2009-07-28 10:01:00 CEST

2009-07-28 10:02:00 CEST


Litauiska Engelska
Agrowill Group AB - Notification on material event

Resolutions of the repeat shareholders meeting of „Agrowill Group“

Resolutions of the meeting of the Agrowill Group AB creditors 
(company code 126264360, registered address: Smolensko st. 10, 
Vilnius) which took place on July 27, 2009.
1. To hold meeting of the creditors as the first Meeting of the 
Company's creditors.
2. To elect UAB “Žemės vystymo fondas 20” as a chairperson of the 
Meeting of the creditors.
3. To approve the Draft of the Restructuring application.
4. To apply to the court for initiating the Company restructuring 
proceedings and authorise general director to file the petition on 
initiating the Company restructuring proceedings and other relevant 
documentation to Vilnius Regional court.
5. To propose for the court the candidacy of administrator (until the 
Restructuring plan is confirmed): Kęstučio Butkaus IĮ (Konstitucijos 
pr. 12, LT-09308 Vilnius, code 245422150,  licence date 2004-01-19, 
No. 105). 
6. To approve the administrator expenses until the Restructuring 
plan is confirmed: LTL 9.000 (plus VAT) per month; to approve the 
limit of expenses for Restructuring Plan preparation: LTL 50.000 
(plus VAT).
7. To establish procedure for Convening the Meetings of creditors: 
the notice regarding convening the Meeting of creditors shall be 
sent via registered mail or fax (could be delivered personally or 
sent by email upon consent of the creditor) not earlier as 10 day 
before the Meeting of creditors.
8. The meeting decides not to take a vote by groups regarding 
approval of the Restructuring plan.

Mindaugas Juozaitis
Director general
8 5 233 53 40