2021-04-06 19:30:13 CEST

2021-04-06 19:30:13 CEST

Lithuanian English
AUGA group - Other information

AUGA group, AB (the Company) increased subsidiary UAB Grain LT (Grain LT) share capital by EUR 10 million by capitalized Grain LT's debt to the Company

The Company, as the sole shareholder of Grain LT, decided to increase the share capital of Grain LT by EUR 10,000,000.11 by issuing a new issue of 34,482,759 ordinary registered shares with a nominal value of EUR 0.29 (the Issue), the total Issue price is EUR 10,000,000.11. EUR.

Implementing this decision, the Company conclude a share subscription agreement with Grain LT, on the basis of which the Company has paid the full Issue price by capitalizing Grain LT's debt to the Company of EUR 10,000,000.11.

Grain LT is the main trading entity of the Company, selling agricultural products grown by the group’s companies in many European countries. These changes confirm the importance of Grain LT and its activities in the operations of the group and the implementation of the strategy in the future.

Mindaugas Ambrasas, AUGA group, AB CFO
Phone: +370 620 67296
Email: m.ambrasas@auga.lt