2013-01-10 09:00:00 CET

2013-01-10 09:00:10 CET


Finnish English
Vaahto Group Plc Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)


Lahti, Finland, 2013-01-10 09:00 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- VAAHTO GROUP PLC OYJ  
                    INTERIM REPORT               10.1.2013      at 10.00 


Vaahto Group's turnover for 1 September 2011 - 30 November 2012 was 57.2 MEUR
(compared with 55.3 MEUR for the reference period 1 September 2010 - 31 August
2011), with an operating loss of 5.7 MEUR (compared with an operating loss of
1.3 MEUR). Turnover grew by 3% from the reference period level, but the
operating result was weaker than in the reference period. The Group's order
book grew by 13% during the period under review and amounted to 25.4 MEUR on 30
November 2012. The length of the reference period is 12 months, when the length
of the reporting period is 15 months. 

On 19 June 2012, Vaahto Group Plc Oyj's extraordinary general meeting approved
an amendment to the statutes, based on which the company's normal financial
year was changed to 1 January-31 December. Consequently, the duration of the
current financial year will be sixteen (16) months (1 September 2011-31
December 2012). 

Vaahto Paper Technology

During the period under review, the turnover was 34.4 MEUR (reference period
39.7 MEUR) and the operating loss 5.0 MEUR (operating loss 0.1 MEUR). The
turnover fell 13% from the reference period (12 months), and combined with the
weak profitability of the project business, it caused the result to remain
clearly weaker than that of the reference period. 

There have been clear signs that the market situation of the project business
is now very challenging and additionally being affected by the financial
situation of the company. The market situation of the service business is

As part of the strategy work at Vaahto Group, the possibilities for
clarification of the structure and organisation of the project business unit,
as well as potential options for business acquisitions or sales, are being

The company has made a strategic decision to focus on the service business in
the Vaahto Paper Technology division, where possibilities for utilising
Vaahto's paper technology expertise have made themselves evident. 

Vaahto Process Technology

The turnover of the Vaahto Process Technology division for the period under
review was 22.9 MEUR (15.7 MEUR), and its operating loss was 0.7 MEUR
(operating loss 1.2 MEUR). The turnover increased by 46% compared to the
reference period (12 months). The operating result improved but still remained
negative. The result was impacted by the low profitability of the vessel
business during the first six months of the financial year. 

In terms of pricing, the market situation remained difficult for the division's
vessel business, but the number of confirmed orders and of projects in the
tender stage is rapidly growing. In August 2012, Japrotek Oy Ab received a
substantial order from Sasol Technology (Pty) Limited in South Africa for the
design, fabrication and site-assembly of eight large tank structures. 

Vaahto Process Technology's market situation in the agitator business has
remained good, and the size of the order book has clearly grown. Profitability
objectives for the agitator business have almost been met in the period under
review. The agitator business is considered part of the Group's strategic area
of focus. 

Research and development

During the period under review, the Group's research and development activities
have focused on expanding the product range of the Vaahto Paper Technology
division's service business. The scope of research and development activities
remains at the level seen in the previous financial year. 


The Group's capital expenditure during the period under review was 1.3 MEUR
(1.9 MEUR). It consisted mainly of machine and equipment investments for the
Vaahto Paper Technology division's service business. 

Environmental impact

Vaahto Paper Technology Ltd has on November 2012 received from the Supreme
Administrative Court a decision according to which the company's complaint
concerning the decision of the Häme Environmental Centre has been rejected. The
company's complaint concerned the decision of the Environmental Centre not to
lengthen the deadline for the action according to the environmental permit
concerning the handling of the flood water of the company's Hollola plant yard
area. The surfacing of the storage yard area and construction of the flood
water piping as demanded in the environmental permit of the Hollola plant will
be accomplished during year 2013. 

Financing and taxes

The cash flow of the Group's business operations was -3.2 MEUR (-3.8 MEUR) and
the cash flow from investments -0.9 MEUR (7.1 MEUR) during the period under
review. At the end of the period under review, the interest-bearing liabilities
amounted to 17.6 MEUR. The Group's consolidated balance sheet total was 29.9
MEUR (36.5 MEUR), with an equity ratio of -3.9% (17.8%). Measures have been
taken in the Group to improve the financial position and the equity ratio. The
repayment covenant conditions related to the equity ratio of the Group involved
in the loans from the credit institutions were violated on the Interim Report
date, 31 August 2012, and because of that, those long-term loans had been
recorded as current liabilities. The financial negotiations with the financier
have now been completed and the Group has received from the financier a
commitment that the violations will not lead to any consequences. 

During the fiscal period 2011-2012 the Group has booked total 1.4 MEUR
impairment losses related to deferred tax assets recognized for tax losses. 

Human resources

The average number of personnel employed by the Group during the period under
review was 334 (348). Ari Viinikkala, M.Sc. (Econ.), has been appointed the CEO
of Vaahto Group Plc Oyj as of 30 November 2012. Ari Viinikkala has served as
acting CEO of Vaahto Group Plc Oyj since 4 April 2012. 

Directed share issue and share exchange agreement

The company's Board of Directors decided on 19 April 2012 to issue 600,000 new
shares and to deviate from the shareholders' subscription privilege, issuing
the shares to a group of selected investors instead. Based on the discussions
with the investors, the subscription price was agreed at 3.50 EUR per share,
thus the total subscription price amounted to 2,100,000 EUR. 

The company's Board also decided to approve a share exchange agreement, which
was signed on 19 April 2012, concerning the company's subsidiary AP-Tela Oy, as
well as a directed share issue based on the agreement in order to carry out a
share exchange for the minority shareholders of AP-Tela Oy. Following the share
exchange, the Group's share in AP-Tela Oy is 100%. 

The company's Board of Directors decided on 2 December 2012 to issue 73,892 new
shares to Mikko Laakkonen. The subscription price is EUR 2.03 per share, which
was the closing price of the company's share on the Helsinki Stock Exchange
maintained by NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd on 30 November 2012. The total
subscription price amounted to 150,000.76 EUR. 

Extraordinary general meeting on 19 June 2012

Vaahto Group Plc Oyj's extraordinary general meeting on 19 June 2012 appointed
Sami Alatalo as a new Board member. The general meeting also approved an
amendment to the statutes, based on which the company's normal financial year
was changed to 1 January-31 December. Consequently, the duration of the current
financial year will be sixteen (16) months (1 September 2011-31 December 2012). 

International Financial Reporting Standards

The interim report has been prepared in accordance with International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS) IAS 34, Interim Financial Reporting. 

Estimate for the financial year 1 September 2011-31 December 2012

There have been worrying trends in the development of the international
financial situation and the market situation of Vaahto Group's main branches of
industry has continued on its difficult course. Vaahto Group's operating result
for the remaining month of the extended financial year is estimated to remain
loss-making. Consequently, it is estimated the result for the entire financial
year will be weaker than the 15-month result achieved this far. 

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF                   Interim   Interim   Interim   Annual
 COMPREHENSIVE INCOME, IFRS                  Report    Report    Report   Report
1000 EUR                                  1.9.2012-  1.9.2011  1.9.2011  1.9.201
                                         30.11.2012         -         -       0-
                                           3 months  30.11.20  30.11.20  31.8.20
                                                           11        12       11
                                                     3 months        15       12
                                                                 months   months
Net sales                                     8 968    14 253    57 227   55 318
Change in finished goods                      1 579      -286     1 034      547
and work in progress                                                            
Production for own use                          153       107       830    1 183
Other operating income                           43        12        99      390
Share of profits of affiliated                    0         0        16       -4
Material and services                        -4 254    -6 799   -27 730  -28 614
Employee benefit expenses                    -4 490    -4 999   -22 418  -17 586
Depreciations                                  -539      -501    -2 592   -2 115
Other operating expenses                     -2 304    -2 579   -12 149  -10 424
Operating profit or loss                       -845      -791    -5 684   -1 304
Financing income                                 32        10        63      320
Financing expenses                             -243      -192    -1 198     -963
Profit or loss before taxes                  -1 056      -974    -6 818   -1 946
Tax on income from operations                   -29       -56    -1 845     -172
Profit or loss for the period                -1 085    -1 030    -8 663   -2 118
Other comprehensive income:                                                     
Translation differences                           0         8        38       -1
Other comprehensive income,                       0         8        38       -1
net of tax                                                                      
Total comprehensive income                   -1 085    -1 022    -8 625   -2 120
Net profit or loss attributable:                                                
Equity holders of the parent                 -1 085    -1 070    -8 663   -2 225
Non-controlling interest                          0        40         0      107
Total                                        -1 085    -1 030    -8 663   -2 118
Total comprehensive income                                                      
Equity holders of the parent                 -1 085    -1 062    -8 625   -2 226
Non-controlling interest                          0        40         0      107
Total                                        -1 085    -1 022    -8 625   -2 120
Earnings per share calculated                                                   
on profit attributable to                                                       
equity holders of the parent:                                                   
EPS undiluted, euros/share                    -0,24     -0,36     -2,53    -0,75
EPS diluted, euros/share                      -0,24     -0,36     -2,53    -0,75
Average number of shares (1000 shares)        3 903     2 986     3 431    2 953
CONSOLIDATED                                                    Interim   Annual
BALANCE SHEET, IFRS                                              Report   Report
1000 EUR                                                       30.11.20  31.8.20
                                                                     12       11
Intangible assets                                                   378    1 030
Goodwill                                                          1 720    1 702
Tangible assets                                                  10 252   10 907
Shares in affiliated companies                                       74       57
Non-current trade and other                                          43       44
Other long-term investments                                           3       11
Deferred tax asset                                                  773    2 274
Non-current assets                                               13 243   16 026
Inventories                                                       6 211    5 601
Trade receivables                                                 9 498   14 124
and other receivables                                                           
Tax receivable, income tax                                            0        0
Cash and bank                                                       934      775
Current assets                                                   16 643   20 500
Total assets                                                     29 886   36 525
Equity and liabilities                                                          
Share capital                                                     2 872    2 872
Share premium account                                                 6        6
Other reserves                                                    4 925    1 995
Translation differences                                              56       29
Retained earnings                                                -8 898     -351
Equity attributable to                                           -1 038    4 552
equity holders of the parent                                                    
Non-controlling interests                                             0    1 217
Shareholders' equity                                             -1 038    5 768
Deferred tax liability                                              703      624
Long-term liabilities,                                            8 066    6 831
Non-current provisions                                              322      273
Non-current liabilities                                           9 091    7 728
Short-term liabilities,                                           9 576    8 269
Trade payables and other liabilities                             11 910   14 573
Tax liability                                                       347      186
Current liabilities                                              21 833   23 028
Liabilities                                                      30 924   30 757
Total equity and  liabilities                                    29 886   36 525
KEY FIGURES, IFRS                                               Interim   Annual
                                                                 Report   Report
                                                               1.9.2011  1.9.201
                                                                      -       0-
                                                               30.11.20  31.8.20
                                                                     12       11
                                                                     15       12
                                                                 months   months
Operating profit or loss 1000 EUR                                -5 684   -1 304
Operating profit or loss % of turnover                             -9,9     -2,4
Return on equity % 1)                                           -293,02    -31,0
Return on investment % 1)                                         -24,0     -4,2
Earnings per share EUR                                            -2,53    -0,75
Shareholders'  equity per share EUR                                0,00     1,52
Solidity %                                                         -3,9     17,8
Gearing                                                        -1 609,6    248,3
Order backlog 1000 EUR                                           25 357   22 401
Gross investments 1000 EUR                                        1 282    1 879
Total average number of personnel                                   334      348
1) Return on equity % and return on investment % has been calculated by         
 converting the profit or loss for the reporting period 1 September             
 2011 - 30 November 2012 to correspond the profit or loss for the               
 fiscal period.                                                                 
CONSOLIDATED FLOW OF                                            Interim   Annual
FUNDS STATEMENT, IFRS                                            Report   Report
1000 EUR                                                       1.9.2011  1.9.201
                                                                      -       0-
                                                               30.11.20  31.8.20
                                                                     12       11
                                                                     15       12
                                                                 months   months
Profit or loss before taxes                                      -6 818   -1 946
Adjustments                                                       3 756    2 429
Change in working capital                                         1 153   -3 470
Financial income and expenses and                                -1 307     -843
Flow of funds from operations                                    -3 216   -3 831
Investments in tangible and                                      -1 282   -1 879
intangible assets                                                               
Increase caused by the change in Group                              -18        0
Income from sales of tangible                                       399    8 934
and intangible assets                                                           
Repayments of loans                                                   8        1
Flow of funds from investments                                     -893    7 055
Share issue                                                       1 728        0
Increase of the interest-bearing                                  6 204    5 329
Decrease of the interest-bearing                                 -3 663   -8 338
Flow of funds from financial items                                4 269   -3 009
Change of liquid funds                                              160      215

IFRS 1000 EUR                                                                   
1000 EUR                                                                        
Changes    Share   Share  Reserv  Reserv  Transl     Re-   Total  Non-co   Total
 in       capita  premiu   e for  e fund   ation  tained          ntroll        
 shareho       l       m  invest          differ   earn-             ing        
lders'            accoun      ed           ences    ings          intere        
 equity                t  unrest                                     sts        
1.9.2011                  ricted                                                
 -                        equity                                                
Sharehol   2 872       6       0   1 995      29    -351   4 552   1 217   5 768
 in the                                                                         
ng of                                                                           
Total          0       0       0       0      27  -8 652  -8 625       0  -8 625
Share          0       0   2 100       0       0       0   2 100       0   2 100
Transact       0       0    -372       0       0       0    -372       0    -372
Increase       0       0   1 112       0       0     105   1 217       0   1 217
t in                                                                            
Decrease       0       0       0       0       0       0       0  -1 217  -1 217
t in                                                                            
Deferred       0       0      91       0       0       0      91       0      91
Sharehol   2 872       6   2 931   1 995      56  -8 898  -1 038       0  -1 038
 at the                                                                         
 end of                                                                         
Changes    Share   Share  Reserv  Reserv  Transl     Re-   Total  Non-co   Total
 in       capita  premiu   e for  e fund   ation  tained          ntroll        
 shareho       l       m  invest          differ   earn-             ing        
lders'            accoun      ed           ences    ings          intere        
 equity                t  unrest                                     sts        
1.9.2010                  ricted                                                
 -                        equity                                                
Sharehol   2 872       6       0   1 995      41   1 864   6 778   1 110   7 888
 in the                                                  
ng of                                                                           
Total          0       0       0       0     -12  -2 214  -2 226     107  -2 120
Sharehol   2 872       6       0   1 995      29    -351   4 552   1 217   5 768
 at the                                                                         
 end of                                                                         

SEGMENT INFORMATION, IFRS                                                       
NET SALES BY OPERATING SEGMENTS, IFRS       Interim   Interim   Interim   Annual
1000 EUR                                     Report    Report    Report   Report
                                          1.9.2012-  1.9.2011  1.9.2011  1.9.201
                                         30.11.2012         -         -       0-
                                           3 months  30.11.20  30.11.20  31.8.20
                                                           11        12       11
                                                     3 months        15       12
                                                                 months   months
Vaahto Paper Technology                       5 443     9 009    34 409   39 653
Vaahto Process Technology                     3 539     5 293    22 938   15 707
Net sales                                       -14       -49      -120      -42
between segments                                                                
Group total                                   8 968    14 253    57 227   55 318
NET SALES BY MARKET AREAS,  IFRS            Interim   Interim   Interim   Annual
1000 EUR                                     Report    Report    Report   Report
                                          1.9.2012-  1.9.2011  1.9.2011  1.9.201
                                         30.11.2012         -         -       0-
                                           3 months  30.11.20  30.11.20  31.8.20
                                                           11        12       11
                                                     3 months        15       12
                                                                 months   months
Finland                                       3 150     6 260    23 764   14 176
Other Europe                                  5 427     5 484    26 773   16 828
Asia                                            -60     2 282     5 560   23 096
Africa                                            0       131       147      425
North America                                    87        55       225      436
Other                                           364        42       757      356
Group total                                   8 968    14 253    57 227   55 318
OPERATING PROFIT OR                         Interim   Interim   Interim   Annual
LOSS BY OPERATING                            Report    Report    Report   Report
SEGMENTS, IFRS                            1.9.2012-  1.9.2011  1.9.2011  1.9.201
1000 EUR                                 30.11.2012         -         -       0-
                                           3 months  30.11.20  30.11.20  31.8.20
                                                           11        12       11
                                                     3 months        15       12
                                                                 months   months
Vaahto Paper Technology                        -665      -693    -5 017     -102
Vaahto Process Technology                      -179       -98      -665   -1 202
Operating profit or                              -1         0        -2        0
loss between segments                                                           
Group total                                    -845      -791    -5 684   -1 304
TOTAL AVERAGE NUMBER OF PERSONNEL BY        Interim   Interim   Interim   Annual
 OPERATING SEGMENTS                          Report    Report    Report   Report
                                          1.9.2012-  1.9.2011  1.9.2011  1.9.201
                                         30.11.2012         -         -       0-
                                           3 months  30.11.20  30.11.20  31.8.20
                                                           11        12       11
                                                     3 months        15       12
                                                                 months   months
Vaahto Paper Technology                         202       222       212      223
Vaahto Process Technology                       125       122       122      125
Group total                                     326       344       334      348

Figures are in thousand euros unless stated otherwise. Figures are unaudited.


Accounting principles

The Interim Report was drawn up according to the same accounting principles and
calculation methods as the previous financial statements for the fiscal period
that ended on 31 August 2011. 

Dividends paid

During the period under the review, Vaahto Group Plc Oyj paid no dividends

Lahti, 10 January 2013


Board of Directors

Vaahto Group is a globally operating high technology company serving process
industry in the fields of pulp and paper machinery and process machinery. 

         Ari Viinikkala
         Vaahto Group Plc Oyj
         tel. +358 400 127664