivalents                       10  -336    -90   -29
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period          408   497    497   437
Translation difference in cash and cash equivalents         0     1      1     0
Changes in cash and cash equivalents                       10  -336    -90   -29
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                418   162    408   408
Net financial items for the period include dividend of EUR 45 million paid by   
Net financial items for the period include some EUR 17 million payments related 
 to equity hedging                                                              
(Q1/2010 some EUR one million). Net financial items of financial year 2010      
 include some EUR 27                                                            
million payments related to equity hedging and some EUR 10 million for October  

Statement of changes in shareholders' equity 2010                               
                    Equity attributable to shareholders of parent               
EUR million          Share   Share  Trans-    Fair  Retain  Total  Non-co  Total
                    capita    pre-  lation   value      ed         ntrol-       
                         l    mium  differ     and  earnin           ling       
                            accoun       -   other      gs         inter-       
                                 t   ences  reserv                   ests       
Shareholders'          558     667       2     194    -504    916       8    924
1 January 2010                                                                  
 income for the                                           
Result for the                                          19     19       0     19
Cash flow hedges                                -5             -5             -5
Available for sale                              16             16             16
Translation                              2                      2       0      2
Share of other                           2       0              2              2
 income of                                                                      
Income tax                               3      -3              0              0
 relating to                                                                    
 components of                                                                  
Other                                    7       8       0     15       0     15
 income total                                                                   
Comprehensive                            7       8      19     34       0     34
 income total                                                                   
Related party                                                                   
Dividends paid                                                         -2     -2
Shareholders'          558     667       9     202    -485    950       6    956
equity, 31 March                                                                

Statement of changes in shareholders' equity 2011                               
                    Equity attributable to shareholders of parent               
EUR million          Share   Share  Trans-    Fair  Retain  Total  Non-co  Total
                    capita    pre-  lation   value      ed         ntrol-       
                         l    mium  differ     and  earnin           ling       
                            accoun       -   other      gs         inter-       
                                 t   ences  reserv                   ests       
Shareholders'          558     667      23     223    -476    994       5    999
1 January 2011     
 income for the                                                                 
Result for the                                          28     28       0     28
Cash flow hedges                                -3             -3             -3
Available for sale                               2              2              2
Translation                              0                      0              0
Share of other                           0       0              0              0
 income of                                                                      
Income tax                               0       0              0              0
 relating to                                                                    
 components of                                                                  
Other                                    0      -1       0     -1             -1
 income total                                                                   
Comprehensive                            0      -1      28     27       0     27
 income total                                                                   
Related party                                                                   
Dividends paid                                                          0      0
Shareholders'          558     667      23     222    -448  1,021       5  1,026
equity, 31 March                                                                

Key ratios                                             2011   2010   2010   2010
                                                         Q1     Q1     Q4     Q4
Sales, EUR million                                      685    602  2,605    665
EBITDA, EUR million                                      77     82    312     74
excl. non-recurring items, EUR million                   74     72    305     71
EBITDA, %                                              11.2   13.6   12.0   11.1
excl. non-recurring items, EUR million                 10.8   12.0   11.7   10.7
Operating result, EUR million                            46     49    146     -4
excl. non-recurring items, EUR million                   43     39    173     37
EBIT, %                                                 6.7    8.1    5.6   -0.6
excl. non-recurring items, EUR million                  6.3    6.5    6.6    5.6
Result from continuing operations                                               
before taxes, EUR million                                31     25     48    -22
excl. non-recurring items, EUR million                   28     15     92     20
Result for the period                                                           
from continuing operations, EUR million                  28     19     27    -22
from discontinued operations, EUR million                 0      0      0      0
Total, EUR million                                       28     19     27    -22
Earnings per share                                                              
from continuing operations, EUR                        0.08   0.06   0.09  -0.06
from discontinued operations, EUR                      0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
Total, EUR                                             0.08   0.06   0.09  -0.06
Earnings per share, excl. non-recurring items, EUR     0.07   0.03   0.23   0.07
Return on equity, %                                    10.8    7.9    2.8   -8.7
excl. non-recurring items, %                            9.5    3.6    7.6    8.7
Return on capital employed, %                           8.4    9.1    5.7   -0.7
excl. non-recurring items, %                            7.8    7.3    7.6    6.3
Equity ratio at end of period, %                       33.6   32.7   32.1   32.1
Gearing ratio at end of period, %                       125    121    135    135
Net gearing ratio at end of period, %                    78     86     83     83
Shareholders' equity per share at end of period, EUR   3.11   2.90   3.03   3.03
Interest-bearing net liabilities, EUR million           799    821    827    827
Gross capital expenditure, EUR million                   12      7     66     18
Deliveries, 1 000 tonnes                                                        
Paper business                                          301    311  1,155    297
Consumer Packaging                                      334    321  1,390    344
Personnel at the end of period                                                  
In continuing operations                              4,515  4,796  4,538  4,538
EBITDA = Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and impairment charges   

Securities and guarantees                               2011         2010   2010
EUR million                                               Q1           Q1  Q1-Q4
For own liabilities                                      191          116    192
On behalf of associated companies                          0            0      0
On behalf of Group companies                              14            0     13
On behalf of others                                        3            1      1
Total                                                    208          117    206
Open derivative contracts                               2011         2010   2010
EUR million                                               Q1           Q1  Q1-Q4
Interest rate derivatives                              1,305          999  1,248
Currency derivatives                                   1,939        2,769  2,149
Other derivatives                                         77          169     83
Total                                                  3,321        3,937  3,480
The fair value of open derivative contracts calculated at market value at       
 the end of the review period was EUR -0.1 million (EUR -15.4 million 31        
 December 2010).                                                                
Also include other closed contracts to a total amount of EUR 1,816.0            
 million (EUR 1,787.2 million 31 December 2010).                                
Commitments related to fixed assets                     2011         2010   2010
EUR million                                               Q1           Q1  Q1-Q4
Payments due in following 12 months                        0            0      0
Payments due later                                         2            1      2
Changes in property, plant and equipment                2011         2010   2010
EUR million                                               Q1           Q1  Q1-Q4
Carrying value at beginning of period                  1,063        1,130  1,130
Capital expenditure                                       12            7     65
Decreases                                                  0            0    -16
Depreciation and impairment charges                      -29          -32   -159
Translation difference                                     1           18     43
Carrying value at end of period                        1,047        1,123  1,063

Related-party transactions                                                      
Transactions and balances with parent and sister companies    2011   2010   2010
EUR million                                                     Q1     Q1  Q1-Q4
Sales                                                           16      9     39
Other operating income                                           1      1     14
Purchases                                                      214    174    839
Dividend income                                                 45              
Interest income                                                  1      3      8
Interest expences                                                1      0      1
Non-current receivables                                          4     53     53
Current receivables                                             74    164     82
Non-current liabilities                                          0      0      0
Current liabilities                                            233    127    277
Transactions with associated companies                        2011   2010   2010
EUR million                                                     Q1     Q1  Q1-Q4
Sales                                                            0      0      0
Purchases                                                        0      0      2
Non-current receivables                                          0      0      0
Current receivables                                              8      8      8
Current liabilities                                              3      2      2
Transactions with Metsä-Botnia include in transaction with sister               
 companies from 8.12.2009 on.                                                   
Accounting policies                                                             
The financial statements were prepared in accordance with accounting policies   
 set out in International Accounting Standard 34 and in the M-real´s Annual     
 Report for 2010.                                                               
The figures in the financial statement are unaudited.                           

Calculation of key ratios                                                       
Return on equity (%)            =  (Result from continuing operations before tax
                                   - direct taxes) per (Shareholders' equity    
Return on capital employed (%)  =  (Result from continuing operations before tax
                                   + interest expenses,net exchange gains/losses
                                    and other financial expenses) per           
                                    (Shareholders' equity                       
                                   + interest-bearing borrowings (average))     
Equity ratio (%)                =  (Shareholders' equity) per (Total assets -   
                                    advance payments received)                  
Gearing ratio (%)               =  (Interest-bearing borrowings)                
                                   per (Shareholders' equity)                   
Net gearing ratio (%)           =  (Interest-bearing borrowings                 
                                   - liquid funds                               
                                   - interest-bearing receivables)              
                                   per (Shareholders' equity)                   
Earnings per share              =  (Profit attributable to shareholders of      
                                    parent company)                             
                                   per (Adjusted number of shares (average))    
Shareholders´equity per share   =  (Equity attributable to shareholders of                     parent company)                             
                                   per (Adjusted number of shares at the end of 

Sales and result  by segment                                                    
                                2011  2010  2010  2010  2010  2009   2010   2009
EUR million                       Q1    Q4    Q3    Q2    Q1    Q4  Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4
Consumer Packaging               299   303   305   310   257   255  1,175  1,175
Office Papers                    184   181   164   153   160   132    658    543
Speciality Papers                 78    66    75    80    82    73    303    352
Market Pulp and Energy           110   106   107   126    95   126    434    508
Other operations                  57    55    53    44    46    59    198    189
Internal sales                   -43   -46   -42   -37   -38   -39   -163   -128
Sales                            685   665   662   676   602   606  2,605  2,432
Consumer Packaging                63    49    48    51    52    50    200    140
Office Papers                      4     9    17     6    11     6     43      1
Speciality Papers                 -7     0     5   -18    -4    -8    -17    -65
Market Pulp and Energy            13    19    19    23    14    -1     75    -21
Other operations                   4    -3     6    -1     9    85     11     33
EBITDA                            77    74    95    61    82   132    312     88
% of sales                      11.2  11.1  14.4   9.0  13.6  21.8   12.0    3.6
Consumer Packaging                50    24    34    38    39    33    135     51
Office Papers                     -6     9     9    -4     0   -54     14   -104
Speciality Papers                 -9   -31     4   -21    -6   -78    -54   -151
Market Pulp and Energy             7    -1    12    16     9   -39     36    -91
Other operations                   4    -5     7     6     7    86     15     28
Operating result                  46    -4    66    35    49   -52    146   -267
% of sales                       6.7  -0.6  10.0   5.2   8.1  -8.6    5.6  -11.0
Non-recurring items in                                                          
 operating result                                                               
Consumer Packaging                 0   -14     0     0     0    -1    -14    -18
Office Papers                      0     9     0     0     0   -54      9    -56
Speciality Papers                  0   -23    11   -16     0   -72    -28   -100
Market Pulp and Energy             0   -13    -4     0     0   -30    -17    -37
Other operations                   3     0     5     8    10    98     23     94
Group                              3   -41    12    -8    10   -59    -27   -117
Consumer Packaging                63    52    48    51    52    51    203    146
Office Papers                      4    10    17     6    11    13     44      8
Speciality Papers                 -7    -7    -3    -2    -4    -2    -16    -31
Market Pulp and Energy            13    19    23    23    14     2     79    -17
Other operations                   1    -3     0    -1    -1   -13     -5    -62
EBITDA, excl. non-recurring       74    71    85    77    72    51    305     44
% of sales                      10.8  10.7  12.8  11.4  12.0   8.4   11.7    1.8
Consumer Packaging                50    38    34    38    39    34    149     69
Office Papers                     -6     0     9    -4     0     0      5    -48
Speciality Papers                 -9    -8    -7    -5    -6    -6    -26    -51
Market Pulp and Energy             7    12    16    16     9    -9     53    -54
Other operations                   1    -5     2    -2    -3   -12     -8    -66
Operating result,                 43    37    54    43    39     7    173   -150
excl. non-recurring items                                                       
% of sales                       6.3   5.6   8.2   6.4   6.5   1.2    6.6   -6.2

                         2011    2010   2010   2010   2010    2009   2010   2009
                           Q1      Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1      Q4  Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4
Operating result, excl. non-recurring                                           
 items, % of sales                                                              
Consumer Packaging       16.7    12.5   11.1   12.3   15.2    13.3   12.7    7.1
Office Papers            -3.3     0.0    5.5   -2.6    0.0     0.0    0.8   -8.8
Speciality Papers       -11.5   -12.1   -9.3   -6.3   -7.3    -8.2   -8.6  -14.5
Market Pulp and Energy    6.4    11.3   15.0   12.7    9.5    -7.1   12.2  -10.6
Group                     6.3     5.6    8.2    6.4    6.5     1.2    6.6   -6.2Metsä-Botnia's net result is included in operating result at row "Share of      
 results in associated companies" from 8.12.2009 on, before that Metsä-Botnia   
 was consolidated on proportionate basis line by line.                          
Return on capital                                                               
 employed %                                                                     
Consumer Packaging       27.8    13.7   18.1   21.1   22.8    18.8   19.4    6.9
Office Papers            -4.4     6.5    8.5   -4.0   -0.1   -47.0    2.8  -21.1
Speciality Papers       -50.1  -155.6   18.0  -76.3  -19.6  -170.3  -49.4  -55.8
Market Pulp and Energy    4.7    -0.4    7.6   11.4    5.9   -22.1    6.0  -12.2
Group                     8.4    -0.7   11.6    3.8    9.1    -8.7    5.7   -8.9
Capital employed, EUR                                                           
Consumer Packaging        739     711    749    746    691     676    711    676
Office Papers             539     557    490    423    442     431    557    431
Speciality Papers          69      64     94    105    116     134     64    134
Market Pulp and Energy    631     627    659    601    568     567    627    567
Unallocated and           330     390    380    415    298     526    390    526
Group                   2,308   2,349  2,372  2,290  2,115   2,334  2,349  2,334
The capital employed for a segment includes its assets (goodwill, other         
 intangible assets, tangible assets, biological assets, investments in          
 associates, inventories, accounts receivables, prepayments and accrued income  
 (excluding interest and taxes)), less the segment's liabilities (accounts      
 payable, advance payments, accruals and deferred income (excluding interest and

Deliveries             2011  2010  2010  2010  2010  2009   2010   2009
1,000 tonnes             Q1    Q4    Q3    Q2    Q1    Q4  Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4
Consumer Packaging      334   344   353   372   321   327  1,390  1,212
Office Papers           241   248   212   212   237   198    909    790
Speciality Papers        60    49    57    66    74    68    246    342
Paper business, total   301   297   269   278   311   266  1,155  1,132
Market Pulp             174   168   167   194   161   246    690  1,155
Production             2011  2010  2010  2010  2010  2009   2010   2009
1,000 tonnes             Q1    Q4    Q3    Q2    Q1    Q4  Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4
Consumer Packaging      344   362   353   363   342   342  1,420  1,232
Office Papers           232   238   228   209   235   213    910    795
Speciality Papers        59    46    52    67    70    63    235    297
Paper business, total   291   284   280   276   305   276  1,145  1,092
Metsä-Botnia pulp 1)    164   164   160   164   164   203    652    863
M-real pulp             340   327   331   308   329   316  1,295  1,120
1) corresponds to M-real's ownership share of 30% in Metsä-Botnia