2008-02-29 13:51:32 CET

2008-02-29 13:53:05 CET


Fortum - Annual report/ annual accounts

Fortum's Annual Report and annual summary 2007

Fortum's Annual Report 2007 has been published in Finnish, Swedish and English. 
A PDF-version of the printed report is available at www.fortum.com/investors. An
online annual report will be published on week 10. Printed copies are available 
on week 11. Copies of the annual report can be ordered from Fortum's website.   

Fortum has today also published an annual summary of stock exchange releases and
announcements published in 2007. The summary is available in pdf-format at      

Fortum Corporation                                                              

Maria Romantschuk                                                               
Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications                                 

OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki                                                    
Key media