2007-05-10 07:00:00 CEST

2007-05-10 07:00:00 CEST


OKO Pankki Oyj - Quarterly report

OKO Bank Plc Interim Report 1 January - 31 March 2007 and the President and CEO's comments

The President and CEO's comments:                                               

"In the first quarter of the year, consolidated earnings before tax stood at    
EUR 65 million. The earnings were good although they included EUR 10 million in 
liquidated damages plus interest to be paid by OKO Bank on the basis of the     
ruling by the Arbitral Tribunal.                                                

In Banking and Investment Services, performance and growth continued to be      
strong. In the first quarter, the loan portfolio increased by 5%. In the last 12
months, the growth was 18%. The risk exposure remained favourable in the first  
quarter of the year.                                                            

In Non-life Insurance, the balance on technical account was in line with our    
expectations in January-March. Return on investments was good. Growth in        
insurance premium revenue and the number of new customers continued to be brisk,
boosted by cooperation with OP Bank Group member cooperative banks. Cost        
synergies related to insurance operations increased by EUR 3 million in the     
first quarter of the year.                                                      

The Group has a good basis for achieving the earnings improvements targeted for 
the year 2007."                                                                 

Helsinki, 10 May 2007                                                           

Mikael Silvennoinen                                                             

OKO BANK PLC INTERIM REPORT 1 JANUARY - 31 MARCH 2007                           

- Earnings before tax amounted to EUR 65 million (69). 1)                       

- Excluding the effect of one-off items, consolidated net earnings increased by 
9% and expenses remained at the same level as in the comparative period.        

- Earnings per share were EUR 0.25 (0.26). Equity per share was EUR 8.65 (8.99).

- Return on equity stood at 13.7% (8.5).                                        

- The loan and guarantee portfolio of Banking and Investment Services increased 
by 3% and 21% in a year.                                                        

- Insurance premium revenue increased by 9%. The net number of Pohjola's loyal  
customers increased by 8 900 in January-March.                                  

- The liquidated damages of EUR 10 million related to the termination of the    
cooperation agreement between Pohjola Group plc and savings banks was entered as
an expense in the earnings for the review period.                               

- The Arbitral Tribunal's decision of 2 May 2007 to increase the redemption     
price payable to Pohjola Group plc's minority shareholders by EUR 1.00 to       
EUR 14.35 per share will be recognised for the second quarter of the year. The  
decision will have no material effect on earnings.                              

The figures in this release are unaudited.                                      

1) Year 2006 figures for the corresponding periods are used as comparative      
figures. The end of year 2006 figure is used when comparing balance sheet and   
other cross-sectional items.                                                    

| Key figures                           |       1-3/ |       1-3/ |      1-12/ |
|                                       |       2007 |       2006 |       2006 |
|                                       |            |            |    31 Dec. |
| Earnings before tax, EUR million      |         65 |         69 |        223 |
| Profit for the period, EUR million    |         50 |         53 |        180 |
| Return on equity, %                   |       13.7 |        8.5 |        9.5 |
|                                       |            |            |            |
| Balance sheet total, EUR billion      |       26.5 |       23.1 |       24.2 |
| Risk-weighted items, EUR billion      |       12.2 |       10.9 |       11.6 |
| Loan portfolio, EUR billion           |        8.3 |        7.1 |        7.9 |
| Assets under management, EUR billion  |       31.3 |       28.9 |       31.3 |
|                                       |            |            |            |
| Capital adequacy, %                   |       12.7 |       11.7 |       12.9 |
| Tier 1 ratio, %                       |        8.0 |        8.8 |        8.2 |
| Proportion of problem receivables     |        0.2 |        0.3 |        0.2 |
| to loans and guarantees, %            |            |            |            |
|                                       |            |            |            |
| Earnings per share, EUR               |       0.25 |       0.26 |       0.89 |
| Earnings per share including change   |       0.30 |       0.19 |       0.89 |
| in                                    |            |            |            |
| fair value, EUR                       |            |            |            |
| Earnings per share, diluted, EUR      |       0.25 |       0.26 |       0.89 |
| Equity per share, EUR                 |       8.65 |       8.33 |       8.99 |
| Market capitalisation                 |      2 595 |      2 698 |      2 583 |
| (Series A and K shares), EUR million  |            |            |            |
| Average personnel                     |      2 932 |      3 113 |      3 030 |

| Earnings by quarter              |  2006 |        |        |        |   2007 |
| EUR million                      |   1-3 |    4-6 |    7-9 |  10-12 |    1-3 |
| Net interest income              |    26 |     25 |     22 |     23 |     26 |
| Impairment losses on receivables |    -1 |      0 |      2 |      0 |      0 |
| Net interest income after        |    27 |     25 |     20 |     23 |     26 |
| impairment losses                |       |        |        |        |        |
| Net income from Non-life         |    86 |     90 |     68 |     84 |     94 |
| Insurance                        |       |        |        |        |        |
| Net commissions and fees         |    26 |     23 |     25 |     29 |     28 |
| Net trading income               |     3 |      2 |      6 |      9 |      7 |
| Net investment income            |    20 |      9 |      2 |      7 |     10 |
| Other operating income           |    12 |     13 |     11 |     13 |     13 |
| Total net income                 |   173 |    163 |    131 |    165 |    179 |
| Personnel costs                  |    42 |     45 |     36 |     42 |     41 |
| IT expenses                      |    11 |     11 |     10 |     10 |     11 |
| Amortisation and depreciation    |    15 |     14 |     14 |     15 |     15 |
| Other expenses                   |    37 |     35 |     32 |     41 |     47 |
| Total expenses                   |   104 |    105 |     92 |    108 |    114 |
| Share of associates'             |     0 |      0 |      0 |      0 |      0 |
| profits/losses                   |       |        |        |        |        |
| Earnings before tax              |    69 |     57 |     40 |     57 |     65 |
| Income tax                       |    16 |     15 |     -4 |     15 |     15 |
| Profit for the period            |    53 |     42 |     44 |     41 |     50 |
| Change in fair value reserve     |   -15 |    -33 |     36 |     12 |     11 |
| Earnings for the period at fair  |    38 |      9 |     80 |     53 |     61 |
| values                           |       |        |        |        |        |
| Return on equity, %              |   8.5 |    2.1 |   18.3 |   11.7 |   13.7 |
| Tier 1 ratio, %                  |   8.8 |    8.2 |    8.2 |    8.2 |    8.0 |

CONSOLIDATED EARNINGS                                                           

The OKO Bank Group's earnings before tax amounted to EUR 65 million (69) in the 
first quarter of 2007. The earnings of the first quarter were impaired by the   
liquidated damages of EUR 10 million related to the termination of the          
cooperation agreement between Pohjola Group plc and savings banks. Excluding the
effect of one-off items, consolidated net earnings increased by 9% but expenses 
remained at the same level as in the corresponding period.                      

The capital adequacy ratio at the end of the review period was 12.7% (12.9) and 
the Tier 1 ratio was 8.0% (8.2).                                                

Earnings per share were EUR 0.25 (0.26). Equity per share was EUR 8.65 (8.99).  

Annualised return on equity stood at 13.7% (8.5).                               

EARNINGS BY BUSINESS LINE                                                       

| Earnings before tax, EUR     |   2006 |        |        |         |     2007 |
| million                      |        |        |        |         |          |
|                              |    1-3 |    4-6 |    7-9 |   10-12 |      1-3 |
| Banking and Investment       |     47 |     37 |     35 |      43 |      45  |
| Services                     |        |        |        |         |          |
| Non-life Insurance           |     23 |     24 |     11 |      20 |      31  |
| Other Operations             |    -1  |     -4 |     -7 |      -7 |     -11  |

In Banking and Investment Services, earnings before tax amounted to EUR 45      
million (47). The earnings for the comparative period included a capital gain of
EUR 8 million recognised on the sale of the OMX shares. The loan portfolio of   
Corporate Banking increased by 5% and stood at EUR 8.3 billion at the end of    
March. The risk exposure remained good. The level of margins decreased from     
0.87% to 0.81% in the first quarter of the year.                                

In Non-life Insurance, earnings before tax stood at EUR 31 million (23).        
Insurance premium revenue increased by 9% to EUR 204 million (187). Investment  
income entered in the income statement increased to EUR 48 million (36).        
Investment income at fair values totalled EUR 64 million (32).                  

Earnings before tax from Other Operations was EUR 11 million negative (1 million
negative). The earnings before tax from Other Operations included the effect of 
liquidated damages totalling EUR 10 million, which were ruled by the Arbitral   
Tribunal on 2 April 2007 and which were entered under integration expenses. The 
earnings for the comparative period included a capital gain of EUR 2 million    
recognised on the sale of Eurocard shares.                                      


The combining of OKO Bank's and Pohjola's business operations proceeds according
to plan. The results so far support earlier estimates of income and cost        
synergies, the annual amount of which is estimated to increase to a good EUR 50 
million before tax by 2010.                                                     

Decisions made thus far result in annual savings of approximately EUR 28        
million, of which decisions worth EUR 3 million were taken in the first quarter 
of 2007. New cost savings are mainly gained from ICT functions in Non-life      
Insurance. Of the annual cost savings of EUR 28 million, EUR 13 million were    
gained in 2006. The cost savings for 2007 are estimated to total EUR 26 million 
and the cost savings as of year 2008 EUR 28 million. The materialisation of cost
savings decided in the first quarter of 2007 requires that investments of around
EUR 3 million be made in 2008.                                                  

In Non-life Insurance, the number of loyal customers increased by 8 900         
households, which was almost entirely gained through cooperation within the OP  
Bank Group. At the end of March, the number of loyal customers was over 376 000,
while the target by 2010 is 500 000. The average annual premiums written per    
loyal customer household are over EUR 600.                                      

The integration expenses allocated to the review period totalled around EUR 11  
million, of which the most significant impact was the liquidated damages of     
EUR 10 million paid to savings banks. In the period from September 2005 to March
2007, the integration expenses pertaining to the acquisition of Pohjola totalled
around EUR 21 million.                                                          


At the end of March, the Group had 2 967 employees, which is 41 employees more  
than at the end of 2006. A total of 734 employees (718) worked for Banking and  
Investment Services and a total of 2 182 employees (2 154) for Non-life         
Insurance. The Group Administration employed a total of 52 people (54).         


Aggregate investments totalled EUR 5 million (5), of which EUR 3 million (1)    
corresponded to investments made in Banking and Investment Services and EUR 2   
million (1) to investments made in Non-life Insurance. Of the investments, IT   
investments accounted for EUR 3 million (4) which were used for developing      
network services and streamlining internal processes.                           

CAPITAL ADEQUACY                                                                

The capital adequacy ratio impaired slightly owing to strong growth. The capital
adequacy ratio as per the Act on Credit Institutions was 12.7% (12.9), whereas  
the statutory minimum requirement is 8%. The Tier 1 ratio of OKO Bank's own     
funds on risk-weighted items was 8.0% (8.2). The risk-weighted items increased  
from EUR 11 627 million to EUR 12 239 million, i.e. 5.3% mainly as a result of  
growth in the loan portfolio and in notes and bonds.                            

Own funds grew from EUR 1 504 million to EUR 1 550 million mainly owing to an   
increase in earnings and the fair value reserve in the review period. Tier 1 own
funds totalled EUR 975 million (948). Capital loans accounted for EUR 224       
million of Tier 1 own funds, i.e. 22.9% (23.6). The requirement of own funds    
related to the coverage of market risks was EUR 104 million (81).               

The Arbitral Tribunal appointed by the Central Chamber of Commerce decided on   
2 May 2007 to set the redemption price of Pohjola shares at EUR 14.35 per share 
for those former minority shareholders of Pohjola who did not accept OKO Bank's 
redemption offer. The acquisition price of these shares in the accounts and     
capital adequacy calculations as at 31 March 2007 was the price as per OKO      
Bank's purchase offer (EUR 13.35 per share). The arbitral award will have no    
material impact on the consolidated earnings. The additional purchase price will
be entered in the balance sheet in the second quarter of the year. According to 
preliminary estimates, taking into account of the arbitral award in capital     
adequacy calculation as at 31 March 2007 would have decreased the Tier 1 ratio  
of OKO Bank's own funds on risk-weighted items to 7.8%.                         

RISK EXPOSURE                                                                   

Banking and Investment Services                                                 

In Banking and Investment Services, the risk exposure continued to be good      
despite strong growth. Total exposure grew by EUR 1.7 billion to EUR 28.0       

The relative share of investment-grade exposure - that is, ratings 1 to 4,      
excluding private customers - in total exposures increased to 76% (75), the     
share of ratings 11 to 12 was 0.2% (0.3) and that of non-rated exposure was 2%  
(3). Of the corporate exposure, the share of investment-grade corporate exposure
remained unchanged, at 51%. The corporate exposure of the two lowest rating     
classes was EUR 64 million (64), i.e. 0.6% of the corporate exposure.           

The amount of significant customer exposure declined from EUR 3.0 billion to    
EUR 2.8 billion. The proportion of problem receivables of the loan and guarantee
portfolio remained low, at 0.2%. Loan and guarantee losses and impairment losses
did not have any impact on earnings. Market risks were kept at a moderate level 
despite growth in the amount of notes and bonds and growth in the volumes of    
derivatives trading. The amount of liquidity reserves totalled EUR 6.5 billion  
(5.3) at the end of March. The effect of operational risks impairing the amount 
of earnings was EUR 0.4 million (less than 0.1 million).                        

Non-life Insurance                                                              

In Non-life Insurance, there were 51 (32) major or medium-sized losses in excess
of EUR 0.1 million. The claims incurred of these losses retained for own account
totalled EUR 18 million (11).                                                   

Of the investment portfolio, bonds and bond funds accounted for 70% (72) and    
equities for 18% (18). The duration of the fixed-income portfolio was lowered   
during the first quarter of the year from 4.8 years to 3.5 years. In            
fixed-income investments, the amount of investment-grade commercial paper       
holdings issued by banks and corporations was raised. Consequently, the average 
Standard & Poor's credit rating for the fixed-income portfolio decreased from AA
to AA-. Owing to a favourable trend in the capital markets, positive performance
in investment returns continued and the return on investments at fair values was

Credit ratings                                                                  

OKO Bank's credit ratings are as follows:                                       

| Credit rating agency          | Short-term funding   | Long-term funding     |
| Standard & Poor's             | A-1+                 | AA-                   |
| Moody's                       | P-1                  | Aa1                   |
| Fitch                         | F1+                  | AA-                   |

In April, Moody's updated the credit rating of OKO Bank's long-term funding to  
Aa1 (Aa2 on 31 December 2006). The credit rating outlook for OKO Bank is stable 
according to all of the above credit rating agencies.                           


The Annual General Meeting of OKO Bank plc, held on 27 March 2007, adopted the  
company's Financial Statements for 2006, granted discharge from liability for   
those accountable, and passed a resolution on the divided payout of EUR 0.65 for
Series A share and EUR 0.62 for Series K share. The number of members of the    
Board of Directors was confirmed at ten. In addition, the AGM approved the      
proposal by the Board of Directors for the amendment of the company's Articles  
of Association. The AGM also approved the authorisation to be granted to the    
Board for the issuance of new shares.                                           

KPMG Oy Ab, Authorised Public Accountants, with Mr Sixten Nyman, Authorised     
Public Accountant, (as reported by KPMG) as the chief auditor, and Mr Raimo     
Saarikivi, Authorised Public Accountant, were elected as the company's auditors.


The Annual General Meeting of OKO Bank plc, held on 27 March 2007, elected the  
following persons to the company's Board of Directors until the closing of the  
next AGM: Ms Merja Auvinen, Managing Director; Mr Erkki Böös, Senior Executive  
Vice President; Mr Eino Halonen, President and CEO; Mr Simo Kauppi, Deputy      
Managing Director; Ms Satu Lähteenmäki, Professor; Mr Harri Nummela, Executive  
Vice President; Mr Heikki Vitie, Deputy to the President; and Mr Tom von        
Weymarn. Of those elected, Mr Nummela has not previously been a member of the   
company's Board of Directors.                                                   

On the basis of their duties as per the Articles of Association, the OKO Bank   
Board of Directors also includes as the Chairman of the Board Mr Reijo Karhinen,
Executive Chairman of the OP Bank Group and Chairman of the Executive Board of  
the OP Bank Group Central Cooperative, and as the Vice Chairman of the Board    
Mr Tony Vepsäläinen, President of the Central Cooperative and Vice Chairman of  
the Executive Board of the Central Cooperative.                                 

In its organising meeting held after the AGM of OKO Bank plc on 27 March 2007,  
the Board of Directors elected members for the Board committees.                

The members of the Audit Committee are Mr Tom von Weymarn (Chairman); Ms Merja  
Auvinen, Managing Director; Mr Erkki Böös, Senior Executive Vice President and  
Mr Harri Nummela, Executive Vice President.                                     

The members of the Risk Management Committee are Mr Tony Vepsäläinen, President 
(Chairman); Mr Eino Halonen, President and CEO; Mr Simo Kauppi, Deputy Managing 
Director, and Mr Heikki Vitie, Deputy to the President.                         

The members of the Compensation Committee are Mr Reijo Karhinen, Executive      
Chairman (Chairman); Mr Tony Vepsäläinen, President and Ms Satu Lähteenmäki,    

The Board of Directors has assessed the independence of its members and         
concluded that Ms Satu Lähteenmäki and Mr Tom von Weymarn are independent of the
company and its major shareholders.                                             

SHARE CAPITAL AND SHAREHOLDERS                                                  

At the end of March, there were a total of 159.4 million Series A shares quoted 
on the Helsinki Stock Exchange. Series A shares represented 78.4% of all shares 
and 42% of votes. The number of Series K shares totalled around 44.0 million.   

At the end of the review period, the Series A share price was EUR 12.76 while   
the share-issue adjusted price was EUR 13.38 a year earlier. In January-March,  
the share price reached a high of EUR 14.20 and a low of EUR 12.62. Around      
38 million shares changed owners during the first quarter of the year. In the   
first quarter of 2006, the corresponding number was 40.7 million.               

At the end of March, OKO Bank had around 33 000 shareholders. The number        
increased by 700 shareholders from the turn of the year. Around 95% of the      
shareholders were private individuals. No significant changes occurred in the   
holdings of the major shareholders. The largest shareholder was the OP Bank     
Group Central Cooperative, which held 30% of OKO Bank's shares and 56.9% of the 
votes. The number of nominee registered shares in proportion to all Series A    
shares decreased from the year-end level of 19.7% to 18.7%.                     

EVENTS AFTER THE REVIEW PERIOD                                                  

In its ruling of 2 April 2007, the Arbitral Tribunal obligated OKO Bank to pay  
32 savings banks a total of around EUR 8.8 million in liquidated damages, plus  
interest and expenses. The impact of the Arbitral Tribunal ruling on the OKO    
Bank first quarter consolidated earnings before tax was around EUR 10 million.  
In accordance with the ruling of the Arbitral Tribunal, Pohjola Group plc had   
substantially violated provisions in the shareholder agreement on Nooa Savings  
Bank Ltd.                                                                       

The dispute on the shareholder agreement was related to the transaction through 
which OKO Bank, on 12 September 2005, acquired the majority shareholding in     
Pohjola from Suomi Mutual Life Assurance Company and Ilmarinen Mutual Pension   
Insurance Company. After the transaction, cooperation between the savings banks 
and Pohjola regarding Nooa Savings Bank came to an end. Pohjola later merged    
with OKO Bank at the end of 2006.                                               

On 19 April 2007, the 24 savings banks which had a majority shareholding in Nooa
Savings Bank Ltd acquired the shareholding of OKO Bank in Nooa Savings Bank at a
redemption price of EUR 6.3 million. OKO Bank had a 25% shareholding in Nooa    
Savings Bank.                                                                   

OKO Bank obtained possession of Nooa Savings Bank shares at the end of 2006 once
the earlier holder of the shares, Pohjola Group plc, had been merged with OKO   
Bank. In accordance with the Articles of Association of Nooa Savings Bank, the  
other shareholders of the company, in that connection, became entitled to redeem
the shares transferred to OKO Bank. The redemption does not have any impact on  
the OKO Bank Group earnings.                                                    

The Arbitral Tribunal appointed by the Central Chamber of Commerce decided on   
2 May 2007 to set the redemption price of the shares in Pohjola Group plc at EUR
14.35 per share. The Tribunal confirmed the annual interest payable on the      
redemption price from 13 June to 30 June 2006 at 5.5% and from 1 July 2006 at   
6.0%. The redemption price set by the Tribunal is EUR 1.00 higher than the      
redemption price of EUR 13.35 per share offered by OKO Bank.                    

On 29 June 2006, OKO Bank paid the former minority shareholders of Pohjola      
entitled to redemption (15 215 137 shares) EUR 13.35 per share in redemption    
price and, on this amount, an interest of 2.50% as of 13 June 2006.             

The remainder of the redemption price and interest will be paid to those        
entitled to it no later than within a month from the effective date of the      
arbitral award. OKO Bank will consider separately the option of submitting the  
validity of the arbitral award to the district court. The Finnish Companies Act 
provides that action must be brought within two months from the date when the   
interested party received a copy of the arbitral award. The arbitral award will 
have no material impact on the consolidated earnings. The additional purchase   
price will be entered in the balance sheet in the second quarter of the year.   

Pohjola Non-Life Insurance Company Ltd (Pohjola), a subsidiary of OKO Bank plc, 
will sell its marine hull insurance portfolio to Codan Forsikring A/S. An       
agreement was signed on the deal on 21 March 2007. The transaction is expected  
to materialise in the second quarter of the current year. When materialised, the
transaction will have a slightly positive impact on earnings. The completion of 
the transaction is conditional on obtaining the regulatory approval of the      
authorities. Premiums written from the Pohjola marine hull insurance portfolio  
were EUR 18 million in 2006.                                                    

OUTLOOK FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE YEAR                                           

In Banking and Investment Services, growth in the corporate loan market is      
estimated to continue but at a slower pace than in 2006. Lending margins are not
expected to decrease significantly. OKO Bank's corporate loan portfolio is      
forecast to grow faster than the market. The risk exposure is estimated to      
remain good and the amount of impairment losses on receivables at a lower level 
than normally. OKO Bank's commission income is expected to increase especially  
as a result of growing demand for asset management services and structured      
product and service packages.                                                   

Provided that the operating environment remains as expected, the year 2007      
earnings before tax of Banking and Investment Services are estimated to be      
better than in 2006 (the same or better earnings according to the previous      

In addition to the market growth, tight cooperation with OP Bank Group member   
cooperative banks, which is estimated to improve Pohjola's market share in the  
household customer base in particular, will have an impact on the upward trend  
in the insurance premium revenue in Non-life Insurance. Growth in Pohjola's     
insurance premium revenue is forecast to exceed the GDP growth this year despite
the sale of the marine hull insurance portfolio. The unfavourable trend in major
losses in the latter half of 2006 is expected to normalise.                     

In Non-life Insurance, the combined ratio excluding changes in reserving bases  
and the amortisation of intangible assets arising from the acquisition is       
estimated to be under 94.0%, as targeted. The long-term return expectation for  
the investment portfolio in Non-life Insurance is 5.2%.                         

Earnings from Other Operations, excluding the liquidated damages of EUR 10      
million ruled by the Arbitral Tribunal, are estimated to be on a par with the   
earnings in 2006.                                                               

Despite the liquidated damages of EUR 10 million ruled by the Arbitral Tribunal,
OKO Bank is estimated to have good opportunities to improve earnings before tax 
at fair values by at least 10% in 2007, provided that no radical changes take   
place in equity and interest rate markets.                                      

The main risks related to the materialisation of the near-future outlook stated 
above concern the general operating environment of the business and the         
development of interest rates and share prices. The management of the Group has 
no influence on the general operating environment of the business. However, the 
management may influence the effects of interest rate changes and the equity    
market on investments and trading by investing assets securely, by diversifying 
risks, by ensuring the professional skills of its personnel, and by effective   
risk management. In addition, the management may influence the appropriate      
pricing of customer-specific risk and consequently the financial performance of 
the Group.                                                                      

All of the forecasts and estimates presented in this report are based on the    
current understanding of the financial development of the Group and its         
different operations; actual performance may vary significantly.                

BUSINESS OPERATIONS                                                             

The table below presents the actual earnings of the Group and its business lines
before tax, as well as the strategic targets and their actuals. The calculation 
of operative key ratios has been presented on page 17.                          

|                       |  2006 |        |        |        |   2007 |   Target |
|                       |       |        |        |        |        |     2009 |
|                       |   1-3 |    4-6 |    7-9 |  10-12 |    1-3 |          |
| Banking and           |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| Investment Services   |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| Earnings before tax,  |    47 |     37 |     35 |     43 |     45 |          |
| EUR million           |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| Operative return on   |  18.9 |   14.0 |   16.1 |   19.2 |   17.6 |     > 18 |
| equity (ROE), %       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| Operative cost/income |  38.0 |   43.1 |   40.9 |   44.0 |   39.1 |       40 |
| ratio, %              |       |        |        |        |        |          |
|                       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| Non-life Insurance    |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| Earnings before tax,  |    23 |     24 |     11 |     20 |     31 |          |
| EUR million           |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| Operative return on   |  23.8 |  -14.4 |   44.1 |   27.6 |   35.0 |     > 20 |
| equity (ROE), %       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| Operative combined    |  98.2 |   91.6 |   96.7 |   95.3 |  100.8 |     < 94 |
| ratio, %              |       |        |        |        |        |          |
|                       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| Other Operations      |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| Earnings before tax,  |    -1 |     -4 |     -7 |     -7 |    -11 |          |
| EUR million           |       |        |        |        |        |          |

BANKING AND INVESTMENT SERVICES                                                 

Banking and Investment Services comprises the following divisions:              
Corporate Banking, Markets, Group Treasury and Asset Management                 

|                          |    2006 |         |         |          |     2007 |
|                          |     1-3 |     4-6 |     7-9 |    10-12 |      1-3 |
| Income statement,        |         |         |         |          |          |
| EUR million              |         |         |         |          |          |
| Net interest income      |      30 |      28 |      27 |       29 |       29 |
| Impairment losses on     |      -1 |       0 |       2 |        0 |        0 |
| receivables              |         |         |         |          |          |
| Net interest income      |      30 |      28 |      25 |       28 |       29 |
| after impairment losses  |         |         |         |          |          |
| Net commissions and fees |      23 |      22 |      26 |       29 |       26 |
| Net trading income       |       3 |       2 |       6 |        9 |        7 |
| Net investment income    |      14 |       8 |       2 |        6 |        5 |
| Other operating income   |       7 |       7 |       4 |        7 |        7 |
| Total net income         |      76 |      67 |      62 |       79 |       74 |
| Total operating expenses |      29 |      29 |      27 |       36 |       30 |
| Amortisation on          |       1 |       1 |       1 |        1 |        1 |
| intangible assets from   |         |         |         |          |          |
| acquisition              |         |         |         |          |          |
| Earnings before tax      |      47 |      37 |      35 |       43 |       45 |
| Change in fair value     |      -4 |      -7 |       2 |        2 |       -2 |
| reserve                  |         |         |         |          |          |
| Earnings at fair values  |      43 |      30 |      37 |       45 |       43 |
| before tax               |         |         |         |          |          |
|                          |         |         |         |          |          |
| Key figures and ratios,  |         |         |         |          |          |
| %                        |         |         |         |          |          |
| Operative return on      |    18.9 |    14.0 |    16.1 |     19.2 |     17.6 |
| equity (ROE) p.a.        |         |         |         |          |          |
| Operative cost/income    |    38.0 |    43.1 |    40.9 |     44.0 |     39.1 |
| ratio                    |         |         |         |          |          |
| Proportion of problem    |     0.3 |     0.2 |     0.2 |      0.2 |      0.2 |
| receivables to           |         |         |         |          |          |
| receivables from         |         |         |         |          |          |
| customers and            |         |         |         |          |          |
| guarantees, %            |         |         |         |          |          |
|                          |         |         |         |          |          |
|                          | 31 Marc | 30 June | 30 Sept |  31 Dec. | 31 March |
|                          |       h |         |       . |          |          |
| Information on volumes,  |         |         |         |          |          |
| EUR billion              |         |         |         |          |          |
| Receivables from         |     7.1 |     7.4 |     7.7 |      7.9 |      8.3 |
| customers                |         |         |         |          |          |
| Unused standby credit    |     2.7 |     3.1 |     3.1 |      3.6 |      3.4 |
| facilities               |         |         |         |          |          |
| Guarantees               |     1.5 |     1.8 |     1.9 |      1.9 |      1.8 |
| Assets under management  |    28.9 |    28.5 |    29.7 |     31.3 |     31.3 |
| Notes and bonds          |     4.9 |     4.1 |     5.2 |      4.9 |      5.5 |
| Receivables from member  |     4.1 |     4.1 |     4.6 |      4.7 |      3.9 |
| cooperative banks        |         |         |         |          |          |
| Liabilities to member    |     1.4 |     1.4 |     1.4 |      1.3 |      1.3 |
| cooperative banks        |         |         |         |          |          |
| Risk-weighted items      |     9.9 |    10.7 |    11.1 |     11.1 |     11.8 |
| Debt securities issued   |    11.7 |    12.2 |    12.9 |     13.9 |     15.1 |
| to the public            |         |         |         |          |          |
|                          |         |         |         |          |          |
| Average personnel        |     730 |     778 |     750 |      718 |      734 |
|                          |         |         |         |          |          |
| Average margins, %       |         |         |         |          |          |
| Margin on corporate loan |    0.88 |    0.79 |    0.89 |     0.87 |     0.81 |
| stock                    |         |         |         |          |          |
| Margin on institutional  |    0.27 |    0.26 |    0.25 |     0.24 |     0.24 |
| loan stock               |         |         |         |          |          |
| Margin on member         |    0.15 |    0.15 |    0.14 |     0.12 |     0.12 |
| cooperative banks' loan  |         |         |         |          |          |
| stock                    |         |         |         |          |          |
| Margin on member         |    0.21 |    0.13 |    0.13 |     0.11 |     0.11 |
| cooperative banks'       |         |         |         |          |          |
| deposits                 |         |         |         |          |          |


In Banking and Investment Services, earnings before tax stood at EUR 45 million 

Net interest income before impairment losses was EUR 29 million (30). The net   
amount of impairment losses did not burden the earnings.                        

Net commission income increased to EUR 26 million (23). Growth in commission    
income was mainly due to an increase in commission income in Corporate Banking. 

Net trading income was EUR 7 million (3). Earnings increased as a result of     
growth in earnings related to notes and bonds.                                  

Net investment income amounted to EUR 5 million (14). In the comparative period,
net investment income included a capital gain of EUR 8 million recognised on the
sale of OMX shares.                                                             

Operative return on equity was 17.6% (18.9) and the cost/income ratio was 39.1% 

Corporate Banking                                                               

OKO Bank's market position in Corporate Banking strengthened further.           

In Corporate Banking, the aggregate amount of loans, binding standby credit     
facilities and guarantees increased by 3% to EUR 12.3 billion from the end of   

In January-March, the loan portfolio of Corporate Banking increased by 5% and   
stood at EUR 8.3 billion. The annual growth was EUR 1.3 billion or 18%. At the  
end of March, OKO Bank's market share in corporate loans went up to 17.3%, which
represented a growth of 0.1 percentage point from the year end.                 

In Corporate Banking, net interest income increased by 13% to EUR 24 million    

The level of margins in the corporate loan portfolio was lower (0.81%) than at  
the end of 2006 (0.87%). The margins of institutional loans remained unchanged  
in the first quarter of the year.                                               

Despite long-lasting and brisk growth in the loan portfolio, the risk exposure  
is still considered to be good. The net amount of impairment losses did not     
burden the earnings.                                                            

In Corporate Banking, earnings before tax went up to EUR 26 million (21).       


The turnover of customer trading in fixed income, derivative and currency       
products increased by a total of EUR 3.9 billion or 7%. In Markets, earnings    
before tax increased to EUR 7 million (3), which is mainly explained by growth  
in earnings generated by customer trading in derivatives, by growth in interest 
rate margins and by growth in net trading income.                               

In January-March, OKO Bank acted as manager in four bond issues totalling       
EUR 455 million. In 2006, OKO Bank was the largest manager measured by volume in
bond issues launched by Finnish companies.                                      

Central Banking                                                                 

At the end of March, OKO Bank's net receivables from OP Bank Group member       
cooperative banks totalled EUR 2.6 billion, which was EUR 0.8 billion less than 
at the end of 2006. In February, OP Mortgage Bank acquired a mortgage loan      
portfolio of EUR 1.3 billion from OP Bank Group member cooperative banks, which 
used the proceeds from the sale to pay back loans totalling around EUR 1.1      
billion to OKO Bank.                                                            

OP Mortgage Bank financed the acquisition of the loan portfolio by taking out a 
temporary loan from OKO Bank. In the long run, it will finance loan portfolio   
acquisitions through direct loans from the capital markets.                     

In Group Treasury, earnings before tax were at the same level as in the previous
year, at EUR 5 million (5).                                                     

Group Treasury                                                                  

Growth in the loan portfolio was mainly funded from the markets. The amount of  
debt securities issued to the public grew to EUR 15.1 billion (13.9). In        
January-March, five long-term issues totalling EUR 412 million were launched in 
the international markets.                                                      

The earning before tax of Group Treasury declined to EUR 3 million (15), of     
which net investment income totalled EUR 5 million (14). In the corresponding   
period a year earlier, the earnings included a capital gain of EUR 8 million    
recognised on the sale of the OMX Group shares.                                 

Asset Management                                                                

In Asset Management, the amount of assets under management stood at the year-end
level of EUR 31.3 billion. The merger of Pohjola Group with OKO Bank plc        
decreased the amount of assets under management by around EUR 1.1 billion in the
first quarter of the year. In the review period, the majority of the growth in  
customer assets was gained from net sales. Of the amount, institutional         
customers accounted for EUR 16.8 billion (17.6), OP mutual funds for EUR 13.1   
billion (12.4) and OKO Private for EUR 0.7 billion (0.7). In Asset Management,  
earnings went up by 16% to EUR 4 million (3) as a result of increased management
fees and materialised cost synergies.                                           

NON-LIFE INSURANCE                                                              

Non-life Insurance includes the following divisions:                            
- Corporate Customers                                                           
- Private Customers                                                             
- Baltic States                                                                 

|                         |       2006 |        |         |         |     2007 |
|                         |        1-3 |    4-6 |     7-9 |   10-12 |      1-3 |
| Income statement,       |            |        |         |         |          |
| EUR million             |            |        |         |         |          |
| Insurance premium       |        187 |    200 |     196 |     204 |      204 |
| revenue                 |            |        |         |         |          |
| Claims incurred         |        129 |    129 |     141 |     137 |      147 |
| Loss adjustment         |         10 |     11 |      10 |      12 |       12 |
| expenses                |            |        |         |         |          |
| Operating expenses      |         45 |     43 |      39 |      45 |       47 |
| Amortisation/adjustment |          7 |      6 |       6 |       6 |        6 |
| of intangible assets    |            |        |         |         |          |
| related to acquisition  |            |        |         |         |          |
| Balance on technical    |         -4 |     11 |       0 |       3 |       -8 |
| account                 |            |        |         |         |          |
| Net investment income   |         36 |     28 |      23 |      28 |       48 |
| Other income and        |          1 |     -4 |       1 |       0 |        3 |
| expenses                |            |        |         |         |          |
| Operating profit        |         33 |     35 |      24 |      32 |       42 |
| Unwinding of discount   |          9 |      9 |       9 |       9 |       10 |
| Finance costs           |          1 |      2 |       3 |       2 |        2 |
| Earnings before tax     |         23 |     24 |      11 |      20 |       31 |
| Change in fair value    |         -5 |    -38 |      46 |      14 |       16 |
| reserve                 |            |        |         |         |          |
| Earnings at fair values |         18 |    -14 |      58 |      34 |       47 |
| before tax              |            |        |         |         |          |
|                         |            |        |         |         |          |
| Key figures, %          |            |        |         |         |          |
| Operative return on     |       23.8 |  -14.4 |    44.1 |    27.6 |     35.0 |
| equity                  |            |        |         |         |          |
| Loss ratio              |       74.3 |   70.0 |    76.8 |    73.1 |     78.0 |
| Expense ratio           |       23.8 |   21.6 |    19.9 |    22.1 |     22.9 |
| Operative combined      |       98.2 |   91.6 |    96.7 |    95.3 |    100.8 |
| ratio                   |            |        |         |         |          |
| Combined ratio          |      102.2 |   94.4 |    99.9 |    98.3 |    103.9 |
| Return on investments   |        1.5 |   -0.5 |     2.5 |     1.5 |      2.4 |
|                         |            |        |         |         |          |
|                         |   31 March | 30 Jun | 30 Sept | 31 Dec. | 31 March |
|                         |            |      e |       . |         |          |
|                         |            |        |         |         |          |
| Volume data,            |            |        |         |         |          |
| EUR million             |            |        |         |         |          |
| Insurance contract      |            |        |         |         |          |
| liabilities             |            |        |         |         |          |
| Discounted insurance    |      1 184 |  1 194 |    1207 |   1 223 |    1 241 |
| contract liabilities    |            |        |         |         |          |
| Other insurance         |        914 |    857 |     818 |     746 |      954 |
| contract liabilities    |            |        |         |         |          |
| Investment portfolio    |            |        |         |         |          |
|   Bonds                 |      1 790 |  1 825 |    1802 |   1 752 |    1 697 |
| Money market            |        379 |    266 |     397 |      22 |       19 |
| investments             |            |        |         |         |          |
|   Equities              |        422 |    392 |     378 |     447 |      489 |
|   Investment property   |         60 |     58 |      53 |      56 |       60 |
| Alternative investments |         65 |     43 |      75 |      87 |      133 |
|                         |            |        |         |         |          |
| Average personnel       |      2 099 |  2 134 |   2 204 |   2 154 |    2 182 |


Earnings before tax stood at EUR 31 million (23).                               

Insurance premium revenue                                                       

Insurance premium revenue increased by 9% to EUR 204 million (187).             

The growth was strongest in the Private Customers division where insurance      
premium revenue increased to EUR 80 million (73) as a result of cooperation     
within the OP Bank Group and of revised service supply. In the Corporate        
Customers division, premium revenue of comprehensive motor vehicle and motor    
liability insurance generated the largest monetary and proportional growth.     
Premium revenue generated by the Baltic business increased by 32% to EUR 13     
million (10).                                                                   

Claims incurred and operating expenses                                          

The operative combined ratio was 100.8% (98.2), of which claims incurred        
represented 71.1 percentage points (67.8). Operating expenses and loss          
adjustment expenses (cost ratio) declined to 29.7 percentage points (30.3) owing
to an increase in insurance premium revenue and to savings decisions implemented
in 2006.                                                                        

Claims incurred (excluding loss adjustment expenses) increased to EUR 147       
million (129), of which major and medium-sized losses (in excess of EUR 0.1     
million) accounted for EUR 18 million (EUR 11 million in 2006, EUR 23 million in
2005). The number of major losses of over EUR 2 million retained for own account
was 2 (-). Claims incurred from small losses (of less than EUR 0.1 million) went
up in proportion to the increasing insurance portfolio in all other lines except
for motor liability and comprehensive motor vehicle insurance. Despite the mild 
winter, the number of road accidents in Finland increased in the first quarter  
of the year. In addition, the increase in repair shop prices was more rapid than

Operating expenses and loss adjustment expenses grew to EUR 59 million (55).    
Operating expenses were EUR 47 million (45) and loss adjustment expenses EUR 12 
million (10). Operating expenses include integration expenses of EUR 1 million  

Investment operations                                                           

In Non-life Insurance, the fair value of investments at the end of March was    
EUR 2.4 billion (2.4). Of the amount, equities accounted for 18% (18) and money 
market instruments for 1% (1).                                                  

Return on investments at fair values was 2.4%. Net investment income entered    
under earnings was EUR 48 million (36). Net investment income at fair values was
EUR 64 million.                                                                 

The discount rate for the EUR 1.2 billion pension liabilities was 3.3% (3.3).   
The unwinding of discount is entered as a post-balance-on-technical-account     

OTHER OPERATIONS                                                                

The earnings of Other Operations consist of Group administrative expenses and   
funding costs of Pohjola shares.                                                

|                                |   2006 |        |        |        |    2007 |
|                                |    1-3 |    4-6 |    7-9 |  10-12 |     1-3 |
| Income statement, EUR million  |        |        |        |        |         |
| Net interest income            |     -3 |     -1 |     -4 |     -4 |      -3 |
| Other net income               |     19 |     15 |      8 |      6 |      11 |
| Net income                     |     16 |     13 |      4 |      2 |       8 |
| Expenses                       |     17 |     17 |     12 |      8 |      19 |
| Earnings before tax            |     -1 |     -4 |     -7 |     -7 |     -11 |


Earnings before tax showed a loss of EUR 11 million (EUR 1 million negative).   
Earnings were burdened by the liquidated damages ruled by the Arbitral Tribunal 
on 2 April 2007 for OKO Bank concerning the shareholder agreement dispute over  
Nooa Savings Bank Ltd. The effect of the decision amounted to EUR 10 million,   
which was entered as an expense in the earnings for the first quarter of the    
year. The earnings for the comparative period included a capital gain of EUR 2  
million recognised on the sale of Eurocard shares.                              

CALCULATION OF OPERATIVE KEY RATIOS                                             

Operative return on equity, %                                                   

Banking and Investment Services:                                                

+ Profit for the period                                                         
+ Amortisation and write-downs on intangible assets and goodwill                
  related to acquisition of Pohjola Asset Management and their tax effect       
+ Change in fair value reserve after tax *100                                   
+ 7% of risk-weighted commitments                                               
+ Shareholders' equity of OKO Asset Management and Pohjola Property Management  
- Capital loans allocated to business line                                      
  (average of the beginning and end of the period)                              

Non-life Insurance:                                                             

+ Profit for the period                                                         
+ Amortisation and write-downs on intangible assets and goodwill                
  related to acquisition of non-life business and their tax effect              
+ Change in fair value reserve after tax*100                                    
+ 70% solvency ratio                                                            
- Capital loans allocated to business line                                      
  (average of the beginning and end of the period)                              
  minimum capital requirement set by the authorities, whichever is larger       

Operative cost/income ratio                                                     

+ Personnel costs                                                               
+ Other administrative expenses                                                 
+ Other operating expenses excluding amortisation and write-downs               
  on intangible assets and goodwill related to Pohjola acquisition *100         
+ Net interest income                                                           
+ Net income from Non-life Insurance                                            
+ Net commissions and fees                                                      
+ Net trading income                                                            
+ Net investment income                                                         
+ Other operating income                                                        

Operative combined ratio                                                        

Loss ratio + expense ratio excluding amortisation and write-downs on intangible 
and goodwill related to acquisition of non-life insurance business              
OKO Bank Group income statement, 1 January to 31 March 2007                     

| EUR million                    |        1 January to  |            1 January |
|                                |        31 March 2007 |     to 31 March 2006 |
| Interest income                |                  438 |                  248 |
| Interest expenses              |                  411 |                  222 |
| Net interest income (Note 1)   |                   26 |                   26 |
| Impairment losses on           |                    0 |                   -1 |
| receivables                    |                      |                      |
| (Note 2)                       |                      |                      |
| Net interest income            |                   26 |                   27 |
| after                          |                      |                      |
| impairment losses              |                      |                      |
| Net income from Non-life       |                   94 |                   86 |
| Insurance                      |                      |                      |
| (Note 3)                       |                      |                      |
| Net commissions and fees (Note |                   28 |                   26 |
| 4)                             |                      |                      |
| Net trading income (Note 5)    |                    7 |                    3 |
| Net investment income (Note 6) |                   10 |                   20 |
| Other operating income (Note   |                   13 |                   12 |
| 7)                             |                      |                      |
| Total net income               |                  179 |                  173 |
| Personnel costs (Note 8)       |                   41 |                   42 |
| Other administrative expenses  |                   34 |                   32 |
| (Note 9)                       |                      |                      |
| Other operating expenses (Note |                   39 |                   30 |
| 10)                            |                      |                      |
| Total expenses                 |                  114 |                  104 |
| Earnings before tax            |                   65 |                   69 |
| Income tax                     |                   15 |                   16 |
| Profit for the period          |                   50 |                   53 |
| Basic earnings per share, EUR  |                      |                      |
| Series A                       |                 0.25 |                 0.26 |
| Series K                       |                 0.24 |                 0.26 |
| Diluted earnings per share,    |                      |                      |
| EUR                            |                      |                      |
| Series A                       |                 0.25 |                 0.26 |
| Series K                       |                 0.24 |                 0.26 |

| OKO Bank Group balance sheet                |                |               |
| EUR million                                 |      31 March  |      31 Dec.  |
|                                             |           2007 |          2006 |
| Liquid assets                               |          1 125 |           907 |
| Receivables from financial institutions     |          5 969 |         5 546 |
| Financial assets for trading (Note 11)      |          5 389 |         4 801 |
| Derivative contracts                        |            380 |           320 |
| Receivables from customers                  |          8 268 |         7 864 |
| Non-life Insurance assets (Note 12)         |          2 984 |         2 766 |
| Investment assets (Note 13)                 |            209 |           225 |
| Investments in associates                   |              8 |             8 |
| Intangible assets (Note 14)                 |          1 013 |         1 020 |
| Tangible assets                             |             97 |            95 |
| Other assets                                |          1 082 |           633 |
| Deferred tax assets                         |             12 |            12 |
| Total assets                                |         26 536 |        24 196 |
| Liabilities to financial institutions       |          1 944 |         2 390 |
| Financial liabilities for trading           |              0 |             - |
| Derivative contracts                        |            394 |           331 |
| Liabilities to customers                    |          2 340 |         1 994 |
| Non-life Insurance liabilities (Note 15)    |          2 515 |         2 099 |
| Debt securities issued                      |         14 851 |        13 263 |
| to the public                               |                |               |
| (Note 16)                                   |                |               |
| Provisions and other liabilities            |          1 475 |         1 010 |
| Deferred tax liabilities                    |            363 |           355 |
| Subordinated liabilities (Note 17)          |            897 |           924 |
| Total liabilities                           |         24 778 |        22 368 |
| Shareholders' equity                        |                |               |
|   Share of parent company's owners          |                |               |
|     Share capital                           |            428 |           428 |
|     Reserves                                |            809 |           793 |
|     Retained earnings                       |            522 |           607 |
|   Minority interest                         |              0 |             0 |
| Total shareholders' equity                  |          1 758 |         1 828 |
| Total liabilities and shareholders' equity  |         26 536 |        24 196 |

| Changes in shareholders'   |          |         |         |        |         |
| equity, 1 January to 31    |          |         |         |        |         |
| March                      |          |         |         |        |         |
|                 |  Attribu |          |         |         | Minori |  Total  |
|                 | table to |          |         |         | ty     | share-h |
|                 | equity   |          |         |         | intere | olders' |
|                 | holders  |          |         |         | st     | equity  |
|                 | of       |          |         |         |        |         |
|                 | the      |          |         |         |        |         |
|                 | parent   |          |         |         |        |         |
| EUR million     |    Share |     Fair |   Other | Retaine |        |         |
|                 |  capital |    value | reserve |       d |        |         |
|                 |          |  reserve |       s | earning |        |         |
|                 |          |          |         |       s |        |         |
| Shareholders'   |      423 |       48 |     744 |     549 |    199 |   1 961 |
| equity, 1       |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| January  2006   |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| Adjusted        |      423 |       48 |     744 |     549 |    199 |   1 961 |
| shareholders'   |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| equity on 1     |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| January         |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| Available-for-s |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| ale financial   |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| assets          |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| Valuation gains |          |       -9 |         |         |        |      -9 |
| and losses      |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| Share           |          |      -12 |         |         |        |     -12 |
| transferred to  |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| the             |          |          |         |         |        |         |
|    income       |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| statement       |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| Translation     |          |          |         |         |        |       0 |
| differences     |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| from foreign    |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| units           |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| Deferred taxes  |          |        5 |         |         |        |       5 |
| Net income      |          |      -15 |         |         |        |     -15 |
| recognised      |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| under           |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| shareholders'   |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| equity          |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| Profit for the  |          |          |         |      53 |      0 |      53 |
| period          |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| Total income    |          |      -15 |         |      53 |      0 |      38 |
| and expenses    |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| for the period  |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| Share issue     |          |          |      -1 |         |        |      -1 |
| expenses        |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| Stock options   |        1 |          |       1 |         |        |       2 |
| exercised       |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| Dividends paid  |          |          |         |    -121 |        |    -121 |
| Share-based     |          |          |         |       0 |        |       0 |
| payment         |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| Acquisitions of |          |          |         |         |   -198 |    -198 |
| subsidiaries    |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| Shareholders'   |      424 |       33 |     743 |     480 |      0 |   1 679 |
| equity, 31      |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| March 2006      |          |          |         |         |        |         |
|                 | Attribut |          |         |         | Minori |  Total  |
|                 | able to  |          |         |         |   ty   | share-h |
|                 | equity   |          |         |         | intere | olders' |
|                 | holders  |          |         |         |   st   | equity  |
|                 | of the   |          |         |         |        |         |
|                 | parent   |          |         |         |        |         |
| EUR million     |    Share |     Fair |   Other | Retaine |        |         |
|                 |  capital |    value | reserve |       d |        |         |
|                 |          |  reserve |       s | earning |        |         |
|                 |          |          |         |       s |        |         |
| Shareholders'   |      428 |       47 |     747 |     607 |      0 |   1 828 |
| equity, 1       |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| January 2007    |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| Adjusted        |      428 |       47 |     747 |     607 |      0 |   1 828 |
| shareholders'   |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| equity on 1     |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| January         |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| Available-for-s |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| ale financial   |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| assets          |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| Valuation gains |          |       17 |         |       0 |        |      17 |
| and losses      |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| Share           |          |       -3 |         |         |        |      -3 |
| transferred to  |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| the             |          |          |         |         |        |         |
|    income       |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| statement       |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| Translation     |          |          |         |       0 |        |       0 |
| differences     |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| from            |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| foreign         |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| units           |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| Deferred taxes  |          |       -4 |         |         |        |      -4 |
| Net income      |          |       11 |         |       0 |        |      11 |
| recognised      |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| under           |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| shareholders'   |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| equity          |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| Profit for the  |          |          |         |      50 |      0 |      50 |
| period          |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| Total income    |          |       11 |         |      50 |      0 |      61 |
| and             |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| expenses        |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| for the period  |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| Dividends paid  |          |          |         |    -131 |        |    -131 |
| Reserve         |          |          |       4 |      -4 |        |         |
| transfers       |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| Share-based     |          |          |         |       0 |        |       0 |
| payment         |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| Shareholders'   |      428 |       57 |     750 |     522 |      0 |   1 758 |
| equity, 31      |          |          |         |         |        |         |
| March 2007      |          |          |         |         |        |         |

| Own funds and capital adequacy               |               |               |
| EUR million                                  |      31 March |      31 Dec.  |
|                                              |          2007 |          2006 |
| Own funds                                    |               |               |
|   Shareholders' equity                       |          1758 |         1 828 |
|   Minority interest                          |             0 |             1 |
|   Capital loans *)                           |           224 |           224 |
|   Intangible assets                          |          -855 |          -859 |
| Fair value reserve, excess funding           |          -127 |          -115 |
| of                                           |               |               |
| pension liability, change in                 |               |               |
| equalisation                                 |               |               |
| provision and change in fair                 |               |               |
| value of                                     |               |               |
| properties                                   |               |               |
| Dividend distribution proposed  by Board of  |             - |          -131 |
| Directors                                    |               |               |
|     Planned dividend distribution            |           -25 |             - |
|   Tier 1 own funds                           |           975 |           948 |
|   Fair value reserve                         |            57 |            47 |
| Subordinated liabilities considered          |           200 |           200 |
|   upper                                      |               |               |
|  Tier 2 funds                                |               |               |
| Subordinated liabilities considered          |           488 |           474 |
|   lower                                      |               |               |
|   Tier 2 funds                               |               |               |
|   Tier 2 own funds                           |           745 |           721 |
|   Investments in insurance institutions      |          -163 |          -157 |
|   Other mandatory adjustments                |            -8 |            -8 |
|   Mandatory adjustments, total               |           171 |          -165 |
| Own funds, total **)                         |         1 550 |         1 504 |

Risk-weighted receivables, investments and off-balance sheet items              

| Loan and guarantee portfolio excl.              |       7 995 |        7 635 |
| inter-group                                     |             |              |
| items of OP Bank Group                          |             |              |
| Binding standby credit facilities               |       1 322 |        1 408 |
| Inter-group items of OP Bank Group              |       1 230 |        1 169 |
|     Market risk                                 |       1 302 |        1 007 |
| Other items (equities incl.                     |         389 |          407 |
| Pohjola,                                        |             |              |
| properties, other assets etc.                   |             |              |
| Risk-weighted receivables, investments          |      12 239 |       11 627 |
| and                                             |             |              |
| off-balance sheet items, total                  |             |              |
|                                                 |             |            0 |
| Capital adequacy ratio, % ***)                  |        12.7 |         12.9 |
| Tier 1 ratio, % ***)                            |         8.0 |          8.2 |
| Capital adequacy ratio under the Act on         |        1.12 |         1.13 |
| Supervision of Financial and Insurance          |             |              |
| Conglomerates                                   |             |              |

The capital adequacy ratio of the OP Bank Group as per the Credit Institutions  
Act was 14.3% (14.3) and the Tier 1 ratio	was 12.8% (12.7). The capital adequacy
ratio of the OP Bank Group calculated by the consolidation method as per the Act
on the Supervision of Financial and Insurance Conglomerates was 1.56 (1.56).    
*) OKO Bank has four capital loans that can be considered Tier I funds:							  
Capital loan of 10 billion Japanese yen of which EUR 74 million has been        
regarded as Tier 1 funds. Interest on the loan is fixed at 4.23% until 2034 and 
thereafter variable 6-month Yen LIBOR + 1.58%. If interest cannot be paid for a 
given interest period, the obligation to pay interest will lapse. The loan may  
be called in at the earliest in 2014.                                           

Capital loan of EUR 50 million, which is a perpetual loan without interest rate 
step-ups, but with an 8 per cent interest rate cap. The loan was issued on 31   
March 2005, and the interest rate for the first year is 6.5%. Thereafter, the   
interest rate will be CMS 10 years + 0.1%. Interest payments are annual. The    
loan may be called in for the first time in 2010, subject to authorisation by   
the Financial Supervision Authority.                                            

Capital loan of EUR 60 million, which is a perpetual loan. The loan was issued  
on 30 November 2005, and the interest rate is variable 3-month EURIBOR + 0.65%  
until 2015 and thereafter variable 3-month EURIBOR +1.65%. Interest payments are
quarterly. If interest cannot be paid for a given interest period, the          
obligation to pay interest will lapse. The loan may be called in for the first  
time in 2015, subject to authorisation by the Financial Supervision Authority.  

Capital loan of EUR 40 million, which is a perpetual loan. The loan was issued  
on 30 November 2005, and the interest rate is  variable 3-month EURIBOR + 1.25%.
Interest payments are quarterly.  If interest cannot be paid for a given        
interest period, the obligation to pay interest will lapse. The loan may be     
called in for the first time in 2010, subject to authorisation by the Financial 
Supervision Authority. The capital loans have been hedged against the interest  
rate and currency risk by interest rate and currency swaps at the date of       
**) The following investments in venture capital funds, totalling EUR 6 million 
and managed by OKO Venture Capital Ltd, have not been deducted from own funds   
according to the exception provided by the Financial Supervision Authority in   
line with the order in §75, clause 5 o the Act on Credit Institutions: Promotion
Equity I Ky, Promotion Capital I Ky, Promotion Rahasto II Ky and Promotion      
Bridge I Ky.												                                                        
***) Percentage points	                                                         

| Cash flow statement                          |               |               |
| EUR million                                  |      31 March |      31 March |
|                                              |          2007 |          2006 |
| Cash flow from operating activities          |               |               |
| Profit for the period                        |            50 |            53 |
| Adjustments to reconcile profit for          |           198 |           196 |
| the                                          |               |               |
| period to cash used                          |               |               |
| in operating activities                      |               |               |
| Increase (-) or decrease (+)                 |        -2 022 |        -2 085 |
| in operating                                 |               |               |
| assets                                       |               |               |
| Receivables from financial institutions      |          -422 |            43 |
| Financial assets for trading                 |          -578 |        -1 259 |
| Derivative contracts                         |           -16 |           -14 |
| Receivables from customers                   |          -407 |          -291 |
| Non-life Insurance assets                    |          -196 |          -322 |
| Investment assets                            |            13 |          -112 |
| Other assets                                 |          -416 |          -130 |
| Increase (+) or decrease (-)                 |           566 |            47 |
| in operating                                 |               |               |
| liabilities                                  |               |               |
| Liabilities to financial institutions        |          -446 |          -200 |
| Financial liabilities for trading            |             0 |            -1 |
| Derivative contracts                         |            22 |            15 |
| Liabilities to customers                     |           347 |          -228 |
| Non-life Insurance liabilities               |           216 |           169 |
| Provisions and other liabilities             |           427 |           292 |
| Income taxes paid                            |           -12 |           -11 |
| Dividends received                           |            23 |            18 |
| A. Net cash provided by (used in)            |        -1 197 |        -1 782 |
| operating                                    |               |               |
| activities                                   |               |               |
| Cash flow from investing activities          |               |               |
| Acquisition of subsidiaries net of cash and  |             - |           -97 |
| cash equivalents acquired                    |               |               |
| Disposal of subsidiaries net of cash and     |             - |           216 |
| cash equivalents disposed of                 |               |               |
| Acquisition of tangible and                  |            -5 |            -9 |
| intangible                                   |               |               |
| assets                                       |               |               |
| Disposal of tangible and                     |             3 |             - |
| intangible assets                            |               |               |
| B. Net cash provided by (used in)            |            -2 |           110 |
| investing                                    |               |               |
| activities                                   |               |               |
| Cash flow from financing activities          |               |               |
| Increase in subordinated loans               |             0 |           150 |
| Decrease in subordinated loans               |           -28 |          -157 |
| Increase in debt securities                  |         8 905 |        10 317 |
| issued to the                                |               |               |
| public                                       |               |               |
| Decrease in debt securities                  |        -7 313 |        -8 060 |
| issued to the                                |               |               |
| public                                       |               |               |
| Dividends paid                               |          -133 |          -120 |
| C. Net cash provided by (used in)            |         1 431 |         2 130 |
| financing                                    |               |               |
| activities                                   |               |               |
| Net increase/decrease in cash                |           232 |           458 |
| and cash                                     |               |               |
| equivalents (A+B+C)                          |               |               |
| Cash and cash equivalents                    |          1107 |           614 |
| at the beginning                             |               |               |
| of the period                                |               |               |
| Cash and cash equivalents                    |         1 339 |         1 072 |
| at the end of the                            |               |               |
| period                                       |               |               |
| Interest received                            |           400 |           193 |
| Interest paid                                |          -372 |          -186 |
| Adjustments to profit for the period         |               |               |
| Items not associated with                    |               |               |
| payment                                      |               |               |
| Impairment losses on receivables             |             0 |            -1 |
| Unrealised net earnings in Non-life          |           209 |           210 |
| Insurance                                    |               |               |
| Change in fair value for trading             |             4 |            16 |
| Unrealised net gains on                      |           -12 |           -18 |
| foreign exchange                             |               |               |
| operations                                   |               |               |
| Scheduled amortisation /depreciation         |            15 |            15 |
| Share of associates' profits                 |             0 |             0 |
| Other                                        |           -18 |           -24 |
| Items presented outside                      |               |               |
| cash flow from                               |               |               |
| operating activities                         |               |               |
| Capital gains, share of cash flow from       |             0 |            -2 |
| investing activities                         |               |               |
| Adjustments, total                           |           198 |           196 |

Segment information                                                             

| Financial           | Corpora | 2006  | Market |  2006   | Central |  2006   |
| performance from    |   te    |       |   s    |         | Banking |         |
| January to March    | Banking |       |  2007  |         |  2007   |         |
| EUR million         |  2007   |       |        |         |         |         |
| Net interest income |      24 |    21 |      4 |       4 |       3 |       3 |
| Impairment losses   |       0 |    -1 |        |         |         |         |
| on receivables      |         |       |        |         |         |         |
| Net interest income |      24 |    22 |      4 |       4 |       3 |       3 |
| after impairment    |         |       |        |         |         |         |
| losses              |         |       |        |         |         |         |
| Net income from     |         |       |        |         |         |         |
| Non-life Insurance  |         |       |        |         |         |         |
| Net commissions and |      10 |     8 |      6 |       5 |       0 |       0 |
| fees                |         |       |        |         |         |         |
| Net trading income  |       2 |     1 |      5 |       0 |       0 |       0 |
| Net investment      |       0 |       |        |       0 |         |         |
| income              |         |       |        |         |         |         |
| Other operating     |       4 |     3 |      0 |       0 |       2 |       2 |
| income              |         |       |        |         |         |         |
| Total income        |      40 |    34 |     14 |       9 |       6 |       6 |
| of which            |         |       |        |         |       0 |       0 |
| inter-segment       |         |       |        |         |         |         |
| income              |         |       |        |         |         |         |
| Personnel costs     |      -5 |    -5 |     -4 |      -3 |       0 |       0 |
| IT expenses         |      -2 |    -2 |     -2 |      -1 |       0 |       0 |
| Amortisation on     |         |       |        |         |         |         |
| intangible assets   |         |       |        |         |         |         |
| from acquisitions   |         |       |        |         |         |         |
| Other amortisation  |      -3 |    -3 |      0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |
| and depreciation    |         |       |        |         |         |         |
| Other expenses      |      -3 |    -4 |     -2 |      -1 |       0 |      -1 |
| Total expenses      |     -14 |   -13 |     -7 |      -6 |      -1 |      -1 |
| Share of            |         |       |        |         |         |         |
| associates'         |         |       |        |         |         |         |
| profits/losses      |         |       |        |         |         |         |
| Earnings before tax |      26 |    21 |      7 |       3 |       5 |       5 |
| *)                  |         |       |        |         |         |         |
| Income tax          |         |       |        |         |         |         |
| Profit for the      |         |       |        |         |         |         |
| period              |         |       |        |         |         |         |

| Key figures, %      |         |       |        |         |         |         |
| Operative           |         |       |        |         |         |         |
| cost/income ratio   |         |       |        |         |         |         |
| Operative return on |         |       |        |         |         |         |
| equity              |         |       |        |         |         |         |
| Return on equity at |         |       |        |         |    14.0 |    14.9 |
| fair values         |         |       |        |         |         |         |

| Financial           | Treasu | 2006  |   Asset   | 2006  | Banking  |  2006  |
| performance from    |   ry   |       | Managemen |       |   and    |        |
| January to March    |  2007  |       |     t     |       | Investme |        |
| EUR million         |        |       |    2007   |       |    nt    |        |
|                     |        |       |           |       | Services |        |
|                     |        |       |           |       |    ,     |        |
|                     |        |       |           |       |  total   |        |
|                     |        |       |           |       |   2007   |        |
|                     |        |       |           |       |          |        |
| Net interest income |     -1 |     1 |         0 |     0 |       29 |     30 |
| Impairment losses   |        |       |           |       |        0 |     -1 |
| on receivables      |        |       |           |       |          |        |
| Net interest income |     -1 |     1 |         0 |     0 |       29 |     30 |
| after impairment    |        |       |           |       |          |        |
| losses              |        |       |           |       |          |        |
| Net income from     |        |       |           |       |          |        |
| Non-life Insurance  |        |       |           |       |          |        |
| Net commissions and |      0 |     0 |        10 |    10 |       26 |     23 |
| fees                |        |       |           |       |          |        |
| Net trading income  |      0 |     2 |           |       |        7 |      3 |
| Net investment      |      5 |    14 |         0 |     0 |        5 |     14 |
| income              |        |       |           |       |          |        |
| Other operating     |      0 |     0 |         0 |     1 |        7 |      7 |
| income              |        |       |           |       |          |        |
| Total income        |      4 |    16 |        10 |    11 |       74 |     76 |
| of which            |      0 |     0 |         0 |     0 |          |      0 |
| inter-segment       |        |       |           |       |          |        |
| income              |        |       |           |       |          |        |
| Personnel costs     |      0 |     0 |        -4 |    -4 |      -13 |    -13 |
| IT expenses         |      0 |     0 |        -1 |     0 |       -4 |     -3 |
| Amortisation on     |        |       |        -1 |    -1 |       -1 |     -1 |
| intangible assets   |        |       |           |       |          |        |
| from acquisitions   |        |       |           |       |          |        |
| Other amortisation  |      0 |     0 |         0 |     0 |       -5 |     -4 |
| and depreciation    |        |       |           |       |          |        |
| Other expenses      |      0 |    -1 |        -1 |    -2 |       -7 |     -8 |
| Total expenses      |     -1 |    -1 |        -6 |    -7 |      -30 |    -29 |
| Share of            |        |       |           |       |          |        |
| associates'         |        |       |           |       |          |        |
| profits/losses      |        |       |           |       |          |        |
| Earnings before tax |      3 |    15 |         4 |     3 |       45 |     47 |
| Income tax          |        |       |           |       |          |        |
| Profit for the      |        |       |           |       |          |        |
| period              |        |       |           |       |          |        |

| Key figures, %      |        |       |          |        |          |        |
| Operative           |        |       |       54 |    61  |       39 |     38 |
| cost/income ratio   |        |       |          |        |          |        |
| Operative return on |        |       |          |        |     17.6 |   18.9 |
| equity              |        |       |          |        |          |        |
| Return on equity at |        |       |          |        |          |        |
| fair values         |        |       |          |        |          |        |

| Financial performance     | Non-life  |  Non-life  |   Other    |   Other    |
| from January to March     | Insurance | Insurance  | operations | operations |
| EUR million               |   2007    |    2006    |    2007    |    2006    |
|   Net interest income     |        -2 |         -1 |         -3 |         -3 |
| Impairment losses on      |           |            |            |            |
| receivables               |           |            |            |            |
| Net interest income after |        -2 |         -1 |         -3 |         -3 |
| impairment losses         |           |            |            |            |
| Net income from Non-life  |        95 |         86 |            |            |
| Insurance                 |           |            |            |            |
| Net commissions and fees  |         4 |          3 |          0 |          0 |
| Net trading income        |           |            |          0 |          0 |
| Net investment income     |           |            |          4 |          6 |
| Other operating income    |         4 |          4 |          6 |         13 |
| Total income              |       101 |         92 |          8 |         16 |
| of which inter-segment    |           |          0 |          3 |         10 |
| income                    |           |            |            |            |
| Personnel costs           |       -26 |        -24 |         -1 |         -4 |
| IT expenses               |        -3 |         -3 |         -3 |         -4 |
| Amortisation on           |        -8 |         -8 |            |            |
| intangible assets from    |           |            |            |            |
| acquisitions              |           |            |            |            |
| Other amortisation and    |        -1 |         -1 |         -1 |         -1 |
| depreciation              |           |            |            |            |
| Other expenses            |       -31 |        -32 |        -13 |         -7 |
| Total expenses            |       -70 |        -69 |        -19 |        -17 |
| Share of associates'      |         0 |          0 |          0 |          0 |
| profits/losses            |           |            |            |            |
| Earnings before tax       |        31 |         23 |        -11 |         -1 |

| Financial performance     | Eliminati | Eliminatio |  OKO Bank  |  OKO Bank  |
| from January to March     | ons 2007  |  ns 2006   | Group 2007 | Group 2006 |
| EUR million               |           |            |            |            |
|   Net interest income     |         1 |          1 |         26 |         26 |
| Impairment losses on      |           |            |          0 |         -1 |
| receivables               |           |            |            |            |
| Net interest income after |         1 |          1 |         26 |         27 |
| impairment losses         |           |            |            |            |
| Net income from Non-life  |        -1 |         -1 |         94 |         86 |
| Insurance                 |           |            |            |            |
| Net commissions and fees  |        -1 |          0 |         28 |         26 |
| Net trading income        |         0 |          0 |          7 |          3 |
| Net investment income     |           |          0 |         10 |         20 |
| Other operating income    |        -4 |        -11 |         13 |         12 |
| Total income              |        -4 |        -11 |        179 |        173 |
| of which inter-segment    |           |            |          - |          - |
| income                    |           |            |            |            |
| Personnel costs           |         0 |          0 |        -41 |        -42 |
| IT expenses               |         0 |            |        -11 |        -11 |
| Amortisation on           |           |            |         -9 |         -9 |
| intangible assets from    |           |            |            |            |
| acquisitions              |           |            |            |            |
| Other amortisation and    |           |            |         -6 |         -6 |
| depreciation              |           |            |            |            |
| Other expenses            |         4 |         11 |        -47 |        -37 |
| Total expenses            |         4 |         12 |       -114 |       -104 |
| Share of associates'      |           |            |          0 |          0 |
| profits/losses            |           |            |            |            |
| Earnings before tax       |         0 |          0 |         65 |         69 |
| Income tax                |           |            |        -15 |        -16 |
| Profit before the period  |           |            |         50 |         53 |

| Key ratios, %             |           |            |            |            |
| Operative cost/income     |           |            |            |            |
| ratio                     |           |            |            |            |
| Operative return on       |           |            |            |            |
| equity                    |           |            |            |            |
| Return on equity at fair  |           |            |       13.7 |        8.5 |
| values                    |           |            |            |            |

| Non-life Insurance by     |   Private |       2006 |  Corporate |       2006 |
| division                  | Customers |            |  Customers |            |
|                           |      2007 |            |       2007 |            |
| Balance on technical      |           |            |            |            |
| account, EUR million      |           |            |            |            |
| Insurance premium revenue |        80 |         73 |        111 |        105 |
| Claims incurred           |        57 |         51 |         93 |         82 |
| Amortisation on           |         3 |          3 |          3 |          4 |
| intangible assets from    |           |            |            |            |
| acquisitions              |           |            |            |            |
| Operating expenses        |        23 |         20 |         20 |         21 |
| Total expenses            |        83 |         75 |        117 |        107 |
| Balance on technical      |        -3 |         -2 |         -6 |         -2 |
| account                   |           |            |            |            |
|                           |           |            |            |            |
| Key ratios, %             |           |            |            |            |
| Operative return on       |           |            |            |            |
| equity                    |           |            |            |            |
| Loss ratio                |      71.7 |       70.9 |       83.9 |       78.0 |
| Expense ratio             |      29.3 |       28.0 |       18.2 |       20.5 |
| Operative combined ratio  |     100.9 |       98.9 |      102.1 |       98.5 |
| Combined ratio            |     104.3 |      103.3 |      105.0 |      102.2 |

| Non-life Insurance by     |    Baltic |       2006 |     Total  |       2006 |
| division                  |    States |            |       2007 |            |
|                           |      2007 |            |            |            |
| Balance on technical      |           |            |            |            |
| account, EUR million      |           |            |            |            |
| Insurance premium revenue |       13  |         10 |        204 |        187 |
| Claims incurred           |         9 |          6 |        159 |        139 |
| Amortisation on           |         0 |          0 |          6 |          7 |
| intangible assets from    |           |            |            |            |
| acquisitions              |           |            |            |            |
| Operating expenses        |         3 |          3 |         47 |         45 |
| Total expenses            |        12 |          9 |        212 |        191 |
| Balance on technical      |         1 |          1 |         -8 |         -4 |
| account                   |           |            |            |            |
|                           |           |            |            |            |
| Key ratios, %             |           |            |            |            |
| Operative return on       |           |            |       35.0 |      23.8  |
| equity                    |           |            |            |            |
| Loss ratio                |      65.4 |       60.8 |       78.0 |       74.3 |
| Expense ratio             |      23.5 |       26.9 |       22.9 |       23.8 |
| Operative combined ratio  |      89.0 |       87.7 |      100.8 |       98.2 |
| Combined ratio            |      91.2 |       90.7 |      103.9 |      102.2 |

| Balance sheet | Corpora | Market | Central | Treasur |   Asset   |  Banking  |
| 31 March 2007 |   te    |   s    | Banking |    y    | Managemen |    and    |
| EUR million   | Banking |        |         |         |     t     | Investmen |
|               |         |        |         |         |           |     t     |
|               |         |        |         |         |           | Services, |
|               |         |        |         |         |           |   total   |
| Receivables   |   8 198 |     18 |      59 |       7 |           |     8 282 |
| from          |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| customers     |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| Receivables   |     178 |     42 |   6 384 |     503 |         2 |     7 108 |
| from          |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| financial     |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| institutions  |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| Non-life      |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| insurance     |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| assets        |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| Financial     |     349 |  1 201 |   2 440 |   1 559 |        12 |     5 561 |
| assets for    |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| trading and   |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| investment    |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| assets        |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| Investments   |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| in associates |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| Other assets  |     231 |  1 015 |      48 |      80 |       130 |     1 503 |
| Total assets  |   8 956 |  2 276 |   8 931 |   2 149 |       144 |    22 455 |
| Liabilities   |     317 |    115 |     987 |     843 |           |     2 261 |
| to customers  |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| Liabilities   |       0 |    225 |   1 472 |     246 |           |     1 942 |
| to financial  |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| institutions  |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| Non-life      |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| insurance     |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| liabilities   |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| Debt          |         |        |         |  15 050 |           |    15 050 |
| securities    |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| issued to the |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| public        |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| Subordinated  |         |        |         |     897 |           |       897 |
| liabilities   |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| Other         |     343 |    918 |     164 |     329 |        13 |     1 766 |
| liabilities   |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| Total         |     660 |  1 258 |   2 622 |  17 364 |        13 |    21 917 |
| liabilities   |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| Shareholders' |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| equity        |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| Total         |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| liabilities   |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| and           |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| shareholders' |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| equity        |         |        |         |         |           |           |

| Balance sheet      | Non-life  |    Other    | Eliminatio |  OKO Bank Group  |
| 31 March 2007      | Insurance | Operations, |     ns     |                  |
| EUR million        |    ,      |    total    |            |                  |
|                    |   total   |             |            |                  |
| Receivables from   |           |          53 |        -67 |            8 268 |
| customers          |           |             |            |                  |
| Receivables from   |           |          11 |        -25 |            7 094 |
| financial          |           |             |            |                  |
| institutions       |           |             |            |                  |
| Non-life insurance |     3 199 |             |       -215 |            2 984 |
| assets             |           |             |            |                  |
| Financial assets   |       137 |         -94 |         -8 |            5 596 |
| for trading and    |           |             |            |                  |
| investment assets  |           |             |            |                  |
| Investments in     |         2 |           7 |            |                8 |
| associates         |           |             |            |                  |
| Other assets       |       898 |         185 |         -2 |            2 584 |
| Total assets       |     4 236 |         162 |       -318 |           26 536 |
| Liabilities to     |           |         144 |        -65 |            2 340 |
| customers          |           |             |            |                  |
| Liabilities to     |           |           2 |          0 |            1 944 |
| financial          |           |             |            |                  |
| institutions       |           |             |            |                  |
| Non-life insurance |     2 515 |             |            |            2 515 |
| liabilities        |           |             |            |                  |
| Debt securities    |           |             |       -199 |           14 851 |
| issued to the      |           |             |            |                  |
| public             |           |             |            |                  |
| Subordinated       |        40 |             |        -40 |              897 |
| liabilities        |           |             |            |                  |
| Other liabilities  |        84 |         395 |        -14 |            1 891 |
| Total liabilities  |     2 639 |         541 |       -318 |           24 778 |
| Shareholders'      |           |             |            |            1 758 |
| equity             |           |             |            |                  |
| Total liabilities  |           |             |            |           26 536 |
| and shareholders'  |           |             |            |                  |
| equity             |           |             |            |                  |

| Balance sheet | Corpora | Market | Central | Treasur |   Asset   |  Banking  |
| 31 March 2006 |   te    |   s    | Banking |    y    | Managemen |    and    |
| EUR million   | Banking |        |         |         |     t     | Investmen |
|               |         |        |         |         |           |     t     |
|               |         |        |         |         |           | Services, |
|               |         |        |         |         |           |   total   |
| Receivables   |   6 965 |      1 |      85 |       0 |           |     7 051 |
| from          |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| customers     |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| Receivables   |     118 |     56 |   4 446 |     907 |        14 |     5 561 |
| from          |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| financial     |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| institutions  |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| Non-life      |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| insurance     |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| assets        |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| Financial     |     321 |  2 364 |   1 399 |   1 043 |         6 |     5 133 |
| assets for    |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| trading and   |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| investment    |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| assets        |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| Investments   |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| in associates |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| Other assets  |     162 |    590 |      46 |      62 |       128 |       987 |
| Total assets  |   7 565 |  3 011 |   5 996 |   2 012 |       149 |    18 732 |
| Liabilities   |     340 |     46 |     741 |     748 |           |     1 874 |
| to customers  |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| Liabilities   |       1 |    186 |   2 432 |     758 |           |     3 376 |
| to financial  |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| institutions  |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| Non-life      |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| insurance     |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| liabilities   |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| Debt          |         |        |         |  11 720 |           |    11 720 |
| securities    |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| issued to the |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| public        |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| Subordinated  |         |        |         |     694 |           |       694 |
| liabilities   |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| Other         |     325 |    601 |     136 |     156 |        16 |     1 235 |
| liabilities   |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| Total         |     666 |    833 |   3 309 |  14 076 |        16 |    18 900 |
| liabilities   |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| Shareholders' |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| equity        |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| Total         |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| liabilities   |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| and           |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| shareholders' |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| equity        |         |        |         |         |           |           |
|               |         |        |         |         |           |           |
| Investments   |       1 |      0 |       0 |       0 |         0 |         1 |

| Balance sheet        |  Non-life   |   Other     | Eliminatio |     OKO      |
| 31 March 2006        | Insurance,  | operations, |     ns     |    Bank      |
| EUR million          |    total    |    total    |            |    Group     |
| Receivables from     |             |             |        -12 |        7 039 |
| customers            |             |             |            |              |
| Receivables from     |             |          22 |        -43 |        5 541 |
| financial            |             |             |            |              |
| institutions         |             |             |            |              |
| Non-life Insurance   |       3 153 |             |        -52 |        3 101 |
| assets               |             |             |            |              |
| Financial assets for |         203 |         486 |       -468 |        5 355 |
| trading and          |             |             |            |              |
| investment assets    |             |             |            |              |
| Investments in       |           2 |           7 |            |            8 |
| associates           |             |             |            |              |
| Other assets         |         900 |          91 |         -6 |        1 966 |
| Assets classified as |          60 |             |            |           60 |
| held for sale        |             |             |            |              |
| Total assets         |       4 318 |         606 |       -578 |       23 070 |
| Liabilities to       |             |          13 |        -57 |        1 830 |
| customers            |             |             |            |              |
| Liabilities to       |             |             |        -12 |        3 364 |
| financial            |             |             |            |              |
| institutions         |             |             |            |              |
| Non-life Insurance   |       2 292 |             |            |        2 292 |
| liabilities          |             |             |            |              |
| Debt securities      |             |             |       -446 |       11 275 |
| issued to the public |             |             |            |              |
| Subordinated         |          40 |             |        -40 |          694 |
| liabilities          |             |             |            |              |
| Other liabilities    |         252 |         427 |        -23 |        1 891 |
| Liabilities related  |          46 |             |            |           46 |
| to assets classified |             |             |            |              |
| as held for sale     |             |             |            |              |
| Total liabilities    |       2 629 |         440 |       -578 |       21 391 |
| Shareholders' equity |             |             |            |        1 679 |
| Total liabilities    |             |             |            |       23 070 |
| and shareholders'    |             |             |            |              |
| equity               |             |             |            |              |
| Investments          |           3 |           1 |            |            5 |

| Notes                                   |                 |                  |
| 1) Net interest income                  |                 |                  |
| EUR million                             |        1-3/2007 |         1-3/2006 |
| Interest income                         |                 |                  |
| From receivables from                   |              64 |               34 |
|     financial                           |                 |                  |
| institutions                            |                 |                  |
|     From receivables from customers     |              89 |               51 |
|     From others                         |             284 |              162 |
| Total                                   |             438 |              248 |
| Interest expenses                       |                 |                  |
| From liabilities to financial           |              20 |               23 |
| institutions                            |                 |                  |
|     From liabilities to customers       |              19 |               11 |
|     From others                         |             373 |              188 |
| Total                                   |             411 |              222 |
| Net interest income                     |              26 |               26 |
| 2) Impairment losses on receivables     |                 |                  |
| EUR million                             |        1-3/2007 |         1-3/2006 |
| Receivables amortised as loan or        |               1 |                1 |
|                                         |                 |                  |
| guarantee losses                        |                 |                  |
| Recoveries from receivables amortised   |               0 |                0 |
| as loan or guarantee losses             |                 |                  |
|  Increase in impairment loss provisions |               0 |                1 |
|  Decrease in impairment loss provisions |              -1 |               -2 |
| Impairment losses on receivables, total |               0 |               -1 |
| 3) Net income from Non-life Insurance   |                 |                  |
| EUR million                             |        1-3/2007 |         1-3/2006 |
| Net insurance premium revenue           |                 |                  |
|     Premiums written                    |             433 |              405 |
| Insurance premiums ceded                |             -29 |              -28 |
|     to                                  |                 |                  |
| reinsurers                              |                 |                  |
| Change in provision for                 |            -216 |             -206 |
|     unearned                            |                 |                  |
| premiums                                |                 |                  |
|     Reinsurers' share                   |              15 |               16 |
| Total                                   |             204 |              187 |
| Net Non-life Insurance claims           |                 |                  |
|     Claims paid                         |             149 |              119 |
| Insurance claims                        |              -1 |                6 |
|     recovered from                      |                 |                  |
| reinsurers                              |                 |                  |
|   Change in provision for unpaid claims |              -2 |                0 |
|     Reinsurers' share                   |               2 |                4 |
| Total                                   |             147 |              129 |
| Net investment income, Non-life         |                 |                  |
| Insurance                               |                 |                  |
|     Interest rates                      |              17 |               18 |
| Net realised gains and realised         |                 |                  |
|                                         |                 |                  |
| fair value gains and losses             |                 |                  |
|     Notes and bonds                     |             -24 |               -1 |
|     Shares and participations           |              32 |                4 |
|     Investment properties               |               0 |                1 |
|     Other                               |               3 |                2 |
|  Unrealised fair value gains and losses |                 |                  |
|     Notes and bonds                     |               0 |                0 |
|     Shares and participations           |               0 |                0 |
|     Investment properties               |               0 |                0 |
|     Other                               |               1 |                0 |
|     Dividend income                     |              18 |               14 |
| Total                                   |              46 |               36 |
| Unwinding of discount                   |             -10 |               -9 |
| Other                                   |               1 |                0 |
| Net income from Non-life Insurance,     |              94 |               86 |
| total                                   |                 |                  |
| 4) Net commissions and fees             |                 |                  |
| EUR million                             |        1-3/2007 |         1-3/2006 |
| Commission income from                  |                 |                  |
|     Lending                             |               6 |                4 |
|     Payment transfers                   |               3 |                3 |
|     Securities brokerage                |               7 |                8 |
|     Securities issuance                 |               0 |                1 |
| Asset management and                    |              12 |               11 |
|     legal                               |                 |                  |
| services                                |                 |                  |
|     Insurance operations                |               3 |                2 |
|     Guarantees                          |               1 |                1 |
|     Other                               |               2 |                1 |
| Total                                   |              34 |               31 |
| Commission expenses on                  |                 |                  |
|     Payment transfers                   |               1 |                1 |
|     Securities brokerage                |               2 |                3 |
|     Securities issuance                 |               1 |                0 |
| Asset management and                    |               2 |                1 |
|     legal                               |                 |                  |
| services                                |                 |                  |
|     Other                               |               0 |                0 |
| Total                                   |               6 |                5 |
| Net commissions and fees, total         |              28 |               26 |
| 5) Net trading income                   |                 |                  |
| EUR million                             |        1-3/2007 |         1-3/2006 |
| Financial assets and liabilities        |                 |                  |
| held                                    |                 |                  |
| for trading                             |                 |                  |
| Capital gains and losses and            |                 |                  |
| realised                                |                 |                  |
| changes in value                        |                 |                  |
|   Notes and bonds                       |               0 |               -3 |
|   Shares and participations             |               0 |                0 |
|   Derivatives                           |              -1 |                4 |
| Unrealised changes in value             |                 |                  |
|    Notes and bonds                      |              -3 |              -27 |
|    Shares and participations            |               0 |                1 |
|    Derivatives                          |               9 |               24 |
| Net income from foreign                 |               3 |                3 |
|    exchange                             |                 |                  |
| operations *)                           |                 |                  |
| Total                                   |               7 |                3 |
| 6) Net investment income                |                 |                  |
| EUR million                             |        1-3/2007 |         1-3/2006 |
| Available-for-sale financial assets     |                 |                  |
|   Capital gains and losses              |                 |                  |
| Notes and bonds                         |               0 |                0 |
|   Shares and participations             |               4 |               15 |
|   Dividend income                       |               5 |                4 |
| Total                                   |               9 |               19 |
| Investment properties                   |               1 |                1 |
| Net investment income, total            |              10 |               20 |
| 7) Other operating income               |                 |                  |
| EUR million                             |        1-3/2007 |         1-3/2006 |
|     Central bank service fee            |               2 |                2 |
|     Realisation of repossessed items    |               0 |                0 |
| Rental income from assets rented        |              -1 |                3 |
|                                         |                 |                  |
| under operating lease                   |                 |                  |
|     Other                               |              11 |                7 |
| Total                                   |              13 |               12 |
| 8) Personnel costs                      |                 |                  |
| EUR million                             |        1-3/2007 |         1-3/2006 |
|    Salaries and remunerations           |              34 |               35 |
|    Pension costs                        |               5 |                5 |
|    Other indirect personnel costs       |               2 |                2 |
| Personnel costs, total                  |              41 |               42 |
| 9) Other administrative expenses        |                 |                  |
| EUR million                             |        1-3/2007 |         1-3/2006 |
|    Office expenses                      |              15 |               11 |
|    IT expenses                          |              11 |               11 |
|    Telecommunications expenses          |               2 |                3 |
|    Marketing expenses                   |               2 |                3 |
|    Other administrative expenses        |               4 |                4 |
| Other administrative expenses, total    |              34 |               32 |
| 10) Other operating expenses            |                 |                  |
| EUR million                             |        1-3/2007 |         1-3/2006 |
| Expenses from properties and            |               6 |                6 |
|                                         |                 |                  |
| business  premises in own use           |                 |                  |
| Expenses from realisation of            |               0 |                0 |
|                                         |                 |                  |
| repossessed items                       |                 |                  |
| Scheduled amortisation                  |                 |                  |
|      and                                |                 |                  |
| depreciation                            |                 |                  |
| Amortisation on intangible              |               9 |                9 |
|                                         |                 |                  |
| assets due to acquisition               |                 |                  |
|       Other                             |               6 |                6 |
|    Other*)                              |              18 |                9 |
| Other operating expenses, total         |              39 |               30 |

*) The item includes EUR 10 million in liquidated damages, with interest and    
expenses, paid by OKO Bank to savings banks on the basis of an arbitral award.  
The liquidated damages were due to the ceasing of cooperation between Pohjola   
and savings banks in consequence of combining the operations of OP Bank Group   
and Pohjola.                                                                    

| 11) Financial assets for trading        |                 |                  |
| EUR million                             |       31 March  |         31 Dec.  |
|                                         |            2007 |             2006 |
|     Notes and bonds                     |            5388 |             4795 |
|     Shares and participations           |               1 |                6 |
| Total                                   |            5389 |             4801 |
| 12) Non-life Insurance assets           |                 |                  |
| EUR million                             |       31 March  |         31 Dec.  |
|                                         |            2007 |             2006 |
| Money market investments,               |              19 |               22 |
|     money                               |                 |                  |
| market funds and deposits               |                 |                  |
|     Bonds and bond funds                |           1 697 |            1 752 |
|     Shares and participations           |             489 |              447 |
|     Alternative investments             |             133 |               87 |
|     Investment properties               |              60 |               56 |
|     Other                               |             587 |              400 |
| Total                                   |           2 984 |            2 766 |
| 13) Investment assets                   |                 |                  |
| EUR million                             |       31 March  |         31 Dec.  |
|                                         |            2007 |             2006 |
| Available-for-sale financial assets     |                 |                  |
|     Notes and bonds                     |              95 |               94 |
|     Shares and participations           |              85 |              101 |
| Investment properties                   |              29 |               29 |
| Total                                   |             209 |              225 |
| 14) Intangible assets                   |                 |                  |
| EUR million                             |       31 March  |         31 Dec.  |
|                                         |            2007 |             2006 |
|     Goodwill                            |             494 |              494 |
|     Brands                              |             179 |              179 |
| Customer relations pertaining to        |             268 |              274 |
|                                         |                 |                  |
| insurance contracts and  policy         |                 |                  |
|                                         |                 |                  |
| acquisition costs                       |                 |                  |
|     Other                               |              72 |               73 |
| Total                                   |           1 013 |            1 020 |
| 15) Non-life Insurance liabilities      |                 |                  |
| EUR million                             |       31 March  |         31 Dec.  |
|                                         |            2007 |             2006 |
| Insurance contract liabilities          |                 |                  |
|    Provision for unearned premiums      |             501 |              285 |
|    Provision for unpaid claims          |           1 694 |            1 683 |
| Total                                   |           2 195 |                0 |
| Other                                   |             320 |              130 |
| Total                                   |           2 515 |            2 099 |
| 16) Debt securities issued to the       |                 |                  |
| public                                  |                 |                  |
| EUR million                             |       31 March  |         31 Dec.  |
|                                         |            2007 |             2006 |
|    Bonds                                |           7 599 |            7 630 |
|    Certificates of deposit              |           7 138 |            5 519 |
|    Other                                |             114 |              115 |
| Total                                   |          14 851 |           13 263 |
| 17) Subordinated liabilities            |                 |                  |
| EUR million                             |       31 March  |         31 Dec.  |
|                                         |            2007 |             2006 |
|    Capital loans                        |             199 |              198 |
|    Other                                |             697 |              727 |
| Total                                   |             897 |              924 |
| Collateral given                        |                 |                  |
| EUR million                             |                 |                  |
| Given on behalf of own liabilities and  |       31 March  |         31 Dec.  |
| commitments                             |            2007 |             2006 |
| Mortgages                               |               1 |                1 |
| Pledges                                 |             695 |             2520 |
| Other                                   |              37 |               31 |
| Total collateral given                  |             732 |             2552 |
| Off-balance sheet items                 |                 |                  |
| EUR million                             |       31 March  |         31 Dec.  |
|                                         |            2007 |             2006 |
| Guarantees                              |             522 |              534 |
| Guarantee liabilities                   |           1 273 |            1 384 |
| Loan commitments                        |           3 384 |            3 563 |
| Commitments related to                  |             184 |              165 |
| short-term sale                         |                 |                  |
| events                                  |                 |                  |
| Other                                   |             475 |              421 |
| Off-balance sheet items, total          |           5 838 |            6 066 |
Accounts receivable and payable from sale or purchase of assets on behalf of    

| EUR million                              |      31 March  |         31 Dec.  |
|                                          |           2007 |             2006 |
| Accounts receivable                      |            161 |               71 |
| Accounts payable                         |            177 |               70 |
Derivative contracts                                                            
| Derivatives held    |            |         |        |          |             |
| for trading and     |            |         |        |          |             |
| hedging on 31 March |            |         |        |          |             |
| 2007                |            |         |        |          |             |
| EUR million |       |    Nominal |         |  Total |     Fair |             |
|             |       |    values/ |         |        |   Values |             |
|             |       |  remaining |         |        |          |             |
|             |       |      term  |         |        |          |             |
|             |       |         to |         |        |          |             |
|             |       |  maturity  |         |        |          |             |
|             |  <1   | 1-5 years  |   >5    |        |  Assets  | Liabilities |
|             | year  |            |  years  |        |          |             |
|             |       |            |         |        |          |             |
| Interest    |    39 |     20 683 |   8 621 | 69 292 |      268 |         263 |
| rate        |   989 |            |         |        |          |             |
| derivatives |       |            |         |        |          |             |
| Currency    | 8 651 |      1 670 |     882 | 11 202 |       53 |         169 |
| derivatives |       |            |         |        |          |             |
| Equity and  |    75 |        167 |         |    242 |       34 |          -1 |
| index-linke |       |            |         |        |          |             |
| d           |       |            |         |        |          |             |
| derivatives |       |            |         |        |          |             |
| Credit      |       |        131 |         |    131 |        0 |           1 |
| derivatives |       |            |         |        |          |             |
| Other       |     8 |          7 |         |     15 |        1 |             |
| derivatives |       |            |         |        |          |             |
| Total       |    48 |     22 658 |   9 503 | 80 882 |      356 |         431 |
| derivatives |   722 |            |         |        |          |             |

| Derivatives held    |            |         |        |          |             |
| for trading and     |            |         |        |          |             |
| hedging on 31 March |            |         |        |          |             |
| 2006                |            |         |        |          |             |
| EUR million |       |    Nominal |         |  Total |     Fair |             |
|             |       |    values/ |         |        |   Values |             |
|             |       |  remaining |         |        |          |             |
|             |       |      term  |         |        |          |             |
|             |       |         to |         |        |          |             |
|             |       |  maturity  |         |        |          |             |
|             |  <1   | 1-5 years  |   >5    |        |  Assets  | Liabilities |
|             | year  |            |  years  |        |          |             |
|             |       |            |         |        |          |             |
| Interest    |    28 |     14 470 |   4 088 | 46 937 |      167 |         169 |
| rate        |   378 |            |         |        |          |             |
| derivatives |       |            |         |        |          |             |
| Currency    | 4 512 |        687 |     372 |  5 571 |       43 |          53 |
| derivatives |       |            |         |        |          |             |
| Equity and  |   151 |        111 |         |    262 |       23 |             |
| index-linke |       |            |         |        |          |             |
| d           |       |            |         |        |          |             |
| derivatives |       |            |         |        |          |             |
| Credit      |       |        150 |         |    150 |        0 |           1 |
| derivatives |       |            |         |        |          |             |
| Other       |    79 |         15 |         |     94 |        6 |             |
| derivatives |       |            |         |        |          |             |
| Total       |    33 |     15 434 |   4 460 | 53 015 |      240 |         224 |
| derivatives |   120 |            |         |        |          |             |

Other contingent liabilities and commitments											                         
On 31 March 2007, OKO Bank's commitments to venture capital funds amounted to   
EUR 7 million and Pohjola Non-Life's commitments to EUR 43 million. They are    
included in the section 'Off-balance sheet commitments'.												            
Related party transactions					                                                 
The related parties of the OKO Bank Group comprise its parent, associates and   
administrative personnel, as well as other related party companies. The parent  
of the OKO Bank Group is Osuuspankkikeskus Osk (OP Bank Group Central           

The OKO Bank Group had the following associates on 31 March 2007 and 31 March   
2006: Nooa Savings Bank Ltd, Autovahinkokeskus Oy and Vahinkopalvelu Oy.        

The administrative personnel of the OKO Bank Group includes the President and   
CEO of OKO Bank, the deputy to the President and CEO, and the members and deputy
members of the Board of Directors and their close family members. Information on
the members of the Supervisory Board and their close family members was included
in the related party transactions until 30 March 2006, when the Supervisory     
Board was abolished.                                                            

Normal credit terms apply to the loans granted to the management. The loans are 
tied to generally applied benchmark interest  rates and the loans are repaid in 
accordance with the agreed repayment schedule. The loans have normal collateral.

The other related party entities include OP Pension Fund, OP Pension Foundation 
and sister companies in OP Bank Group Central Cooperative Consolidated.	        

| Related party         |           |             |               |            |
| transactions          |           |             |               |            |
| on 31 March 2007      |           |             |               |            |
|                       |  Parent   | Consolidate | Administrativ |   Others   |
|                       |  company  |      d      |  e personnel  |            |
|                       |           | associates  |               |            |
| Loans                 |        27 |             |               |      2 488 |
| Other receivables     |        12 |             |               |         68 |
| Deposits              |         4 |             |               |        113 |
| Other liabilities     |        43 |             |               |         38 |
| Interest income       |         1 |             |               |         30 |
| Interest expenses     |         1 |             |               |         11 |
| Dividend income       |           |             |               |          4 |
| Commission income     |           |             |             0 |          7 |
| Commission expenses   |           |             |             0 |          0 |
| Other operating       |         2 |             |               |          2 |
| income                |           |             |               |            |
| Operating expenses    |        14 |             |               |          1 |
| Off-balance sheet     |           |             |               |            |
| commitments           |           |             |               |            |
|    Guarantees         |           |             |               |         27 |
| Irrevocable           |         8 |             |               |         81 |
| commitments           |           |             |               |            |
| Salaries and          |           |             |               |            |
| remuneration and      |           |             |               |            |
| performance-related   |           |             |               |            |
| pay                   |           |             |               |            |
| Salaries and          |           |             |             0 |            |
| remuneration          |           |             |               |            |
| Holdings of related   |           |             |               |            |
| parties               |           |             |               |            |
|    Number of shares   |    60 825 |             |        67 778 |  4 205 946 |
|                       |       897 |             |               |            |
| Related party         |           |             |               |            |
| transactions          |           |             |               |            |
| on 31 March 2006      |           |             |               |            |
|                       |  Parent   | Consolidate | Administrativ |   Others   |
|                       |  company  |      d      |  e personnel  |            |
|                       |           | associates  |               |            |
| Loans                 |        53 |             |               |      1 333 |
| Other receivables     |         5 |             |               |         62 |
| Deposits              |         4 |             |               |         72 |
| Other liabilities     |        36 |             |               |          8 |
| Interest income       |           |             |               |         10 |
| Interest expenses     |         1 |             |               |          2 |
| Commission income     |         2 |             |               |          3 |
| Commission expenses   |         1 |             |               |            |
| Other operating       |           |             |               |          2 |
| income                |           |             |               |            |
| Operating expenses    |         4 |             |               |          8 |
| Off-balance sheet     |           |             |               |            |
| commitments           |           |             |               |            |
|    Guarantees         |           |             |               |          7 |
| Irrevocable           |         8 |             |               |            |
| commitments           |           |             |               |            |
| Salaries and          |           |             |               |            |
| remuneration and      |           |             |               |            |
| performance-related   |           |             |               |            |
| pay                   |           |             |               |            |
| Salaries and          |           |             |             1 |            |
| remuneration          |           |             |               |            |
| Holdings of related   |           |             |               |            |
| parties               |           |             |               |            |
|    Number of shares   |    60 825 |             |        49 728 |  3 680 793 |
|                       |       897 |             |               |            |

The Interim Report 1 January to 31 March 2007 has been prepared in accordance   
with IAS 34 (Interim Financial Reporting). The accounting policies and the      
principles of segment reporting are described in the 2006 financial statements. 
The figures in this Interim Report are unaudited. All figures in the Report have
been expressed in round numbers. Consequently, the sum of single figures may    
differ from the presented total sum.                                            

Financial reporting in 2007								                                             
The Interim Report of the OKO Bank Group for January-June will be disclosed on 9
August 2007 and for January-September on 8 November 2007                        

Helsinki 10 May 2007                                                            

OKO Bank plc                                                                    
Board of Directors                                                              


Statement on the review of the OKO Bank interim report for the period 1 January 
to 31 March 2007                                                                

To the Board of Directors of OKO Bank                                           

We have performed a review of the OKO Bank interim report for the period 1      
January to 31 March 2007. The interim report has been prepared by, and is the   
responsibility of, the Board of Directors and the President, as defined under   
chapter 2, section 5 of the Finnish Securities Markets Act. Based on our review,
and at the request of the Board of Directors, we issue our statement on the     
interim report in line with chapter 2, section 5, subsection 7 of the Finnish   
Securities Markets Act.                                                         

Our review was conducted in accordance with practice statement “910 Review”     
issued by the Finnish Institute of Authorised Public Accountants. The review was
planned and conducted in order to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the 
interim report is free of material misstatement. The review was limited in scope
and mainly consisted of enquiries of company personnel and analytical           
procedures, and thus provides less assurance than an audit. We have not         
performed an audit and, accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.        

Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that would cause us to   
believe that the interim report, in all material respects, would not have been  
prepared in accordance with relevant rules and regulations, and that it would   
not fairly present the result of operations and financial position of the OKO   
Bank Group, as defined in the Finnish Securities Markets Act.                   

Helsinki, 10 May 2007                                                           

KPMG OY AB                                                                      

Sixten Nyman				                                                                
Authorised Public Accountant		                                                  

Raimo Saarikivi                                                                 
Authorised Public Accountant                                                    

This Interim Report is available on the Internet at www.oko.fi/english > Press. 
Background information on the Report can also be found at the same              
Meeting for analysts									                                                   
A meeting for analysts will be held in Finnish on 10 May 2007 at 10.00 am, and  
an English-language conference call will be arranged the same day at 3.30 pm,   
telephone +358 9 8248 5222 (PIN code 4745).                                     

OKO Bank plc                                                                    

Markku Koponen                                                                  
Senior Vice President                                                           

Helsinki Stock Exchange                                                         
London Stock Exchange                                                           
SWX Swiss Exchange                                                              
Principal media                                                                 

For additional information, please contact:                                     
Mr Mikael Silvennoinen, President and CEO, tel. +358 10 252 2549                
Mr Ilkka Salonen, CFO, tel. +358 10 252 3146                                    
Ms Marja Huhta, Senior Vice President, Investor Relations, tel. +358 10 252     
