2008-07-25 07:00:00 CEST

2008-07-25 07:00:02 CEST


Suomių Anglų
YIT - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)



YIT'S INTERIM REPORT, JANUARY 1 - JUNE 30, 2008                                 


In January-June:                                                                
- Revenue increased by 8 per cent to EUR 1,918.2 million (1-6/2007: EUR 1,772.8 
- Operating profit increased by 7 per cent to EUR 149.1 million (EUR 139.7      
- The operating profit margin was 7.8% (7.9%).                                  
- Profit before taxes increased by 5 per cent to EUR 130.8 million (EUR 124.6   
- Return on investment was 25.6% (25.7%).                                       
- The order backlog increased by 12 per cent to EUR 3,670.4 million (EUR 3,275.2
- The number of personnel at the end of June was approximately 1,500 higher than
a year earlier, i.e. 24,978 (23,474).                                           

In the second quarter:                                                          
- Revenue was 6 per cent higher than in the previous year, amounting to EUR     
991.2 million (4-6/2007: EUR 939.3 million).                                    
- Profit before taxes was EUR 60.5 million (69.8 million).                      

We estimate that the revenue and profit before taxes for 2008 will increase     
compared to the previous year. Nevertheless, uncertainties connected to the     
general economic development have increased and that may weaken the profit      
development during the last part of the year.                                   "YIT's revenue and operating profit during the first half of the year were      
higher than during the previous year. Strong development continued in Building  
Systems. The profitability of Industrial Services also improved. Operations in  
Russia grew in line with our target. During the second quarter, our operating   
profit decreased due to delays in the large real estate development projects    
being built in the Gorelovo area in St. Petersburg and the weak market situation
in the Baltic countries," says President and CEO Hannu Leinonen.                "Towards the summer, the general market sentiment has become more uncertain.    
Over one-third of our business comprises more stable service and maintenance    
operations and over a quarter is made up of projects based on long-term service 
agreements. Our business structure stabilises the development of the Group's    
revenue and earnings as does the wide geographical presence. Because the order  
backlogs of our segments are strong, the achievement of the estimate level of   
earnings in the second half of the year depends in particular on the residential
sales in Russia and the effect of higher interest rates on the Finnish          
residential market," Leinonen adds.                                             

Information event, webcast and conference call                                  

An event for analysts and portfolio managers will be held in English on Friday, 
July 25, at the Radisson SAS Royal hotel at the address Runeberginkatu 2, 00100 
Helsinki. Analysts and portfolio managers may also participate in the event     
through a conference call. Participants are asked to call the assigned telephone
number +44 (0)20 7162 0025 a minimum of 5 minutes before the conference call    

A webcast of the presentation given by President and CEO Hannu Leinonen at the  
analyst and portfolio manager event can be viewed live at                       

Schedule in different time zones                                                
| Time zone           |  Interim Report |     The investor |  Recording of the |
|                     |         will be |           event, |           webcast |
|                     |    published at |  conference call | presentation will |
|                     |                 |      and webcast |   be available at |
|                     |                 |     presentation |                   |
|                     |                 |    will start at |                   |
| EEST (Helsinki)     |      8:00 a.m.  |       10:00 a.m. |       12:00 a.m.  |
| CEST (Paris,        |      7:00 a.m.  |        9:00 a.m. |        11:00 a.m. |
| Stockholm)          |                 |                  |                   |
| BST (London)        |      6:00 a.m.  |        8:00 a.m. |       10:00 a.m.  |
| US EDT (New York)   |      1:00 a.m.  |        3:00 a.m. |        5:00 a.m.  |

The Interim Report for January-September will be published on October 29, 2008. 
Financial reports and other investor information are available at YIT's website,
www.yitgroup.com/investors. A copy of the Interim Report may be ordered via the 
Internet site, by sending e-mail to InvestorRelations@yit.fi or by telephone on 
+358 20 433 2467.                                                               

YIT CORPORATION                                                                 

Hannu Leinonen                                                                  
President and CEO                                                               

For further information, please contact:                                        
Sakari Ahdekivi, Chief Financial Officer, +358 20 433 2258,                     
Petra Thorén, Senior Vice President, Investor Relations, +358 40 764 5462,      

Distribution: OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki, principal media, www.yitgroup.com   
YIT CORPORATION'S INTERIM REPORT, JANUARY 1 - June 30, 2008                     

REVENUE INCREASED BY 8 PER CENT                                                 

YIT Group's revenue for January-June increased by 8 per cent on the previous    
year, without significant acquisitions, to EUR 1,918.2 million (1-6/2007: EUR   
1,772.8 million). Building Systems is the largest segment by revenue. The       
revenue of both International Construction Services and Building Systems        

Finland accounted for 49% of revenue (54%), other Nordic countries for 35%      
(33%), Russia for 11% (7%) and Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia for 5% (6%). The   
fastest growth took place in Russia, where revenue increased by 81% to EUR 207.3
million (EUR 114.7 million).                                                    

Revenue by segment (MEUR)                                                       

|                       |   1-6/2008 |    1-6/2007 |   Change, % |  Proportion |
|                       |            |             |             |      of the |
|                       |            |             |             |     Group's |
|                       |            |             |             | revenue for |
|                       |            |             |             |    1-6/2008 |
| Building Systems      |      898.6 |       778.0 |         16% |         47% |
| Construction Services |      593.5 |       598.5 |         -1% |         31% |
| Finland               |            |             |             |             |
| International         |      273.8 |       194.5 |         41% |         14% |
| Construction Services |            |             |             |             |
| Industrial Services   |      201.8 |       240.3 |        -16% |         11% |
| *)                    |            |             |             |             |
| Other items           |      -49.5 |       -38.5 |         29% |         -3% |
| YIT Group, total      |    1 918.2 |     1 772.8 |          8% |        100% |

*) The revenue for 1-6/2007 includes the Network Services division, which was   
sold on December 31, 2007. Network Services revenue for 1-12/2007 amounted to   
EUR 77 million.                                                                 

YIT's service chain covers the entire life cycle of the investment. Extending   
operations to cover the entire life cycle enables more comprehensive service    
deliveries and supports the stability of business operations. Service and       
maintenance of buildings, industry and traditional infrastructure - operations  
that are not sensitive to economic fluctuations - account for a significant     
proportion of the Group's revenue. Service and maintenance operations have      
increased and the share of the maintenance and servicing business has remained  
stable while the Group's revenue has grown. In January-June, service and        
maintenance operations generated EUR 662.5 million (EUR 645.3 million), in other
words 35% (36%) of total revenue.                                               

YIT Group's strategic annual growth target is 10 per cent on average. In        
addition, YIT has set a separate target of increasing its revenue in Russia by  
50 per cent on average in 2006-2009.                                            

OPERATING PROFIT INCREASED BY 7 PER CENT                                        

The Group's operating profit increased by 7 per cent on the previous year to EUR
149.1 million (EUR 139.7 million). The operating profit margin was 7.8 per cent 
(7.9%). Return on investment was 25.6% (25.7%).                                 

YIT's operating profit during the first half of the year was higher than in the 
previous year, but operating profit fell in the second quarter. Operating profit
and profitability improved at both Building Systems and Industrial Services. The
operating profit of International Construction Services was weakened during the 
second quarter due to delays in the large real estate development projects being
built in the Gorelovo area in St. Petersburg and weak market development in the 
Baltic countries. In Construction Services Finland the operating profit         
decreased from the previous year.                                               

Operating profit by segment (MEUR)                                              

|                         |      1-6/ |       1-6/ |     Change  |  Proportion |
|                         |      2008 |       2007 |             |      of the |
|                         |           |            |             |     Group's |
|                         |           |            |             |   operating |
|                         |           |            |             |      profit |
|                         |           |            |             |    1-6/2008 |
| Building Systems        |      58.9 |       44.4 |         33% |         40% |
| Construction Services   |      64.8 |       71.1 |         -9% |         43% |
| Finland 1)              |           |            |             |             |
| International           |      22.2 |       21.6 |          3% |         15% |
| Construction Services   |           |            |             |             |
| Industrial Services 2)  |      13.7 |       10.8 |         27% |          9% |
| Other items             |     -10.5 |       -8.2 |         28% |         -7% |
| YIT Group, total        |     149.1 |      139.7 |          7% |        100% |

Operating profit margin by segment                                              

|                                        |        1-6/2008 |          1-6/2007 |
| Building Systems                       |            6.6% |              5.7% |
| Construction Services Finland 1)       |           10.9% |             11.9% |
| International Construction Services    |            8.1% |             11.1% |
| Industrial Services 2)                 |            6.8% |              4.5% |
| YIT Group, total                       |            7.8% |              7.9% |

1) The Supreme Court issued its ruling on disputes connected with the renovation
of SOK's former head office building on March 10, 2008. The ruling had a        
positive effect of EUR 3.5 million on the operating profit of Construction      
Services Finland for Q1/2008.                                                   

2) The operating profit of Industrial Services in Q1/2007 includes a loss of EUR
1.0 million due to costs from the restructuring of the Network Services         
division. The Network Services division was divested on December 31, 2007.      

The strategic target for the operating profit margin is 9 per cent. The         
strategic target for return on investment is 22 per cent.                       

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES INCREASED BY 5 PER CENT                                     

Profit before taxes increased by 5 per cent to EUR 130.8 million (EUR 124.6     
million). Earnings per share was EUR 0.73 (EUR 0.73).                           

Financial expenses increased as a result of higher interest rates, increased    
loans and an increase in the amount of capital invested in Russia.              

THE ORDER BACKLOG GREW BY 12 PER CENT                                           

The Group's order backlog is solid. At the end of the review period, the order  
backlog was 12% larger than the year before, reaching EUR 3,670.4 million (EUR  
3,275.2 million). At the end of March 2008 the order backlog amounted to EUR    
3,627.0 million.                                                                

The order backlog strengthened across all segments. The International           
Construction Services and Construction Services Finland segments account for the
majority of the order backlog due to the long duration and high value of the    
projects and service agreements. In Russia, the duration of housing projects is 
approximately twice as long as in Finland. Residential development accounts for 
the majority of the order backlog of International Construction Services. The   
order backlog of Construction Services Finland is divided widely and evenly   
between different business areas. The order backlog of International            
Construction Services grew the fastest.                                         

Order backlog by segment (MEUR)                                                 

|                         |         6/ |         6/ |   Change  |   Proportion |
|                         |       2008 |       2007 |           |          of  |
|                         |            |            |           |  the Group's |
|                         |            |            |           |        order |
|                         |            |            |           |      backlog |
|                         |            |            |           |       6/2008 |
| Building Systems        |      799.9 |      721.8 |       11% |          22% |
| Construction Services   |    1,264.8 |    1,193.1 |       6%  |          35% |
| Finland                 |            |            |           |              |
| International           |    1,483.7 |    1,185.2 |       25% |          40% |
| Construction Services   |            |            |           |              |
| Industrial Services *)  |      222.8 |      213.6 |        4% |           6% |
| Other items             |     -100.8 |      -38.5 |       **) |          -3% |
| YIT Group, total        |    3,670.4 |    3,275.2 |       12% |         100% |

*) Order backlog 6/2007 includes the Network Services division, which was sold  
on December 31, 2007.                                                           
**) Change over 100%.                                                           

The order backlog includes that portion of customer orders and ongoing          
development projects that has not been recognised as income. In accordance with 
the IFRS accounting principles, residential development projects are recognised 
as income using the formula percentage of completion multiplied by percentage of
sale. Business premise development projects are recognised as income using the  
principle percentage of completion multiplied by percentage of sale multiplied  
by occupancy rate. Projects are recognised as income based on the percentage of 

The order backlog of the Construction Services Finland and International        
Construction Services segments comprises contracting production and real estate 
and residential development with a sales risk. Contracted projects are sold in  
full. Business premise development projects are sold to investors usually either
prior to construction or during an early phase thereof.                         

61 per cent of Building Systems revenue and 48 per cent of Industrial Services  
revenue are derived from steadily growing service and maintenance operations.   
Due to their nature, part of the maintenance and servicing operations are not   
included in the order backlog. The remainder of the order backlog of these      
business segments mainly comprises contracted projects that have been sold in   


The Group's financial position remained balanced. A significant part of YIT's   
business operations requires little capital. Capital was particularly tied up in
the plot reserves in Russia, their development and ongoing production.          

The gearing ratio was 77.2 per cent (79.8%). Net debt increased to EUR 625.2    
million (EUR 548.9 million). During the reporting period, the company paid EUR  
101.8 million in dividends. In the previous year, the company paid EUR 82.6     
million in dividends in Q1/2007.                                                

Net financial expenses during the period were EUR 18.3 million (EUR 15.1        
million), or 1.0 per cent (0.9%) of revenue.                                    

The balance sheet total at the end of the review period was EUR 2,605.5 million 
(EUR 2,346.1 million).                                                          

The Group's equity ratio was 34.5 per cent (32.4%).                             

The target level for the equity ratio is 35 per cent. The strategic dividend    
payout target is 40-60% of net profit for the year after taxes and minority     

CAPITAL EXPENDITURES AND ACQUISITIONS                                           

Gross capital expenditures on non-current assets included in the balance sheet  
totalled EUR 25.8 million (EUR 21.5 million) during January-June, representing  
1.3 per cent (1.2%) of revenue. Investments in construction equipment amounted  
to EUR 6.9 million (EUR 7.6 million) and investments in information technology  
to EUR 3.6 million (EUR 3.1 million). Other investments including acquisitions  
amounted to EUR 15.3 million (EUR 10.8 million). Acquired business operations   
are indicated in the tables section of the 1-6/2008 interim report.             

In the Building Systems segment, YIT acquired the building systems services     
units of MCE AG in Germany, Austria, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary and    
Romania. These units had total revenue of EUR 355 million in 2007, with         
approximately 1,900 employees. The value of the acquisition was EUR 55 million. 
The entry into force of the acquisition requires the approval of the competition
authorities and is expected to be completed by July 31, 2008, after which the   
company will be consolidated to YIT figures.                                    

In addition, Building Systems boosted its competence as a provider of energy    
efficiency services by acquiring building automation specialist Computec Oy in  
Finland and made small corporate acquisitions and purchases of business         
operations in Finland, Norway and Sweden. In Finland, business operations       
connected to investment, lease management and financial administration services 
in facility management were divested. The sale of the operations came into force
on July 1, 2008.                                                                

In International Construction Services, an acquisition was made with the target 
of starting residential production in the Czech Republic. The company will be   
consolidated to YIT Group on July 1, 2008.                                      


YIT Corporation's Annual General Meeting was held on March 13, 2008. The Annual 
General Meeting adopted the 2007 financial statements, discharged the members of
the Board of Directors and the President and CEO from liability, confirmed a    
dividend of EUR 0.80 per share pursuant to the proposal of the Board of         
Directors, approved the composition of the Board of Directors and re‑elected    
PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy, Authorised Public Accountants, as the company's      
auditor. YIT Corporation published stock exchange releases on the resolutions   
passed at the Annual General Meeting and the organisation of the Board of       
Directors on March 13 and 14, 2008.                                             

LEGAL PROCEEDINGS                                                               

On March 10, 2008, the Supreme Court in Finland announced its ruling regarding  
the disputes arising from the refurbishing of SOK's former head office,         
Kiinteistö Oy Vilhonkatu 7, which was completed in 1999. The ruling had a       
positive effect of EUR 5.7 million on YIT's profit before taxes. The sum was    
recognised in full in YIT's result for January-March 2008.                      

The disagreement that has arisen in the final financial settlement for the      
mechanical installation works on production line 4, which was completed at Neste
Oil's Porvoo oil refinery in Finland in the summer of 2007, is being processed  
at the court of arbitration. YIT published a stock exchange release on the      
matter on April 1, 2008.                                                        

THE NUMBER OF PERSONNEL INCREASED                                               

The Group employed an average of 23,608 (22,712) people during the period under 
review. At the end of the period, the Group employed 24,978 (23,474) people. Of 
YIT's employees, 46 per cent work in Finland, 35 per cent in other Nordic       
countries, 13 per cent in Russia and 6 per cent in Lithuania, Estonia and       
Latvia. The number of personnel has increased considerably in Russia in         

Number of personnel by segment                                                  

|                           |    6/2008 |     6/2007 |     Change | Proportion |
|                           |           |            |            |     of the |
|                           |           |            |            |    Group's |
|                           |           |            |            |  employees |
|                           |           |            |            |     6/2008 |
| Building Systems          |    13,437 |     12,007 |        12% |        54% |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Construction Services     |     3,823 |      3,628 |         5% |        15% |
| Finland                   |           |            |            |            |
| International             |     3,554 |      2,743 |        30% |        14% |
| Construction Services     |           |            |            |            |
| Industrial Services *)    |     3,789 |      4,755 |       -20% |        15% |
| Corporate Services        |       375 |        341 |        10% |         2% |
| YIT Group, total          |    24,978 |     23,474 |         6% |       100% |

Number of personnel by country                                                  

|                           |    6/2008 |     6/2007 |     Change | Proportion |
|                           |           |            |            |     of the |
|                           |           |            |            |    Group's |
|                           |           |            |            |  employees |
|                           |           |            |            |     6/2008 |
| Finland *)                |    11,433 |     11,814 |        -3% |        46% |
| Sweden                    |     4,411 |      4,220 |         5% |        18% |
| Russia                    |     3,175 |      1,733 |        83% |        13% |
| Norway                    |     3,147 |      2,730 |        15% |        12% |
| Denmark                   |     1,360 |      1,253 |         9% |         5% |
| Lithuania, Estonia,       |     1,452 |      1,724 |       -16% |         6% |
| Latvia                    |           |            |            |            |
| YIT Group, total          |    24,978 |     23,474 |         6% |       100% |

*) As a result of the divestment of the Network Services division, approximately
1,000 Finnish employees left YIT in the Industrial Services segment, at the     
beginning of 2008.                                                              

DEVELOPMENT BY BUSINESS SEGMENT                                                 

BUILDING SYSTEMS                                                                

- Building Systems' revenue increased by 16% to EUR 898.6 million (EUR 778.0    
- Service and maintenance operations accounted for 61% (63%) of the segment's   
- Operating profit increased by 33 per cent to EUR 58.9 million (EUR 44.4       
- Operating profit margin improved to 6.6% (5.7%).                              
- The order backlog increased by 11 per cent to EUR 799.9 million (EUR 721.8    
million) at the end of June.                                                    
- At the end of June, the segment employed 13,437 people (12,007).              

On May 29, 2008, YIT Corporation and MCE AG signed an agreement that YIT will   
acquire MCE's building system service business in Germany, Austria, Poland, the 
Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania. These units had total revenue of EUR 355   
million in 2007, with approximately 1,900 employees. The entry into force of the
transaction requires the approval of the competition authorities and is expected
to be completed by July 31, 2008.                                               

In addition, Building Systems boosted its competence as a provider of energy    
efficiency services by acquiring building automation specialist Computec Oy in  
Finland and made small corporate acquisitions and purchases of business         
operations in Finland, Norway and Sweden. In Finland, business operations       
connected to investment, lease management and financial administration services 
in facility management were divested. The sale of the operations came into force
on July 1, 2008.                                                                

Building Systems revenue by country, MEUR                                       

|              |         1-6/ |          1-6/ |       Change |   Proportion of |
|              |         2008 |          2007 |              |   the segment's |
|              |              |               |              |        revenue  |
|              |              |               |              |             for |
|              |              |               |              |        1-6/2008 |
| Sweden       |        326.8 |         284.8 |          15% |             36% |
| Norway       |        247.6 |         209.6 |          18% |             28% |
| Finland      |        209.6 |         182.6 |          15% |             23% |
| Denmark      |         82.7 |          76.6 |           8% |              9% |
| Lithuania,   |         31.9 |          24.4 |          31% |              4% |
| Estonia,     |              |               |              |                 |
| Latvia and   |              |               |              |                 |
| Russia       |              |               |              |                 |
| Total        |        898.6 |         778.0 |          16% |            100% |

Demand for technical building systems remained good                             

Demand for building system services remained good in the Nordic countries and   
Russia. In the Baltic countries, investments in office, retail and logistics    
premises continued to boost demand for technical building systems, but price    
competition intensified as capacity has been freed up from residential          

The implementation of solutions including various building system services was  
agreed with, for example, a shopping centre located in Nyköping, Sweden, and the
LKAB mining company in Malmberget and Gällivare, a hotel being built in Koutala,
Levi in Finland, and Meilahti Hospital in Helsinki, and in Denmark with the IT  
company KMD. In addition, renovation of systems is being performed for Novo     
Nordisk and Danske Bank in Denmark. In Norway, total technical solution         
deliveries were agreed with Seabroker in cooperation with building company Kruse
Smith, Total E&P Norge and Vennatrø Næringsutvikling. In Russia, the delivery of
refrigerating technology for an artificial ice rink was agreed with Lobnya in   
Moscow Oblast.                                                                  

Demand for service agreements increased                                         

In the Nordic countries and Russia, demand increased for building technical     
repair and maintenance works and various service agreements. Demand for facility
management services was also good.                                              

Long-term maintenance and service agreements were signed with, for example,     
RegionFastigheter in Skåne, Sweden, and Kesko in Finland. In Norway, the number 
of service agreements continued to increase. In Denmark, Brødrene Hartmann A/S  
and Odense Steel Shipyard A/S outsourced technical maintenance work to YIT.     

Growing demand for energy services                                              

Demand for energy-efficient technical building systems is increasing and there  
is more willingness to invest in alternative forms of energy in order to slow   
down climate change. The improvement of the energy efficiency of the existing   
building stock is boosting the number of repair and modernisation projects and  
the need for real estate services.                                              

Several agreements were concluded in the Nordic countries on building technology
investments to improve energy efficiency, which will be funded from the energy  
savings obtained. In Sweden, an agreement was signed with the provincial        
parliament of Västerbotten, in Finland with Genencor International Oy and in    
Denmark with the City of Copenhagen. In addition, in Denmark an energy-saving   
automation system was delivered to a building owned by Hededanmark A/S in       
Viborg. In Norway, several energy saving projects are under way within the      
framework of the ENOVA agreement, entitling the signatory to receive state      

CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FINLAND                                                   
- Construction Services Finland's revenue remained at the previous year‘s level 
and amounted to EUR 593.5 million (EUR 598.5 million).                          
- Maintenance business accounted for 5% (3%) of revenue.                        
- Operating profit decreased by 9 per cent to EUR 64.8 million (EUR 71.1        
- Operating profit margin was 10.9 per cent (11.9%).                            
- The order backlog increased by 6 per cent to EUR 1,264.8 million (EUR 1,193.1 
- Construction Services Finland's capital tied into plot reserves amounted to   
EUR 344.4 million (EUR 322.0 million) at the end of June.                       
- At the end of June, the segment employed 3,823 people (3,628).                

The figures for 2007 are comparison figures calculated after the business       
segment structure changed on January 1, 2008.                                   

On March 10, 2008, the Supreme Court issued its ruling on disputes connected    
with the renovation of SOK's former head office building. The ruling had a      
positive effect of EUR 3.5 million on the operating profit of Construction      
Services Finland for Q1/2008.                                                   

Brisk business premise construction continued                                   

Office, retail and logistics premise construction was brisk. During April-June, 
YIT launched real estate development projects in the Maalitori office building  
in Vantaa, the business premise located at Graanintie 6 in Mikkeli and the      
construction of phases two and three of the Koskelo Trade Park logistics centre 
in Espoo. In addition, the development of the Jouppi area in Seinäjoki and the  
Nummenrinne area in Ikaalinen into commercial centres was agreed. In June,      
Maalitori and the Graanintie premises were sold to Tapiola.                     

A preliminary agreement was signed with the Bank of Finland under which YIT will
purchase part of the Bank of Finland's plot in Vantaa in order to build a       
logistics centre on it.                                                         

In addition, agreements were concluded, for example, on the construction of     
Lindström Invest Oy's office building in Helsinki and the expansion of the Duo  
business premise in Lahti.                                                      

In May, there was a fire at the construction site of the Riihimäki travel centre
which will delay the completion of the project. The travel centre was due to be 
completed in November.                                                          

Residential sales decreased compared with last year                             

The number of residences sold decreased compared with last year. During the     
second quarter, residential sales remained at the same level as during the early
part of the year. YIT had an exceptionally high number of premium sites on sale,
which kept the value of the sales nearly at the previous year's level.          
Nevertheless, the higher interest rates increase uncertainty about the          
development of the residential market during the second half of the year.       

A total of 1,032 (1,434) residential units were sold in Finland in January-June,
945 (1,374) were started and 1,201 (1,636) were completed. At the end of June,  
there were 2,553 (3,134) residential units under construction and 267 (291)     
completed but unsold residential units.                                         

YIT started the construction of the Ratina residential area in Tampere. The     
project to develop the Vanajanlinna area was agreed in Hämeenlinna.             
Approximately 100 leisure time residences will be built in the area. In         
Rovaniemi, the City of Rovaniemi and YIT held a design competition for the      
development of the Fenix area encompassing approximately 500 residences.        

In Espoo, residences in accordance with a new model will be built next to the   
Merikartano service building, which are especially designed to meet the housing 
needs of an aging population. The development of low energy consumption houses  
continued. All YIT Homes designed in 2008 or after will be built as low energy  
consumption houses.                                                             

Demand continued to be good in civil engineering                                

Demand for the construction of infrastructure remained good. Significant        
investments in traffic infrastructure are expected over the next few years.     

In April-June, an agreement was signed with Gasum Oy on the basic repairs of 27 
kilometres of natural gas pipeline between Pajari and Valkeala and with the City
of Helsinki on the construction of a sports hall in Myllypuro.                  

INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES                                             

In January-June:                                                                
- International Construction Services' revenue increased by 41 per cent on the  
previous year to EUR 273.8 million (EUR 194.5 million).                         
- Operating profit was EUR 22.2 million (EUR 21.6 million).                     
- The operating profit margin decreased to 8.1 per cent (11.1%).                
- The order backlog increased by 25 per cent to EUR 1,483.7 million (EUR 1,185.2
- International Construction Services' capital tied up in plot reserves amounted
to EUR 254.6 million (EUR 198.2 million) at the end of June.                    
- At the end of June, the segment employed 3,554 people (2,743).                

In the second quarter:                                                          
- International Construction Services' revenue was EUR 119.5 million (EUR 115.2 
- Operating profit was EUR 6.1 million (EUR 16.0 million).                      

The figures for 2007 are comparison figures calculated after the business       
segment structure changed on January 1, 2008.                                   

During the second quarter the revenue and operating profit of International     
Construction Services were weakened due to weak market situation in the Baltic  
countries and schedule delays in the large real estate development projects     
being built in the Gorelovo area in St. Petersburg caused by delays in the water
and drain connections among other things.                                       

On May 29, 2008, YIT Construction Ltd signed an agreement on a corporate        
acquisition aimed at starting housing production in the Czech Republic. The     
acquisition gives a foothold in a new market area in accordance with YIT's      
strategy. Initially, YIT's holding in YIT Stavo, the company purchased, will be 
85 per cent and the management's 15 per cent. The construction of the first     
sites is scheduled to begin in spring 2009.                                     

International Construction Services revenue by country, MEUR                    

|              |         1-6/ |          1-6/ |       Change |   Proportion of |
|              |         2008 |          2007 |              |   the segment's |
|              |              |               |              |        revenue  |
|              |              |               |              |             for |
|              |              |               |              |        1-6/2008 |
| Russia       |        191.6 |         100.1 |          91% |             70% |
| Lithuania,   |         80.4 |          91.5 |         -12% |             29% |
| Estonia,     |              |               |              |                 |
| Latvia       |              |               |              |                 |
| Other        |          1.8 |           2.9 |         -38% |              1% |
| countries    |              |               |              |                 |
| Total        |        273.8 |         194.5 |          41% |            100% |

In Russia, residential sales continued to be strong                             

In Russia, demand for residences continued to be strong. The demand is supported
by the positive income trends of households and the need to improve the quality 
of living.                                                                      

Sales were at a good level in January-June. In Russia, 1,724 (692) residential  
units were sold, 1,973 (1,141) were started and 977 (894) were completed. At the
end of June, there were 10,856 (7,315) residential units under construction.    
There were 52 (16) completed but unsold residential units. Slight changes in the
number of residential units may take place after the start of construction due  
to the division or combination of residences.                                   

As construction proceeds, the number of residences on sale by YIT will increase 
toward the end of the year, especially in St. Petersburg. In the Moscow region, 
YIT started construction at new sites in Zhukovsky and Ramenskoye, for example. 
The residential plot reserve was strengthened through purchases made at         

YIT has ongoing residential development projects in St. Petersburg, towns in    
Moscow Oblast, Moscow, Yaroslavl, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don and Kazan.       

Delays in real estate development projects in St. Petersburg                  

There have been schedule delays in the large real estate development projects   
being carried out in the Gorelovo area near St. Petersburg. The first phase of  
the logistics centre built in Gorelovo was handed over to the client during the 
review period. YIT's new office building in St. Petersburg was completed and    
came into use during the period.                                                

Preliminary agreements were signed in the Moscow area concerning the acquisition
of several large land areas for residential production and the construction of  
business premises. Construction on the sites is expected to start during 2009.  

Weak market development in the Baltic countries                                 

The market developed in a negative direction in the Baltic countries. The weak  
market situation in Estonia and Latvia continued. In Lithuania, the market      
situation weakened further. Demand for residences remained low and the          
activities of construction companies have focused on tender-based contracts. The
overall volume of construction has decreased.                                   

YIT has operated actively in order to reduce the number of unsold residences it 
holds. There have been no new housing starts. In January-June, 550 (264)        
residential units were sold in Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia, 0 (350) were      
started and 487 (325) were completed. At the end of June, there were 841 (1,898)
residential units under construction. There were 122 (0) completed but unsold   
residential units.                                                              

INDUSTRIAL SERVICES                                                             

- Industrial Services' revenue amounted to EUR 201.8 million (EUR 240.3         
- Service and maintenance operations accounted for 48% (58%) of revenue.        
- Finland accounted for 91 per cent of revenue, Russia for 2 per cent and       
England, Sweden and other export countries for 7 per cent.                      
- Operating profit increased by 27 per cent to EUR 13.7 million (EUR 10.8       
- The operating profit margin improved to 6.8% (4.5%).                          
- At the end of June, the order backlog was EUR 222.8 million (EUR 213.6        
- At the end of June, the segment employed 3,789 people (4,755).                

The figures for 2007 include the figures for the Network Services division,     
which was divested on December 31, 2007. Network Services had revenue of EUR 77 
million in 1-12/2007. The operating profit for Q1/2007 includes a loss of EUR   
1.0 million due to the restructuring of the Network Services division.          
Approximately 1,000 people left YIT as a result of the divestment of Network    

Maintenance shutdowns at industrial maintenance services                        

Demand for maintenance services was good. YIT participated in maintenance       
shutdowns at, for example, Neste Oil's biodiesel factory, Teollisuuden Voima's  
Olkiluoto nuclear power station, AGA's Harjavalta factory, Fortum's Meripori    
power station, Forchem's pine oil factory, UPM's Seikku mill and Botnia's pulp  
mills in Joutseno, Kaskinen and Rauma.                                          

New maintenance agreements were concluded with the meat processing company      
Pouttu and Melia that is a part of Raisio Group.                                

Investments in the steel and mining industry remained brisk                     

Demand for investment projects remained good and in Finland there were projects 
in the steel and mining industries in particular. Among steel companies,        
deliveries of pipe systems were agreed with Rautaruukki and a project to improve
the energy-efficiency of a plant was agreed with Ovako Wire. A lye container    
will be delivered to a mine in Talvivaara and pipe systems for a concentration  
plant in Suurikuusikko. In the forest industry, contracts included the          
modernisation of the soda recovery units of Stora Enso's plant in Kaukopää and  
deliveries of pipe systems to UMP's Plus 5 project in Jämsänkoski.              

In Russia, the implementation of containers, pipe systems, automation and       
working platforms in the size preparation rooms of Modern Lumber Technologies   
were agreed, as well as deliveries of containers and pipe systems for Mondi     

In Scotland, building and process electrification will be implemented for UPM as
well as industrial ventilation and cooling work. Deliveries of containers and   
installations of machinery and devices were agreed with Dynea to Ukraine. In    
Sweden, installations of pipe systems and devices were agreed for Alstom's PULS 
project and deliveries of warehouse containers to SCA Ortviken.                 

SHARES, SHARE OPTIONS AND SHAREHOLDERS                                          

The company has one series of shares. Each share carries one vote and confers an
equal right to a dividend.                                                      

YIT Corporation shares can be subscribed for under the Series K, L and M share  
options issued in 2006 between April 1 and November 30, 2008.                   

Share capital and number of shares                                              

YIT Corporation's share capital was EUR 149,104,766.72 at the beginning of the  
review period and the number of shares outstanding was 127,217,872.             

In the first half of the year, 5,550 shares were subscribed for under the Series
K, L, and M share options issued in 2006. As a result of the share              
subscriptions, the share capital was increased by EUR 111,981.50 on April 29,   

At the end of the reporting period the share capital was EUR 149,216,748.22 and 
the number of shares outstanding was 127,223,422.                               

Own shares                                                                      

YIT Corporation did not hold any of its own shares during the period under      
review. No shares in the parent company were owned by subsidiaries during the   

Authorisations of the Board of Directors                                        

In accordance with the Companies Act, the General Meeting decides on the buyback
and conveyance of shares, as well as any decisions leading to changes in the    
share capital.                                                                  

There were no share issues during the period and the company did not float      
convertible bonds or bonds with warrants. At the end of the period, the Board of
Directors did not have valid share issue authorisations or authorisations to    
issue convertible bonds or bonds with warrants, or to purchase or dispose of the
company's own shares.                                                           

Trading in the share                                                            

The average share price in January-June was EUR 16.09 (EUR 24.52). The highest  
share price during the period was EUR 19.99 (EUR 27.90), the lowest EUR 11.78   
(EUR 19.81). At the end of the period, trading closed at EUR 15.98 (EUR 23.35). 

The value of share turnover during the review period was EUR 1,840.4 million    
(EUR 2,843.6 million) and share turnover was 114,514,882 (116,127,102) shares.  
YIT Corporation's market capitalisation at the end of the period was EUR 2,033.0
million (EUR 2,963.1 million).                                                  

Increase in non-Finnish ownership                                               

At the beginning of the review period the number of registered shareholders was 
15,265 (14,364) and 15,796 (13,957) at the end of the period.                   

At the beginning of the year, a total of 52.9% (45.9%) of the shares were owned 
by nominee-registered and non-Finnish investors, while this figure was 53.0%    
(52.7 %) of the total number of YIT shares at the end of the period.            

On May 19, 2008, Julius Baer Holding Ltd announced that the fraction of the     
shares and votes of YIT Corporation held by companies belonging to it had       
increased to 5.06 per cent as a result of a share purchase on May 7, 2008.      

MARKET SITUATION                                                                

High commodity prices, high interest rates and a shortage of skilled labour are 
slowing down economic growth of the eurozone. After the interim report published
in April, global market prices for energy, raw materials and food have increased
at a higher rate than was anticipated. In addition, the Euro-rates have         
increased after the ECB increased its benchmark interest rate at the beginning  
of July. The OECD forecasts that GDP in the eurozone will increase by 1.7 per   
cent this year and 1.4 per cent next year. The ECB's GPD growth forecasts for   
2008 and 2009 are 1.5-2.1 per cent and 1.0-2.0 per cent, respectively.          

Konjunkturinstitutet said in its June survey that the economic slowdown in the  
Nordic countries in 2008-2009 will remain modest. The recovery will start during
next year. Full-year growth in 2010 will be higher than in the previous year.   
Euroconstruct estimated that the growth of construction in the Nordic countries 
will slow down this year to 1.5 per cent. This year, growth in business premise 
construction will continue in the Nordic countries, whilst residential          
construction will decrease. In Finland, new housing starts will decrease from   
30,500 last year to 28,000 this year according to the forecast of the           
Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries RT in June. In 2009,  
construction is forecast to decrease by 1.3 per cent in the Nordic countries.   
Next year, business premise construction will also decrease. Civil engineering  
and building repair projects will grow steadily.                                
In the Nordic countries, growth in industrial production will slacken, but      
modernisation requirements will increase the demand for industry and energy     
sector investments and maintenance.                                             

The IMF has increased its forecast of the growth of the Russian economy this    
year to 7.8 per cent. In April, the IMF said it expected the growth figures for 
2008 and 2009 to be 6.8 per cent and 6.3 per cent respectively. Data compiled by
Rosstat indicates that growth during the first quarter of this year was 8.5 per 
cent. Construction increased by 28 per cent and industrial production by 8 per  
cent. The IMF says the biggest risk to economic growth over the next few years  
is rising inflation and its negative effects. Inflation was 15.1 per cent in    
June and most experts believe that inflation will remain in double digits. There
is a shortage of skilled labour in many areas. According to Rosstat, at the end 
of 2007 the unemployment rate in all of Russia was 6.1 per cent, but it was less
than 1 per cent in Moscow and just 2 per cent in St. Petersburg. Real wages     
increased by 14 per cent in January-May.                                        

The economic growth forecasts in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have been cut    
after the IMF forecast in April. Konjunkturinstitutet forecasted in June that   
the economies of the Baltic countries will continue to weaken. There is a risk  
of recession in Estonia and Latvia. The economies will start to recover during  
2010 but inflation will remain high.                                            


The most significant short-term business risks and uncertainties are connected  
with the sales risk of the order backlog, the large-scale real estate           
development projects underway in Russia, and foreseeing and reacting to changes 
in the operating environment.                                                   

The sales risk contained in the order backlog is mainly comprised of unsold     
residential units that are under construction. Sales risk is managed by         
adjusting residential start-ups with sales trends. In Russia, sales of          
residential units mainly take place towards the end of the project, and the     
construction time is approximately two years. In Finland and the Baltic         
countries, the construction time is approximately one year. A more detailed     
account of the order backlog structure is presented above in the Order Backlog  
section. In Russian real estate development projects, the risks are associated  
with the delivery schedules of the projects and obtaining water and drain       
connections for the Gorelovo area. The final costs resulting from the delay of  
the food plant being built in the area are specified later, pursuant to the     
agreement made with the client.                                                 

YIT's risk management policy specifies the Group's most significant risks and   
methods of mitigating strategic and administrative risks. YIT's geographic and  
business structure balances the impact of economic fluctuation on the Group's   
revenue and profits.                                                            

A more detailed account of YIT's risk management policy and the most significant
risks has been published in the Annual Report for 2007 and of financial risks in
the notes to the 2007 financial statements.                                     

OUTLOOK FOR 2008                                                                

The demand for building system services is solid throughout the market area and 
the segment's order backlog is good. YIT aims at increasing its market share in 
building systems in all of the Nordic countries.                                

In Russia, strong demand for housing continues. YIT's strong backlog and volume 
of ongoing residential production provide good prerequisites for meeting the    
targets set for the Russian business.                                           

In Finland, construction remains at a good level on the whole but is more       
focused on business premise and infrastructure construction, which have a strong
order backlog. The outlook for residential production has weakened since last   
summer. The higher interest rates increase uncertainty about the development of 
the residential market during the second half of the year.                      

Industrial Services has a good order backlog. Business opportunities are found  
particularly in the outsourcing of industrial maintenance in Finland.           

Based on the above outlook by business segment we estimate that the revenue and 
profit before taxes for 2008 will increase compared to the previous year.       
Nevertheless, uncertainties connected to the general economic development have  
increased and that may weaken the profit development during the last part of the

EVENTS AFTER THE REPORTING PERIOD                                               

Julius Baer Holding Ltd informed YIT on July 15, 2008 that following a share    
transaction on July 10, 2008 Julius Baer Holding Ltd's group of companies'      
holding of YIT Corporation's share capital and voting rights has decreased to   
4.99 per cent.                                                                  

Helsinki, July 24, 2008                                                         

Board of Directors                                                              

INTERIM REPORT JAN 1 - JUN 30, 2008: TABLES                                     
The information presented in the Interim Report has not been audited.           

1. Key figures of YIT Group     

Key figures                                                                     
YIT Group figures by quarter                                                    
Segment information by quarter                                                  

2. Consolidated financial statements Jan 1 - Jun 30, 2008                       

Consolidated income statement Jan 1 - Jun 30, 2008                              
Consolidated income statement Apr 1 - Jun 30, 2008                              
Consolidated balance sheet                                                      
Consolidated statement of changes in equity                                     
Consolidated cash flow statement                                                

3. Notes                                                                        

Accounting principles of the Interim Report                                     
Financial risk management                                                       
Segment information                                                             
Unusual items affecting operating profit                                        
Acquired businesses                                                             
Changes in property, plant and equipment                                        
Notes on equity                                                                 
Interest-bearing liabilities                                                    
Change in contingent liabilities and assets and commitments                     
Transactions with associated companies                                          
Events after the end of the review period                                       

1. KEY FIGURES OF YIT GROUP                                                     

KEY FIGURES                                                                     

|                                 |   6/2008 |   6/2007 | Change % |   12/2007 |
| Earnings per share, EUR 1)      |     0.73 |     0.73 |        0 |      1.77 |
| Diluted earnings per share, EUR |     0.73 |     0.72 |        1 |      1.77 |
| 1)                              |          |          |          |           |
| Equity per share, EUR           |     6.32 |     5.38 |       17 |      6.40 |
| Average share price during the  |    16.09 |    24.52 |      -34 |     22.15 |
| period, EUR                     |          |          |          |           |
| Share price at end of period,   |    15.98 |    23.35 |      -32 |     14.99 |
| EUR                             |          |          |          |           |
| Market capitalization at end of |  2,033.0 |  2,963.1 |      -31 |   1,907.0 |
| period, MEUR                    |          |          |          |           |
| Weighted average share-issue    |  127,220 |  126,803 |        0 |   126,872 |
| adjusted number of shares       |          |          |          |           |
| outstanding, thousands          |          |          |          |           |
| Weighted average share-issue    |  127,220 |  127,385 |        0 |   127,028 |
| adjusted number of shares       |          |          |          |           |
| outstanding, thousands, diluted |          |          |          |           |
| Share-issue adjusted number of  |  127,223 |  126,899 |        0 |   127,218 |
| shares outstanding at end of    |          |          |          |           |
| period, thousands               |          |          |          |           |
| Net interest-bearing debt at    |    625.2 |    548.9 |       14 |     514.8 |
| end of period, MEUR             |          |          |          |           |
| Return on investment, from the  |     25.6 |     25.7 |        - |      26.2 |
| last 12 months, %               |          |          |          |           |
| Equity ratio, %                 |     34.5 |     32.4 |        - |      36.7 |
| Gearing ratio, %                |     77.2 |     79.8 |        - |      62.9 |
| Gross capital expenditures,     |     25.8 |     21.5 |       20 |      51.6 |
| MEUR                            |          |          |          |           |
|   % of revenue                  |      1.3 |      1.2 |        - |       1.4 |
| Order backlog at end of period, |  3,670.4 |  3,275.2 |       12 |   3,509.3 |
| MEUR 2)                         |          |          |          |           |
| of which order backlog outside  |  2,075.3 |  1,730.9 |       20 |   1,999.2 |
| Finland                         |          |          |          |           |
| Average number of personnel     |   23,608 |   22,712 |        4 |    23,394 |

1) Includes non-recurring items of EUR 9.0 million in profit after taxes in     
Q4/2007 from the divestment of Network Services business division on Dec 31,    
2) Portion of binding orders not recognized as income.                          

YIT GROUP FIGURES BY QUARTER                                                    

|                       | I/2007 | II/2007|III/2007| IV/2007| I/2008 | II/2008 |
|                       |        |        |        |        |        |         |
| Revenue, MEUR         |  833.5 |  939.3 |  906.8 | 1,027.0|  927.0 |   991.2 |
|                       |        |        |        |        |        |         |
| Operating profit,     |   61.2 |   78.5 |   89.4 |  108.7 |   78.6 |    70.5 |
| MEUR                  |        |        |        |        |        |         |
|   % of revenue        |    7.3 |    8.4 |    9.9 |   10.6 |    8.5 |     7.1 |
| Financial income,     |    0.6 |    0.5 |    0.6 |    0.8 |    3.2 |     0.6 |
| MEUR                  |        |        |        |        |        |         |
| Exchange rate         |   -0.1 |   -1.6 |    0.5 |   -2.6 |   -0.8 |    -2.6 |
| differences, MEUR     |        |        |        |        |        |         |
| Financial expenses,   |   -6.9 |   -7.6 |   -8.1 |   -8.4 |  -10.7 |    -8.0 |
| MEUR                  |        |        |        |        |        |         |
| Profit before taxes,  |   54.8 |   69.8 |   82.4 |   98.5 |   70.3 |    60.5 |
| MEUR                  |        |        |        |        |        |         |
|   % of revenue        |    6.6 |    7.4 |    9.1 |    9.6 |   7.6, |     6.1 |
| Balance sheet total,  | 2,155. | 2,346. | 2,418. | 2,461. | 2,525. | 2,605.5 |
| MEUR                  |      9 |      1 |      4 |      3 |      8 |         |
| Earnings per share,   |   0.31 |   0.42 |   0.47 |   0.57 |   0.40 |    0.33 |
| EUR                   |        |        |        |        |        |         |
| Equity per share, EUR |   4.95 |   5.38 |   5.85 |   6.40 |   5.97 |    6.32 |
| Share price at end of |  25.80 |  23.35 |  20.84 |  14.99 |  17.97 |   15.98 |
| period, EUR           |        |        |        |        |        |         |
| Market capitalization | 3,270. | 2,963. | 2,644. | 1,907. | 2,286. | 2,033.0 |
| at end of period,     |      8 |      1 |      7 |      0 |      1 |         |
| MEUR                  |        |        |        |        |        |         |
| Return on investment, |   25.4 |   25.7 |   25.8 |   26.2 |   28.1 |    25.6 |
| from the last 12      |        |        |        |        |        |         |
| months, %             |        |        |        |        |        |         |
| Equity ratio, %       |   31.8 |   32.4 |   33.8 |   36.7 |   33.3 |    34.5 |
| Net interest-bearing  |  540.9 |  548.9 |  591.4 |  514.8 |  462.7 |   625.2 |
| debt at end of        |        |        |        |        |        |         |
| period, MEUR          |        |        |        |        |        |         |
| Gearing ratio, %      |   85.6 |   79.8 |   79.1 |   62.9 |   60.6 |    77.2 |
| Gross capital         |   15.8 |    5.7 |   12.0 |   18.1 |   11.8 |    14.0 |
| expenditures, MEUR    |        |        |        |        |        |         |
| Order backlog at end  | 2,995. | 3,275. | 3,172. | 3,509. | 3,627. | 3,670.4 |
| of period, MEUR       |      4 |      2 |      5 |      3 |      0 |         |
| Personnel at end of   | 22,418 | 23,474 | 23,836 | 24,073 | 23,644 |  24,978 |
| period                |        |        |        |        |        |         |

SEGMENT INFORMATION BY QUARTER                                                  

Revenue by business segment (EUR million)                                  

|                       | I/2007 | II/2007|III/2007| IV/2007| I/2008 | II/2008 |
|                       |        |        |        |        |        |         |
| Building Systems      |  367.7 |  410.3 |  392.3 |  479.7 |  418.1 |   480.5 |
| Construction Services |  291.5 |  307.0 |  272.5 |  287.2 |  284.9 |   308.6 |
| Finland               |        |        |        |        |        |         |
| International         |   79.3 |  115.2 |  139.6 |  152.0 |  154.3 |   119.5 |
| Construction Services |        |        |        |        |        |         |
| Industrial Services   |  110.7 |  129.6 |  118.7 |  130.8 |   90.9 |   110.9 |
| 1)                    |        |        |        |        |        |         |
| Other items           |  -14.1 |  -22.8 |  -16.4 |  -22.7 |  -21.2 |   -28.3 |
| YIT Group, total      |  833.5 |  939.3 |  906.7 | 1,027. |  927.0 |   991.2 |
|                       |        |        |        |      0 |        |         |

1) The revenue for 2007 includes the Network Services division, which was sold  
on December 31, 2007. Network Services revenue for 1-12/2007 amounted to EUR 77 

Operating profit by business segment (EUR million)                              

|                       | I/2007 | II/2007|III/2007|IV/2007 | I/2008 | II/2008 |
|                       |        |        |        |        |        |         |
| Building Systems      |   18.8 |   25.6 |   26.7 |   41.1 |   26.3 |    32.6 |
| Construction Services |   35.6 |   35.5 |   33.4 |   29.0 |   35.4 |    29.4 |
| Finland 1)            |        |        |        |        |        |         |
| International         |    5.6 |   16.0 |   23.9 |   21.7 |   16.1 |     6.1 |
| Construction Services |        |        |        |        |        |         |
| Industrial Services   |    5.0 |    5.8 |    8.1 |   22.3 |    5.2 |     8.5 |
| 2)                    |        |        |        |        |        |         |
| Other items           |   -3.8 |   -4.4 |   -2.7 |   -5.4 |   -4.4 |    -6.1 |
| YIT Group, total      |   61.2 |   78.5 |   89.4 |  108.7 |   78.6 |    70.5 |

Operating profit margin by business segment (%)                                 

|                       | I/2007 |II/2007 |III/2007| IV/2007| I/2008 | II/2008 |
|                       |        |        |        |        |        |         |
| Building Systems      |   5.1% |   6.2% |   6.8% |   8.6% |   6.3% |    6.8% |
| Construction Services |  12.2% |  11.6% |  12.3% |  10.1% |  12.4% |    9.5% |
| Finland 1)            |        |        |        |        |        |         |
| International         |   7.1% |  13.9% |  17.1% |  14.3% |  10.4% |    5.1% |
| Construction Services |        |        |        |        |        |         |
| Industrial Services   |   4.5% |   4.5% |   6.8% |  17.0% |   5.7% |    7.7% |
| 2)                    |        |        |        |        |        |         |
| YIT Group, total      |   7.3% |   8.4% |   9.9% |  10.6% |   8.5% |    7.1% |

1) The Supreme Court issued its ruling on disputes connected with the renovation
of SOK's former head office building on March 10, 2008. The ruling had a        
positive effect of EUR 3.5 million on the Construction Services Finland         
operating profit for 1-3/2008.                                                  

2) The operating profit for 2007 includes the Network Services division, which  
was sold on December 31, 2007. The operating profit for the Industrial Services 
for 1-3/2007 includes EUR -1.0 million due to costs from restructuring of the   
Network Services division. The operating profit for 10-12/2007 includes positive
non-recurring items of EUR 14.4 million from the divestment of Network Services 

Order backlog by business segment at end of period (EUR million)                

|                       | I/2007 |II/2007 |III/2007|IV/2007 | I/2008 | II/2008 |
|                       |        |        |        |        |        |         |
| Building Systems      |  670.3 |  721.8 |  740.5 |  707.7 |  825.3 |   799.9 |
| Construction Services | 1,026. | 1,193. | 1,128. | 1,183. | 1,306. | 1,264.8 |
| Finland               |      1 |      1 |      9 |      8 |      4 |         |
| International         | 1,111. | 1,185. | 1,134. | 1,462. | 1,381. | 1,483.7 |
| Construction Services |      8 |      2 |      4 |      7 |      7 |         |
| Industrial Services   |  228.8 |  213.6 |  221.7 |  219.2 |  224.3 |   222.8 |
| 1)                    |        |        |        |        |        |         |
| Other items           |  -41.6 |  -38.5 |  -53.0 |  -64.1 | -110.7 |  -100.8 |
| YIT Group, total      | 2,995. | 3,275. | 3,172. | 3,509. | 3,627. | 3,670.4 |
|                       |      4 |      2 |      5 |      3 |      0 |         |

1) The order backlog I/2007, II/2007 and III/2007 include the Network Services  
division, which was divested on December 31, 2007.                              

2. CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JAN 1 - JUN 30, 2008                       

CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT JAN 1 - JUN 30, 2008 (EUR million)                

|                                 | 1-6/2008 | 1-6/2007 |  Change, | 1-12/2007 |
|                                 |          |          |        % |           |
| Revenue                         |  1,918.2 |  1,772.8 |        8 |   3,706.5 |
| of which activities outside     |    976.7 |    816.9 |       20 |   1,798.5 |
| Finland                         |          |          |          |           |
| Operating income and expenses   | -1,754.3 | -1,621.0 |        8 |  -3,342.7 |
| Share of results of associated  |      0.1 |      0.6 |      -83 |       1.2 |
| companies                       |          |          |          |           |
| Depreciation and write-downs    |    -14.9 |    -12.7 |       17 |     -27.2 |
| Operating profit                |    149.1 |    139.7 |        7 |     337.8 |
|   % of revenue                  |      7.8 |      7.9 |        - |       9.1 |
| Financial income 1)             |      3.8 |      1.1 |       *) |       2.6 |
| Exchange rate differences       |     -3.4 |     -1.7 |      100 |      -3.8 |
| Financial expenses              |    -18.7 |    -14.5 |       29 |     -31.0 |
| Profit before taxes             |    130.8 |    124.6 |        5 |     305.6 |
|   % of revenue                  |      6.8 |      7.0 |        - |       8.2 |
| Income taxes 2)                 |    -36.6 |    -32.1 |       14 |     -77.6 |
| Profit for the report period    |     94.2 |     92.5 |        2 |     228.0 |
|   % of revenue                  |      4.9 |      5.2 |        - |       6.2 |
| Attributable to                 |          |          |          |           |
| Equity holders of the parent    |     93.2 |     92.0 |        1 |     224.9 |
| company                         |          |          |          |           |
| Minority interests              |      1.0 |      0.5 |      100 |       3.1 |
| Earnings per share attributable |          |          |          |           |
| to the equity holders of the    |          |          |          |           |
| parent company                  |          |          |          |           |
| Earnings per share, EUR         |     0.73 |     0.73 |        0 |      1.77 |
| Diluted earnings per share, EUR |     0.73 |     0.72 |        1 |      1.77 |

1) The financial income of the review period includes EUR +2.2 million due to   
the ruling of the Supreme Court of disputes over the refurbishing of SOK's      
former head office in Finland.      
2) Income taxes are divided between periods on the basis of the result of the   
reporting period.                                                               
*) Change over 100 %.                                                           
CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT APR 1 - JUN 30, 2008 (EUR million)                

|                                       |   4-6/2008 |   4-6/2007 |  Change, % |
| Revenue                               |      991.2 |      939.3 |          6 |
|   of which activities outside Finland |      494.2 |      445.0 |         11 |
| Operating income and expenses         |     -913.1 |     -854.7 |          8 |
| Share of results of associated        |        0.1 |        0.4 |        -75 |
| companies                             |            |            |            |
| Depreciation and write-downs          |       -7.7 |       -6.5 |         18 |
| Operating profit                      |       70.5 |       78.5 |        -10 |
|   % of revenue                        |        7.1 |        8.4 |        -15 |
| Financial income                      |        0.6 |        0.5 |         20 |
| Exchange rate differences             |       -2.6 |       -1.6 |         63 |
| Financial expenses                    |       -8.0 |       -7.6 |          5 |
| Profit before taxes                   |       60.5 |       69.8 |        -13 |
|   % of revenue                        |        6.1 |        7.4 |        -18 |
| Income taxes                          |      -17.5 |      -17.4 |          1 |
| Profit for the report period          |       43.0 |       52.4 |        -18 |
|   % of revenue                        |        4.3 |        5.6 |        -22 |
| Attributable to                       |            |            |            |
| Equity holders of the parent company  |       42.6 |       52.4 |        -19 |
| Minority interests                    |        0.4 |          0 |         *) |
|                                       |            |            |            |
| Earnings per share attributable to    |            |            |            |
| the equity holders of the parent      |            |            |            |
| company                               |            |            |            |
| Earnings per share, EUR               |       0.33 |       0.42 |        -21 |
| Diluted earnings per share, EUR       |       0.33 |       0.41 |        -20 |

*) Change over 100 %.                                                           
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (EUR million)                                        

|                                 |   6/2008 |   6/2007 |  Change, |   12/2007 |
|                                 |          |          |        % |           |
| ASSETS                          |          |          |          |           |
| Non-current assets              |          |          |          |           |
| Property, plant and equipment   |     95.0 |     92.6 |        3 |      92.5 |
| Goodwill                        |    240.6 |    248.8 |       -3 |     240.6 |
| Other intangible assets         |     33.2 |     19.6 |       69 |      27.1 |
| Shares in associated companies  |      3.9 |      3.2 |       22 |       3.6 |
| Investments                     |      2.3 |      2.9 |      -21 |       2.5 |
| Receivables                     |     19.3 |     18.6 |        4 |      15.1 |
| Deferred tax assets             |     28.0 |     25.6 |        9 |      27.2 |
| Current assets                  |          |          |          |           |
| Inventories                     |  1,358.6 |  1,157.2 |       17 |   1,265.0 |
| Trade and other receivables     |    789.4 |    726.9 |        9 |     727.5 |
| Cash and cash equivalents       |     35.2 |     50.7 |      -31 |      60.2 |
| Total assets                    |  2,605.5 |  2,346.1 |       11 |   2,461.3 |
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES          |          |          |          |           |
| Equity attributable to equity   |          |          |          |           |
| holders of the parent company   |          |          |          |           |
| Share capital                   |    149.2 |    147.0 |        1 |     149.1 |
| Other equity                    |    655.4 |    536.3 |       22 |     665.4 |
| Minority interests              |      4.9 |      4.5 |        9 |       3.8 |
| Total equity                    |    809.5 |    687.8 |       18 |     818.3 |
| Non-current liabilities         |          |          |          |           |
| Deferred tax liabilities        |     77.2 |     61.7 |       25 |      71.5 |
| Pension liabilities             |      6.9 |      8.4 |      -18 |       7.5 |
| Provisions                      |     35.2 |     34.1 |        3 |      34.2 |
| Interest-bearing liabilities    |    389.5 |    400.8 |       -3 |     356.9 |
| Other liabilities               |      1.6 |      3.0 |      -47 |       1.7 |
| Current liabilities             |          |          |          |           |
| Trade and other payables        |    990.8 |    931.3 |        6 |     928.3 |
| Provisions                      |     23.9 |     20.2 |       18 |      24.8 |
| Interest-bearing current        |    270.9 |    198.8 |       36 |     218.1 |
| liabilities                     |          |          |          |           |
| Total equity and liabilities    |  2,605.5 |  2,346.1 |       11 |   2,461.3 |


|          | Share| Share| Legal| Ot- | Cumu-  | Fair  | Re-   | Mino- | Total |
|          | capi-| pre- | re-  | her | lative | value |tained | rity  | equity|
|          | tal  | mium | serve| re- | trans- | re-   | ear-  | inte- |       |
|          |      | re-  |      | ser-| lation | serve | nings | rest  |       |
|          |      | serve|      | ve  | diffe- |       |       |       |       |
|          |      |      |      |     | rences |       |       |       |       |
| Equity   | 149.1|  0.0 |  1.0 | 13.9|   -9.0 |   2.0 | 657.6 |   3.8 | 818.4 |
| on Jan   |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| 1, 2008  |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| Bonus    |      |    - |    - |   - |      - |     - |     - |     - |     - |
| issue    |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| Shares   |  0.1 |    - |    - |   - |      - |     - |     - |     - |     - |
| subscrib |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| ed with  |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| options  |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| Change   |    - |    - |    - |   - |      - |   1.0 |     - |     - |     - |
| in the   |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| fair     |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| value of |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| interest |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| deriva-  |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| tives    |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| Change   |    - |    - |    - |   - |   -3.8 |     - |     - |     - |     - |
| in       |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| trans-   |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| lation   |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| diffe-   |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| rences   |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| Employee |    - |    - |    - |   - |      - |     - |   1.6 |     - |     - |
| share    |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| option   |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| scheme   |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| Net      |    - |    - |    - |   - |      - |     - |  93.2 |   1.0 |     - |
| profit   |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| for the  |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| period   |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| Dividend |    - |    - |    - |   - |      - |     - | -101. |       |     - |
| paid     |      |      |      |     |        |       |     8 |       |       |
| Other    |    - |    - |  0.4 |   - |      - |     - |  -0.7 |   0.1 |     - |
| change   |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| Equity   | 149. |  0.0 |  1.4 | 13. |  -12.8 |   3.0 | 649.9 |   4.9 | 809.5 |
| on Jun   |    2 |      |      |   9 |        |       |       |       |       |
| 30, 2008 |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
|          | Share| Share| Legal| Ot- | Cumu-  | Fair  | Re-   | Mino- | Total |
|          | ca-  | pre- | re-  | her | lative | value |tained | rity  | equity|
|          | pital| mium | serve| re- | trans- | re-   | ear-  | inte- |       |
|          |      | re-  |      |serve| lation | serve | nings | rest  |       |
|          |      | serve|      |     | diffe- |       |       |       |       |
|          |      |      |      |     | rences |       |       |       |       |
| Equity   | 63.4 | 83.8 |  0.8 | 13. |   -4.5 |   1.0 | 512.3 |   3.9 | 674.4 |
| on Jan   |      |      |      |   7 |        |       |       |       |       |
| 1, 2007  |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| Bonus    | 82.8 | -82. |    - |   - |      - |     - |     - |     - |     - |
| issue    |      |    8 |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| Shares   |  0.8 |    - |    - |   - |      - |     - |     - |     - |     - |
| subscrib |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| ed with  |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| options  |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| Change   |    - |    - |    - |   - |      - |   2.0 |     - |     - |     - |
| in the   |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| fair     |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| value of |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| interest |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| deriva-  |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| tives    |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| Change   |    - |    - |    - |   - |   -1.4 |     - |     - |     - |     - |
| in       |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| trans-   |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| lation   |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| diffe-   |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| rences   |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| Employee |    - |    - |    - |   - |      - |     - |   1.8 |     - |     - |
| share    |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| option   |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| scheme   |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| Net      |    - |    - |    - |   - |      - |     - |  92.0 |   0.5 |     - |
| profit   |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| for the  |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| period   |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| Dividend |    - |    - |    - |   - |      - |     - | -82.4 |       |     - |
| paid     |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| Other    |    - | -1.0 |  0.2 | 0.9 |      - |     - | -0.1  |   0.1 |     - |
| change   |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| Equity   | 147. |  0.0 |  1.0 | 14. |   -5.9 |   3.0 | 523.6 |   4.5 | 687.8 |
| on Jun   |    0 |      |      |   6 |        |       |       |       |       |
| 30, 2007 |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
|          | Share| Share| Legal| Ot- | Cumu-  | Fair  | Re-   | Mino- | Total |
|          | ca-  | pre- | re-  | her | lative | value |tained | rity  | equity|
|          | pital| mium | serve| re- | trans- | re-   | ear-  | inte- |       |
|          |      | re-  |      |serve| lation | serve | nings | rest  |       |
|          |      | serve|      |     | diffe- |       |       |       |       |
|          |      |      |      |     | rences |       |       |       |       |
| Equity   | 63.4 | 83.8 |  0.8 | 13. |   -4.5 |   1.0 | 512.3 |   3.9 | 674.4 |
| on Jan   |      |      |      |   7 |        |       |       |       |       |
| 1, 2007  |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| Bonus    | 82.8 | -82. |    - |   - |      - |     - |     - |     - |     - |
| issue    |      |    8 |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| Shares   |  2.9 |    - |    - |   - |      - |     - |     - |     - |     - |
| subscrib |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| ed with  |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| options  |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| Change   |    - |    - |    - |   - |      - |   1.0 |     - |     - |     - |
| in the   |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| fair     |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| value of |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| interest |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| deriva-  |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| tives    |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| Change   |    - |    - |    - |   - |   -4.5 |     - |  -1.3 |     - |     - |
| in       |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| trans-   |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| lation   |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| diffe-   |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| rences   |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| Employee |    - |    - |    - | 0.2 |      - |     - |   4.2 |     - |     - |
| share    |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| option   |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| scheme   |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| Net      |    - |    - |    - |   - |      - |     - | 224.9 |   3.0 |     - |
| profit   |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| for the  |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| period   |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| Dividend |    - |    - |    - |   - |      - |     - | -82.4 |  -0.1 |     - |
| paid     |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| Other    |    - | -1.0 |  0.2 | 0.0 |      - |     - |  -0.1 |  -2.9 |     - |
| change   |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |
| Equity   | 149. |  0.0 |  1.0 | 13. |   -9.0 |   2.0 | 657.6 |   3.8 | 818.4 |
| on Dec   |    1 |      |      |   9 |        |       |       |       |       |
| 31, 2007 |      |      |      |     |        |       |       |       |       |

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT (EUR million)                                  

|                                 | 1-6/2008 | 1-6/2007 |  Change, | 1-12/2007 |
|                                 |          |          |        % |           |
| Cash flows from operating       |          |          |          |           |
| activities                      |          |          |          |           |
| Net profit for the period       |     94.2 |     92.5 |        2 |     228.0 |
| Reversal of accrual-based items |     70.4 |     60.3 |       17 |     120.5 |
| Change in working capital       |          |          |          |           |
| Change in trade and other       |    -63.6 |    -37.6 |       69 |     -32.9 |
| receivables                     |          |          |          |           |
| Change in inventories           |    -92.2 |   -149.7 |      -38 |    -259.8 |
| Change in current liabilities   |     33.3 |    123.6 |      -73 |     118.7 |
| Change in working capital,      |   -122.5 |    -63.7 |       92 |    -174.0 |
| total                           |          |          |          |           |
| Interest paid                   |     -8.6 |     -7.9 |        9 |     -27.3 |
| Interest received               |      3.9 |      1.1 |       *) |       2.4 |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Taxes paid                      |    -24.1 |    -26.1 |       -8 |     -66.2 |
| Net cash generated from         |     13.3 |     56.2 |      -76 |      83.4 |
| operating activities            |          |          |          |           |
| Cash flows from investing       |          |          |          |           |
| activities                      |          |          |          |           |
| Acquisition of subsidiaries,    |     -9.3 |     -5.1 |       82 |     -14.1 |
| net of cash                     |          |          |          |           |
| Proceeds from sale of shares in |        0 |      0.5 |       *) |       0.4 |
| associated companies            |          |          |          |           |
| Purchase of property, plant and |     -7.8 |    -12.7 |      -39 |     -28.7 |
| equipment                       |          |          |          |           |
| Purchase of intangible assets   |     -8.5 |     -2.7 |       *) |      -6.4 |
| Increases in other investments  |     -0.1 |        0 |      *)  |      -0.1 |
| Disposals of subsidiaries and   |        0 |        0 |       -  |      31.7 |
| businesses                      |          |          |          |           |
| Proceeds from sale of shares in |        0 |        0 |       -  |       4.4 |
| associated companies            |          |          |          |           |
| Proceeds from sale of fixed     |      2.5 |      2.3 |        9 |         0 |
| assets                          |          |          |          |           |
| Proceeds from sale of other     |      0.2 |      0.0 |      *)  |           |
| investments                     |          |          |          |           |
| Net cash used in investing      |    -23.0 |    -17.7 |       30 |     -12.9 |
| activities                      |          |          |          |           |
| Cash flow from financing        |          |          |          |           |
| activities                      |          |          |          |           |
| Proceeds from share issues      |      0.1 |      0.8 |      -88 |       2.9 |
| Decrease in loan receivables    |        0 |      0.1 |       *) |       0.1 |
| Change in current liabilities   |     49.4 |    -54.9 |       *) |     -49.1 |
| Proceeds from borrowings        |     40.0 |    128.5 |      -69 |     168.1 |
| Repayments of borrowings        |     -2.5 |     -4.6 |      -46 |     -74.2 |
| Payments of financial leasing   |     -0.3 |     -1.0 |      -70 |      -1.4 |
| debts                           |          |          |          |           |
| Dividends paid                  |   -102.0 |    -82.6 |       23 |     -82.6 |
| Net cash used in financing      |    -15.3 |    -13.7 |       12 |     -36.2 |
| activities                      |          |          |          |           |
| Net change in cash and cash     |    -25.0 |     24.8 |       *) |      34.3 |
| equivalents                     |          |          |          |           |
| Cash and cash equivalents at    |     60.2 |     25.9 |       *) |      25.9 |
| the beginning of the period     |          |          |          |           |
| Cash and cash equivalents at    |     35.2 |     50.7 |      -31 |      60.2 |
| the end of the period           |          |          |          |           |

*) Change over 100%.                                                            

3. NOTES                                                                        

ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES OF THE INTERIM REPORT                                     

YIT Corporation's Interim Report for January 1 - June 30, 2008 has been drafted 
in line with IAS 34: Interim Financial Reporting. YIT has applied the same      
accounting policy and IFRS standards and interpretations in the drafting of the 
Interim Report as in its annual financial statements for 2007. The information  
presented in the Interim Report has not been audited.                           

Assessment of the future impact of new standards and interpretations            

In July 2008, IFRIC published a new interpretation guide IFRIC15: Agreements for
the Construction of Real Estate, the main effect of which on YIT Group will be  
on the income recognition procedures for development projects. The              
interpretation guide must be applied from 1 January 2009, assuming the European 
Commission has approved it by that date. The Group's management is analysing the
effects of the application of the interpretation guide on the financial data    
reported by the Group.                                                          

FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT                                                       

The principles described in the annual financial statements 2007 have been      
applied in the management of financial risks.                                   

SEGMENT INFORMATION                                                             

YIT's business operations are divided into four business segments: Building     
Systems, Construction Services Finland, International Construction Services and 
Industrial Services.                                                            

Revenue by business segment (EUR million)                                       

|                                 | 1-6/2008 | 1-6/2007 |  Change, | 1-12/2007 |
|                                 |          |          |        % |           |
| Building Systems                |    898.6 |    778.0 |       16 |   1,650.0 |
| Construction Services Finland   |    593.5 |    598.5 |       -1 |   1,158.2 |
| International Construction      |    273.8 |    194.5 |       41 |     486.1 |
| Services                        |          |          |          |           |
| Industrial Services 1)          |    201.8 |    240.3 |      -16 |     489.8 |
| Other items                     |    -49.5 |    -38.5 |       29 |     -77.6 |
| YIT Group, total                |  1,918.2 |  1,772.8 |        8 |   3,706.5 |

1) The revenue for 2007 includes the Network Services division, which was sold  
on December 31, 2007. Network Services revenue for 1-12/2007 amounted to EUR 77 

Operating profit by business segment (EUR million)                              

|                                 | 1-6/2008 | 1-6/2007 |  Change, | 1-12/2007 |
|                                 |          |          |        % |           |
| Building Systems                |     58.9 |     44.4 |       33 |     112.2 |
| Construction Services Finland   |     64.8 |     71.1 |       -9 |     133.5 |
| 1)                              |          |          |          |           |
| International Construction      |     22.2 |     21.6 |        3 |      67.2 |
| Services                        |          |          |          |           |
| Industrial Services 2)          |     13.7 |     10.8 |       27 |      41.2 |
| Other items                     |    -10.5 |     -8.2 |       28 |     -16.3 |
| YIT Group, total                |    149.1 |    139.7 |        7 |     337.8 |

1) The Supreme Court issued its ruling on disputes connected with the renovation
of SOK's former head office building on March 10, 2008. The ruling had a        
positive effect of EUR 3.5 million on the Construction Services Finland         
operating profit for 1-3/2008.                                                  

2) The operating profit for 2007 includes the Network Services division, which  
was sold on December 31, 2007. The operating profit for the Industrial Services 
for 1-3/2007 includes EUR -1.0 million due to costs from restructuring of the   
Network Services division. The operating profit for 10-12/2007 includes positive
non-recurring items of EUR 14.4 million from the divestment of Network Services 

Order backlog by business segment at end of period (EUR million)                

|                                 |   6/2008 |   6/2007 |  Change, | 1-12/2007 |
|                                 |          |          |        % |           |
| Building Systems                |    799.9 |    721.8 |       11 |     707.7 |
| Construction Services Finland   |  1,264.8 |  1,193.1 |        6 |   1,183.8 |
| International Construction      |  1,483.7 |  1,185.2 |       25 |   1,462.7 |
| Services                        |          |          |          |           |
| Industrial Services 1)          |    222.8 |    213.6 |        4 |     219.2 |
| Other items                     |   -100.8 |    -38.5 |       *) |     -64.1 |
| YIT Group, total                |  3,670.4 |  3,275.2 |       12 |   3,509.3 |

1) The order backlog 6/2007 includes the Network Services division, which was   
divested on December 31, 2007.                                                  
*) Change over 100 %.                                                           

UNUSUAL ITEMS AFFECTING OPERATING PROFIT (EUR million)                          

|                                                |     1-6/2008 |     1-6/2007 |
| Industrial Services                            |              |              |
| Rearrangements                                 |            - |         -1.0 |
| Construction Services Finland                  |          3.5 |            - |
| YIT Group, total                               |          3.5 |         -1.0 |

The operating profit for the Industrial Services segment for 1-3/2007 includes  
EUR -1.0 million due to costs from restructuring of the Network Services        
division. The Network Services division was divested on December 31, 2007.      

The Supreme Court issued its ruling on disputes connected with the renovation of
SOK's former head office building on March 10, 2008. The ruling had a positive  
effect of EUR 3.5 million on the Construction Services Finland operating profit 
for 1-3/2008.                                                                   

ACQUIRED BUSINESSES (EUR million)                                               

Building Systems segment boosted its competence as a provider of energy         
efficiency services by acquiring building automation specialist Computec Oy in  
Finland and made small corporate acquisitions and purchases of business         
operations in Finland, Norway and Sweden.                                       

The total purchase price of the acquired businesses was EUR 10.4 million.       
Goodwill was allocated to intangible rights.                                    

|                                         |  The fair value |         Seller's |
|                                         |      in balance |  carrying amount |
|                                         |           sheet |       before the |
|                                         |                 |    consolidation |
| The effect on balance sheet assets and  |                 |                  |
| liabilities:                            |                 |                  |
| Property, plant and equipment           |             0.8 |              0.8 |
| Intangible assets                       |             8.0 |              0.3 |
| Inventories                             |             1.3 |              1.3 |
| Trade and other receivables             |             2.4 |              2.4 |
| Cash and cash equivalents               |             1.0 |              1.0 |
| Other liabilities                       |            -3.1 |             -3.1 |
| Acquired net assets                     |            10.4 |              2.7 |
| Total consideration                     |            10.4 |                  |
| Goodwill                                |               0 |                  |
| The effect on cash flow:                |                 |                  |
| Paid in cash                            |            10.4 |                  |
| Cash and cash equivalents in acquired   |            -1.1 |                  |
| entity                                  |                 |                  |
| Cash flow on acquisitions               |             9.3 |                  |

CHANGES IN PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT (EUR million)                          

|                                       |   1-6/2008 |   1-6/2007 |  Change, % |
| Carrying value at the beginning of    |       92.5 |       91.8 |          1 |
| period                                |            |            |            |
| Increase                              |       14.5 |       13.0 |         12 |
| Increase through acquisitions         |        0.8 |        0.9 |        -11 |
| Decrease                              |       -2.3 |       -1.4 |         64 |
| Depreciation and value adjustments    |      -10.2 |       -9.6 |          6 |
| Reclassification                      |       -0.3 |       -2.1 |        -86 |
| Carrying value at the end of period   |       95.0 |       92.6 |          3 |

INVENTORIES (EUR million)                                                       

|                                       |   1-6/2008 |   1-6/2007 |  Change, % |
| Raw materials and consumables         |       22.7 |       25.8 |        -12 |
| Work in progress                      |      582.8 |      493.3 |         18 |
| Land areas and plot owing companies   |      599.0 |      520.2 |         15 |
| Shares in completed housing and real  |       79.0 |       66.1 |         20 |
| estate companies                      |            |            |            |
| Advance payments                      |       75.0 |       47.4 |         58 |
| Other inventories                     |        0.1 |        4.4 |        -98 |
| Total inventories                     |    1,358.6 |    1,157.2 |         17 |

NOTES ON EQUITY (EUR million)                                                   

| Share capital and share premium       |  Number of |      Share |      Total |
| reserve                               |    shares, |    capital |            |
|                                       |       1000 |            |            |
| Jan 1, 2008                           | 127,217,87 |      149.1 |      149.1 |
|                                       |          2 |            |            |
| Share subscription with options       |      5,550 |        0.1 |        0.1 |
| Jun 30, 2008                          | 127,223,42 |      149.2 |      149.2 |
|                                       |          2 |            |            |

INTEREST-BEARING LIABILITIES (EUR million)	 	                                   

No new bonds were raised during the review period.                              

|                                       |     6/2008 |     6/2007 |  Change, % |
| Collateral given for own commitments  |            |            |            |
|   Corporate mortgages                 |       31,3 |       29,3 |          7 |
|   Real estate mortgages               |        1,0 |          - |         *) |
|   Pledged shares                      |          - |        1,5 |        *)  |
| Other commitments                     |            |            |            |
|   Repurchase commitments              |      205,6 |      231,8 |        -11 |
|   Operating leases                    |      291,1 |      259,0 |         12 |
|   Rental guarantees for clients       |        9,0 |        8,6 |          5 |
|   Other contingent liabilities        |        0,6 |        0,8 |        -25 |
|   Guarantees given                    |        8,3 |          0 |         *) |
| Liability under derivative contracts  |            |            |            |
|   Value of underlying instruments     |            |            |            |
|   Interest rate derivatives           |      273,6 |      298,1 |         -8 |
|   Foreign exchange derivatives        |      265,8 |      181,9 |         46 |
|   Market value                        |            |            |            |
|   Interest rate derivatives           |        5,5 |        5,2 |          6 |
|   Foreign exchange derivatives        |        0,8 |       -1,0 |         *) |
| Contingent assets                     |            |            |            |
|   Legal processes                     |          0 |       11,1 |         *) |

*) Change over 100%.                                                            

TRANSACTIONS WITH ASSOCIATED COMPANIES (EUR million)                            

|                                 | 1-6/2008 | 1-6/2007 |  Change, | 1-12/2007 |
|                                 |          |          |        % |           |
| Sales to associated companies   |      1.8 |      0.5 |      260 |       4.8 |
| Purchases from associated       |      2.4 |      2.0 |       20 |      40.1 |
| companies                       |          |          |          |           |
| Trade and other receivables     |        0 |        0 |       -  |       0.1 |
| Trade and other liabilities     |      0.4 |      0.5 |      -20 |       0.8 |

*) Change over 100%.                                                            

EVENTS AFTER THE END OF THE REVIEW PERIOD                                       

Julius Baer Holding Ltd informed YIT on July 15, 2008 that following a share    
transaction on July 10, 2008 Julius Baer Holding Ltd's group of companies'      
holding of YIT Corporation's share capital and voting rights has fallen to 4.99 
per cent.                                                                       

YIT Building Systems Ltd divested the business operations connected to          
investment, lease management and financial administration services in facility  
management. The sale of the operations came into force on July 1, 2008.         

On May 29, 2008, YIT Construction Ltd signed an acquisition agreement for 85 per
cent holding in a Czech company, Euro Stavokonsult s.r.o. The company will be   
consolidated to YIT Group from July 1, 2008 onwards.